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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle



:lol :lol
If AJ is too busy doing absolutely nothing along with Dolph then there is only one option for Kaitlyn at WM:




You do know you're in 2001 now, right? You've dated everything 2000.

Also, have fun with the next Nitro, because Jarrett has the actual Sid leg snap played about 30 times in a row.

Oops. Hadn't noticed. Will change. They reply the break 3 times zoomed in and in slow motion in the first minute of Nitro.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm pretty sure the next nitro is the last one I even bothered to watch before the very last month of shows. That Sid injury was disgusting.
I was so happy to see Fandango premiere tonight.
he didn't. He cut a promo and since Stryker couldn't say his name right he said he wouldn't wrestle. I feel so broken hearted. At least I think it was Stryker. I was mesmerized by Fandango

Did Stryker not repeat the Go Go Go enough times?


What the fuck is going here? Was that a plant? Goldberg almost killed him

Yes. Earlier in the show, that fan was a special guest and Goldberg signed some merch for him. During the match, Lex got physical with that fan. Goldberg went to check on him and the fan SWERVED him. That gif is real speed to. It was fucking crazy.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
If AJ is too busy doing absolutely nothing along with Dolph then there is only one option for Kaitlyn at WM:


Great rivalry, I remember that one time they executed a move.


And it was just electrifying, blew the pants right off half the stadium.
Fun time at Smackdown/Sat Morning slam/Main event

A few tidbits
1. They used seat fillers at an annoying rate. It was like the oscars. People would be gone for a minute and someone would be sent over to fill. Made a lot of awkward walk in/out of the aisles and people getting mad about people in their seats

2. A kid asked me if I was going to tout something when I was looking at my phone

3. Crowds are all dead these days but the E is not helping. As soon as someone stands to cheer they're on them to sit down even for promos. There is way too much security controlling the crowd to Tru to have fun if you're down low

4. Started a USA chant for Sandow vs Del Rio. It didn't catch on

5. Started a Switzerland chant for Miz v Cesaro but it didn't catch on. Hopefully they make it to broadcast as I'm loud and the crowd is dead.


It's really too bad Jack Swagger is the one with this gimmick. This gimmick plus a great talker could make for so much heat and media coverage. Unfortunately, Colter's carrying the whole thing, and it won't really go anywhere.

Good theme, in any case. I can hear the white-hot boos it's getting in a perfect world.

When I was watching Miz Tv with Colter speaking to Del Rio, I couldn't avoid to think, what'd happen if Swagger could cut a promo like Colter does... man, THAT would be AWESOME.
Unfortunately, that will never happen.


I was so happy to see Fandango premiere tonight.
he didn't. He cut a promo and since Stryker couldn't say his name right he said he wouldn't wrestle. I feel so broken hearted. At least I think it was Stryker. I was mesmerized by Fandango


wwe uploaded the whole CM Punk x Cena match. watching right now. better be good as you guys were saying.


ha! Cena did the 9 count, roll into the ring and collapse move again.


wwe uploaded the whole CM Punk x Cena match. watching right now. better be good as you guys were saying.


ha! Cena did the 9 count, roll into the ring and collapse move again.

It was even worse this time because he didn't even show any signs of life until 9.

I notice for the past year, Cena only wins matches if he's overcoming odds. When the odds are in his favor, he ends up losing. Rock, John Laurinaitis, Dolph, cashing in MITB against Punk. Yet he wins against Brock, wins MITB against a 5 other people, wins the Rumble, and beats Punk this week. I doubt creative realized that when booking his wins and losses though.


oh man. that hurricanrana was pretty bad. i would blame Cena being too big and Punk being too small, but if King can do it, so should Cena.

Jamie OD

I think Triple H vs Brock will be an Ultimate Fight match or something. Heard Cole mention Brock's "Ultimate Fighting Style" so maybe they'll use that for the match stipulations.

Make it Hell In A Cell, play up the fact that Lesnar could beat Taker in that match while Hunter couldn't.
I'm watching old late 1999 episodes of Raw. My god is Lilian terrible at announcing.

