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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


I'll try again:

xbox 360: Is it possible to have a private game with just friends? Is that what the 'dedicated server' option is for? I only play with friends, but before I know it, 10+ lamers have joined the game. :(Is it possible to restrict the number of players somehow? or do I have to wait for the next patch?)


I bought Far Cry 2 a few weeks back when Best Buy had it on sale and I'm shocked how much I've loved playing every second of it! First of all, I'm about 60% through the main missions and I've collected 121 of the random diamonds that are scattered around the two maps. I honestly can't remember when I was so last immersed in a game...probably Resident Evil 4 when it first came out on the 'Cube.

Far Cry 2 is almost perfect in my book. I might be in the minority here but I travel mostly by foot, I LOVE just walking around and taking in all the sights. I rarely get into skirmishes at checkpoints other than the first time in order to take 'em over. I find myself using the map CONSTANTLY...I think this is the key for people that maybe aren't getting into the game. You can think out strategies in order to avoid checkpoints, deduce where diamonds might be, check on places you haven't been...

I picked up the MGL 140 while playing last night and I literally feel like Tony Montana now! My current arsenal of ass-kickery consists of: The MGL 140, M249 SAW, and M79 Grenade launcher. Yeah, I LOVE explosions. And the M249 SAW gives me bullets when, and if, I need 'em.

I was on the fence with Far Cry 2 for months, whether to buy it or not...I'm SOOOOOO glad I did. It's one of the most immersive, exsqisite gaming worlds I've ever played in. There's nothing like coming home from a hard day's night and just losing myself in the world of Far Cry 2. LOVE IT.


VinZuku said:
I bought Far Cry 2 a few weeks back when Best Buy had it on sale and I'm shocked how much I've loved playing every second of it! First of all, I'm about 60% through the main missions and I've collected 121 of the random diamonds that are scattered around the two maps. I honestly can't remember when I was so last immersed in a game...probably Resident Evil 4 when it first came out on the 'Cube.

Far Cry 2 is almost perfect in my book. I might be in the minority here but I travel mostly by foot, I LOVE just walking around and taking in all the sights. I rarely get into skirmishes at checkpoints other than the first time in order to take 'em over. I find myself using the map CONSTANTLY...I think this is the key for people that maybe aren't getting into the game. You can think out strategies in order to avoid checkpoints, deduce where diamonds might be, check on places you haven't been...

I picked up the MGL 140 while playing last night and I literally feel like Tony Montana now! My current arsenal of ass-kickery consists of: The MGL 140, M249 SAW, and M79 Grenade launcher. Yeah, I LOVE explosions. And the M249 SAW gives me bullets when, and if, I need 'em.

I was on the fence with Far Cry 2 for months, whether to buy it or not...I'm SOOOOOO glad I did. It's one of the most immersive, exsqisite gaming worlds I've ever played in. There's nothing like coming home from a hard day's night and just losing myself in the world of Far Cry 2. LOVE IT.
I can't quite say if I'm gonna feel the same way, but so far (5 hours in) I agree. I wouldn't quite say the game is perfect as it's clearly not, but I absolutely love just going around the world doing my own thing in my own time. The respawning guardposts will probably get annoying, but I'll deal.


dak1dsk1 said:
I'll try again:

xbox 360: Is it possible to have a private game with just friends? Is that what the 'dedicated server' option is for? I only play with friends, but before I know it, 10+ lamers have joined the game. :(Is it possible to restrict the number of players somehow? or do I have to wait for the next patch?)

I need to boot a game to be sure but pretty sure you...

create a match...under settings (iirc) limit the number or participants to how many friends you plan on having in the match and then set the number of private slots reserved to that same number... invite friends.

the new patch will also allow you to set the load out of diamonds at the start so everyone can set other weapons.


Just got this today for PS3. Kind of disappointing visually but the gameplay, which is the most important part, seems like it will be a lot of fun.
Yeah, I freaking love this game! I just got to
Act II
and now that my arsenal is coming around and I'm getting used to the weapons, this game is really picking up.

I have two basic loadouts that I use, I select depending on wether I'm going stealthy, or if I'm going balls out.

