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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints

TTG said:
I only know of one location so far. There's a safe house way out to the north. It's shielded by a mountain from one side and is pretty high up, below are some lakes and there's a farm or something nearby. The hang glider spawns right outside the door.

There is one on the high rocky area right near the oil field in the upper left corner of the map.

From there you can easily hang glide to the train yard.


Shake Appeal said:
Ha! I just found a diamond you have to hangglide to. Awesome.
Is is the one on the mid-western part of the map, atop a huge boulder?

Cause I was driving by (and I tend to go after any diamond alerts that crop up), and this one was pissin' me off. I scanned some nearby hilltops but didn't notice any hangglider. Is there one nearby?
Hazaro said:
Oh my god.

That literally makes it look 3 times better at least.
Where do I get this magical device?

Here you go sir. FOV fix here

Also--- Couple of more... Just now made it to "Area 2" in the game. F'ning amazing.... the world is so freaking huge!!!!






Those who didn't expect the map to double in size...
you must have missed the paper map included in the box.
It has both northern and southern area, just flip it

wow, my stats show i already put 9 hours in the game, 20% complete

48 km on foot
20 km by car

yeah, i like to take my time and walk everywhere.

the game has a lot more variety than i initially thought, both in scenery and gameplay.
I agree with who says the game gets as repetitive as your inventive (or lack thereof :p ) allowes it to be; sure i have come across 4 missions in which i had to stop some convoy, and i always did in different ways (most fun was probably when i placed explosive on its way and detonated it from afar).
eso76 said:
Those who didn't expect the map to double in size...
you must have missed the paper map included in the box.
It has both northern and southern area, just flip it

Man, first time I've opened up a game box to check out the printed material inside. Thanks, just found the map.


relies on auto-aim
Got thing this up and running.

Only played 20 minutes or so.

I feel... disoriented. The car ride threw me off pretty badly. Never felt that before.
Walking/Running feels off as well. Aiming too. Wrong thing makes me feel icky.

hopefully it's better tomorrow.

Here's before and after FOV pics.



Game looks pretty nice as well



Dart rifle = stealth gameplay. It single handedly corrects most of the BS the AI comes up with and it goes under special weapons for an added bonus. Now the only question is how long till I can buy the sniper ammo upgrade...
Zeliard said:
People seriously need to stop whining about the traveling. Buses will take you instantly to all four corners of the map, and then you have the streams that criss-cross the center of the map. So you can get wherever you want quickly. If missions for you are "90% traveling", that's really your problem, not the game's. You don't have to drive all the goddamn time, especially when you're also going to whine about the enemy checkpoints.

And as a true sandbox game, it's only as repetitive as you allow it to be. Vary it up. Don't blame the game because you lack imagination and creativity. ;)

The only real issues with the game are the A.I. and the voice acting, and they are pretty big issues, but they aren't game-breaking since it does other things quite well.

No, people need to stop claiming that the traveling isn't an issue. I use the buses, boats but there is still more traveling then actual game play. Or perhaps I'm just too fast doing the missions, sniping makes most of them really easy. When using buses most of the time you have to pass some guard posts anyway, it perhaps shaves one or two of them off(which is nice). And boats almost never get you exactly where you need to be, making the travel time longer then if going by car anyway.

Sandbox games get repetitive, that is true. This is one of the worse offenders though. Mostly because the game is littered by design choices to make it so. The only thing saving it are some of the awesome locations for the story missions but the time doing those are too short. Loved the castle and the railroad for example. Overall you're doing the same shit over and over again.

What Ubi should have done is to make the map dynamic, to give actual 'life' to the game. Allow whatever faction you choose to align yourself with be friendly and able to 'hold' positions on the map. You could help them when they get attacked and make sure that they had guards at lots of guard posts. Now every enemy is always an enemy, "this is a secret mission" so even their own guys are always shooting at you. This would make it more immersive and give you an option to remove being harassed when traveling. Now you just 'scout' the guards posts and then they respawn as usual a bit later, they are just there to slow you down, as are the random crazy patrols which drive faster then you and shoot you from a mile away.

