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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


Even on my fairly modest hardware, I think this game looks fantastic.


(Sorry about the huge, improperly compressed image.)


AgentOtaku said:
Well depending on how you play....yeah I can definitely see a +20 hour experience like the press noted

Remeber to play it small bursts like any other openworld/sandbox game


Somehow I see my self playing much longer than that. I've logged 13 or so (8% done, mostly cell tower missions), and only completed 16 total missions, four of which were story missions.

It seems that I've cleared the initial batch of side missions. Because the only available missions are the ones in Pala.

A lot of my time has been spent traveling from point A to B.. However, I'm finding quicker routes all the time. The boats are quickly becoming my favorite mode of transportation.

Awesome game! I can't put it down.


Agggh I need someone to answer this! Is one of your buddies supposed to die? My best buddy died even after I gave him three shots, and I assumed it was supposed to happen. Now I'm taking this mission from the doorman at one of the faction houses in Pala, to rescue an "unknown foreigner" from the Slaughterhouse, and I'm not getting a call to subvert the mission! I want the "subvert all missions" achievment, but now I don't know what to do :(


few more pics






wish i could take direct feed pics, the camera can't capture the entire dynamic range of the tv.

Also, what do i have to do to unlock the second area ? just keep completing main story missions ?


Ledsen said:
So maybe you have the answer to my question above since you're that far along in the game?
I don't completely understand what you're asking(30 hours of no sleep so far), but
I believe that's the mission where you rescue one of your future buddies, so they don't give you the option of a different buddy calling to help this time. I don't think I got a call either for that one.
Then again, I'm playing the PC version, so I don't always bother with the buddy subvert missions.

I don't want to answer your other question about buddy dying, unless you want to be spoiled.

Rainy Dog

Lebron said:
Yeah, basically. I was around 45-50% when I went on to the second area.

So there's more areas other than the full, zoomed-out map that gets displayed after pressing square (PS3 version) a couple of times when you've your map out?


y'all should be ashamed
Rainy Dog said:
So there's more areas other than the full, zoomed-out map that gets displayed after pressing square (PS3 version) a couple of times when you've your map out?
There's a second area that's as big as the largest zoomed out map. (!)


Lebron said:
I don't completely understand what you're asking(30 hours of no sleep so far), but
I believe that's the mission where you rescue one of your future buddies, so they don't give you the option of a different buddy calling to help this time. I don't think I got a call either for that one.
Then again, I'm playing the PC version, so I don't always bother with the buddy subvert missions.

I don't want to answer your other question about buddy dying, unless you want to be spoiled.

Ok, thanks. Sounds like there's no way to subvert these missions then. About the buddy dying, my question is basically, does it happen to everyone?
Did one of your buddies die after a set number of buddy missions for him? I think he died on the third buddy mission I did for him.


Rainy Dog said:
So there's more areas other than the full, zoomed-out map that gets displayed after pressing square (PS3 version) a couple of times when you've your map out?
Yeah. I'm still amazed at how massive the game is.

Not sure if it'll let you travel back and forth between the two areas. I did for me one time, also got a loading screen. However, this was before I had the "full" map of the second area. So maybe it won't let me now that I do. Iono.


Ledsen said:
Ok, thanks. Sounds like there's no way to subvert these missions then. About the buddy dying, my question is basically, does it happen to everyone?
Did one of your buddies die after a set number of buddy missions for him? I think he died on the third buddy mission I did for him.
Yeah, he died. The Asian guy, right? I shot him:)P). However, I actually played that scenario twice. Saved right before it. The first time I gave him 1 heal, and he lived. The second time I actually shot him, since that 1 heal was my last and guards were all over me. I've heard of people give him up to 3 and him still dying on them, so iono what's up with that.

There's a second area that's as big as the largest zoomed out map. (!)
Yeah, it's great:lol

Edit: Sorry about the double post. Damn lack of sleep...

Rainy Dog

chubigans said:
There's a second area that's as big as the largest zoomed out map. (!)

Honestly...I'm simply amazed at the size and scope of this game. I've been taking my sweet time, exploring every nook and cranny and never passing by on a flashing green light when there's a diamond to be sniffed out. But I'm only 8% complete and been playing for 9 hours. I was unsure at at first...and went in with plenty of apprehension for some reason. But it's slowly working itself into GOTY material for me. Had a cracking time on multiplayer with a few mates for the past couple of nights, too. An incredible package.

How do you 'reach' the second area then? Or is it spoiler-ish to say?