Getting creative with the missions is so much fun in this game. I haven't come across many "pure" FPS game in which you can use this kind of creativity with the environment. Freaking AWESOME.
Shurs said:
Just got this today for PS3. Kind of disappointing visually but the gameplay, which is the most important part, seems like it will be a lot of fun.

Visuals are the sum of it's parts (weather simluation, fire propagation, animation, etc..)

I've put probably like 15 hours into the game and am still wowed by the world!


AgentOtaku said:
Visuals are the sum of it's parts (weather simluation, fire propagation, animation, etc..)

I've put probably like 15 hours into the game and am still wowed by the world!

Actually, I should probably take back what I said. Just completed a mission at Oasis and the change in environment/stalking through the tall grass felt great. I guess at the start the shadows seemed a bit "off" and there is screen tearing but it has already grown on me. I love the minimal HUD.

Having a lot of fun with it so far.
Are there supposed to be 6 buddies in Act 1? I'm well into act 2 but I never got more than 4 buddies in the North, and the only reason I had 4 was because I found the fallen plane. According to GameFAQS I was supposed to get the other 2 through missions but that never happened.


VinZuku said:
I bought Far Cry 2 a few weeks back when Best Buy had it on sale and I'm shocked how much I've loved playing every second of it! First of all, I'm about 60% through the main missions and I've collected 121 of the random diamonds that are scattered around the two maps. I honestly can't remember when I was so last immersed in a game...probably Resident Evil 4 when it first came out on the 'Cube.

Far Cry 2 is almost perfect in my book. I might be in the minority here but I travel mostly by foot, I LOVE just walking around and taking in all the sights. I rarely get into skirmishes at checkpoints other than the first time in order to take 'em over. I find myself using the map CONSTANTLY...I think this is the key for people that maybe aren't getting into the game. You can think out strategies in order to avoid checkpoints, deduce where diamonds might be, check on places you haven't been...

I picked up the MGL 140 while playing last night and I literally feel like Tony Montana now! My current arsenal of ass-kickery consists of: The MGL 140, M249 SAW, and M79 Grenade launcher. Yeah, I LOVE explosions. And the M249 SAW gives me bullets when, and if, I need 'em.

I was on the fence with Far Cry 2 for months, whether to buy it or not...I'm SOOOOOO glad I did. It's one of the most immersive, exsqisite gaming worlds I've ever played in. There's nothing like coming home from a hard day's night and just losing myself in the world of Far Cry 2. LOVE IT.

You know...life can be a funny thing sometimes. When I wrote the above all of two whole days ago, I was totally head-over-heels in love with Far Cry 2. It's funny how things change.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still love the actual game itself, that hasn't changed. What HAS changed? Well, in the last two days I got 31 more scattered diamonds bringing my total up to 151. I completed several more main missions bringing my total completion to around 78%. My total play time was just slightly over 37 hours (yup, I've been taking my time). Oh yeah, and both of my game saves corrupted. Yup, both of 'em deader than disco. Now, as soon as this happened I hit the ol' net for some kind of solution, ANY solution. I found out that this is happening to quite a lot of people. I also found out that, as of right now, there is no solution. Interesting...I just spent 37 hours of my life enjoying the hell out of a game and everything I've felt about it crumbles in a matter of minutes. WOW.

When I think of starting all over again, getting all those diamonds again, all the safe houses, all the buddy missions...I want to drive out to Ubisoft and cut off the collective nuts of everybody involved with this game using a pair of gardening shears.


VinZuku said:
You know...life can be a funny thing sometimes. When I wrote the above all of two whole days ago, I was totally head-over-heels in love with Far Cry 2. It's funny how things change.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still love the actual game itself, that hasn't changed. What HAS changed? Well, in the last two days I got 31 more scattered diamonds bringing my total up to 151. I completed several more main missions bringing my total completion to around 78%. My total play time was just slightly over 37 hours (yup, I've been taking my time). Oh yeah, and both of my game saves corrupted. Yup, both of 'em deader than disco. Now, as soon as this happened I hit the ol' net for some kind of solution, ANY solution. I found out that this is happening to quite a lot of people. I also found out that, as of right now, there is no solution. Interesting...I just spent 37 hours of my life enjoying the hell out of a game and everything I've felt about it crumbles in a matter of minutes. WOW.

