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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


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Does anyone have any info or has seen any Nu Wrestling Evolution in Italy around 2004, 2005? Apparently the wrestling scene in Italy was white hot, curious if anyone ever looked into this.

Jamie OD

Does anyone have any info or has seen any Nu Wrestling Evolution in Italy around 2004, 2005? Apparently the wrestling scene in Italy was white hot, curious if anyone ever looked into this.

All I remember is Rikishi was involved with it and I think Ultimate Warrior had his last match there against Orlando Jordan.


So not worth it
WWE superstar Chris Jericho appeared on Konnan’s MLW Radio show this week and had this to say about Triple H gaining power backstage in WWE:

“It’s a changing of the guard. We’re in a transitional period right now between bosses. Vince is handing the reigns over to Triple H and Triple H has a lot of responsibilities and a lot of power now and it’s going to keep increasing because eventually Vince is going to give it up and stop. I don’t know if he’ll do it until he dies. I think over the next two or three years Triple H will be making most of the big decisions and Vince will be brought on as a consultant.

I know for this deal that I made to come back this time, I talked completely with Triple H. I didn’t talk with Vince at all and I’d always talked to Vince about any deal I ever had. Triple H is pretty much the boss, although Vince is always going to be the boss. But Triple H is in charge of more and more and more and developmental is a big part of that.

To be honest with you, he’s doing a great job. In the early 90s it’s no secret there was no love lost between he and I. We didn’t like each other, we didn’t get along. We had great matches, but there was always a personality issue. That stopped years and years ago and now I consider Triple H a pretty good friend. I’ll be completely flatly honest, I think he’s the right guy to take over the company. I think he’s prepared for it. He’s learning a lot about how to be the corporate guy. There’s so much more than just calling finishes and signing guys. He’s got to run the whole corporate side of it. Go to all the meetings, do all that stuff. I think it’s in very good hands if Vince ever retires or passes away.”

Didn't realise he was already this much in control of the company.
Could've sworn they did one in one of the HHH/Taker matches at Mania.

There have been Tombstone piledrivers in all of the past 4 Taker matches (as the finish for the second match vs both HHH and Michaels). I believe Shawn did one in his second match against the Undertaker and I think Lawler may have done one in his match against The Miz prior to Mania 27.


Of course, this is how they set up Punk/Taker.
Next week Punk comes out ranting about his loss in typical heel fashion but soon moves onto Vince McMahon complaining about his piledriver, then he goes off on one of those small fourth wall breaking promos about the situation and sells the brutality of the piledriver, after all this he says that until he gets in the WM main event he will piledrive a wrestler and potentially end their career each and every week.
So for the next few weeks jobbers like Alex Riley and Yoshi Tatsu fall victim to the Punkdriver, JR is back on commentary just to sell the sheer brutality of the piledriver. With 2-3 weeks left until WM Punk claims that he has the most fatal piledriver of all time and no one, not even Vince McMahon can stop him.
The fans shit themselves with hype and the Underbaker comes out and details the superiority of the tombstone piledriver, and thus the match is set, Punkdriver versus the Tombstone at Wrestlemania.

And because Harry demanded it, Piledriver on a pole match.



I don't think i've ever seen so many questions of confusion in one paragraph, I think I counted 25 altogether.
I think that says it all about WCW 2001.

Strangely, reading about bad wrestling tv shows with long intervals between commercial breaks and moon sized plot holes, is oddly fascinating.The fact that they happened well over a decade ago only adds to the intrigue.
Think I'll go fix myself a turkey/bacon/swiss sandwich.I liked those back then too.

It makes no god damn sense at all. The best part is that the heel turn and formation of the group was an off camera thing. It wasn't shown on the PPV and I'm not sure it was shown to the live crowd at all. It was shown on Nitro as an "after the PPV" kind of thing. Then they start the show off with an agonizing half hour promo segment that stopped being good about 10-12 minutes in. Then it finally ends and cuts to commercially only to come back to more of these guys in the back. I didn't think WCW 2001 would break me so quickly. This was worst than anything I saw in 2000.


So not worth it


P dub says:

Undertaker vs. CM Punk was confirmed for Wrestlemania about a week ago and WWE Creative is now scrambling to fast-track the match's storyline. They started phase one with Punk's promo on Monday referring to himself as an "icon" above Superstars and God.

One concern within some facets of creative is that with Punk having lost two PPVs in a row and again to Cena, that a loss to Undertaker at Wrestlemania could really damage one of the two names who show they can draw on the road currently, the other being John Cena.

Well Punk losing for the 4th time would pretty much kill him. Why would they do this?