Doing that + fixing the AI would have made the game much better. I'm now playing the game for those small moments of greatness showing what it could have been, but claiming the annoying shit goes away is crazy.
RoyalSimonBoobs said:
I think so. She was my initial buddy.

Mine too, found some dude at 'cock fights'.

Sadly she died during mission :( Gave her 3 health shots, seems like she OD'ed and then the ragdoll bugged and she did the snake into the sunset. Sad and funny at the same time.


What does the number beside the diamond on your map mean? It's not how many diamonds you currently have (I can't find a display for that anywhere except the weapons shop), and it's not how many diamonds you have found (since my number went to 13 then back to 12).


Oh ya, and I like this game now. You just need to get a decent gun, and it's a pretty good game. If you could sprint for longer, and walk a bit faster, it would be a lot better for travel, but the enemy spawns don't bother me that much anymore.
Started to use the silenced guns, the mp5 and the socom like one.I took a few ppl down with them and they didn't alert anyone, so I guess it works.Did someone say you can replace your guns for free at the gun shop when they get old for nothing?

The patch is out for the xbox 360 version.

Good to hear the game runs fine on all three systems.


flipswitch said:
Started to use the silenced guns, the mp5 and the socom like one.I took a few ppl down with them and they didn't alert anyone, so I guess it works.Did someone say you can replace your guns for free at the gun shop when they get old for nothing?

The patch is out for the xbox 360 version.

Good to hear the game runs fine on all three systems.

You can get fresh guns and ammo at the armory beside gun shops free, if you already bought the unlock.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Yeah, FC2 is creeping up into a GOTY contender for me. I get a STALKER vibe here more than ever. And yeah, combat is getting really satisfying for me. I love gunning people down with the Dragunov and PKM in controlled bursts. All the eye candy doesn't hurt either.


And yeah, sometimes this game looks insanely photorealistic.

TTG said:
Dart rifle = stealth gameplay. It single handedly corrects most of the BS the AI comes up with and it goes under special weapons for an added bonus. Now the only question is how long till I can buy the sniper ammo upgrade...

I always keep that gun with me. There's only five bullets though, so I finish the job with the silenced MP5 or firebomb the place when I use a louder gun.


I always keep that gun with me. There's only five bullets though, so I finish the job with the silenced MP5 or firebomb the place when I use a louder gun.

I'm guessing they limit you to 5 because it would be overpowering beyond that. I don't know at what point I can unlock the marksman ammo upgrade, but that should help.

The granade launcher secondary weapon is also awesome, makes for some really interesting weapon combinations.


chespace said:
Game crashed again so I'm here and posting impressions. Thank god for F5.

Really starting to like this game, although I fear the design shortcomings will haunt this title in my mind even after I've finished it. Like Scooter says in the 1up show this week, it does so much right and yet so much wrong it totally baffles the mind. Guess all the focus testing in the world was useless.

Still, the biggest problem being AI and checkpoints can be dealt with in a variety of ways. Most of the time, the AI does play fair if you don't count the fact that they're eagle-eyed shots. It's easy to fool them and I can sneak around fairly competently -- and I haven't even unlocked the camo suit yet. The only way to get stealth kills in this game is to do it with silenced weapons, but I've found that some checkpoints are just as well avoided by sneaking by completely and ditching your vehicle. It can be very intense to trek all the way back to your client after a mission on foot with ammo dwindling.

Playing on the PC, I spam F5 quicksave a lot. It's taken a lot of frustration out of this game and turned it into just a very solid PC shooter. My only regret is that it kind of breaks the game's conceit that you have to save at safe houses -- which of course adds to the suspense of getting back to a safe house so you can heal/save and cycle time. I think I've saved at a safe house probably twice the whole time I've played. No reason to. Which means day light and night life last very very long.