Yeah...she was a total mess when she started. She didn't even know what she was doing. Vince hired her to just sing the National Anthem before shows and just randomly decided to have her start ring announcing. I almost felt bad for her because she was clearly lost.
June Week 3 2001

WCW Saturday Night #3
8,146 @ Anaheim Convention Center

Dark Match: Jason Jett v Kwee Wee
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jason Jett defeated Kwee Wee in 8:20 by pinfall. (E+)

Dark Match: Cash v Johnny Swinger
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Johnny Swinger defeated Cash in 8:24 by pinfall with a Swing Thing. (E+)

Dark Match: Yun Yang v Fit Finlay
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Yun Yang defeated Fit Finlay in 9:58 by pinfall after Kimona Wanalaya interfered. (D)

Dark Match: Mike Awesome v Hugh Morrus
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Hugh Morrus in 12:45 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb. (C-)


Show Starts

- A new, but familiar, music plays. It's Kevin Nash... he's standing in the ring with a microphone. He explodes into a rant about Eric Bischoff. How he's still the same old Bischoff. Firing people over the phone. (C+)

- Bischoff appears at the top of the ramp with a security team. He tells everyone he fired Nash for the greater good of WCW. He promised no more egos, and this is what he meant. Bischoff says that people shouldn't believe Nash's lies, he's not a WCW worker, Bischoff never invited him and he shouldn't be allowed into the arenas anymore. This is the new WCW, the same mistakes won't be made again. (B-)

- The security team escort Nash out of the building. As Nash is forced past Bischoff, Nash shouts out 'You never invited me here, we'll see what the other guy says about this...' (B-)

Tag Match: Air Raid v Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Air Raid defeated Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo in 8:29 when Air Styles defeated Elix Skipper by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (E+)

- Buff Bagwell is in the ring as the show returns from adverts. He wants to fight Billy Kidman, he thinks the US Title is too big for Kidman. Kidman appears at the top of the ramp and says there's no chance Bagwell will just talk his way into a title shot. If he wants a fight, he has to prove himself; prove himself like all the other wrestlers are trying hard to do. (D)

- Kidman continues talking about the new work ethic in WCW, and how the 'smaller guys' have a chance now. Suddenly the colourful mask of Rey Misterio appears on the screen again, this time with music and a 'soon...' message. (C-)

- Cruiserweight Title Match: Shannon Moore v Kaz Hayashi v Jamie Knoble v Gregory Helms (c)
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi, Jamie Knoble and Shannon Moore in 7:32 when Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall with a Vertebreaker. Gregory Helms makes defence number 3 of his WCW Cruiserweight title.

- The show returns from a break and Lex Luger has a microphone. Oh no. He's calling out Scott Steiner, he's had enough of being slammed into the Steiner Recleiner whenever his back is turned. Rick Steiner appears instead and there's no chance anyone fights his brother without getting through Rick Steiner first. (C-)

- As Luger and Rick Steiner prepare to fight, Scott Steiner makes his way to the commentary team and starts to shout at Stevie Ray. Steiner takes Stevie Ray's place on the commentary team. (B-)

- Main Event: Rick Steiner v Lex Luger
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lex Luger defeated Rick Steiner in 11:56 by submission with a Torture Rack. (D+)

- As Luger locks on the Torture Rack, Scott Steiner has made his way from the commentary table. Steiner enters the ring and attacks Luger to save Rick Steiner. It's a brutal attack that ends with Luger locked into the Steiner Recliner. (C+)

- The crowd starts to buzz, as a light shines up above onto Sting who has been watching the action below the whole time! (B)

Show Ends (C-)
TV Rating: 0.27 (same as last week)

Popularity in 10 regions.
Mike Tenay and Stevie Ray have developed a great chemistry on the commentary team.
Starting to see the issue with the WCW roster. There's no one who's actually 'over'. The biggest names on the roster at the moment are Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg, and Goldberg is injured. The next teir of stars... Booker T, DDP, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious & Sting (all old guys!). After that it's slim pickings, with most of the roster being 'Regional Stars' or below. So I have to find a balance between pushing new stars, while making sure ratings are good on the TV show.
Think I might have had a 'good' show if the Main Event wasn't Rick Steiner v Lex Luger...

