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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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I can't believe they are bringing out a Batista dvd........ what content could they possibly put on it ? And who in their right mind would buy it ?


If HHH wins, I will change this to my avatar.


It almost looks as though he's hugging him... "Awww, what a great goal you scored!"

John, if you're watching...

If all goes well with the Network, the same million people watching Mania will be watching Extreme Rules. Buyrates don't matter anymore.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Edge proposed a #Yes or #No, similar to last years #Heel or #Face
If the match is indeed Bryan vs. Haitch #Yes on your avatar if you think he will win and #No if you think he gets buried.

If I lose, I will rock a Hogan avatar or not talk about TNA for a month or something


Wait, are you saying that they are planning for HHH and Bryan for the main event?


D.Bry ain't losing. He is winning. I will bet my av on that as well.

You dont get it, this entire angle was for HHH vs Punk, you are lucky DB is even on the Wm card thanks to Punk leaving, think about that for a secod DB fanatic.


Knowing how not to fuck up a PPV? Then why the fuck does it look like Orton/Batista is the plan moving forward?

If Batista wants to keep up this sorry charade of a face run, he needs to be the guy that wants Bryan to be in their main event not just to appease the fans, but in kayfabe prove he can beat Bryan as well. That fucker needs to do that tonight in the Smackdown taping.

Oh yeah the bookings still a fuck up but I think they know having Bryan lose early will completely kill the rest of the PPV.


I don't know why you guys keep questioning Orton vs. Batista. That was probably set in stone the minute Batista signed his contract back in November/December. It's been decided for months, deal with it.


So not worth it
People sure D. Bry will lose, but won't take avatar bets.
Too many avatar bets man, next thing you'll know we're creating separate OT threads for random Raw's like the one last night. Time for a break and glorious AJ avatar for a little while at least.


Hunter should counter/parry/block Daniel Bryan's running knee attack with his own high knee. WHAT A SPOT. THE STADIUM ERUPTS. While Daniel is looking around at the fan reaction like he does and shakes his head, he gets kicked in the gut. BAM PEDIGREE. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GAME AND HOW YOU PLAY IT.


It's kinda fun how set in stone the WM card ended up being. People said Cena/Wyatt months ago. Same with Batista/Orton. Only thing that changed was Punk

Cena/Wyatt, Batista/Orton, Haitch/Punk (D-Bry now), and Undertaker/Lesnar have been set for a while now. People are talking about how horrendous Haitch/Bryan is (it is horrendous, no doubt), but man, could you imagine if Punk didn't leave and we ended up getting Bryan/Sheamus? Though, some other sheets said Bryan/Kane, which I'd be slightly more okay with.

I remember hearing about Mark Henry/Big E, but I also remember hearing a US/IC title unification match and that didn't come to fruition. No surprise, though, as that's all midcard stuff, and WWE doesn't care about the midcard.


Too many avatar bets man, next thing you'll know we're creating separate OT threads for random Raw's like the one last night. Time for a break and glorious AJ avatar for a little while at least.


points at sign*


that's the point of the bet though

if you're so sure you're going to win it, what's the risk?

if you're iffy just don't participate lol


I'm gonna say that despite how shit looks, HHH actually respects Daniel Bryan enough to put him over.

It's not like MIZ, I think Trips will actually put him over AND shake his hand.
somewhere in the back where no one can see

I'm pretty sure he doesn't respect Punk and Vice Versa. So I guess that works.
Any suggestions as far as seating goes for the NJPW show at the Hammerstein Ballroom?

I didn't feel like waiting in line for hours to get a good seat, so I got Side Box Level 2 seats. I should have a good, elevated view where I can catch most of the action, and I'll have a guaranteed seat.


Wow this is just completely awful. Like what ate they thinkng. Why did i give them mone yesterday. This mania not worth ten dollars....
Evidently it's now worth $60. Better get your money's worth from all of that historic content on the Network because you've just told them their current booking is AWESOME with your wallet.

It's okay, though. I spent money on wrestling this week, too. And I only get one night's of enjoyment out of my comparable investment whereas you get 6 months.
Granted, that night will feature the greats of NJPW wrestling right in front of me in Toronto... but, hey, I guess we'll both get something out of it.


So not worth it
PPV'S now costing ten bucks is actually good in that people won't feel as ripped off as they did when it was sixty or more.


I feel like smarks are trying to be too smart for their own good.

In reality the HHH/Bry is a good thing. HHH, regardless how you feel about him is a big deal and the 2-3 times a year he steps in the ring is a big deal. To me, HHH/Bry and Bry getting over will do more for his "career" then taking the title off Orton at WM. The title doesn't matter right now. To smarks, you may thing it does but it doesn't. He's already over and him not winning the title at WM isn't going to somehow unmake him but beating the guy who has continuously screwed him since summerslam? That's bigger, that's bigger then some half ass forced in title win.

Just stahp with the nonsense. It's going to be a fucking great entertaining match with 2 people who actually know how to command in the ring and tell a story. Bryan isn't getting the title at Mania and you know it, i know it and it doesn't matter.


PPV'S now costing ten bucks is actually good in that people won't feel as ripped off as they did when it was sixty or more.

It didn't stop them from doing strings of shitty finishes before. I'm afraid to see how far they'll go now that they've got you by the balls for 6 months.


PPV'S now costing ten bucks is actually good in that people won't feel as ripped off as they did when it was sixty or more.
Conversely, the WWE will have even less incentive to build PPVs to be anything special than ever before.
It's now all about building up RAW to bang a big rating and nothing more.
I didn't feel like waiting in line for hours to get a good seat, so I got Side Box Level 2 seats. I should have a good, elevated view where I can catch most of the action, and I'll have a guaranteed seat.

Word. I know I can still get those online and Row 7 - 9 are still available as well. I plan to make a trip out of this whole thing and just want to get the best seats possible.
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