Anyway, I'm still 8% complete since I stopped advancing the story and finished up all cell tower missions and now am on the last Mike's Bar mission. I just bought the Dragunov and a bunch of upgrades to my other weapons and quite like my loadout now. I've got the silent Makarov, the Dragunov, and the PKM as my backup close quarters brawl gun. Guess it's the all-Russian all the time arsenal.

Gonna keep playing. Here are some more screens. This game never ceases to amaze visually.
I DID NOT SHOOT THE ANIMAL. IT RAN INTO MY PARKED CAR. Also, no zebras were hurt in the taking of my screenshots.

Hmmm, I don't really understand this. Why would you spam quicksave? I play on 360, on hardcore difficulty, and for me quicksave would ruin the tension and excitement in the game. Some of the most amazing moments I've had when going to or returning from a mission, trying to avoid checkpoints to reach the blessed calm of the safehouse to save. I don't die that often, and when I do I often have buddy to come save me, which is in itself an awesome moment. And saving during missions? Doesn't that make them boring and reload-y instead of perfectly planned and executed?

jakershaker said:
No, people need to stop claiming that the traveling isn't an issue. I use the buses, boats but there is still more traveling then actual game play. Or perhaps I'm just too fast doing the missions, sniping makes most of them really easy. When using buses most of the time you have to pass some guard posts anyway, it perhaps shaves one or two of them off(which is nice). And boats almost never get you exactly where you need to be, making the travel time longer then if going by car anyway.

So try a new approach. Try to enjoy the traveling! Look at the beautiful environments, search for diamonds, scout safehouses and guard posts. That's what I do, and I've never been bored while traveling, in fact I enjoy it so much I often ditch my vehicle and head into the jungle on foot to find new paths I haven't used before. Allow yourself to get sidetracked instead of rushing through it to get to the next gunfight. The traveling and sightseeing are a big part of what makes the game so awesome imo. There's no clock counting down the minutes, you can take as much time as you want, and you should.


I got to a bus station (4 corners of the map) and it turns out they can take you to the middle of the map. Wow, that is SUPER helpful. I wonder if you can bus from the middle to a corner though, that would make travel a lot easier.


Bug/glitch on the PC version I came across, I was doing the second weapon shop mission at the top-left corner of the map, I decided to take over the guard post and ambush them from there. Seeing as it was pitch black in the middle of the night, I figured I'd try to make use of my Camo and sneak up on some guys. Slowly, I sneaked in undetected, only to realize the place was empty.

I found this odd since the guard posts always seem to replenish, and I hadn't been here lately, so I went around slowly just in case they were hiding. As I was sneaking around, an enemy actually spawned several feet in front of me, as in popped out of thin air, a couple feet from the ground, and handing before "activating".

In any event, I did manage to move up to him without detection even somewhat in his field of vision, so either the Camo does work or my game was bugged. I took him down with a couple of knife slashes before he realized anything. Are there special execution-like kills that can be done when sneaking up on people?

After I blew up the convoy, guys started spawning all over the place in the guard post and were almost dying instantly because I'd already blown the place to kingdom come and the whole place it was all on fire. Has anyone else ever had this issue with spawning? Spawning enemies doesn't really bother me that much, but when they poof in out of thin air right in front of you, it kind of spoils the immersion a bit 3;


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Ledsen said:
Hmmm, I don't really understand this. Why would you spam quicksave? I play on 360, on hardcore difficulty, and for me quicksave would ruin the tension and excitement in the game. Some of the most amazing moments I've had when going to or returning from a mission, trying to avoid checkpoints to reach the blessed calm of the safehouse to save. I don't die that often, and when I do I often have buddy to come save me, which is in itself an awesome moment. And saving during missions? Doesn't that make them boring and reload-y instead of perfectly planned and executed?

Because for a while my buddy wasn't coming to rescue me (and he wasn't dead either).

Then it just started making more sense and I began to enjoy the game more. Trust me, plenty of tension and eagle-eyed AI frustration as it is without me adding a layer of difficulty artifice on top of the PC version. Quicksave is there and so I use it.

