Sweeney Tom
Yeah, I'm bailing on Nintendo
I'm certain Ouya fanboys are less embarrassed than I currently am
I'm certain Ouya fanboys are less embarrassed than I currently am
Wait the Switch wont have a goddamn web browser? in 2017?!
When was the last time you used a web browser on a console?
Wait the Switch wont have a goddamn web browser? in 2017?!
Sunday, actually
Because it doesn't have a web browser? You were never with the if that the deal breaker.Yeah, I'm bailing on Nintendo
I'm certain Ouya fanboys are less embarrassed than I currently am
Because it doesn't have a web browser? You were never with the if that the deal breaker.
Sunday, actually
Nintendo logic = "Why should it need [INSERT COMMON THING HERE], everything else has it!"
If Nintendo built a house they wouldn't include a toilet because every other place you go has a shitter.
I assume a patriotic bus will be involved. Or at least a Ford Taurus.
So they don't want to directly compete with Microsoft or Sony, so they make an alternative console that's more mobile and like a tablet. Except it also doesn't have any of the basic things a tablet has these days.
people who want to play nintendo games
Basically. GAF Bubble is a real thing, and it's never been more blatantly obvious than posters being surprised browsers and Netflix are a thing actual humans want in their device they pay for in 2017.
Shit I'm typing this on an iPod Touch Chrome browser addon. You'd be stunned at what gets use and how often it gets use outside of your bubble.
Correction: It's made for people who want to buy Nintendo hardware to play Nintendo games. Which is an increasingly shrinking audience
For people who like video games?So they don't want to directly compete with Microsoft or Sony, so they make an alternative console that's more mobile and like a tablet. Except it also doesn't have any of the basic things a tablet has these days.
So they don't want to directly compete with Microsoft or Sony, so they make an alternative console that's more mobile and like a tablet. Except it also doesn't have any of the basic things a tablet has these days.
I use my console web browser for entertainment purposes. Its too bad about the switch.
people who want to play nintendo games anywhere
I'm almost positive they don't know tablets are a thing already, much less for under $300.
.people who want to play nintendo games anywhere for under 3 hours
Why you guys always talking about that ol' Nintendo Swatch?
Like Roman Reigns, it's a draw.
People who already weren't going to buy it are making reason why they aren't going to buy itWhy you guys always talking about that ol' Nintendo Swatch?
Like Roman Reigns, it's a draw.
I don't think it will be, though...
backdoors to crack open
both the 3DS and the WiiU internet browsers were used as backdoors to crack open the consoles to homebrew and piracy so there's that too
300 reasons why this would replace someone's DS or 3DS, go
Shit, my DS has better battery life
In the time it took for Emma to get hurt, recover, and come back on TV, Eva Marie
Left the company
My fucking dildo has better battery life but like your fucking DS, it's not running 1080p games.
My fucking dildo has better battery life but like your fucking DS, it's not running 1080p games.
I mean neither is your switch
80% of the Raw audience saw Joe for the very first time on Monday.
Anyone who would use a game console for its browser functionality deserves all the misery and mocking they're going to get as a Switch owner.Gaming OT crumbling over Nintendo Switch not having a browser makes me want to fucking nuke my account.
God damn it fuck Jim Cornette