Bischoff again has mentioned a new WCW. He seems keen, but can he be trusted?
Nash mentioned 'the other guy'. Who is this other guy?
Sting was spotted again, back in his old haunt of the rafters, this time watching the Steiners and Luger.
Here's my recap of Anarchy Championship Wrestling's "An Absence of Law 2013" show, Sunday at the Mohawk in downtown Austin, TX.

Beautiful evening for a wrestling show. Weather was perfect.

Pre-show Card:

Johnny Axxle v. JC Bravo: Never seen Axxle before. Apparently he's worked ACW in the past. Not a great match, but JC Bravo was really trying to pull something out. Apparently, Bravo took a couple stitches to the head after this match. Bravo picks up the win and poses over the body of Axxle.

Machiko v. Athena (C) for the Anarchy Televised Title: Machiko's debut singles match at the Mohawk. How that translates into a shot at a title is baffling. She's green as hell, and this was a squash, more or less. Athena is awesome though, and managed to carry Machiko through a basic match with only one or two botches. Athena wins with a submission, and no harm done.

ACH v. Ricky Starks: Now this is more like it. ACW really needs to do more to feature their good talent in these pre-show matches, because they are the ones that end up on YouTube. Starks is a young guy with a really good look and a lot going for him. He was joined at ringside by Kyle Hawk (or "Tatanka Jr." as ACH was fond of calling him.) Hawk was pretty awesome with the fan interaction at ringside, while ACH and Starks tore it up and made a really fun match. ACH with some hard kicks and a Tiger driver at the end to seal the deal.

After the match, ACH cut a nice promo about is upcoming stint in ROH, and thanked the fans and put the young guys like Starks and Hawk over big-time. He won't always be at every ACW show in the future, but he'll still be around when he can be.

At some point in here Evan Gelistico got in the ring and cut a promo too to stall for time. The crowd is still pretty pissed that he's holding the belt, and Rachel Summerlyn is no longer in ACW, and he folded that into his heat pretty well.

Main Card:

Ricky Starks and Kyle Hawk v. Jack Jameson and Big Ricky Romida: Starks stayed at ringside after the ACH match, despite selling the damage ACH did to his head. Ref searched Kyle Hawk , and pulled out two tomahawks from his boots! Hawk was apologetic, and showed Jameson that one of the tomahawks was actually a peace pipe that he'd be happy to share after the match, and that seemed to smooth things over. Hawk is getting over with his crowd interaction and comedic timing. He's pretty badass in the ring as well. Jameson (a Lance Storm trainee) and Romida (a thick mountain of a man with a head like a cinder block) are lots of fun as well. Romida had a funny thing with Barry the Announcer where he had a rhyming ring intro all written out for himself, then he goes "oh, I wrote one for you too," to his partner, which ended up being basically "and his partner, Ricky Romida." This was a good match with plenty of funny (like Starks desperately trying and failing to German Suplex Romida) mixed in with some very good straight-up wrestling. At one point big Ricky and one of his opponents shot out of the ring and into the first row of seats, and I think a girl got smashed in the nose. If you're gonna sit in the front row at an ACW show, you have to be prepared to move at all times. Jameson and Romida pick up the win.

Bolt Brady (C) v. Jeff Gant for the U-30 Title: Bolt looks like a million bucks, and is coming off an impressive showing on the national indy scene in a match for National Pro Wrestling Day. Jeff Gant (formerly "Jeff the Ref") is a frail-looking, tiny guy who really shouldn't be in a competitive match with him, and shouldn't be getting a title shot. That's not to say he can't work, but sadly, you just lose your suspension of disbelief when he's in there. He's one of those guys that should just be a heel ref. Bolt wins in what should have been a squash but wasn't in a match that probably should have never happened. Bolt is one of your rising stars, ACW. WTF is wrong with you?

Bolt even wore THE TIGHTS OF THE NIGHT out to the ring...a complete scene from Super Mario World on his tights.