When I think of starting all over again, getting all those diamonds again, all the safe houses, all the buddy missions...I want to drive out to Ubisoft and cut off the collective nuts of everybody involved with this game using a pair of gardening shears.

Welcome to the club. This happened to me back in October, so you missed my incessant complaining and numerous warnings since I did get tired of even thinking about it eventually :/ Basically the bug (and some others that are almost equally game-breaking) is one of the worst EVER in a shipped console game and they still haven't fixed it. They've also stated that it may be a good while before they do. Luckily I had about 50 save games so I went back to one of them last week and was able to finish the game in one sitting.


No offence but you kinda had it coming by only having 1 save and 1 back-up. First rule of open-world games: if it allows multiple save files have at least 5 - 10, and rotate the save every time.

Now if it was a case of every save file in your system being corrupted, then I stand corrected.


firehawk12 said:
How does the bug work?

Suddenly (around the 60-70% mark or later) one or more of your save games become corrupted and can no longer be loaded. Once this has happened, it will probably start happening randomly to about 80% of all saves you create (or overwrite). So you can't really continue playing the game.

voltron said:
No offence but you kinda had it coming by only having 1 save and 1 back-up. First rule of open-world games: if it allows multiple save files have at least 5 - 10, and rotate the save every time.

Now if it was a case of every save file in your system being corrupted, then I stand corrected.

See above. Having multiple saves doesn't help since this is a recurring event and not a one-time thing. However, some people have been able to avoid the bug by returning to an earlier save and continuing from there. I'd say they're the exception rather than the rule though.



Anyway, Im really loving this game now. Its a game Ive played on and off for the past few months, and for some reason am just really enjoying now. Its great for playing while listening to podcasts.

Although Ive had many a moment of frustration not only because I always get shot at, but more often than not I cant see where the fucking shots are coming from. All in all though its pretty damn awesome.

Any word on single player DLC?



I just got hit by some sort of karma for some reason.

I was playing and died, and like usual when I die in this game its really sudden because you dont see your attacker and before you know it youre dead. So I kick my desk in rage and knocks my TV cabinet and locks up my 360.

Now it appears I have the gamesave bug. Im about to try an earlier save, but if it doesnt work Im going to snap something. Internally. In my body. A vital organ, if I can find one.


Oooooohhh mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaah Gaaaaaaaaaaawwwd. thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou.

My second most recent gamesave worked so I only lost 15mins. WOW THAT WAS LUCKY


Subete no aware
Ledsen said:
Suddenly (around the 60-70% mark or later) one or more of your save games become corrupted and can no longer be loaded. Once this has happened, it will probably start happening randomly to about 80% of all saves you create (or overwrite). So you can't really continue playing the game.


This is a known issue? And Ubi isn't bothering to fix it?


BTW, in the interest of eliminating variables (this might help someone I guess), a couple weeks before I knew anything about the 'glitches' my Elite was getting repaired and I was using my bros launch console (20gig) and I was having heaps of trouble with that. I put my 120gig HDD on his console and the game just would not load any save.

Because that wasny my console it meant it wouldnt read the game off the HDD (I installed it), so the only variable I can see here is that it might be more prone to the glitch if you dont install the game to the HDD.

(also I guess the fact that it was a launch Premium compared to an Elite could also be seen as a variable).

Anyone know if the theory that installing the game to the hdd has been debunked or proven correct?


So I just started playing the game (fun so far), just curious though, what's the deal with the save file issue? Is the best way to avoid it just create a new save file every time I save?


Ok,i'm at 54% in the game and was wondering if I would ever see a Hand Glider then I saw one yesterday,used it and crashed in like 5 seconds :lol ...how do you control that thing...loving this game by the way,after a slow start it really kicks in about 3 hours or so in,and it looks great(360).


Geoff9920 said:
So I just started playing the game (fun so far), just curious though, what's the deal with the save file issue? Is the best way to avoid it just create a new save file every time I save?

Din't see any game file save issues and i save a lot,new slots also...i have about 10 save files... only issue I had so far was a "destroy the convoy" type mission where the target just dissapeared and I'm pretty sure I never hit the truck and didn't notice if it said completed.


