Yeah, fuck it, i'm getting the 65 inch
That's what your mom said last night.
heh heh heh heh
Yeah, fuck it, i'm getting the 65 inch
That's what your mom said last night.
That's what your mom said last night.
I've recently acquired a full time desk job, and found myself with a ton of podcast time. I've got the bases covered with games, comedy, and dnd, but are there any great (preferably humorous and insightful) wrasslin' casts? I've got TIJ so far, but any other suggestions?
I'm not really looking forward to when HHH and Stephanie run the company like some are but boy I can't wait for when their first order of business is firing Kevin Dunn.
Enzo was a fucken idiot who got led around by his dick. So yes.
but the fruit baskets
oh wait no wonder reddit would want to send him fruit baskets
I dig through that shit pile every now and then too friend.Do you guys not like me because I sometimes go on reddit? : (
but the fruit baskets
oh wait no wonder reddit would want to send him fruit baskets
I've long since accepted that I'm selling part of my soul by watching WWE.I've recently been going back and forth on whether or not I want to continue to financially support WWE with how all-in they are on Trump. I pulled my Network sub but I feel like such a hypocrite for continuing to watch every week on Hulu....
Did GAF love Harper v. Orton as much as I, and seemingly the rest of the internet, did? I wasn't here for the Chamber reactions.
Of course not, that would be silly.Do you guys not like me because I sometimes go on reddit? : (
Depends on how much people like Randy, I thought it was alright to good teir.I've recently been going back and forth on whether or not I want to continue to financially support WWE with how all-in they are on Trump. I pulled my Network sub but I feel like such a hypocrite for continuing to watch every week on Hulu....
Did GAF love Harper v. Orton as much as I, and seemingly the rest of the internet, did? I wasn't here for the Chamber reactions.
I probably check out the front page once a day. I go a long time forgetting about /r/squaredcircle and then pop in after months. And then I'll see stuff like TONY SCHIAVONE AMA and I'm excited.
But there are dumb people everywhere doing dumb things all the time. But that doesn't make everyone around them dumb.
I hate you guys.
I've long since excepted that I'm selling part of my soul by watching WWE.
I really enjoyed Harper vs Orton too. I think Harper likely really showed his value to the company with that match. Dude is capable of making guys like Randy step it up a bit.
wcw never funded donald trump
Hell, Ted Turner endorsed Hillary.
wcw never funded donald trump
The only thing NJPW funds is a trading card game company. Just sayin![]()
HE CAN STILL GO!someone who likes kane would know all about decaying corpses, wouldntya owly?
Bill fucking Watts ran WCW for a time. King racist.
There's no way Vince doesn't have Dunn's job security written into his will. (apologies for double post - I guess WrassleGAF's ratings are down and things aren't moving as fast as I expected)
Only after being pressured by Hank Aron.Wasn't he fired for being a racist? By WCW? The greatest company in the history of the sport?
Get a load of Lawyer Strax telling us all how to run our lives.
Bill fucking Watts ran WCW for a time. King racist.
Defo not King, he at least pushed black stars consistently and treated them ok.
Verne Gagne didn't even want more then one of them at a time in his territory. I'd crown him imo. I'm sure there are even worse then him that I don't know about.
I dunno seems pretty fucking eligible to me.If you want a business and you put money in, why shouldn't you be able to discriminate? It's your business.
If free enterprise is going to make or break it, you should be able to discriminate? It should be that, by God, if you're going to open your doors in America, you can discriminate. Why the fuck not?
That's why I went into business, so that I could discriminate. I mean, really. I mean I want to be able to serve who I want to. It's my business. It's my investment ... I can't tell a fag to get the fuck out. I should have the right to not associate with a fag if I don't want to. I mean, why should I have to hire a fuckin' fag, if I don't like fags? Fags discriminate against us, don't they? Sure they do ... Do blacks discriminate against whites?
Who's killed more blacks than anyone? The fuckin' blacks. But they want to blame that bullshit Roots that came on the air. That Roots was so bullshit. All you have to do if you want slaves is to hand beads to the chiefs and they gave you slaves. What is the best thing that has ever happened to the black race? That they were brought to this country. No matter how they got here. You know why? Because they intermarried and got educated. They're the ones running the black race.
You go down to the black countries and they're all broke. Idi Amin killed more blacks than we ever killed. You see what I mean. That's how stupid we are. But we get all caught up in this bullshit rhetoric, And so, it's ridiculous what's happening to our country.
Lester Maddox was right. If I don't want to sell fried chicken to blacks I shouldn't have to. It's my restaurant. Hell, at least I respect him for his stand.
- Cowboy Bill Watts
I dunno seems pretty fucking eligible to me.
WWE employs Michael Hayes in 2017. In a position of power. For decades.
A man who told Mark Henry that he was 'more black than him' while carrying around a confederate flag.
WWE employs Michael Hayes in 2017. In a position of power. For decades.
A man who told Mark Henry that he was 'more black than him' while carrying around a confederate flag.
Do you guys not like me because I sometimes go on reddit? : (