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Federal judge grants stay on Trump ban for people who landed in U.S. with valid visas

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They would have known this was going to be shut down and it is just onto the next phase of the plan. It doesn't matter to them now, they "acted" and the "liberal court system" stopped them. Any terrorist attack from now on will be blamed directly on the courts.

Queue more demands for change from idiot America. We need a conservative supreme court where Trump can remove members who do not perform!!!

Etc etc

That is a deeply cynical outlook.

(And probably right.)
It's not going to work.

The judiciary is so expansive, so entrenched in American politics, that taking them on is akin to fighting a land war in Afghanistan or assaulting Russia with winter coming.

We should welcome the incoming waste of time and political capital.
Weimar republic judiciary was relatively strong too, the breaking point is always how far the executive/legislative is willing to go to disable them.

If the executive/legislative start stripping the judicative of their power and disabling them and all the courts can do is to judge them illegal, and those judgements are ignored by the government and governmental institutions (something the Polish government was trying to do a few months ago) and the civilian population is not rising up in support, it totally is possible to turn the judiciary from a balance of power against you to a bunch of henchmen and yes-men that turn every political court case into a show and judge exactly as you want them to. Might be alot harder to do with how entrenched the balance of power system in the US is, but we will see how far Bannon and Trump are willing to go and how willing the Senate/Congress republicans are willing to bend over to protect their careers over what is obviously wrong and undemocratical. Bannon definitely wants courts disabled, he is a facist neo-nazi after all and is on record saying he wants to dismantle democracy (the big reason why him getting so much power is extremely frightening).


This...isn't really something you can settle

Think of how many lawsuits are going to pop out of this just going off of today

I know that, I was making fun of how many lawsuits and cases against Trump have been made in the past in conjunction with him talking about not settling them because he'll continue to be sued...usually before settling them like the aforementioned Trump University.

The point is that I hope his presidency sees even more lawsuits.



They would have known this was going to be shut down and it is just onto the next phase of the plan. It doesn't matter to them now, they "acted" and the "liberal court system" stopped them. Any terrorist attack from now on will be blamed directly on the courts.

Queue more demands for change from idiot America. We need a conservative supreme court where Trump can remove members who do not perform!!!

Etc etc

You give them far too much credit.

They would have known this was going to be shut down and it is just onto the next phase of the plan. It doesn't matter to them now, they "acted" and the "liberal court system" stopped them. Any terrorist attack from now on will be blamed directly on the courts.

Queue more demands for change from idiot America. We need a conservative supreme court where Trump can remove members who do not perform!!!

Etc etc

Considering the massive protest that popped up in a matter of hours after the EO was passed... this doesn't seem likely.


Homeland Security Fail
Cecillia Wang ‏@WangCecillia

We have gotten disturbing reports that @CustomsBorder is refusing to comply with the court order
Cecillia Wang ‏@WangCecillia

We have gotten disturbing reports that @CustomsBorder is refusing to comply with the court order

Jebus, wtf is wrong with these people. Most CBP personnel are recent immigrants. We even call them "el emigrado" (The immigrated) around here. Fuck you got mine indeed
Cecillia Wang ‏@WangCecillia

We have gotten disturbing reports that @CustomsBorder is refusing to comply with the court order


Bahman Kalbasi ‏@BahmanKalbasi 4 hours ago
Meet Vahideh Rasekh: A Ph.D student in NY's Stony Brook university. Currently detained in JFK. #VisaBan #MuslimBan

Bahman Kalbasi ‏@BahmanKalbasi 40 minutes ago
Despite the stay order Vahideh Rasekhi is being deported on an 11:40 PM flight from JFK to Istanbul. #MuslimBan


Weimar republic judiciary was relatively strong too, the breaking point is always how far the executive/legislative is willing to go to disable them.

If the executive/legislative start stripping the judicative of their power and disabling them and all the courts can do is to judge them illegal, and those judgements are ignored by the government and governmental institutions (something the Polish government was trying to do a few months ago) and the civilian population is not rising up in support, it totally is possible to turn the judiciary from a balance of power against you to a bunch of henchmen and yes-men that turn every political court case into a show and judge exactly as you want them to. Might be alot harder to do with how entrenched the balance of power system in the US is, but we will see how far Bannon and Trump are willing to go and how willing the Senate/Congress republicans are willing to bend over to protect their careers over what is obviously wrong and undemocratical. Bannon definitely wants courts disabled, he is a facist neo-nazi after all and is on record saying he wants to dismantle democracy (the big reason why him getting so much power is extremely frightening).
The state and federal court system is vast beyond comprehension for most people who think of the machinery in terms of the Supreme Court. It's staffed with thousands of judges. Most legislatures at both levels are stocked with lawyers. America has a history dating to its inception as one obsessed with the quagmire that is the law.

They won't be able to do the bolded. It's paranoia beyond rationality to entertain this as possible. Perspective is necessary in these times.


Why am i not surprised there are people who defy the order...