Ricker said:
Din't see any game file save issues and i save a lot,new slots also...i have about 10 save files... only issue I had so far was a "destroy the convoy" type mission where the target just dissapeared and I'm pretty sure I never hit the truck and didn't notice if it said completed.
Well, I heard it occurs when you get the game completion percentage to about 60 - 70%. Nice to see you haven't had too many problems though.


Geoff9920 said:
So I just started playing the game (fun so far), just curious though, what's the deal with the save file issue? Is the best way to avoid it just create a new save file every time I save?

There's no known way to avoid. Ubi is working on a patch but it's been what, three or four fucking months, and still no patch in sight. In mid-January, a dev posted on the official forums claiming that they've managed to replicate the problem on the PC and are trying to do the same for the 360 version. Once they replicate the problem then will they be able to start work on a solution. God knows how long it's going to take. I've stopped playing since November for fear of triggering the bug and will only resume my game once it has been resolved.


I've been playing this all day yesterday. I can really see why people would have a problem with the game, but it's usually that they have an issue with open-ended games rather than the actual game itself. The only things I dislike about the game so far is that there should be just a bit more to do in the gameworld, maybe more interaction. Most missions I've done were all the same and one sidemission was exactly the same as a main mission I did a few hours before! That kinda stuff is unforgivable.

I also miss a melee function. The machete is cool, but it's no substitute for whacking a guy with your rifle. The world feels a bit too empty as well. I see animals every now and again, but they should be more prevalent. I've never seen anything in the water for example.

Maybe the malaria is gonna be a problem with the game as I really don't see how it fits into the game from a gameplay standpoint, but maybe they'll give a good reason sometime. I'll probably curse it to hell and back if I run out of malaria pills during a mission, but so far the game gives you ample time to deal with the problem.

But when all is said and done, I love the game, it's just my type of thing: being able to wander freely in a huge world at your own leisure looking for diamonds (my favorite part of the game). Usually it's rpg's that do this, but I've realised that the genre just doesn't matter, as long as the gameworld is done well.


ElyrionX said:
There's no known way to avoid. Ubi is working on a patch but it's been what, three or four fucking months, and still no patch in sight. In mid-January, a dev posted on the official forums claiming that they've managed to replicate the problem on the PC and are trying to do the same for the 360 version. Once they replicate the problem then will they be able to start work on a solution. God knows how long it's going to take. I've stopped playing since November for fear of triggering the bug and will only resume my game once it has been resolved.
That sucks, hopefully it comes sooner than later. I guess they were more concerned about getting the DLC out. Ah well, I'm only 4% done with the game, so maybe they'll have a solution by the time I get to ~60%. In the mean time I'll just create a new save every time so I'll have a history to go back to. Thanks.


firehawk12 said:
This is a known issue? And Ubi isn't bothering to fix it?

It's VERY well known and the official forums are filled to the brim with people complaining. UbiSoft kept quiet until they couldn't anymore and finally said that they were "working on it", but that there won't be a fix in the upcoming patch in March.

edit: Seems like ElyrionX already adressed this :p


Kyleripman said:
Was thinking about picking this up but the save glitch sounds alarming..is it present on both PS3 and 360?

All versions of the game are affected, as far as I know.

If it wasn't for the bug, I would really recommend you to pick it up. It's a great game. Too bad Ubi is so damn fucking lazy about fixing their stuff. They even have the nerve to release DLC two months ago before any word of a patch fixing the problem is out.

Save your money. Don't buy Ubi's shitty product until they fix it.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I avoided the save glitch by just rotating 2-3 save files as I progressed. If one gets affected(which didn't happen for me until I hit the 70%-ish mark) then I just backpeddle to a previous save. On 360 I found it was rare to go long stretches without the opportunity to save.


Ricker said:
Ok,i'm at 54% in the game and was wondering if I would ever see a Hand Glider then I saw one yesterday,used it and crashed in like 5 seconds :lol ...how do you control that thing...loving this game by the way,after a slow start it really kicks in about 3 hours or so in,and it looks great(360).

You either push up or down on the left stick depending on your control profile. Right stick steers.

Whenever you see on its usually to allow you access to an otherwise out of reach diamond. So keep an eye out for nearby diamonds and try to find on that you cant reach then locate the glider nearby.
A lot of questions have been raised on the forums about a hardcore mode feature. Today we are happy to confirm that you will be able to enjoy this new mode on all platforms with our next wave of patches.

