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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


I'm still chugging along, trying to do all side missions before moving onto the main story missions (69% done so far).

It really pisses me off that I have to always go back and check-in after finishing side-quests you receive from buddies at the bar.

I have a cell phone and you have a cell-phone!! Sometimes I want to shoot my buddies in the fucking face, especially for the petty reasons they give me for killing someone.


DubloSeven said:
So which missions are the main missions?

I've only been doing the assassination and the weapon missions.

Main missions are the ones that push the story along. You get them from the town. UFLL and APR, or whatever the factions are called.
BobJustBob said:
is complete bullshit, I agree.
Far Cry 2 is a bad game, it could have been great, but as it stands it's pretty terrible.

The only thing it kinda had going for it was the open nature of the world by the time I got to the second area did a couple missions there I realized that I was just forcing myself to play it, and when I got Fallout I immediately knew I would never touch FarCry again.


I'm at ~60% and still like the game. Taking out guard posts with the Grenade Launcher is very satisfying. :lol

I will definitely finish it, but without completing any friend or antenna missions. Fallout 3 is waiting... :D
MickeyKnox said:
Far Cry 2 is a bad game, it could have been great, but as it stands it's pretty terrible.

The only thing it kinda had going for it was the open nature of the world by the time I got to the second area did a couple missions there I realized that I was just forcing myself to play it, and when I got Fallout I immediately knew I would never touch FarCry again.

It is absolutely the best FPS ever made and probably the best game released this year. Fallout is an okay game, no Morrowind but still pretty good, but it's thoroughly average compared to something as perfect as this.


Well I just experienced the LOAD GAME glitch at 72%...

UGH! Can't load any of my games now...

Hopefully there's a workaround.


VibratingDonkey said:
Is it even possible to avoid them without having to run through the bushes which takes forever? You can't drive there can you? At least that option hasn't seemed feasible to me most of the time, what with the trees and rocks and rather narrow passageways.

The only legit way of avoiding them as I see it is taking a bus. Or maybe you run into fewer patrol boats. But still, that these jeeps force you to play a certain way is dumb.

I always drive one of those MG jeeps, because you pretty much have to, but it doesn't stop jeeps from constantly appearing and shooting at me and annoying me and not letting me play the way I want to. When I want to fight people I will go do so you damn game. Let me check the map, think, explore, run and drive around in peace please.

It would be neat if Ubisoft were to release some software for unpacking their stupid files so maybe you could do something about this yourself.

1. drive past as fast as you can
2. drive around (the jungle is only in the middle of the map)
3. use a boat and not a car

it's not that hard.

rareside said:
Well I just experienced the LOAD GAME glitch at 72%...

UGH! Can't load any of my games now...

Hopefully there's a workaround.

There is no workaround. Ubi are working on replicating the issue right now. I don't know how long a patch would take but I'm guessing quite a while, and that's why I've been recommending people not to buy the game until it's fixed.
BobJustBob said:
It is absolutely the best FPS ever made and probably the best game released this year. Fallout is an okay game, no Morrowind but still pretty good, but it's thoroughly average compared to something as perfect as this.
:lol :lol :lol


Load game freeze at over 90% completion, fucking yay.....


I got whipped....


Damn, can't believe there's no fix for the loading glitch yet.

When's the last time a bug this HUGE has slipped through the cracks?

Can't believe I put in 20 hours and I may not even get to finish it off properly.


Just create a couple of save slots. When you check every half hour by loading the latest save game, you'll be fine.


Question - does scouting the checkpoints have any effect on the number of guys you find if you come back to them? Quite often I find when I revisit a checkpoint there are fewer enemies there than the first time I visited, and I can just drive through without them killing my vehicle or chasing me. I was wondering if this is to do with scouting them, or whether when they respawn there are just fewer enemies, regardless of whether or not you "officially" scouted it... it certainly makes the respawning less annoying when you know that you can often just bust through if you've already beaten that checkpoint once.
BobJustBob said:
It is absolutely the best FPS ever made and probably the best game released this year. Fallout is an okay game, no Morrowind but still pretty good, but it's thoroughly average compared to something as perfect as this.
I like the game, but you're absolutely mental.

Have you ever heard of Half-Life 2?


MickeyKnox said:
Far Cry 2 is a bad game, it could have been great, but as it stands it's pretty terrible.

