I don't think it's just either or, the difference is the representation of men and women.
I largely blame the fanbase for shackling the character with that classification.
Yes she has a short skirt and some very unfortunate proportions during FMVs, but she is still portrayed as a character who can handle herself in a pinch, does not make any suggestive advances and also becomes a voice that raises the spirits of the other party members (especially the main character).
Yet years of fan-art from both Japan and America tend to portray her like she's Orihime, completely submissive and barely able to contain her endowments in her own clothing.
Considering what she looks like now, I think Tifa is above all criticisms regarding her appearance, and she really does deserve a spot in any categorized lists of "most empowered female videogame characters".
Uh-huh. Sure she did. She's totally a sentient being with agency. e_e
When the sexualization is completely one-sided, and often very creepy (not talking about the sorceress here) it's certainly a sign of sexism.
No, I'm saying that the calls for practicality in the context of high-fantasy content is a waste of time and a poor argument for making a claim of sexism. Marketing a piece of content to people who want to see female bodies isn't sexist. Enjoying a sexual fantasy isn't sexist.Not quite sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that it's not valid to criticize objectification in a games that are supposed to have a realistic context? That, to me, is getting dangerously close to a complete dismissal along the lines of "it's just pixels lol who cares." I think it's perfectly reasonable to criticize an overall trend and cite individual games as examples when they fall into a broader pattern that you take issue with.
I did. Here's my girlfriend's response to this first post...
I... wonder what a lesbian might have to say about all of this....being both a women, and likely into scantily clad women...
Of course, but we have come a long, long way from hereI largely blame the fanbase for shackling the character with that classification.
Yes she has a short skirt and some very unfortunate proportions during FMVs, but she is still portrayed as a character who can handle herself in a pinch, does not make any suggestive advances and also becomes a voice that raises the spirits of the other party members (especially the main character).
Yet years of fan-art from both Japan and America tend to portray her like she's Orihime, completely submissive and barely able to contain her endowments in her own clothing.
Considering what she looks like now, I think Tifa is above all criticisms regarding her appearance, and she really does deserve a spot in any categorized lists of "most empowered female videogame characters".
Who is being shamed for enjoying this? Criticizing art doesn't mean you're criticizing those who enjoy this. Seriously, stop it with that crap already.
Well... yes. Exactly. It amazes me that you apparently understand all that, and yet still think this is about slut-shaming. I could easily use your own rhetoric against you and tell you "what's wrong with a scientist wearing cleavage?! You're such a sex-negative prude!". But of course, that would be an asinine and stupid argument.
I agree that the majority of these arguments are facile. I laugh at the vast majority of those weak defenses that this image calls out.
I don't understand why the discussion always has to be about female oversexualization.
What about male undersexualization?
It's obvious that the male demographic responds well to these sexy female characters. If that's what they want to see in their games, why shouldn't they be able to? If female (or gay male) gamers feel it's unfair, why aren't we doing more to have more sexed-up man candy in games?
Kinda like the argument you sometimes hear about nerfing weapons in an online shooter. "Instead of nerfing this one gun... why not make all the other guns better?"
Ghirahim?What does it look like when a male character is empowered by sexualization?
That's a little bit irrelevant. Men don't have to reclaim their sexuality from people who want to control it.What does it look like when a male character is empowered by sexualization?
"Women" don't get to speak for every female out there. You will find that women have a large variety of opinions. They're not some singular entity.
Eh.Not quite sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that it's not valid to criticize objectification in a games that are supposed to have a realistic context? That, to me, is getting dangerously close to a complete dismissal along the lines of "it's just pixels lol who cares." I think it's perfectly reasonable to criticize an overall trend and cite individual games as examples when they fall into a broader pattern that you take issue with.
That's not to say the mere appearance of any form of sexism is bad, it depends strongly on context. A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones portrays a world that's full of blatant sexism without endorsing it at all, and it's also full of strong, well-written female characters who subvert the systems that work against them. I can totally accept that argument, but we rarely even get to that level with video games, where a lot of the problematic content is probably thrown in on a whim or as a cynical attempt to make the game more marketable to a certain demographic.
You can't.
You can only decide that for your self. Everybone has different thresholds. Some come of as prudish to some(an X) while others come of as deviant's (I according to that X).
