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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


I think UFC has been a thing long enough that people understand a referee stoppage.

I would have thought so, too. That's where my mind went immediately: I wonder if Owens is gonna beat his ass to where he can't continue.

Forget UFC; this has existed in boxing forever. Ref won't let the fighter continue, stops the match.

The crowd not getting it was dumbfounding. Like, how the fuck?

Sou Da

Russo's thoughts on the NXT main event;


I'm sure a bunch will agree with the first point, but the second...lol.

Sounds like some shit dream would say.


I would have thought so, too. That's where my mind went immediately: I wonder if Owens is gonna beat his ass to where he can't continue.

Forget UFC; this has existed in boxing forever. Ref won't let the fighter continue, stops the match.

The crowd not getting it was dumbfounding. Like, how the fuck?

To be fair, WWE has conditioned their audiences with hundreds of DQs for stupid reasons, including "beating up your opponent too much".


To be fair, WWE has conditioned their audiences with hundreds of DQs for stupid reasons, including "beating up your opponent too much".

That last part is true, somewhat. There's always the "five count then break" from the ref. The ref wouldn't count to five unless getting to five meant something bad, i.e. DQ. An old vestage of wrestling from decades ago. So that's what they roll with.

But it comes off like you said, like the ref is DQing someone for being too awesome.


Sounds like some shit dream would say.

not enough full sail pot shots for it to be dream.

but the bolded i dont agree, but i do agree they could have handled the finish much better.

the should have played up zayn's concussion angle, or had some set up with Owens having a jobber match stopped by the ref a few weeks ago. Some way to get the audience to know title change via ref stoppage was actually a fucking thing. I didn't know it was a fucking thing, not in the wwe.
Maybe it's hindsight, but I thought of it more as a "Fuck, did that just happen?" reaction. Because, like you said, it never happens in WWE.


Maybe it's hindsight, but I thought of it more as a "Fuck, did that just happen?" reaction. Because, like you said, it never happens in WWE.

i think the problem was more that it was the title change via that finish that i literally didnt know existed within the confines of the logic of nxt. so it just seemed like something they pulled out of their ass at the time like they do so much in the wwe.

in hindsight the finish is alright i guess.


i think the problem was more that it was the title change via that finish that i literally didnt know existed within the confines of the logic of nxt. so it just seemed like something they pulled out of their ass at the time like they do so much in the wwe.

in hindsight the finish is alright i guess.

I like to pretend that the ref handed Owens the belt and said "HERE WHATEVER TAKE THE BELT JUST STOP MURDERING SAMI"

MC Safety


Yeah, maybe. I just see that as being super critical, though. There's a good passage in the second link you posted that sort of highlights Molyneux's mentality.

"Molyneux gave his two cents with regard to the creative process, saying there's an "empirical decay" between what a developer envisions at a project's outset, and what the final product ends up being. He applied this theory to the Fable series -- the game's that Molyneux is most well-known for. "“In my mind, as a designer, whenever I’m making a game I have this perfect jewel in mind,” he told Develop. “Fable for me was this beautiful, incredible, amusing, funny, artistic, wonderful gem of a game that anyone could play, that tugged on the heartstrings and that was instantly engaging," he said.

However, he had no problem admitting his shortcomings. “The gem that was in my mind has never come to be; it’s always flawed in some way. I thought Fable I – when you consider that it was the first game I ever did of that type -- wasn’t bad. It was hugely flawed in some senses, but it wasn’t bad.""


love on your sleeve
How is a woman supposed to deliver in the Divas division? Given the circumstances, Paige and Nikki are doing great.

I made that point last year after this community decided Paige and Emma were busts. I can see the 180 turn in opinion on Charlotte and Sasha coming a mile away.


I like to pretend that the ref handed Owens the belt and said "HERE WHATEVER TAKE THE BELT JUST STOP MURDERING SAMI"
im sure thats what some of those chicks in the arena actually thought

they looked like the undertaker marks
I made that point last year after this community decided Paige and Emma were busts. I can see the 180 turn in opinion on Charlotte and Sasha coming a mile away.

its all in the booking. Vince will see to their demise.
If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.

Easy to answer: Yes!

I don't know most of the people in NXT from anywhere.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.

I've never seen an indie match between Generico and Steen and I still cared about the match. Zayn has been a great babyface for more than a year now so I cared about his as he was being demolished by Owens.

I think that playing up someone's past is a good way to make them seem unique. Balor is a way bigger deal as someone that has wrestled around the world than he would be if he was just some Irish schmuck that walked in off the street. There is nothing wrong with booking for your audience when you know what they want to see.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.

I never watched an El Generico or Kevin Steen match ever until I saw both of them in NXT. Sami Zayn is awesome! Kevin Owens is fun so far too.

Never seen a Devitt match before either and I like Finn Balor as well.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.


Case in point: I don't know shit about Adrian Neville pre-NXT. I have never cared for him either way. I watched the last Steen/Generico ROH match live in Hammerstein at Final Battle 2012, and I later saw Steen beat Richards live in 2013. I care about Zayn. I care more about Owens.

The bolded sentence is a huge reason why the NXT Success is unique to NXT. That's not going to work on the main roster. It will work in certain cities, but then there's every other city + house shows where the crowd has no prior knowledge of Finn Balor and has to judge him solely on what's presented to them on television thus far.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
For once, a member of the gaming press actually acts like a journalist instead of an extension of a publishers PR department and half the thread is complaining about how the got was being too hard for poor Moleyneux. It's weird.

You mean they fact-checked? Followed up?


Russo's thoughts on the NXT main event;


I'm sure a bunch will agree with the first point, but the second...lol.

Curious: Barring his stint during Attitude Era WWF when he was working within those constraints, has Russo ever been shown to actually have the ability to create something that draws the mass audience?