Athena (C) v. Thomas Shire (w/ The Business) for the ACW Televised Title: Have I mentioned before that Shire is great? I think I have, and this continued to cement that in my mind. He and The Business (his stable with JoJo Bravo and Angel Blue and Manager Chris Trew heeled it up real good. They tried their best to cheat to win, but Athena was just two smart, too fast, and too athletic for that. Unfortunately, Chris Trew ended up falling off the ring apron right in front of us and literally showed his ass when his sweat pants fell down. This was hopefully the worst thing I'll ever see in my life. Athena eventually overcomes the odds and hits probably the best "O-Face" I've ever seen her do on Shire, who died a beautiful death.

"A Lil' Crazy" (JC Bravo and Stan Summers) vs. "The Bad Boys" (Lil' Tony and Chaves Tuco): Good gosh, Lil Tony is OVER with the "corner crew" (the gang of Fanarchists that sit in Brandon Stroud's section) mainly because of Stroud's girlfriend. It's pretty hilarious. This match was actually a ton of fun. Tuco was making his ACW debut here, and the guy (who looks scary--like a hardened criminal) sold everything the diminutive tag team of Bravo and Summers could dish out with aplomb. I really hope we see him tagging with Tony again. I gotta admit, now that Tony has someone cheering for him, he put in work too, and won me over a little bit. Summers, the crazy clown, dropped a top rope elbow drop on the back of Tuco's head, JC kicked Lil' Tony right in his Tiny Tony, and the little guys get the win, much to the dissatisfaction of the Lil Tony fanclub.

Barrett Brown v. Gary Jay: OK. I don't think I've adequately put over either of these guys.

Barrett Brown is a real young guy (he just turned 19, IIRC) who's only been in ACW for like six months, and has torn it up EVERY SINGLE SHOW. This guy is awesome, and the crowd anticipates his matches every time he is in the building. Please feel free to start talking about him now, so you can impress your friends later when he breaks out of South Texas, which he will. I'd describe him as a mix between a young Lo-Ki and a young AJ Styles, with most of the goofiest shit about both guys' warchest stripped away and replaced with grit, and just the right amount of cockiness.

Gary Jay (known for being a member of the "Submission Squad") is a dastardly man -- a red-headed, skinny heel with a big long beard, an unkempt, unprofessional appearance, terrible ring gear, and a foul mouth. I save boos for him, because I don't want to run out. Having said all that, this man is awesome. I have been getting into him for a few shows now, and the guy is just damn good at what he does.

In this case, "what he does" was BLISTERING poor young Barrett with gobs of spine-tinglingly hard chops, cheating, getting MOLTEN HEAT from the crowd, and bumping like a superball for all of Barrett's babyface comebacks. He would grind Brown down with heel tactics and THOSE CHOPS (OMG) and then eat a huge move at just the right time. Some of those moves included a brutal backdrop onto the ring apron, a crushing Slingshot Tope Con Hilo, and Brown's finisher, the top-rope Swanton Bomb. (In Brown's version of the latter two moves, he doesn't just graze you with the back of his head like you've seen before, he seems to land on his victim with all his bodyweight. I don't know how this doesn't hurt people, but he somehow does it, and it looks brutal.) This match was so awesome...it really might have been the best match of the night.

Darin Childs, "The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer, and ACH v. "The Takeover" (Carson, "Cowboy" James Claxton, and Jaykus Pliskin): You look at that lineup and think "WOW...MOTN for sure."

It wasn't. It started well. The Takeover went straight in the ring and didn't do a long promo. In fact, IIRC, they didn't talk at all. They don't really need to either at this point, because they are heels-deluxe in ACW. ACH got a big pop as always, but surprisingly (and quite deservingly) "The Centerfold" probably got the biggest entrance pop of the night.

At one point Darin Childs tagged himself into the match (he's supposed to be pissed at the Takeover for the brutally-long and overwrought beatdown he took at their hands last show) and again proceeded to take a long beatdown in The Takeover's corner that kinda killed any momentum this thing had. It's a combo of bad feelings from last month's beatdown segment, and genuine X-Pac heat that Childs has from some in the crowd, because Rachel is gone, I can only imagine. To make matters worse, in an attempt to save the match, (I guess) the action spilled out to the outside with Jaykus and Childs, and that took away from the action in the ring which led to the eventual pin by The Takeover. I know I missed the finish completely. I hate to say it, but this sucked. It sucked even worse, because when you look at all the mega-talented guys in this match, this should be a slam-dunk.