The hardcore mode has been designed as an answer to a community request. When designing the multiplayer game our team wanted to provide a balanced experience for most gamers. However some players were seeking and expecting a more realistic experience.

The addition of a “hardcore” setting, available in every game mode, will have many consequences:
A new damage model will be applied with increased damage for all weapons.

All weapons have been rebalanced on normal mode, and on hardcore mode.

Enemy names will disappear after the spawning invincibility period is over (A shield is displayed above a player’s head for a few second to show that he is invincible).

A new option will allow you to tweak spawning time (but not spawning rate).

A new search option will be available in multiplayer to allow you to find games that are playing on hardcore mode.

We hope that you will like the changes our team has implemented to let you enjoy the game, and play it the way you want.

Thanks for your contributions!



Okay I'm really starting to hate the game. What started out as minor annoyances is now just getting on my nerves. Why do the enemies respawn within 1 minute after leaving a checkpoint. Why is Africa so damn empty and soulless? When I go into the deep of the jungle I want to be bitten by snakes, attacked by lions or whatever. There is nothing in this world. All you see is one zebra in an hour and that runs head-on into your car as you're trying to avoid it.

Then the missions...dear god the mssions. Did they even spend more than an hour to design these? It's always the same! Get a mission, travel for 5 minutes across the map (the busstations are amlost always just as far away) kill a bunch of dudes and travel all the way back again. If it's a particularly terrible mission, you'll have to travel 5 minutes, get a new objective, travel another 5 minutes and after you make that objective, go back to finish the original mission, which means travelling all over the map again. Every mission I have done so far (I did everything on the first map) is like this and it sucks.

I hate it when I'm minding my own business and you run into an an enemy vehicle (which is all the damn time). You can't shoot out of your vehicle, so you have to stop and get out, shoot the dudes and get back in, only to usually encounter another car around the corner.

That really is the big problem with the game: there is absolutely no variation to it all. It's such a shame too. They made such a wonderful environment to play in and it's riddled with the most brain-dead missions ever. I really think they wanted to make a better game than they have, but ran out of time. All they properly finished is the environment and then chucked in some insipid missions to top it off.

Now you'd think I fucking loathe the game, but I really don't. They really nailed the gameworld and it's great fun to walk around in. The shooting works pretty well as well, so it's fun to play, it's just the lack of variation that really hurts the game.


A lot of questions have been raised on the forums about a hardcore mode feature?

How about a fucking unplayable single player mode due to a bug that deletes all your saved games?

Bunch of wankers.


eXistor said:
Okay I'm really starting to hate the game. What started out as minor annoyances is now just getting on my nerves. Why do the enemies respawn within 1 minute after leaving a checkpoint. Why is Africa so damn empty and soulless? When I go into the deep of the jungle I want to be bitten by snakes, attacked by lions or whatever. There is nothing in this world. All you see is one zebra in an hour and that runs head-on into your car as you're trying to avoid it.

Then the missions...dear god the mssions. Did they even spend more than an hour to design these? It's always the same! Get a mission, travel for 5 minutes across the map (the busstations are amlost always just as far away) kill a bunch of dudes and travel all the way back again. If it's a particularly terrible mission, you'll have to travel 5 minutes, get a new objective, travel another 5 minutes and after you make that objective, go back to finish the original mission, which means travelling all over the map again. Every mission I have done so far (I did everything on the first map) is like this and it sucks.

I hate it when I'm minding my own business and you run into an an enemy vehicle (which is all the damn time). You can't shoot out of your vehicle, so you have to stop and get out, shoot the dudes and get back in, only to usually encounter another car around the corner.

That really is the big problem with the game: there is absolutely no variation to it all. It's such a shame too. They made such a wonderful environment to play in and it's riddled with the most brain-dead missions ever. I really think they wanted to make a better game than they have, but ran out of time. All they properly finished is the environment and then chucked in some insipid missions to top it off.

Now you'd think I fucking loathe the game, but I really don't. They really nailed the gameworld and it's great fun to walk around in. The shooting works pretty well as well, so it's fun to play, it's just the lack of variation that really hurts the game.