Probably hardcore Trump supporters who think the court was a kangaroo court or corrupted somehow.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You give them far too much credit.

In his interviews and writings, Bannon clearly believes himself some kind of anarchist chessmaster with an aim to bring about chaos. Trump is nowhere near smart enough to think past one step. Bannon, I would suspect of coming up with actual sinister plots.


Cecillia Wang ‏@WangCecillia

We have gotten disturbing reports that @CustomsBorder is refusing to comply with the court order

They were pretty quick to comply with that poorly thought out executive order, though


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
is this enough for impeachment?

He has already committed several impeachable offenses. His proposed tariff is WAY in excess of what is allowed under international law, and is in violation of multiple treaties. He is in violation of the emoluments clause. Republicans are doing NOTHING.


The state and federal court system is vast beyond comprehension for most people who think of the machinery in terms of the Supreme Court. It's staffed with thousands of judges. Most legislatures at both levels are stocked with lawyers. America has a history dating to its inception as one obsessed with the quagmire that is the law.

They won't be able to do the bolded. It's paranoia beyond rationality to entertain this as possible. Perspective is necessary in these times.

Trump and Co. just put out an EO without any regards to the logistics of its implementation and without any concern for constitutionality. ANYTHING is possible, we have so much to lose by saying otherwise


In his interviews and writings, Bannon clearly believes himself some kind of anarchist chessmaster with an aim to bring about chaos. Trump is nowhere near smart enough to think past one step. Bannon, I would suspect of coming up with actual sinister plots.

I'm sure Bannon believes a lot of things.



They would have known this was going to be shut down and it is just onto the next phase of the plan. It doesn't matter to them now, they "acted" and the "liberal court system" stopped them. Any terrorist attack from now on will be blamed directly on the courts.

Queue more demands for change from idiot America. We need a conservative supreme court where Trump can remove members who do not perform!!!

Etc etc
I'm really not buying this "straight from the fascist's playbook" stuff anymore.
I'm really not buying this "straight from the fascist's playbook" stuff anymore.

indeed. people need to stop thinking of the GoP as brilliant Machiavellians. They're not, as their inability to decide what to do about ACA shows.

This has been the Dems biggest flaw for a long time now: They keep overestimating the GoP's actions as some kind of long game when its really stupidity and shortsightedness.


Trump and Co. just put out an EO without any regards to the logistics of its implementation and without any concern for constitutionality. ANYTHING is possible, we have so much to lose by saying otherwise
Anything is not possible and you risk losing touch with reality to believe the contrary.

Trump is not literally Hitler looking for a Reichstag fire And Bannon is not some unholy real life version of a fictional genius plotting ten steps ahead.

He's an immature irrational bigoted political novice, surrounded by bigoted political novices, who have demonstrated (among many things) a ridiculous level of inexperience for how EOs work or how government functions. From a purely legal view, his EOs are clumsy, and besides the one at issue today, they've been impotent messes that achieve little beyond signalling his stance on issues.

Fight the battles that exist. The judiciary isn't going away or getting defanged.


Just gave $50 to the ACLU. Everything unconstitutional he does needs to be challenged in court, and it surely will.
It's wonderful seeing everyone protest this bullshit. Keep protesting, keep calling your congressman, make these guys bend and break.

Takings page out of Trump's book, America stopped being great when all this bullshit came around. Now we're gonna throw Make America Great Again back in his face.


It's wonderful seeing everyone protest this bullshit. Keep protesting, keep calling your congressman, make these guys bend and break.

Takings page out of Trump's book, America stopped being great when all this bullshit came around. Now we're gonna throw Make America Great Again back in his face.

These protests? This activism in the face of tyranny and despotism?

THIS is how you really "make America great again".
Yeah, Trump is in a position he's not skilled to handle yet. His business behaviors and celeb mindset has done him no favors on the world stage, it's incompatible.

Gotta give him and Bannon credit for what they actually are: very foolish.



Customs is apparently refusing to comply with the Court order, meaning they will continue to detain those who would be affected
Yeah, Trump is in a position he's not skilled to handle yet. His business behaviors and celeb mindset has done him no favors on the world stage, it's incompatible.

Gotta give him and Bannon credit for what they actually are: very foolish.
This is far from over. Bannon is just getting started. A fed judge reversal was to be expected. If they successfully tip the SCOTUS in their favor and this ends up being decided at that level who knows what might happen.



Customs is apparently refusing to comply with the Court order, meaning they will continue to detain those who would be affected

First thing I thought when I read the headlines about this, is, they're refuse to comply and do it anyways. I'm sad but not shocked.

Where do we go from here? What do we do when the executive branch decides to totally ignore the judicial?
First thing I thought when I read the headlines about this, is, they're refuse to comply and do it anyways. I'm sad but not shocked.

Where do we go from here? What do we do when the executive branch decides to totally ignore the judicial?

Considering that ignoring a court mandate is a federal felony?

A shitload of people should be going directly to jail.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

In reality? I have no idea, this is completely uncharted waters to me.
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