"Showtime" Scot Summers v. Evan Gelistico (C) for the ACW Heavyweight Championship: A brutal brawl all over the Mohawk for these two. This was great if you like the hardcore brawling, but actually centered around a lot of submission wrestling which is a really nice combo that I've come to really appreciate from "Showtime's" matches. Brutality highlights include some great work on the stage area, with Summers taking out the entire center of seating on the stage, Evan getting legit thrown through a wall (which led to the management of the Mohawk coming out to survey the damage) Scot getting giant swung by Evan into the side of a row of steel chairs (meaning the chairs didn't budge...ouch) lots of chair violence in general, Evan taking a rock-n-roll DDT off the apron onto the floor into a pile of folded steel chairs (ala Randy Orton's DDT through the ropes) ect.

Eventually, Summers got the advantage, hit his patented high-angle brainbustahhhhh! on Gelistico and locked in an ankle lock. Gelistico swung a chair to escape, only to eat more offense from Summers. Eventually, THE HATED GARY JAY came in and rescued Gelistico, and they bailed out of the backdoor of the Mohawk and ran away down Red River Street...unfortunately, Gelistico made the mistake of leaving the ACW title belt in the ring. Summers cut a promo, and suggested that now Evan would have to come and collect the title from him. Very good stuff, great brawl.

Barbi Hayden v. Jessica James (C) for the American Joshi Title: Barbi came out with bright blonde hair and looked just like a Malibu Barbi should. I'm a huge Jessica James mark, it is known. I was not a huge fan of her new hairstyle though. Let's not do that again. Hairstyle tips aside though, this was a really fun match. It seems Jessica NEVER takes Barbi seriously. So Barbi eventually has to slap the taste out of her mouth. So that happened. Barbi worked some really impressive power moves here, (granted, it's against Jessica James, who's quite AJ Lee-sized) like deadlifting Jessica to get out of a sub attempt and slamming her to the mat, and later countering a headscissors attempt by swinging Jessica face-first into a steel chair she had previously brought in the ring. Jessica eventually remembered "oh yeah, I'm Jessica James, and I have this arsenal of awesome kicks!" and kicked Barbi into oblivion, which was fantastic.

I'm not sure if this was a thing or not, because if it was, it was pretty subtle, but it seemed like the ref was sorta working against Jessica just a bit, and was a little too concerned with Barbi after the loss. We'll have to see.

Colt Cabana and Pierre Abernathy v. The Business (JoJo Bravo and Angel Blue with Manager Chris Trew) for the ACW Tag Team Championship: The Business have this new spot where the entire stable gets into the ring except for Shires, who immediately climbs to the top turnbuckle and starts posing. He eventually jumps down, and the shockwave causes JoJo, Angel, and Trew to bounce high in the air and take bumps. (...kinda like the "grenade" spot.) It was JoJo's birthday. The crowd, (which is starting to really love JoJo regardless of his heel status) made a few attempts to chant happy birthday and whatnot, but JoJo rebuffed them as best he could. Angel Blue stood and quite literally POUTED over all the attention JoJo was receiving. Some smarks talk about her "cheap heat" and shit, but fuck them. She's pretty awesome at heeling it up. And everything she does, she does with purpose I believe, including using the "cheap heat" tactics to enrage those smarks on their own smark level. Regardless, it amuses the shit outta me, and I'm generally jaded as fuck. JoJo got on the mic and basically said that Colt and Pierre were funny and all, but after this match he was going to be known as "The King of Cut-Ups!" Angel stood in the corner, fists on hips, and bottom lip sticking out as hard as she could.