Lebron said:
Yeah, he died. The Asian guy, right? I shot him:)P). However, I actually played that scenario twice. Saved right before it. The first time I gave him 1 heal, and he lived. The second time I actually shot him, since that 1 heal was my last and guards were all over me. I've heard of people give him up to 3 and him still dying on them, so iono what's up with that.

Yeah, it's great:lol

Edit: Sorry about the double post. Damn lack of sleep...

I don't know if these can actually be considered spoilers, but whatever:

No, not the asian guy, it was Warren Clyde (guy with red bandana). My friend tells me if buddies take too much damage, that's when you can't revive them even with three syrettes. So it doesn't seem to be scripted at all. Warren, you could've lived but I failed you :(


Rainy Dog said:
How do you 'reach' the second area then? Or is it spoiler-ish to say?
Reach by completing story missions. To explain how it all plays out, yeah, spoilerish. I was a little surprised how it all played out TBH.

Yeah, that's who I meant. Got him confused with someone else. I think your buddy is right about the health thing.
I lost Paul twice. One time he got overwhelmed by enemies and I was too slow with the back up, so he died. No chance to even him a heal, or try, just dead. The other time I killed him since I thought he was a guard I missed. I'm glad I always save before those situations. I suck at them:)lol)


Someone on another board just confirmed that he got the achievement since his second best buddy replaced the one that died as the best buddy. So apparently buddies dying has no impact on anything at all in the game, they'll always be replaced by another one and the missions seem to be exactly the same with all the buddies.


Man, I love how every checkpoint battle is a fight to the finish. Sure the weapons you start out with are crap, but you soon get better ones and they really make the game. Flare Gun Defense Force Assemble!

And it's just so ...BIG... I mean I explored all of Just Cause, but this game... it has shit happening everywhere and not just a small section. I'm definitely going to find everything in this game.

Aww, they blew up my dune buggy :(. One Flare, coming right up, bitches.


This game is hard:( Fucken enemies shooting me a mile away with perfect accuracy. I also don't like if you sneak up on someone and use the machete, the rest of the guards get alerted. Otherwise I am greatly enjoying the game:D

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Well I feel like a total idiot. I'm 5 hours into the game and just realized you could switch pages on the gun dealer's computer. Wow what a load of upgrades I've been missing!
just started this on pc.

Intro was very well done and the atmosphere is convincing

Graphically it is impressive, and the world seems large... Crysis certainly has a sizeable edge graphically, but this game is no slouch
I'm surprised to see so many people of my friend's list playing Far Cry 2. I really didn't think it would sell well but it looks like it's not doing too bad. I definitely want to play it some time.


I was a bit disappointed at first. The tutorial is suboptimal really. But once it's getting hectic and there's explosions and shit everywhere...it's a goddamn blast. Really awesome stuff.


this games weird, i don't rate it that highly but i can't stop playing it :p 50% through it on infamous

Alright---- I'm reversing my opinion of Far Cry 2 post tutorial.

I've put about 15-20 hours into this game now and it is simply amazing.

The inventory system.
Brilliant. I didn't understand the cases, cache houses and such at first but once you start buying guns, you need to store them for where ever you might end up in a safe house or a weapons cache.
Weapon variety. Again, brilliant. I keep thinking of the line from 'Blood Diamond' "TIA" - This is Africa. Whether it's a regular 9mm or a flame thrower to a RPG... there is simply so much that can suit anyone's playing style in any form. Wanna snipe? How bout 4 different sniper rifles? Want to blow shit up from far away Terminator 2 style? You got it. You want to torch people and make them burn alive? How bout a flamethrower?
Size. This sucker is big. After reading the comments about the other areas not being opened yet (as I'm still in the first zone) I am in awe of how much time and effort has been put into this game. Also--- For the people that say "the world is boring, there's nothing going on... bla bla bla" bullshit on that. I have just walked around and scouted checkpoints and you'd be amazed at some of the shit that happens. I just listen to the conversations, people come and go, guards go to take a piss etc.
24 hour gaming. There were a couple of times when I was playing during the wee hours of the (game) world time and got freaked out on how the moon shines through if it's a clear night. Not only does the lighting (IMO) beat out Crysis' lighting, but having some of the most intense fire fights at night is simply unreal. As I stated previously in a post, one of the missions I had from the Arms dealer was to go blow up a convoy. I scouted the area, waited for the convey to circle around, shot up a flare, jumped down with my flamethrower and torched the SHIT out of everything, burning plants, people, cars while we had re-enforcements come and start killing people left and right as I ran back to cover, healed myself and completed the mission.