Also, I'm really not sure what he means with the whole "fake fight" thing. Does he not understand suspension of disbelief? Does he sit in theaters during action movies and complain that the villain doesn't immediately stand up after getting gunned down because it's just a movie and the gun's fake so why should the audience actually believe he was shot?


I like the way they built the Owens and Zayn story. They played off their history, mentioned them being a team and rivals in the past, but didn't get into specifics. If you knew about them from before it was a fun little reminder and nod to the past and if you didn't know about them it told you why these guys have the chemistry they do and why this betrayal is such a big deal for both of them.

I also like how they played up Balor, Itami and Neville being big in Japan. They're also quick to mention that they have done nothing in WWE before, and while they were names elsewhere and come in with a certain skill level, they still have to prove themselves. It also plays well to both the audience who knows them and the audience seeing them for the first time.


I actually really want to see Neville on the main roster. Preferably as part of an awesome tag team, or as a singles guy if he magically picks up some mic skills over night.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I actually really want to see Neville on the main roster. Preferably as part of an awesome tag team, or as a singles guy if he magically picks up some mic skills over night.

I'll take a shot in the dark but say you're not going to get two of your three wishes.


I'm curious to see how they set up Solomon Crowe. They took their time with him, and got him a gimmick. It should be fun to watch.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
And were critical regardless of consequences for their future standing with publishers.

That doesn't sound like actual journalism there. It sounds like people wanted someone to be shitty to.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.
I don't care about indie credentials because I don't follow and have never really followed indies. The only person that came from somewhere I care about is Balor, as he was one of my favorites in NJPW.

Honestly, I look at wrestlers with more scrutiny if they have had careers before NXT. Yesterday I started typing up a post defending Bull Dempsey. Before I finished, I checked his Wikipedia just to make sure I didn't make myself look like an idiot. Lo and behold, he's been wrestling since 2006. Defense post deleted.

I had never seen Steen wrestle until he wrestled CJ Parker. I had only seen Generico wrestle once before he got to NXT. I hadn't even heard of the name PAC until I was already familiar with Adrian Neville. It doesn't matter to me.
That happens to everyone though, men or women.

Your boy is next. Then Rusev.
Turning your back on Rusev is a good way to end up in the Accolade.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sunny is defending a senile, old, out of touch snake oil salesman. I am surprised that someone with the name Vince McMahon would do that.


As someone who has only watched the NXT guys in NXT, I've been interested in the storyline, so far as these things go. I mean, it's wrestling, it isn't hard to set up a story at its basic level. Am I missing their rich shared history blah blah blah? Yes, but I understand "former friends now feuding" well enough. Russo is full of shit.


Curious: Barring his stint during Attitude Era WWF when he was working within those constraints, has Russo ever been shown to actually have the ability to create something that draws the mass audience?

Also, I'm really not sure what he means with the whole "fake fight" thing. Does he not understand suspension of disbelief? Does he sit in theaters during action movies and complain that the villain doesn't immediately stand up after getting gunned down because it's just a movie and the gun's fake so why should the audience actually believe he was shot?

Russo would have rather booked some 4th wall breaking bullshit, so of course he didn't like it.


Curious: Barring his stint during Attitude Era WWF when he was working within those constraints, has Russo ever been shown to actually have the ability to create something that draws the mass audience?

Also, I'm really not sure what he means with the whole "fake fight" thing. Does he not understand suspension of disbelief? Does he sit in theaters during action movies and complain that the villain doesn't immediately stand up after getting gunned down because it's just a movie and the gun's fake so why should the audience actually believe he was shot?

I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Russo outside of Attitude Era WWF has been pretty much a catastrophic disaster. The dude is the George Lucas of professional wrestling.

Weird how when Russo does it it's awful but when Punk does it, it's promo of the year.

The pipe bomb promo really wasn't that 4th wall shattering


As someone who has only watched the NXT guys in NXT, I've been interested in the storyline, so far as these things go. I mean, it's wrestling, it isn't hard to set up a story at its basic level. Am I missing their rich shared history blah blah blah? Yes, but I understand "former friends now feuding" well enough. Russo is full of shit.

Yep, they made it simple. Even knowing their past history doesn't really add to it the way WWE tells it. They never mentioned the names Kevin Steen, or even El Generico...in fact, you saw pictures of Sami unmasked (something that would have been rare and frowned upon while he was El Generico) standing next to Kevin. You saw pictures of a much younger Sami and Kevin having good times together all over the world and that is all they needed. They were very smart about it.


If you didn't follow the indies, and knew about the wrestler's indie career before they appeared in NXT, would you care as much? I do feel that NXT just plays up the indie darlings and their past rather than booking them as something unique. So I can understand where Russo is coming from in regards to the 'Main Roster'.

They only really do that for Owens/Itami/Bálor. Guys like Zayn and Neville only have their pasts referenced when needed, they started at the bottom and worked their way up. Owens and Bálor are the only guys I'd say have gotten a megapush.

Plus, it is NXT and it's a pretty hardcore crowd, so you might as well take advantage of that and book guys to rely on the crowd's knowledge. But even then, anyone who knows nothing about Owens and Zayn would watch that video package for them about their hitory and you'd know enough to get into the feud, because the feud is well done in itself.


That doesn't sound like actual journalism there. It sounds like people wanted someone to be shitty to.

you think the guy woke up asking himself who he could be an asshole to?

Molyneux has spent a lot of the last who knows how many years lying. The interviewer was harsh and he was rude, but Molyneux took the interview. He stayed for the interview. He even lied some more during the interview (intentional or not).

Hes no fucking Pulitzer but he threw Molyneux's lies back in his face where most would have licked the plate and asked for more.

Moly gets no sympy from me.
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