Cabana and Pierre came out to the second-biggest pop of the night, and Colt had Barry the Announcer introduce Pierre as "CM Punk's second-best friend." Punk hasn't appeared at the Mohawk in way too long, and he was so over. He drew a pretty big crowd too, as I know front row seats had sold out pretty far in advance for a normal ACW show that's not one of their marquee events.

I loved this match. Basically, the whole match was based on three things: JoJo and Angel are too selfish, and really hate being in a tag team together, Colt somehow had no idea that Pierre was so weak and such a terrible athlete, and Colt wanted to have sexual intercourse with Angel Blue, right there in the middle of the ring. So, it played out that Pierre totally disappointed Colt at every turn with his lack of any athleticism, (like when he quite badly lost a test of strength to Angel Blue and once again bailed out of his "famous" moonsault finisher,) Colt tried to get laid every time he got in the ring with Angel, and Angel and JoJo eventually argued so much that they started using each other's bodies as weapons against their opponents. Of course Colt also had to deal with outside interference from Trew and Shires (who did the aforementioned drop from the top turnbuckle--this time to propel JoJo into the air for an elbow drop, which was cool.)

I thought the whole thing with Colt perving out on Angel Blue was funny as hell, but I'm sure the hand-wringing PC Police of the IWC will be furiously typing in their blogs about how outrageous it was. To me, it was the best non-Japanese comedy match I've seen in quite a while. Everybody did a fantastic job peeling all the layers of this onion. The champs retain and still hate each other. Pierre loses again. And Colt failed to reach orgasm.

Davy Vega v. Jimmy Jacobs: This was the Main Event. At first, I wasn't so sure how this was going to work, because the crowd was pretty spent after the last match. So they came out and mat wrestled. They completely killed the crowd dead. Which was brilliant, because after giving us a chance to recover, they killed it. I've seen a lot of real good Davy Vega matches at ACW. Vega v. "The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer, Vega v. Barrett Brown, et. al. In all the times I've ever seen Jacobs live, in all sorts of indies, including many ROH shows, I've never seen him have a match this good. In fact, this was right up there with some of the best matches I've seen him have on DVD. Lots of wrestling in this one. Finally, Jacobs hit a top-rope Sliced Bread #2, using the awning over the stage area to propel himself over, which sealed the win.

After the match, Jacobs got on the stick and told the crowd how he'd been in the ring with some of the best wrestlers in the world--Eddie Guerrero, Daniel Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, ect...and he'd like to tell Davy Vega right now that he's right there with those guys...

...but he can't, because that'd be lying. And then he kicked Vega right in the balls.

This led to "The Mind of Wrestling" JT Lamotta coming out and attacking Jacobs from behind. (JT was similarly kicked in the balls after tagging with Jacobs a few months prior.) The show closed with him getting run off to the balcony, where he stayed and taunted Jacobs.

Overall, good show. With a few very bright spots and a few disappointments. ACW will be taking a six-week break now. Hopefully, they can use this time to fix a few things.
Great rivalry, I remember that one time they executed a move.


And it was just electrifying, blew the pants right off half the stadium.

That outfit was the best, so jiggly. <3

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons she quit was over them forcing her to wear boring 'regular' gear on her last few appearances instead and she was completely outraged.

I like to believe she's saucy like that.
Pristine_Condition said:
Here's my recap of Anarchy Championship Wrestling's "An Absence of Law 2013" show, Sunday at the Mohawk in downtown Austin, TX.

Nice review man, sounds like there was a lot to enjoy on this show. The more I see of AIW, the more impressed I am with Gary Jay. He's definitely the least awful of the Submission Squad. Colt & Pierre vs The Business sounds like a ton of fun, can't wait to see that one (if ACW ever get more MP4s out - the last one available is from August). Not surprised that Jacobs had a great match with Vega. Jimmy's pretty under appreciated, imo, and seems to have great matches wherever he goes. Also, I've been very impressed with Vega lately. He had a great match with Josh Alexander in AIW.