The only thing it kinda had going for it was the open nature of the world by the time I got to the second area did a couple missions there I realized that I was just forcing myself to play it, and when I got Fallout I immediately knew I would never touch FarCry again.
You're dead wrong and have an awful taste in games. Far Cry 2's campaign is an absolute masterpiece. The more you play this game, the better it gets. The more you put into it, the more you are rewarded.


DubloSeven said:
I like the game, but you're absolutely mental.

Have you ever heard of Half-Life 2?
I agree with the mental mad man! Far Cry 2 is the best FPS I've played in ages, far better than HL2 in my opinion.

Perhaps he's the who's normal and everybody else are insane. Sounds logical to me.


MickeyKnox said:
Far Cry 2 is a bad game, it could have been great, but as it stands it's pretty terrible.

The only thing it kinda had going for it was the open nature of the world by the time I got to the second area did a couple missions there I realized that I was just forcing myself to play it, and when I got Fallout I immediately knew I would never touch FarCry again.

WTF.......... you couldnt be more wrong


BobJustBob said:
It is absolutely the best FPS ever made and probably the best game released this year. Fallout is an okay game, no Morrowind but still pretty good, but it's thoroughly average compared to something as perfect as this.

LOL WTF I'm so drunk
(Today, 03:37 AM)


I had Far Cry 2 for a bit.. I had to exchange it once... then it stopped working.... I decided to return it... but of course Best Buy gives me a gift card instead... I got Fallout 3 at another store (easier on return policy) and well... I love it more.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Merguson said:
I had Far Cry 2 for a bit.. I had to exchange it once... then it stopped working.... I decided to return it... but of course Best Buy gives me a gift card instead... I got Fallout 3 at another store (easier on return policy) and well... I love it more.
Fallout 3 is a better game, but I'm digging Far Cry 2 a lot right now. I actually got Far Cry 2 because Fallout 3 got my appetite going for open world games. I'm on my third playthrough of Fallout 3 right now (my second one only lasted for 4 or 5 hours though, because I got so disgusted with my character and the actions I took with her that I made her jump off of a very high building and I made the story end there).

They are very different games though.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I still really enjoy the game(collected every diamond in the first zone, done all available assassination and buddy missions, and am about to move onto the second major zone).

I am mostly just dissapointed that cause and effect is so lacking in this open world. The game just has a long checklist of missions and diamonds to collect and all you have to contend with are the same forces of enemies spread between your destination.

There is an illusion of choice that dissipates pretty quickly, and all that is left is the (excellent) gunplay and scale. It really is 2008's Assassin's Creed, an enjoyable and beautiful experience that just needed a bit more time fleshing out the gamey parts.
Brandon F said:
It really is 2008's Assassin's Creed, an enjoyable and beautiful experience that just needed a bit more time fleshing out the gamey parts.

I wouldn't have bought it for like 50bucks, but 30bucks was a great deal. I'll buy Assassins Creed for 20bucks, too. But both games are not worth full price because of this. I'm enjoying Farcry 2 so far. It's the perfect time eater till GTA 4, my Open World game of the year.

I reached the waterfalls, just wow! really great landscape atmosphere.
So has it been determined which mission seems to cause the corrupt save files to begin?

The fact that they all seem to begin at roughly the same point in the game (~60% give or take percentage differences due to side missions, etc.) seems to indicate that there is one particular mission which sometimes puts a corrupted flag into your save game file, which then perpetuates through all new ones you make preventing them from loading. If we can work out which mission, then all we have to do is make a save immediately before it, make a save after it, and then test the save after it to make sure it works. Once you get a save afterwards that definitely works, you are free to go about your business for the rest of the game...
Just picked it up, and I love the survival aspect so far. Like doing a mission and getting your ass chased all around trying to get back to complete the mission. Especially running out of ammo, then picking up an enemies gun only to have it jam. I love this so far, and from what I hear the more you play the better it gets.


BobJustBob said:
It is absolutely the best FPS ever made and probably the best game released this year. Fallout is an okay game, no Morrowind but still pretty good, but it's thoroughly average compared to something as perfect as this.

My god, do you happen to work for Ubisoft Montreal? I would call it the most disappointing game of 2008 by far.


endlessflood said:
So has it been determined which mission seems to cause the corrupt save files to begin?