I have the 360 version coming to me soon so I will experience it on consoles at some point. I'm sure it does feel different.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Any word on an FOV fix for the console version? I'm loving the game (apart from the A.I) but the FOV is killing me.


chespace said:
Because for a while my buddy wasn't coming to rescue me (and he wasn't dead either).

Then it just started making more sense and I began to enjoy the game more. Trust me, plenty of tension and eagle-eyed AI frustration as it is without me adding a layer of difficulty artifice on top of the PC version. Quicksave is there and so I use it.

I have the 360 version coming to me soon so I will experience it on consoles at some point. I'm sure it does feel different.

Yeah, I guess if you get more enjoyment out of the game that way, then it's all good. I assume you know you have to "activate" you rescue-buddy by meeting them in a safehouse? Did that not work?

Zzoram said:
Oh ya, and I like this game now. You just need to get a decent gun, and it's a pretty good game. If you could sprint for longer, and walk a bit faster, it would be a lot better for travel, but the enemy spawns don't bother me that much anymore.

As your malaria symptoms subside, you sprint ability increases by A LOT.

Zzoram said:
I got to a bus station (4 corners of the map) and it turns out they can take you to the middle of the map. Wow, that is SUPER helpful. I wonder if you can bus from the middle to a corner though, that would make travel a lot easier.

You can. The bus station is in the lower left corner of Pala.


chespace said:
Because for a while my buddy wasn't coming to rescue me and he wasn't dead either

I think you have to visit a safehouse to reset the rescue buddy. The buddy will be sitting inside, and after you leave it they'll be ready to save you again.


Ledsen said:
You can. The bus station is in the lower left corner of Pala.

Just used top left corner to go back to Pala. Oh man, that was SO much better. I'm totally happy with travel now, since there is a bus station at Pala, it reduces the more tedious and awful travel, but I don't mind going on foot from the bus station to my target. I just HATE vehicles in FPS games, so being able to bus and then walk the rest of the way makes me so happy.

As for the first UFLL mission after the tutorial, why does he pay me upfront? Also, I found a Jackal tape recording at a sniper post in the North East on my way to doing the 2nd Weapon Shop mission. Do I give that to the reporter for more malaria pills? Where is he?


chespace said:
Trust me, plenty of tension and eagle-eyed AI frustration as it is without me adding a layer of difficulty artifice on top of the PC version.

I'm finding it's more like super sonic ears. :lol Dart gun basically makes the difference between alerting guards that can see you take the shot vs the whole fucking camp. Beyond that it's just about moving to a different spot with every shot you take while crouching.
This game seems awesome, but so far the controls are ruining it for me. I'm playing on PC and the movement and aiming just feels... weird. In the menu system it feels downright terrible. The controls are really destroying my desire to keep playing.

Anyone else had a similar problem/solution?


mikekennyb said:
This game seems awesome, but so far the controls are ruining it for me. I'm playing on PC and the movement and aiming just feels... weird. In the menu system it feels downright terrible. The controls are really destroying my desire to keep playing.

Anyone else had a similar problem/solution?

Play with mouse sensitivity, and just play. I've either adapted or no longer notice the floaty mouse.
Zzoram said:
Play with mouse sensitivity, and just play. I've either adapted or no longer notice the floaty mouse.

I've been trying different sensitivities, using and not using mouse smoothing. Haven't been able to get used to it I guess yet.


mikekennyb said:
This game seems awesome, but so far the controls are ruining it for me. I'm playing on PC and the movement and aiming just feels... weird. In the menu system it feels downright terrible. The controls are really destroying my desire to keep playing.

Anyone else had a similar problem/solution?

I'm playing the PC version with a 360 controller and it works beautifully


Concerning the FOV fix... every recommended setting I can find is for 16:10, but I'm running 16:9 (1280x720) - anyone got some numbers for me? I've tried a few different setups, and while it's miles better than the original FOV (smh Ubi), I'd just like some other opinions for best possible picture.

I mean, I'll be honest, I don't even get the math behind the X and Y values in that fix or I'd figure it out on my own. >_<
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