Just finish watching Raw and my god that CM Punk vs Cena match. Why can't every match be that high standards? After seeing that it's clear that if Cena wants to he can wrestle a great match even if it is against Punk who can bring out the best of him at this point. Hell I wasn't even mad at the Botchcanrana at the end it was just an exciting match that I would had paid to see. And that Piledriver spot was just the icing on the cake. It's like Punk was saying nothing works on this guy let me pull out a banned move on him and ill win for sure lol. I hope Cena and Punk were laughing back stage after Vince let them have it for doing that because they put on a hell of a show.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Owen Hart vs HHH vs Goldust for the IC title

The ending spot is Owen ring smarts 101. He's pinning HHH and Goldust comes off the top elbow with a forearm drop, Owen moves out of the way just a bit so Goldust hits the elbow on HHH instead and then immediately resumes pinning him

and Owen and Pillman are the coolest bros since Rude and Perfect
June Week 3 2001

WCW Saturday Night #3
8,146 @ Anaheim Convention Center

Dark Match: Jason Jett v Kwee Wee
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jason Jett defeated Kwee Wee in 8:20 by pinfall. (E+)

Dark Match: Cash v Johnny Swinger
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Johnny Swinger defeated Cash in 8:24 by pinfall with a Swing Thing. (E+)

Dark Match: Yun Yang v Fit Finlay
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Yun Yang defeated Fit Finlay in 9:58 by pinfall after Kimona Wanalaya interfered. (D)

Dark Match: Mike Awesome v Hugh Morrus
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Hugh Morrus in 12:45 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb. (C-)


Show Starts

- A new, but familiar, music plays. It's Kevin Nash... he's standing in the ring with a microphone. He explodes into a rant about Eric Bischoff. How he's still the same old Bischoff. Firing people over the phone. (C+)

- Bischoff appears at the top of the ramp with a security team. He tells everyone he fired Nash for the greater good of WCW. He promised no more egos, and this is what he meant. Bischoff says that people shouldn't believe Nash's lies, he's not a WCW worker, Bischoff never invited him and he shouldn't be allowed into the arenas anymore. This is the new WCW, the same mistakes won't be made again. (B-)

- The security team escort Nash out of the building. As Nash is forced past Bischoff, Nash shouts out 'You never invited me here, we'll see what the other guy says about this...' (B-)

Tag Match: Air Raid v Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Air Raid defeated Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo in 8:29 when Air Styles defeated Elix Skipper by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (E+)

- Buff Bagwell is in the ring as the show returns from adverts. He wants to fight Billy Kidman, he thinks the US Title is too big for Kidman. Kidman appears at the top of the ramp and says there's no chance Bagwell will just talk his way into a title shot. If he wants a fight, he has to prove himself; prove himself like all the other wrestlers are trying hard to do. (D)

- Kidman continues talking about the new work ethic in WCW, and how the 'smaller guys' have a chance now. Suddenly the colourful mask of Rey Misterio appears on the screen again, this time with music and a 'soon...' message. (C-)

- Cruiserweight Title Match: Shannon Moore v Kaz Hayashi v Jamie Knoble v Gregory Helms (c)
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi, Jamie Knoble and Shannon Moore in 7:32 when Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall with a Vertebreaker. Gregory Helms makes defence number 3 of his WCW Cruiserweight title.

- The show returns from a break and Lex Luger has a microphone. Oh no. He's calling out Scott Steiner, he's had enough of being slammed into the Steiner Recleiner whenever his back is turned. Rick Steiner appears instead and there's no chance anyone fights his brother without getting through Rick Steiner first. (C-)

- As Luger and Rick Steiner prepare to fight, Scott Steiner makes his way to the commentary team and starts to shout at Stevie Ray. Steiner takes Stevie Ray's place on the commentary team. (B-)

- Main Event: Rick Steiner v Lex Luger
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lex Luger defeated Rick Steiner in 11:56 by submission with a Torture Rack. (D+)

- As Luger locks on the Torture Rack, Scott Steiner has made his way from the commentary table. Steiner enters the ring and attacks Luger to save Rick Steiner. It's a brutal attack that ends with Luger locked into the Steiner Recliner. (C+)

- The crowd starts to buzz, as a light shines up above onto Sting who has been watching the action below the whole time! (B)

Show Ends (C-)
TV Rating: 0.27 (same as last week)

Popularity in 10 regions.
Mike Tenay and Stevie Ray have developed a great chemistry on the commentary team.
Starting to see the issue with the WCW roster. There's no one who's actually 'over'. The biggest names on the roster at the moment are Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg, and Goldberg is injured. The next teir of stars... Booker T, DDP, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious & Sting (all old guys!). After that it's slim pickings, with most of the roster being 'Regional Stars' or below. So I have to find a balance between pushing new stars, while making sure ratings are good on the TV show.
Think I might have had a 'good' show if the Main Event wasn't Rick Steiner v Lex Luger...