Anyways that is but a taste of the gameplay and I know you guys have similar stories as well.

BTW, this game really is a treat for PC gamers. I cannot wait.... for the mods that will come out of this nor the levels. I hope you console gamers get some of the mods if MS or Sony allow them.

My computer specs:
Q6600 @ 3.0Ghz
8800GT - 1440x900 V-Sync On.

I'm playing everything on ultra high w/ 2xAA and get 40-50FPS. While this doesn't quite look as good as Crysis, the lighting as I said above is better and the game it does give it a run for it's money.


Banstick Emeritus
I am really impressed. I spent about 4 hours with this last night, doing nothing but farting around the countryside and completing missions for the weapons dealer. The atmosphere is top-notch, especially in the early morning. Finishing a random firefight with no needles left and down to my last two bars of health - with the nearest safehouse halfway across the map (!) - high tension indeed.

Not a huge fan of the automatics, nearly every one has too much climb. The voice acting makes me grind my teeth, but it's something you can live with when the core game is this much fun. Rocking explosions, too. Tutorial and standard guns aside, this is a fun game.

My only major beef is the HUD representation for damage and where it's coming from - it makes no bloody sense. Compound that error with enemies that are difficult to see due to the environment, and there have been more than a couple of frustrating moments that didn't need to happen. That sucks.


Gold Member
VictimOfGrief said:
Alright---- I'm reversing my opinion of Far Cry 2 post tutorial.

I've put about 15-20 hours into this game now and it is simply amazing.

The inventory system.
Brilliant. I didn't understand the cases, cache houses and such at first but once you start buying guns, you need to store them for where ever you might end up in a safe house or a weapons cache.
Weapon variety. Again, brilliant. I keep thinking of the line from 'Blood Diamond' "TIA" - This is Africa. Whether it's a regular 9mm or a flame thrower to a RPG... there is simply so much that can suit anyone's playing style in any form. Wanna snipe? How bout 4 different sniper rifles? Want to blow shit up from far away Terminator 2 style? You got it. You want to torch people and make them burn alive? How bout a flamethrower?
Size. This sucker is big. After reading the comments about the other areas not being opened yet (as I'm still in the first zone) I am in awe of how much time and effort has been put into this game. Also--- For the people that say "the world is boring, there's nothing going on... bla bla bla" bullshit on that. I have just walked around and scouted checkpoints and you'd be amazed at some of the shit that happens. I just listen to the conversations, people come and go, guards go to take a piss etc.
24 hour gaming. There were a couple of times when I was playing during the wee hours of the (game) world time and got freaked out on how the moon shines through if it's a clear night. Not only does the lighting (IMO) beat out Crysis' lighting, but having some of the most intense fire fights at night is simply unreal. As I stated previously in a post, one of the missions I had from the Arms dealer was to go blow up a convoy. I scouted the area, waited for the convey to circle around, shot up a flare, jumped down with my flamethrower and torched the SHIT out of everything, burning plants, people, cars while we had re-enforcements come and start killing people left and right as I ran back to cover, healed myself and completed the mission.

Anyways that is but a taste of the gameplay and I know you guys have similar stories as well.

BTW, this game really is a treat for PC gamers. I cannot wait.... for the mods that will come out of this nor the levels. I hope you console gamers get some of the mods if MS or Sony allow them.

My computer specs:
Q6600 @ 3.0Ghz
8800GT - 1440x900 V-Sync On.

I'm playing everything on ultra high w/ 2xAA and get 40-50FPS. While this doesn't quite look as good as Crysis, the lighting as I said above is better and the game it does give it a run for it's money.

Hmmmm...interesting write-up. I'm going to finish Dead Space today and then play Fallout 3 for the next couple of weeks, but I'm definitely going back to this game. Seems like it takes awhile for it to get going.


I still don't understand how people are getting 40 - 50 FPS with 2x AA and everything on Ultra High using a 8800GT when my HD 4850 usually gets 30 - 40 FPS with everything on Very High (except for Terrain, Geometry, and Textures which are on Ultra High) and 2x AA.

Especially since my res is pretty low. :(


Gold Member
JSnake said:
I still don't understand how people are getting 40 - 50 FPS with 2x AA and everything on Ultra High using a 8800GT when my HD 4850 usually gets 30 - 40 FPS with everything on Very High (except for Terrain, Geometry, and Textures which are on Ultra High) and 2x AA.

