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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


I'm not gonna lie, the Rock is what drew me back into wrestling 2 years ago. I watched the Raw when it was announced he was coming back and I've been watching since. The WWE won.

Now I watch the product for other wrestlers like Big Show, Bo Dallas, Yoshi Tatsu, Primetime Players and Brodus CLay.

I think folks here were happy having the Rock back before Wrestlemnia 27. Once he hosted I think reactions went downhill here.

"Why did Rock have to hog so much time when D. Bry and Sheamus could have a match!" etc. Overall, Just been a little disappointed in the wrestling output, but I'm ok with his promos.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
When was the last time we had a 2/3 falls match that had someone winning the first 2?


Quick question, did something happen to Darren Young that I'm not aware of? Titus O'Neal has been coming out by himself for the last 2 weeks.
Darren Young has legally changed his name to John Cena and is being repackaged as a Cena doppelganger that Cena can be tag champs with and eventually feud with.

The Cena clone will also fulfill John's house show obligations so he can spend more time fulfilling Make-A-Wish foundation visits and ignoring Nikki Bella.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
To me The Rock himself has just been a great platform to make Punk look really good. Even if he lost his championship, he shined the whole way through.

The rock has always been great at making his opponents look good.
Darren Young has legally changed his name to John Cena and is being repackaged as a Cena doppelganger that Cena can be tag champs with and eventually feud with.

The Cena clone will also fulfill John's house show obligations so he can spend more time fulfilling Make-A-Wish foundation visits and ignoring Nikki Bella.

But who's the original Cena now?! :O


Sunday night, but they still gave the title to the guy who got the third one.




WCW Thunder 11/22/2000

If you notice these are getting shorter, it's because these shows are really boring and I'm really struggling to finish this thing off. It's super hard to pay attention to anything going on during the shows.

Jindrak/O'Haire vs Meng

Sanders came out with them with an ice pack for his neck. This was supposed to be Meng/Kwee Wee teaming, but Kwee Wee was out from Goldberg. Stevie said Meng speaks "Tunganese". Sanders also said "Kiwi" the entire time during the promo. Meng puts both of them in the Death grip as Sanders calls for the Thrillers. The rest of them come out and beat on Meng. This brings Kevin Nash and DDP out to make the save. For Meng? Lol. DDP challenges Sanders, but gets Stasiak instead in a lumberjack match.


TO THE BACK. Steiner arrives with his pipe.

TO PRESIDENT TUNNEY'S OFFICE. Ric Flair makes an announcement that Steiner and Booker are to have no contact until Mayhem.


I've made a huge mistake....

Yang vs Shannon Moore vs Evan Karagias

I guess Kaz didn't make it to the tapings. Stevie calls Yang "Kwang" more than once.


He then calls him "Krang" and Tony brings up TMNT. Wat. Awesome.


Evan has a better Thesz Press than Randy Orton. Attempted YAK ATTACK on the floor, but Jamie is having none of it. Yang pins Shannon for the win.

TO THE BACK. Alex Wright tries to pay off Kronik for his match tonight. He only has half of what they ask for.

Stevie Ray interviewed Steiner from behind plexiglass. Stevie was corpsing the entire time. Booker attacked Scott while Stevie called the action. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a scuffle."


Filthy Animals vs Bryan Clark

I think Rey called the BK "ass munchers". Kidman wants to know how Disco hurt his back when he's always on his knees. The Filthy Animals might be the most homophobic group of all time. Stasiak was right when he said Konnan had a homo problem. Alex only had half the money Kronik wanted, so they only got Kro. "Stuff is stuff. Man stuff, YAK stuff. Stuff is stuff!" "Stuff that commentary, please." "Why do you call Rey Mysterio a puppy?" Lol. Stevie Ray is the best. Wrath pins Kidman with the Meltdown. Alex probably should have been the tag partner so he could recoup some money.

. Steiner throws Mike Sanders' phone and wants an opponent tonight. Gene is with Bam Bam and Reno. They have Awesome and Crowbar tonight. DDP and Nash talk about the Thrillers. Vito is on the phone with someone when Sanders works him into facing Steiner tonight. Booker arrives 40 minutes into the show. Gene is with the Thrillers.

Booker comes to the ring. He loves his fans. He's not proud of laying Gunns out with the Book End and he apologizes for it. Stevie was proud that Booker put that YAK out. He also apologizes for hitting Sting, but there is no more kiss ass Booker T. Shit's about to get REAL up in this bitch. He offers Goldberg a fight anywhere and if Goldberg wins, he can have the championship. Goldberg comes out. Fans are definitely more into Goldberg. It's really weird. Fans went HAM for Book winning the first time, but by the second time, they didn't care and regularly cheered more for his opponents. It got worse after the third title win. Probably because they put him up against Steiner/Nash/Goldberg/Sting over and over. They shake hands.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Cat and Buff.