The fact that they all seem to begin at roughly the same point in the game (~60% give or take percentage differences due to side missions, etc.) seems to indicate that there is one particular mission which sometimes puts a corrupted flag into your save game file, which then perpetuates through all new ones you make preventing them from loading. If we can work out which mission, then all we have to do is make a save immediately before it, make a save after it, and then test the save after it to make sure it works. Once you get a save afterwards that definitely works, you are free to go about your business for the rest of the game...
I was at about the 40% mark (PS3 version) when I ended up with the glitch :( Shame too, cause I was really enjoying the game. Hopefully Ubisoft gets a patch out soon so I can get going again. Oh well *goes back to Killzone 2 beta.*
fps fanatic said:
I was at about the 40% mark (PS3 version) when I ended up with the glitch :( Shame too, cause I was really enjoying the game. Hopefully Ubisoft gets a patch out soon so I can get going again. Oh well *goes back to Killzone 2 beta.*



Well I am really enjoying the game. Best FPS I get in a long time.






Reading this thread is confusing the fuck out of me. :lol

I honestly can't tell whether the game is good or bad! It seems to be equally hated and loved!
Just beat it on 360. No load glitches. The ending is really bad, but the game was still all around really solid. Had fun with it, and am now having fun playing multiplayer in crazy user maps.


n1n9tean said:




Reading this thread is confusing the fuck out of me. :lol

I honestly can't tell whether the game is good or bad! It seems to be equally hated and loved!

Rent it. Much like Assassin's Creed, it's just a matter of how badly the drawbacks of this game get to you. Overall, I don't think this game is as good or as ambitious as AS but it makes up for it in core gameplay... a little.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
The ending is really bad,

It's just the perfect example of the story of Far Cry 2 overall. Interesting concepts and ideas, shit execution on all levels. :(


n1n9tean said:




Reading this thread is confusing the fuck out of me. :lol

I honestly can't tell whether the game is good or bad! It seems to be equally hated and loved!
Different people have different opinions. It's a rather unusual game, so that's probably the reason why there's so many conflicting opinions. People expecting a CoD 4-style rollercoaster will be disappointed. The mission types are very straightforward and there's few different mission objectives. And if you try to do each mission in the exact same way it'll feel very repetitive.

But unlike a game like Assassin's Creed you have a TON of options for how to do approach missions and how to do combat. In that regard, this is definitely among the best FPS games ever made. There's a bunch of different weapons which feel very different and require very different tactics. Something like stealth which is usually messed up in other shooters works extremely well here.


Ended up finishing the game off today. I enjoyed the game despite its flaws (and I did experience the loading glitch and had to go back to a previous save)!!!

Question about the ending: SPOILERS!

How the hell did the devs think it was a good idea to end the game with suicide? The entire game I'm playing for cash, motivated by pure greed, and it only gets worse as the game progresses, turning into a psycho killing everyone you previously did business with.

I did enjoy the 3rd act though... I dug how my character was spiraling out of control killing everyone, but......

Was I supposed to be brainwashed by the Jackal in the last act? Seriously? I felt somewhat betrayed by the ending, as I didn't think my character would've gone with either of the 2 choices.

I'd be more convinced by an ending where I make it out alive on a plane somehow, only to get sick on the plane en route, dig in my pocket for pills, notice I'm empty, and die right then from malaria...
I gotta tell ya... I'm not even through with the first act and I'm already getting sick of driving around from one side of the map to the other.


Cretinously credulous
So here is the deal. I am facing same bug as this guy faced-
then theres where I'm stuck on the reubens mission, i get a call saying some old friends will be waiting, but there are none and i can't enter the bar, i've loaded several old games and played out different scenario's even not answered the phone to hear the message and i cant get into the bar, and theirs no ambush party, I've even backed a jeep up and got on the bar roof to see if there was an entrance on top
Link- http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/1821007696/m/8541007696/p/33 Any solution? Somebody? I want to finish the game....

Also, I checked the CPU usage several times and the game is never using more than one core (CPU usage always below 50 %, I have a core2duo). I heard it was optimized for even quad cores. What happened?


rareside said:
Ended up finishing the game off today. I enjoyed the game despite its flaws (and I did experience the loading glitch and had to go back to a previous save)!!!

Question about the ending: SPOILERS!

How the hell did the devs think it was a good idea to end the game with suicide? The entire game I'm playing for cash, motivated by pure greed, and it only gets worse as the game progresses, turning into a psycho killing everyone you previously did business with.

