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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

I just find it hilarious that Fox News is mad because Vince, a Republican, didn't make a character mocking democrats. Not that they're mocking the tea party, but that they're mocking EVERYONE ELSE.

Jesus, Fox, you really need to stop.
The only problem i see with the Zeb stuff is that Swagger isn't the one getting over its Zeb. Too bad he's too out of shape to wrestle he could probably wrestle better than Swagger too. Swagger is still doing that weird im angry yelling thing during his matches too which comes out wrong from Swagger it just looks comedic not intimidating.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
The only problem i see with the Zeb stuff is that Swagger isn't the one getting over its Zeb. Too bad he's too out of shape to wrestle he could probably wrestle better than Swagger too. Swagger is still doing that weird im angry yelling thing during his matches too which comes out wrong from Swagger it just looks comedic not intimidating.

Yeah, this whole deal is more about getting Del Rio over than it is about Swagger.
I just hope they don't kill off the gimmick early due to all the hate its getting.
What kills the belt design for me is the stupid diamonds....If they weren't there I might like it better.
I think the diamonds not part of the logo are fine. It's the ones on the logo that look ugly and that's mostly due to the logo itself. It just doesn't fit.


Smackdown spoiler and I bet now the British press will cover Swagger and Zeb now. lol

* Backstage segment with Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Wade Barrett. Zeb says Barrett is part of the problem. Zeb hopes Del Rio and Barrett kill each other.

I hope to God this is hinting at
getting into the WHC picture soon.

I also hope Zeb takes it a step further and starts attacking....the "black people" ala Kurt Angle.
Did anyone predict this WHC match a month ago? No. I love that. I know it started to make sense the last couple weeks but still with all the "we always know what's happening" it is a surprise. I like it.


I also hope Zeb takes it a step further and starts attacking....the "black people" ala Kurt Angle.
Between the Elimination Chamber results and RAW last night, I am paying attention to Swagger.

That is not something I've ever said since his introduction.

The only thing that's better than this gimmick is everyone who's upset about it. I hope it doesn't get Hassan'd.


This close to WM, WWE isn't getting rid of anything that could generate buzz/buys. The problem with Hassan was the poorly timed connection between the characters henchmen and a terrorist attack.
My only issue with the Swagger sling shot is what it will do for the character in the long term. It just seems so short term by immediately putting him in a feud with Del Rio and losing. I think it would've been better if he feuded with Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio, etc leading into Del Rio, who would've ended the Tea Party movement.

And we've said it a million times, but who is Cena going to feud with post Mania. Punk/Orton/HHH/Miz/Barett/Kane/Sheamus and a few others have been done before. Cesario would be new. There could be a rematch with Brock.


Smackdown is in Mississippi so at they can edit this lol:

3. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) beat Randy Orton. Swagger has gotten rid of all the red white and blue in his entrance. Zeb was getting cheered the whole match In the end, Zeb distracted Orton, who was punched by Swagger. Swagger rolled up Orton for the win.
My only issue with the Swagger sling shot is what it will do for the character in the long term. It just seems so short term by immediately putting him in a feud with Del Rio and losing. I think it would've been better if he feuded with Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio, etc leading into Del Rio, who would've ended the Tea Party movement.

And we've said it a million times, but who is Cena going to feud with post Mania. Punk/Orton/HHH/Miz/Barett/Kane/Sheamus and a few others have been done before. Cesario would be new. There could be a rematch with Brock.

Seeing as Cena probably won't lose a match for a year, I don't want him facing anyone. Just have him appear via satellite.
Smackdown is in Mississippi so at they can edit this lol:

3. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) beat Randy Orton. Swagger has gotten rid of all the red white and blue in his entrance. Zeb was getting cheered the whole match In the end, Zeb distracted Orton, who was punched by Swagger. Swagger rolled up Orton for the win.

Did anyone predict this WHC match a month ago? No. I love that. I know it started to make sense the last couple weeks but still with all the "we always know what's happening" it is a surprise. I like it.

Well the real prediction is still Del Rio vs ???? , Del Rio wins and Ziggler cashes in after. Swagger was probably just thrown in because Zeb gimmick turned out well. Pretty sure it was gonna be Henry vs Del Rio before. So Henry could destroy Del Rio for the cash in

You could tell by the participants in EC match

-Kane: Facing Bryan at Mania
-Daniel Bryan: Facing Kane at Mania
-Jericho: Main Event jobber
-Randy Orton: 2 drug violations thus he wont get pushed but sells merch so he wont be a super jobber

Possible winners
-Henry: Was getting heavily pushed going into EC
-Swagger: New gimmick but return smackdown and Raw was horrible before Zeb so not sure if he would have won


My only issue with the Swagger sling shot is what it will do for the character in the long term. It just seems so short term by immediately putting him in a feud with Del Rio and losing. I think it would've been better if he feuded with Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio, etc leading into Del Rio, who would've ended the Tea Party movement.
Just because Swags is being hot shotted into a world title program doesn't mean they can't continue to run with the gimmick long-term.

Plenty of foreign swine on the roster for him to feud with... Barrett, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Epico, Primo, Gabriel, McIntyre, The Great Khali, Yoshi Tatsu, all of the Canadians, born-in-America turncoats like Jericho, Hunico, Mysterio & Tensai.