Shane Douglas/Jeff Jarrett vs Cat/Buff Bagwell

This is concentrated WCW corniness and X-Pac heat. Shane Douglas of 1997 and Jeff Jarrett of 2000 or 2004ish would be the most over booked team in history. Shane hits Buff with a chain and Jeff makes the pin.

. Gene is with Awesome and Crowbar.

Scott Steiner vs Big Vito

Goldberg will be on Regis this week! Steiner tries to fight with Stevie over setting him up during the interview segment. Steiner basically dominated. Vito made a big come back, hit all his moves, but Scott hit a super t-bone and locked on the recliner for the win.


Bam Bam Big Yellow/Reno vs Two Wild and Crazy Guys

Hardcore tag match. Awesome crashes and burns on a tope. Fuck.


Crowbar then does an Asai moonsault and unintentionally missed everyone. He just landed right in the space between everyone. Stevie says the flattened trash can is like a propeller. This is a god damn mess. No one is on the same page. Awesome clearly hurt his shoulder/neck at the start of the match, Bam Bam won't sell or cooperate with anything Crowbar is doing, Reno can't do anything with Awesome because he's hurt. Bam Bam hit Crowbar with something that hit 3-4 KIDS in the front row.


Announcers when deathly silent for a few seconds. Except for Stevie, who marked out for it. Awesome Awesome Bombs Crowbar over the top on to Reno, who was on a table. Bam Bam then spears Awesome through a table. Reno somehow pinned Crowbar out of this.

DDP vs Shawn Stasiak Lumberjack Match

Sanders uses "youthness" as an adjective. Look at the adjective, "play". The lumberjacks all brawl and head to the back. Wait a minute, didn't they just do this in a lumberjack match a few shows ago? DDP is in really good shape, I guess. Now the only lumberjacks are Nash and the NBT. Stasiak is so weird. He's a big, good looking guy who can talk and is decent-to-good in the ring, yet he was so uninteresting. Kanyon Cutter! HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! BANG! Chuck hits DDP with a chair and Meat wins. Nash powerbombs Slick for making a terrible call. He did. He was looking RIGHT at the chair shot and didn't bat an eye.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That Bam Bam trash can gif :D too good

Also I love how big Meng's hair got. I really, really do.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wish Swagger's wrestling style was more Mike Awesome than Kurt Angle. Just make him big mother fucker that tosses dudes around and go back to the powerbomb.

I wish the WM match was Dolph vs Berto vs Thwagger


so why no powerbombs anymore? is it really that dangerous? the move, much like a suplex, used to be standard fair. man even seeing Jericho to a 10-count punch on Punk in the corner a couple weeks back, no one does that stuff anymore.
so why no powerbombs anymore? is it really that dangerous? the move, much like a suplex, used to be standard fair. man even seeing Jericho to a 10-count punch on Punk in the corner a couple weeks back, no one does that stuff anymore.

An yet they let Ryback do powerbombs...

Jamie OD

so why no powerbombs anymore? is it really that dangerous? the move, much like a suplex, used to be standard fair. man even seeing Jericho to a 10-count punch on Punk in the corner a couple weeks back, no one does that stuff anymore.

The was a period at the end of 2010 where Randy Orton Power Bombed people through tables as part of the build up to a Tables match with The Miz.

Typing that out, I honestly can't believe that was from over 2 years ago.


Who in the company could 1) use a powerbomb and then 2) be trusted to use said powerbomb safely?

It's a move for the largest competitors, so that eliminates a lot of the roster. Then you need someone relatively safe, thus byebye to a lot more guys.

Who's left? Big Show and Kane?
Who in the company could 1) use a powerbomb and then 2) be trusted to use said powerbomb safely?

It's a move for the largest competitors, so that eliminates a lot of the roster. Then you need someone relatively safe, thus byebye to a lot more guys.

Who's left? Big Show and Kane?

Swagger still does the Gutwrench

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
so why no powerbombs anymore? is it really that dangerous? the move, much like a suplex, used to be standard fair. man even seeing Jericho to a 10-count punch on Punk in the corner a couple weeks back, no one does that stuff anymore.

Retired like a jersey, awaiting Batista's comeback.



Er... The Shield's Triple Power Bomb doesn't count?

(I forgot about that myself somehow)
Yeah I don't count it at all.
Who in the company could 1) use a powerbomb and then 2) be trusted to use said powerbomb safely?

It's a move for the largest competitors, so that eliminates a lot of the roster. Then you need someone relatively safe, thus byebye to a lot more guys.

Who's left? Big Show and Kane?

Well Jericho does em. Smaller guys used them a lot, didn't have to be devastating necessarily.
I'll entertain this since I'm bored.

Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.

Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!
Because he's The Rock. I am a Rock mark through and through, and he's the only reason I bothered to start watching again recently. I liked all his promos recently, and if he could somehow stay longer, then I would be even happier.