You can sympathise with someone who feels like they are treated as a mere representation of the viewers fancy and at the same time cheer someone on who feels empowered by the same thing/kink/what ever.
Problem? The target audience is happy with what they're getting. In the new dragon age game I haven't seen any sexy armour choices for my character and am not happy with that. They can put sexy male armour too if they want, but don't limit my choice of armor scantiness (that's a real word I think) thank you very much.First let me preface by saying I think most of us can agree that there is definitely a problem in Japanese and Western videogames with oversexualization of female characters, women-as-sex-objects-and-nothing-more.
Problem? The target audience is happy with what they're getting. In the new dragon age game I haven't seen any sexy armour choices for my character and am not happy with that. They can put sexy male armour too if they want, but don't limit my choice of armor scantiness (that's a real word I think) thank you very much.
I didn't accuse you of disallowing them, I accused you of calling those fantasies problematic and/or sexist. That's an attempt to shame people for enjoying them
No. No it is not. Your repeating of this statement over and over again does not make it true. You can enjoy something while still being critical of it. The hell?"The girl from Dragon Crown poses in ways that show off her huge boobs and that's unrealistic and therefore wrong" is saying, "anyone who wants to see that in this game is wrong.
Like... in Dragon's Crown? xDA culture that excludes women is sexist. Always erring on the side of sexualization for every female character is sexist. Sexualization of the mundane is sexist, as if the "default" female should be showing hella cleavage.
LOL. Fucking wow. Okay, I'm done engaging with you.Side note: If you wouldn't like to be considered a prude, maybe don't post like you need a fainting couch and smelling salts while you describe clothes-on showings of sexual attributes.
Hey now, I didn't do any ad hominem. I called his argument stupid, not him. But he called me a prude and sex-negative and worse, dismissed my point of view based on this personal attack (so textbook ad hominem). There's a difference.Then say why you thought it was a poorly constructed, sex-negative argument instead of calling someone else a prude. Ad hominem is still a logical fallacy even if the other person did it first.
You missed the point, which is saying that "this fictional character drawn by a real-life artist totally chose to look/dress like that!" is not an argument at all.If you are implying a character being fictional is grounds to dismiss their agency within their own universe, then I whole heartedly disagree with you. This goes against most schools of criticism, or at least any I've heard of.
Wait, whatWe look to fictional characters as role models and teachers all the time
Actually... she is not. Have you played the game? Literally every single female character except the elf (who still has the boobs-and-butt pose, but I'll let it slide) and the (doe-eyed and brain-dead) princess are sexualized and not just a little, but far from every male is. So it's definitely one-sided.I disagree that the sexualization in Dragon's Crown is one-sided, although the Sorceress is certainly the farthest extreme.
Which is what critics are saying, and not the latter strawman.It's about the culture, it's about encouraging inclusiveness, it's not about hunched over girls with big boobs. It's valid to say to the creators of Dragon's Crown: "I initially wanted to play that, but judging by the content I saw, you didn't think it was for me, and I felt excluded. I'm here, ready to buy and play games. Make something for me."
Why shouldn't they? Isn't artistic vision sancrosanct?Problem? The target audience is happy with what they're getting. In the new dragon age game I haven't seen any sexy armour choices for my character and am not happy with that. They can put sexy male armour too if they want, but don't limit my choice of armor scantiness (that's a real word I think) thank you very much.
This is why i consider the game to be closer to erotic art (though they would probably never call it that, to avoid a much harsher ESRB/PEGI rating).Actually... she is not. Have you played the game? Literally every single female character except the elf (who still has the boobs-and-butt pose, but I'll let it slide) and the (doe-eyed and brain-dead) princess are sexualized and not just a little, but far from every male is. So it's definitely one-sided.
It's immaterial that you enjoyed the game as a whole. We're discussing how problematic one specific thing about it was. That really shouldn't be a difficult concept.No. No it is not. Your repeating of this statement over and over again does not make it true. You can enjoy something while still being critical of it. The hell?
Dragon's Crown was my GotY 2013. To say that I want to shame people for enjoying the game is so off-base it's beyond pathetic.
So, your argument is that the magical sorceress in a fantasy game full of disproportionate character designs is "mundane" and thus an opportunity for female designs to conform with real life? Um, okay.Like... in Dragon's Crown? xD
Good.LOL. Fucking wow. Okay, I'm done engaging with you.