P dub says:

Well Punk losing for the 4th time would pretty much kill him. Why would they do this?
I feel like these kinds of situations add to the drama of the actual match. This isn't the best example, but think about all the discussion that happened in this thread about HHH's huge ego and how he'd have no problem putting himself over Taker. It made you think that it might not just be Taker taking the beating of his life and still winning which made the match better.

That said, I don't think anyone believes that they would have Punk go over Taker so it's kind of a moot point.


P dub says:

Well Punk losing for the 4th time would pretty much kill him. Why would they do this?

Yeah, it speaks to one of the other things I wondered... how does this match comes about.. like what's Undertaker's angle.

If Punk started talking up his title reign as the most impressive streak in WWE history.. I think that would have made a bit more sense.


P dub says:

Well Punk losing for the 4th time would pretty much kill him. Why would they do this?
instead of scrambling for a finish they could have teased a Taker return with lights going off and music which leads to an AA since Punk was distracted.

and for Cenation they could have had a pause between lights going off and music and played it off as Shield continuing to solve their John Cena problem

but nope, golden boy has to win clean with a cenacarrana leaving no logical way to continue that feud and having to force Taker v Punk


So not worth it
I can't believe. No, I refuse to believe anyone watched monday's match and saw Punk getting squashed or even remotely looking weak in his loss against Cena.

Also, I refuse to believe that the same people complaining about fuck finishes and overbooked endings are now complaining about a clean match.

I refuse to. Punk looks stronger than ever and the match on monday was perfect for both men going into WM.

Punk is in the ring talking about how he pulled a pildriver a forbidden move to try and beat Cena.


thats not a piledriver let me show you how its done


I know what Punk will say now.

He'll come out and say his streak was a real streak and that wrestling one night a year at Mania is easy. Taker has it easy.

Punk wrestles physically demanding matches week in, week out, so much that his one year, equals 20 years of Taker's Wrestlemania streak.


So not worth it
I wonder if King will make the same shitty jokes he makes about Heyman and Vickie about Fat Taker too. It's only fair.


Punk's gimmick involves a deconstruction of the fourth wall and faux-shoot promos.

Are we certain he won't call the Undertaker Mark at some point and get him legit shook?
But still. Do any of you even want to see Punk vs Taker? I don't tbh.

There's no one else I'd rather have him wrestle that's free.

I think Punk Vs. Rock Vs. Cena would probably be a better match and would save that main event from being shit though.
Punk's gimmick involves a deconstruction of the fourth wall and faux-shoot promos.

Are we certain he won't call the Undertaker Mark at some point and get him legit shook?




I don't think i've ever seen so many questions of confusion in one paragraph, I think I counted 25 altogether.
I think that says it all about WCW 2001.

I recall that show being really awful and then they turned the corner after that the Cruiserweight Tag Team title stuff being quality. We watched Nitro in that era because we didn't get TNN/Spike in the dorms at the time.

Also, if Heyman could have held out financially for another year or so with ECW they would have basically gotten a huge crop of talent (basically the original class of ROH guys) after WCW folded.


I think Punk's "shoot" gimmick would be cringe worthy television against the Undertaker. Think "lulz you don't even own cars" but x100.

EDIT: Phil Brooks talking to Mark Calloway.
they should bring MITB back to wrestlemania and replace the MITB ppv with KOTR!

Dear god, yes. Tournaments are awesome. KOTR is awesome. No idea what WWE were thinking getting rid of it in the first place.

I'd be entirely fine with the death of all gimmick PPVs. They're dumb. Leave the gimmicks for feud ending matches, regardless of which show they're on.
"MArk you think you are the only one that can turn out the lights. everyone is doing it these days. Hey jim turn them out will ya"

*lights go out, Shield Enter ring and Helicarrer taker*


Okay all these "Vince is furious over the piledriver" news stories are total BS right? Are all these dirt sheets just assuming "the piledriver was banned therefore Vince must have been furious" and making shit up? I find it hard to believe the spot wasn't planned and Vince wasn't fully aware of it.


It wouldn't even be the first time Taker was referred to as Mark on screen. It happened during Ministry Taker days when the story was that Mark got too into his gimmick and didn't realize it was a work, so Vince was all like "Mark, dude, seriously, you aren't really the devil, this isn't real, chill out". Then again during the Invasion where Mrs. Taker always called him Mark on screen.


Okay all these "Vince is furious over the piledriver" news stories are total BS right? Are all these dirt sheets just assuming "the piledriver was banned therefore Vince must have been furious" and making shit up? I find it hard to believe the spot wasn't planned and Vince was fully aware of it.

P dub are reporting it too so it must be true.
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