Bischoff again has mentioned a new WCW. He seems keen, but can he be trusted?
Nash mentioned 'the other guy'. Who is this other guy?
Sting was spotted again, back in his old haunt of the rafters, this time watching the Steiners and Luger.

This is awesome dude, I'm really enjoying it.


So not worth it
Well I'll be a son of a bitch, it's Bobby Lashley!
So are you better than ever?

To be honest, after spending a couple of days crying about the loss of WrassleGAF, not being able to do prediction time for EC (thanks for picking up the slack btw) and not being able to complain about various things and ranting on how Swagger is an asshole and should be fired for driving under the influince I do feel I have grown as a poster.

I never wish to be banned again, it's awful!
Urgh, goddamnit - I watched CZW's 'Un F'n Believable' show from 2001, featuring Jun Kasai & Nick Mondo vs Justice Pain & Johnny Kashmere in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match, and now I feel ill. Justice Pain is such a huge fucking moron, everything he does looks unsafe and super reckless. He fucks up Kasai big time with a whole mess of light-tubes and then puts two HUGE gashes across his back when he slams him with a pane of glass. Kasai gets his own back with a series of big head drops in the ring, but Kashmere makes it two on one and they hit Kasai with a splash mountain powerbomb over the ropes and into a board of light-tubes. This does not go well for Kasai. Why he ever agreed to such a spot is beyond me, but it's not like he wasn't doing shit half as crazy back in Japan. The aftermath of the bump is Kasai's back torn to ribbons and a disgusting wound to his left elbow. His whole arm goes really pale and, as the post-match footage of him being treated by EMT's reveals, there's a whole mess of muscle and bone exposed by the coin-sized hole in his elbow. Fuck. The match ends in pretty hilarious fashion, as Kashmere spirals off the top rope onto a barbedwire board on the outside, before being rolled in to be pinned by Kasai. I guess Mondo was on the board, but moved at the last second only the camera crew never catch it, so all we see is Johnny Kashmere diving into some barbedwire for no reason, lol. After the match Justice Pain hits Mondo with a guitar covered in light-bulbs, before hitting a fucking nasty DDT on Kasai. I hate this guy. Jun Kasai needed over 100 stitches after the match.

The splash mountain spot;


Kashmere's dive;

To be honest, after spending a couple of days crying about the loss of WrassleGAF, not being able to do prediction time for EC (thanks for picking up the slack btw) and not being able to complain about various things and ranting on how Swagger is an asshole and should be fired for driving under the influince I do feel I have grown as a poster.

I never wish to be banned again, it's awful!
And now you're back in time for the greatest prediction time of the year with the most predictable match ups, hype?
On one hand i'm glad they didn't stop this Swagger Storyline since it's actually sort of good, on the other hand I demand suitable punishment for the man.

I guess Mondo was on the board, but moved at the last second only the camera crew never catch it, so all we see is Johnny Kashmere diving into some barbedwire for no reason, lol. After the match Justice Pain hits Mondo with a guitar covered in light-bulbs, before hitting a fucking nasty DDT on Kasai. I hate this guy. Jun Kasai needed over 100 stitches after the match.

Kashmere's dive;


Even with the story behind the gif I can only see someone flipping off the turnbuckle to their doom for no reason, incredible.


So not worth it
I love everything about the storyline, but they can easily replace Swagger. All he does is go "We the People" after Zeb is done talking anyways.

Hell, put Ryberg there, FEED THE PEOPLE! FEED THE PEOPLE!

That works.
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