Just because Swags is being hot shotted into a world title program doesn't mean they can't continue to run with the gimmick long-term. Plenty of foreign swine on the roster for him to feud with... Barrett, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Epico, Primo, Gabriel, all of the Canadians, born-in-America turncoats like Jericho, Hunico, Mysterio & Tensai.

Then it'll end with Duggan pinning him clean


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Jinder Mahal & Santino Marella should form a pro-Canadian tag team some time to mess with people.

It should be a big list of wrestlers not billed from America but places you can't find on google maps:

Deadman Undertaker (Death Valley)
Kane (Death Valley)
Ultimate Warrior (Parts Unknown)
Mankind (Boiler Room)
Danny Spivey (He's from wherever he darn well pleases)

Death Valley is a real place but they never indicate if it's the same place


Man, this angle is getting more media attention then the Rock right now. Vince has done it again!

It's going to be hilarious when this becomes a controversial news story for a grossly inaccurate and politically incendiary portrayal of the Tea Party based on Zeb Coulter just perusing the comments section over at the WSJ.com and reading some choice quotes verbatim.

It's going to be even funnier when people's heads start exploding about Vince having his wife run for Senate as a Republican.

Even CM Punk couldn't get attention from NBC.

Heel Beef is shootin on Punk again.
Love those Smackdown spoilers. And you have to admit, the Swagger reaction, whether negative or positive, is additional buzz for Wrestlemania. It just sucks it's not against Rey Mysterious, who I think would probably do a better job of putting Swagger over versus the Hogan/Cena/Sheamus/Del Rio ass hole face.

And Bryan Alvarez is a better interview than Dave "I Don't Know" Meltzer, who is already negative on the Swagger character.

New belt sucks.


You guys are crazy.

Swagger main event?

That would deprive us of Cena winning the title and getting booed out of the building as the show goes off the air. A Wrestlemania moment greater than bloody Austin getting the sharp shooter. Greater than Hogan body slamming Andre!


Junior Member
Smackdown is in Mississippi so at they can edit this lol:

3. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) beat Randy Orton. Swagger has gotten rid of all the red white and blue in his entrance. Zeb was getting cheered the whole match In the end, Zeb distracted Orton, who was punched by Swagger. Swagger rolled up Orton for the win.

Wow they are not even going to protect
. Holy shit!!!!! Also is Dutch Mantell a known racist? Listening to MLW radio right now, that is why I ask.


I actually kind of like the new belt. From farther away, it looks legitimate. The logo's overdone, but the color scheme isn't garish and most importantly--it's much easier to believe that thing isn't a toy. +100000 points right there.

All they need to do is bring the IC and maybe tag titles into line with the new shape. WHC can stay as it is because it's still the best belt.

As for Zeb, I'm eager to see if Vince's political savvy can finagle some extra buys from all of this controversy. This could just be his big ploy to tap the Mexican market it seems like he's spent his whole career ignoring. Wonder if Car Stereo are due for a match in WM. I can see a 4 way TLC with Rhodes Scholar, Car Stereo, Team Racist Caricature and PTP. Give a third of the card something to do, a novelty for this Mania so far which has four full-timers scheduled thusfar. Six if Hell No's Breakup Letter On A Pole counts.
You guys are crazy.

Swagger main event?

That would deprive us of Cena winning the title and getting booed out of the building as the show goes off the air. A Wrestlemania moment greater than bloody Austin getting the sharp shooter. Greater than Hogan body slamming Andre!

The only thing better than Cena getting booed out of the building is complete and utter silence if he gets the pin.


The only thing better than Cena getting booed out of the building is complete and utter silence if he gets the pin.

The Divas treatment? Ouch. I think if this were to happen, Cole and King would go insane as their desire to build St. John up as the WWE paragon fought against their base commentator impulses to talk about bullshit/imply AJ is a whore/laugh at stupid jokes whenever they sense dead air. WM would end with a finally unsmirking Cena casting bewildered glances at the crowd against a soundtrack of unedited, gibbering lunacy.


The only thing better than Cena getting booed out of the building is complete and utter silence if he gets the pin.
I'd rather everyone in the stands just clear out before Dwayne's and Cena's ring entrances. Get a jump start on that go-home traffic. You already know what the end result is going to be anyhow. It would be the wrestling equivalent of clearing out in the 9th inning when the home team is down by 8 runs and facing the other team's ace closer.
The problem with Swagger is that he can't carry this character by himself, and the gimmick just won't last for very long. What happens after he loses at WM?

It will also be hard for Vince to make a racist character the title holder.

It's a big waste of a main event spot.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Zeb isn't getting Zeb over. He's getting Swagger over because he is a part of Swagger. It's old school pre-Sunny management. Being associated with him makes people hate Swagger more.

It's not as if Zeb comes out solo. Swagger's ALWAYS with him.


With the way Beef is I'm surprised he's not a huge huge Cena fan.

He has to be. Rock and Cena are the same character, both look juiced up and takes 30 minutes for shitty story time.

You can't defend one piece of shit and not the other. Only difference between them is skin color
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