Punk hate aside, his title reign was boring. And that's when it wasn't being ruined with pointless angles like drunken families and AJ.


I haven't been following wrestling that closely for the last while. Is Jack Swagger actually challenging for the WHC at Wrestlemania? Has he gotten super over in the last 18 months or so?

The last time I saw him he was floundering in the mid card and acting as Swaggers strong man/rival.


Lol, mediate has picked up on the new Jack Swagger character with tweets from conservatives not happy with the angle.


edit: Funny they are mad when Vince is a Republican.



I haven't been following wrestling that closely for the last while. Is Jack Swagger actually challenging for the WHC at Wrestlemania? Has he gotten super over in the last 18 months or so?

The last time I saw him he was floundering in the mid card and acting as Swaggers strong man/rival.

He just returned literally 3-4 weeks ago


But..doesn't the tea party believe that shit Zeb is talking about?

Hey Shark, if you're looking to get serious into the wrassleworld I got a pal out in Dallas that can offer some help and guidance, and he's a really neat dude and has been a good friend of mine for about ten years. Just let me know.

Just saw your tweets and this post, thanks for the help. I've been thinking about moving south for a while and Texas has been a pretty big target on the map. Might have to start planning out that move real soon.
Has he gotten super over in the last 18 months or so?

Don't be silly! This is the WWE we're talking about, such things do not matter.

You can be pushed to the stars randomly despite not one care being given as long as thats what Vince wants.

Surrounded by talent much more deserving? Established guys who weren't just a no one cares jobber before leaving for a do-nothing 6 months off screen? YOU'RE GOING FOR THE WHC AT WM BABY!

Shit they might as well have put Fandango in there against him. Would have made about as much sense.

Even if Dolph cashes in after Bert wins at WM and saves the whole thing (PLEASE!), its still something that could have been pulled off by someone that made a bit more sense.


Talent wasn't being put over before he came back. Why is it all of a sudden an issue?
because he's capable of doing it and could help 2-3 wrestlers?

The only other person "good" enough to put over talent is Cena but Vince has him doing the opposite. WWE is in serious need of big names. It's why people like Swagger and Ryback get a random push and they hope it works. If not pretend like they don't exist and it's back to Cena 25/8.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think my favorite ending to Dolph's cash in would be him waiting until right before MitB this year and someone pointing out to him that the contract has a one year expiration clause so he has to run around trying to catch the WHC in a bad way for a few weeks.


I'm not gonna lie, the Rock is what drew me back into wrestling 2 years ago. I watched the Raw when it was announced he was coming back and I've been watching since. The WWE won.

I came back for the Rock, too. After that Mania with the Miz, watched off and on for a bit, and then caught Punk's promo. That's what finally hooked me.

Rock was my favorite wrestler of all time.

Too bad he sucks now.


Man, WWE will get some super bad publicity when they get a crowd that is 100% behind all the crazy shit Zeb and Swagger say. Not just a smattering or even half an audience, but theyw ill hit a town where Swagger will be the most over face in the building and WWE will have to answer as to why they have this character, and why their audience would cheer such a character.
Man, WWE will get some super bad publicity when they get a crowd that is 100% behind all the crazy shit Zeb and Swagger say. Not just a smattering or even half an audience, but theyw ill hit a town where Swagger will be the most over face in the building and WWE will have to answer as to why they have this character, and why their audience would cheer such a character.

Oklahoma City next week. I'm already dreading it.
Man, WWE will get some super bad publicity when they get a crowd that is 100% behind all the crazy shit Zeb and Swagger say. Not just a smattering or even half an audience, but theyw ill hit a town where Swagger will be the most over face in the building and WWE will have to answer as to why they have this character, and why their audience would cheer such a character.

I hope Vince would just say "It's entertainment" and then walk away.


No One Remembers
Man, WWE will get some super bad publicity when they get a crowd that is 100% behind all the crazy shit Zeb and Swagger say. Not just a smattering or even half an audience, but theyw ill hit a town where Swagger will be the most over face in the building and WWE will have to answer as to why they have this character, and why their audience would cheer such a character.

Oklahoma City next week. I'm already dreading it.

I hope Vince would just say "It's entertainment" and then walk away.

I don't see why the WWE should care. Like Mango said, "It's entertainment". A lot of shows have those... crazy characters. The WWE still (somehow) this perceived notion that it's real, but people just have to realize that this person is there to get heat, and you know, just like any sort of entertainment, they're going to have a different reaction based on where they are.

I'm not into politics at all, much less American politics, but I really like what they're doing with Swagger. It's something new and edgy that hasn't really been done in awhile.

And let's face it - WWE are smiling right now because we're talking about it.

I'll compare this with the "Pipe bomb"/"Summer of Punk" - it had people outside the WWE talking about it, fans and non-fans alike. It blurred that line between reality and make-believe. This is doing just that except from a much different and volatile angle.
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