Especially since my res is pretty low. :(

Do you have a quad core?
JSnake said:
I still don't understand how people are getting 40 - 50 FPS with 2x AA and everything on Ultra High using a 8800GT when my HD 4850 usually gets 30 - 40 FPS with everything on Very High (except for Terrain, Geometry, and Textures which are on Ultra High) and 2x AA.

Especially since my res is pretty low. :(
What res are you playing at Jsnake?
I'm just starting out on the PC, I have a question (this may have been covered)...

Why is every guard post I encounter hostile towards me? If I'm just passing through on my way to a mission, they just shoot on site. If I try to ignore them and just burn past the post, they'll mount up in their jeep and come after me. I usually don't have a problem getting rid of them, but it kind of annoys me that I can't go from A to B without a fight.
MrCompletely said:
I'm just starting out on the PC, I have a question (this may have been covered)...

Why is every guard post I encounter hostile towards me? If I'm just passing through on my way to a mission, they just shoot on site. If I try to ignore them and just burn past the post, they'll mount up in their jeep and come after me. I usually don't have a problem getting rid of them, but it kind of annoys me that I can't go from A to B without a fight.

Not that I know of. I think it's that way throughout the game by design. It might change later on with reputation points and such but not sure.


I've also had the same issue that others have mentioned about getting shot by enemies you can't see or find. The game doesn't do a good job of telling you which direction the shots are coming from.

Playing earlier today I came up on a checkpoint and spent some time carefully picking off all the enemies from afar. I thought I had cleared the place out so I was walking around grabbing items and whatnot. Every time I walked by this one spot I kept getting shot. I couldn't figure out who was shooting me. I used the monocular and looked for snipers and saw nothing. Eventually I realized I was getting shot by one of the guys I thought I killed earlier. He was laying on the ground completely still like he was dead, but when I walked by he'd sit up a little bit and shoot at me.


I've got a Q6600 and an 8800GT with 3GB RAM, and I dont feel like I'm getting the most out of my game. Playing at 1680x1050 on a 20" monitor.
JSnake said:
So if I got a higher res monitor, I'd see higher framerates?

I know you're probably like "WTF?" as I was until I figured out how gaming worked on the PC.

So if I'm understanding everything correctly it usually boils down to something like this:

1280x720 (720p comparable to consoles) - CPU bound
1280x1024 - CPU bound
1440x900 - Slightly CPU bound / Slightly GPU Bound
1680x1050 - GPU Bound
1920x1200 - GPU Bound
higher resolutions- GPU Bound

So right now I have a 19" monitor. For optimal gaming I need a 22" monitor to play @ 1680x1050 to make sure most of my gaming experience is coming from my GPU instead of my CPU.

Either way, my point in saying this is that even if you had a 4870 or 4870x2 or GTX280, you'd probably still be seeing about the same framerates on your TV due to the CPU doing most of the work for you.

Edit: as always, it depends.
Ripenen said:
I've also had the same issue that others have mentioned about getting shot by enemies you can't see or find. The game doesn't do a good job of telling you which direction the shots are coming from.

Playing earlier today I came up on a checkpoint and spent some time carefully picking off all the enemies from afar. I thought I had cleared the place out so I was walking around grabbing items and whatnot. Every time I walked by this one spot I kept getting shot. I couldn't figure out who was shooting me. I used the monocular and looked for snipers and saw nothing. Eventually I realized I was getting shot by one of the guys I thought I killed earlier. He was laying on the ground completely still like he was dead, but when I walked by he'd sit up a little bit and shoot at me.

I use the machete to finish those f'ers off.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Ripenen said:
I've also had the same issue that others have mentioned about getting shot by enemies you can't see or find. The game doesn't do a good job of telling you which direction the shots are coming from.

Playing earlier today I came up on a checkpoint and spent some time carefully picking off all the enemies from afar. I thought I had cleared the place out so I was walking around grabbing items and whatnot. Every time I walked by this one spot I kept getting shot. I couldn't figure out who was shooting me. I used the monocular and looked for snipers and saw nothing. Eventually I realized I was getting shot by one of the guys I thought I killed earlier. He was laying on the ground completely still like he was dead, but when I walked by he'd sit up a little bit and shoot at me.


Anyway, I had a session where it was just extremely frustrating because I went out on a mission with the wrong loadout of weapons and started using unreliable guns from enemies to compensate halfway through the mission and found myself getting outgunned constantly. So I turned the difficulty down to normal from hardcore.

And yeah, I get about the same framerates whether I'm at 1920 or 1680 so why not play at the highest res possible on my 24"?

What do the difficulty settings dictate, anyway?
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