I did enjoy the 3rd act though... I dug how my character was spiraling out of control killing everyone, but......

Was I supposed to be brainwashed by the Jackal in the last act? Seriously? I felt somewhat betrayed by the ending, as I didn't think my character would've gone with either of the 2 choices.

I'd be more convinced by an ending where I make it out alive on a plane somehow, only to get sick on the plane en route, dig in my pocket for pills, notice I'm empty, and die right then from malaria...
I don't think the main character was brainwashed by the Jackal, he states in the journal he clearly thinks Jackal is insane. But I think that he got convinced by the Jackal near the end that they're both "bad guys", that they're both just fucking the country up and making the whole situation a lot worse.

There's another way to look at it as well. You only get to know that your character takes suicide if you take the dynamite. If you take the briefcase filled with diamonds, then you could easily conclude your character simply escaped the country with the civilians instead of killing himself. I think that's why they didn't show too much in the ending, so the player could decide for himself whether the main character killed himself if he took the briefcase.

I didn't mind that part of the ending really. But what I really disliked was how most of the buddies suddenly turned evil. That would have been okay if the rest of the buddies were shown a bit later to help you out.

I also wasn't very happy about the game being rather linear by the end of the game. The strength of the game was the open landspace and all the freedom in combat.
DubloSeven said:
I gotta tell ya... I'm not even through with the first act and I'm already getting sick of driving around from one side of the map to the other.
You may prefer to use the bus instead of driving all the way...
Insane Metal said:
You may prefer to use the bus instead of driving all the way...
Thats useless if you have to go from mikes bar to some other area where no bus stop is near. If I have to drive 4mins for the next bus stop just to drive 4 more minutes after the bus thats bullshit.

I started sneaking through the jungle like rambo. That's the most satisfying way for me so far.


The game is awesome don't really get the hate. Do you guys just rush through all gaurd posts and try to complete the missions as fast as possible or something?

The world is really immersive, the nice visuals really help here. The thing is there are a few ways to play the game but people can't seem to understand that the game is meant to be played a certain way most of the time. I take my time with everything from scouting guard posts to making the kills. The game really fits my play style so incredibly well it makes me feel like the game was crafted for me :D

Far Cry 2 is a 9.5/10 for me.


Dibbz said:
The game is awesome don't really get the hate. Do you guys just rush through all gaurd posts and try to complete the missions as fast as possible or something?

The world is really immersive, the nice visuals really help here. The thing is there are a few ways to play the game but people can't seem to understand that the game is meant to be played a certain way most of the time. I take my time with everything from scouting guard posts to making the kills. The game really fits my play style so incredibly well it makes me feel like the game was crafted for me :D

Far Cry 2 is a 9.5/10 for me.

To be honest, it is the same for people playing Fable 2 and complaining that they can finish it in less than 8 hours. I have spent countless hours in Fable 2 just roaming around and seeing what is around. The same goes for Far Cry 2, I just love to travel around and see whats out there...and shoot it. :lol
I have tried on a few occasions to get into this game but I cannot. I don't think this game is good at all, it is actually more annoying then anything. Everything from the driving to the gun aiming absolutely sucks. Making malaria part of the gameplay was just fucking stupid.

I like what ubisoft tried to do but I just cant find this game very fun. Sounds like some in this thread find it a "masterpiece". Well congrats to you, I wish I could feel that way.


kittoo said:
Also, I checked the CPU usage several times and the game is never using more than one core (CPU usage always below 50 %, I have a core2duo). I heard it was optimized for even quad cores. What happened?

it does, not my screen but it shows it clearly


its a good game for sure, its not nearly as bad as some people are making out in this thread. however its also far from great, best fps ever? lol, its not even the best fps this year. interesting but predictable that most people giving it heavy criticism are pc gamers and the ones giving it gushing praise are console gamers
bee said:
it does, not my screen but it shows it clearly

its a good game for sure, its not nearly as bad as some people are making out in this thread. however its also far from great, best fps ever? lol, its not even the best fps this year. interesting but predictable that most people giving it heavy criticism are pc gamers and the ones giving it gushing praise are console gamers

I am a console gamer and was playing far cry 2 on my friends PC for like 4 hours straight which persuaded me to buy it for my 360. The PC version is MUCH MUCH MUCH better, its almost a complete turnoff to even play this game on my 360.
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