Yep...that's about the only thing that botheres me also,the respawns and those damn vehicules on the road...once in a while would be ok but there's just too many...they should of maybe toned or completly remove the vehicule patrols while you do certain kinds of Missions at least.I was doing a Messenger mission yesterday,and of course it was very far and there was no actual bus route that would of really sped this up...the constant vehicules on the way doing that mission was really annoying...I get so annoyed sometimes I just rocket launch their asses but of course that destroys my car also :lol
eXistor said:
I hate it when I'm minding my own business and you run into an an enemy vehicle (which is all the damn time). You can't shoot out of your vehicle, so you have to stop and get out, shoot the dudes and get back in, only to usually encounter another car around the corner.

nevermind. I just realized partially the answer in certain cases.


Ok so does anyone know how to get this particular diamond:

Its on the north map in the camp call PetroSahel. The diamond is on a train carriage roof on the railway tracks, but there is no way to get up there. I tried driving a truck up next to the carriage but its not high enough, and I also tried jumping from the nearby structure with a railing but to no avail (I kept landing on the ground and dying).

I have located a hang glider due south of the camp just near another diamond location, but the glider is pointing in the complete opposite direction. Initial attempts at flying the glider around to the tricky diamond have been unsuccessful.

Anyone have a clue?


voltron said:
Ok so does anyone know how to get this particular diamond:

Its on the north map in the camp call PetroSahel. The diamond is on a train carriage roof on the railway tracks, but there is no way to get up there. I tried driving a truck up next to the carriage but its not high enough, and I also tried jumping from the nearby structure with a railing but to no avail (I kept landing on the ground and dying).

I have located a hang glider due south of the camp just near another diamond location, but the glider is pointing in the complete opposite direction. Initial attempts at flying the glider around to the tricky diamond have been unsuccessful.

Anyone have a clue?

You had it right with your second approach, do a long jump off the railing and you'll make it. Do a long jump by sprinting then jump.


BigBoss said:
You had it right with your second approach, do a long jump off the railing and you'll make it. Do a long jump by sprinting then jump.


I tried that so many times but never made it :( Prolly wasnt sprinting I guess. I even thought about parking a car between the railing and the train carriage to break my fall.


voltron said:

I tried that so many times but never made it :( Prolly wasnt sprinting I guess. I even thought about parking a car between the railing and the train carriage to break my fall.

I just did that bit last night. I jumped on the railing nearest the NW corner of carriage. Not the railing on the little outcrop, just the circular railing running around the edge of the big tank tank. That's the closest point. I backed up slightly then walked forward and jumped to the very corner of the carriage, didn't have to run.

Getting on the railing on the little outcrop and sprinting along it then jumping is probably easiest, but I never thought of sprinting.
voltron said:

I tried that so many times but never made it :( Prolly wasnt sprinting I guess. I even thought about parking a car between the railing and the train carriage to break my fall.
Actually parking a large vehicle in the gap between the fuel silos and the train (to break your fall) is a good idea anyway. That way if you miss, you won't die. And if you're anything like me, you will miss a lot.


I've only played the game for maybe five or six hours or something. There's a few things that's been bothering me and I'm sure they've been mentioned before but what the hell.

For one the way missions are laid out can be pretty annoying (especially because of the respawns and constant ambushes). Accepting a mission just to find out it's on the other side of the map time and time again is pretty annoying, a few more bus stops would have helped (maybe the ability to instant travel to the existing bus stops).

The ambushes don't really bother me by themselves, but together with the 2,7 second respawn rate they are somewhat grating. Why the hell a patch "fixing" this issue haven't been released is beyond me (how much work could something like that be, like ten minutes including testing?), especially since everyone except a few masochist seems to agree.

It's pretty devoid of life, so far I've seen a few herds of Buffalo or something and one (yes one) Zebra... not very impressive, although I'm not very surprised after seeing their suicidal tendencies. A wasted opportunity in my book. I want to be mauled by Lions Ubisoft.
In this month's Gameinformer they did a postmortem with the producer and he expresses his dissapointment that carnivores didn't make it into the game (he said they had an Alligator protoype thing). Basically it started to turn into a STALKER scenario with wildlife simulation and such, where it came down to getting the core basics right instead of pie in the sky stuff ...because we know how well that turned out for STALKER's dev cycle...

I support Ubisoft for sticking to their guns and making what matters count the most
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