Dark Ninja
Cap is clearly aware that it's a work
Cap is old school though he don't like Spider-Man's flippy flop shiet.
Cap is clearly aware that it's a work
So is Lucha Underground available on US and Canadian Netflix cause it's not dropped in the UK
It's coming in March/May. AAA confirmed the deal two days ago.
Nobody knows what the future of Jean Paul Levesque is in WCW. They offered him $1,500 per week deal to stay and promised him a tag title run with Steve Regal. WWF is reportedly interested in him as well.
Lucha Elite is coming back!
I miss Lana's suits
The severe look worked for her and her character.
Using Putin to get heel heat isn't going to work today though.
I miss Summer Rae. Rusev should have ended up with both.
To the "Wyatt is strong" stuff...
Wyatt beat Ambrose in that feud only to build himself up for that Taker match. That really hurt Ambrose though. Idk if anyone remembers but after they had their last match, Ambrose came out banged up on SD still teaming with Reigns against Rollins and the Authority and they tried build it up as Ambrose being amazingly tough.
He just lost 2 feuds in a row. He didn't beat Rollins, he didn't beat Wyatt. It literally took Ambrose losing 10 straight months on ppv to win his first ppv match and feud and it was against Harper of all people. Honestly since becoming a single's main roster star in 2014, Ambrose has had 34 ppv matches, only won 13 of them and he lost 21 times. That's a horrible ratio. Last year he had a 6 match win streak from the Jericho feud to the Summerslam match.
I wonder what Roman's ratio of w/l is on ppvs. It's probably straight ridiculous.
It's coming in March/May. AAA confirmed the deal two days ago.
Speaking of w/l records, did anyone find out Charlotte's record on Raw? Gotta be low win percentage
Roman Reigns has 26 ppv wins and 22 losses 1 draw. His non PPV is the ridiculous figure 528 wins to 221 losses 29 draw. Dude wins over 2/3rds his non ppv. He's very close to Cena's percantile there and could hit it if they keep shoving him down peoples throats.
Bray Wyatt is like the inverse of him BTW. Dude's win ratio is like in the mid to upper 30% ranges. Loses his way right to the top.
I'm excited about it hitting Netflix, but I've already seen S1 and 2, so have trouble being too hyped at the moment. I'll probably watch it all over again, just as a show of support while hoping/waiting for them to add S3.
But based on their scheduling, I assume that won't be happening for a while.
I miss Lana's suits
By some amount I guess you mean minimal right? Because the spot she got is pretty shitI am still fucking haunted by that picture of Trump and co.
These fucking people will actually have some amount of influence of politics in America. Fuck me dead.
By some amount I guess you mean minimal right? Because the spot she got is pretty shit
Gross.Guess who wrote this in 1999:
If you guessedthen you are right.Dave Meltzer
Bruce has the best one out currently because he goes over shows and superstars from the past and present that he was involved with.Hold on. Lillian Garcia has a podcast?
Does anyone who ever worked or is working in wrestling have a podcast?
Percy Watson's delivery and the things he says reminds me of the stilted, prerecorded commentary lines from the video games.
The severe look worked for her and her character.
Using Putin to get heel heat isn't going to work today though.
BTW what happen with Lana wrestling?
She fought in the last wrestleMania but after that nothing at all
Wow 😔 they were racist to Zeus
Ahmed!?!?Percy Watson's delivery and the things he says reminds me of the stilted, prerecorded commentary lines from the video games.
Bruce has the best one out currently because he goes over shows and superstars from the past and present that he was involved with.