Here's the TL;DR. Take this image of "Female Armor Bingo" that a feminist blog put together:
I agree that the majority of these arguments are facile. I laugh at the vast majority of those weak defenses that this image calls out.
Yet, "Art shouldn't be censored," "There's nothing wrong with showing a bit of skin," "Don't expect fantasy to be realistic," and "That's just marketing to men" are all valid things to say. People want to act like it's wrong to just make sexual content for guys who have money and want it. It isn't. In otherwords, I think we can have both - an inclusive gaming culture, and sexual content for dudes. It's big enough for everyone.
It's trivial to determine whether something is sexualized or not. The question is whether the characters in question are being erotic. Is the character intentionally titalizing the player? Trying to evoke a sexual response?
Of course, this is too objective for debate, because it's pretty easy to tell whether or not a game or game character is trying to stimulate the players. There's pretty much a clear demarcation there. The easiest way to test it is, "Would you play this game with your family in the room?" Unless you enjoy watching pornography around your family, it's unlikely.
"Would you play this game with your family in the room?" Unless you enjoy watching pornography around your family, it's unlikely.
First of all, your "test" assumes a moral standard (specifically yours).
We all like different things. Go figure.
The Gamergate discussions brought the whole Bingo thing to new levels of ridiculousness by having both sides create their own bingo cards.Bingo cards are a bullshit rhetorical crutch. Pointing out that arguments are often made, does not invalidate those arguments. It's an image designed to signal others on one's side that you're in the in-group. It's just an easy cognitive trick to make one think that they are engaging with opposing ideas while remaining snugly in a comfortable epistemic bubble.
This essay by Freddie DeBoer describes much of this thread all to well. http://fredrikdeboer.com/2014/04/29/bingo-cards-go-both-ways/
Has anyone brought up this satirical webcomic at all? I think it's excellent.
The statement I think it's trying to make is: Being a strong, empowered female lead and being sexualized are two separate things. It just seems like the latter is a prerequisite for the former.
Why do buzz words like "strength" and "strong" even matter? I don't give a fuck about strong characters, I want "good" characters." There are plenty of "strong" and "independent" male characters in games that are absolutely shitty characters. So simply ascribing those attributes to a female character and saying she's better for it seems incredibly condescending, and quite frankly just another form of sexism to me. The boss from MGS3 is probably my favorite character in a game, male or female, and "strong" or "independent" are probably the last words i'd use to describe her because how "strong" a character is really doesn't mean anything to me. Does that character have depth, are they interesting, do they have weaknesses that I can relate to, etc. These are things I look for in a well rounded character. I think we do a great disservice to the quality of characters if all we look for and examine is how "strong" a character is. But worst of all is that we only seem to look for these attributes in female characters. Does no one else see this mindset as more damaging than "oh my god a character with big boobs has cleavage"? It feels like a parent protecting or looking after their child, as opposed to just being seen as equal.
When Rambo in First Blood breaks down and starts crying, it's a powerful moment because throughout the entire film the only side of him we've seen was this super strong hardened bad ass. To see the human underneath the facade is the whole point of the film. I can't help but think that if Rambo was replaced with a woman, it would then be judged much more harshly on account "oh so she's a woman and getting emotional, I see what you did." Does no one else see the sexism that exists with that type of attitude? It reminds me of the reaction with the Tomb Raider reboot when they attempted to actually make Lara resemble a human. People were actually upset to see her show emotion, comparing her to Nathan Drake because "Drake doesn't brake down, drake isn't sobbing or showing emotion" well that's because Drake is a one dimensional character that doesn't resemble a human. The fact that a male character is allowed to be anything we want them to be, while a female characters must adhere to standards we've created of what's "strong" or must have a specific body type as to not be sexist or pandering or what ever the fuck, is a big problem that no one ever talks about because all we can seem to judge are how big a woman's boobs are and if she's showing too much cleavage.
empowerment is sexy and being sexy is empowering.
... which is clearly why sex workers are among the most powerful people in our society, and pin-ups of Margaret Thatcher were so common. No? Perhaps it's worth pondering, just for a moment, why your assertion might not hold water.
I think the argument should be about the lack of non-sexualized female characters and not how sexualized sexualized characters are.
I don't really care about the latter but the former has me interested.
Yeah, it's even pretty hard to get a consensus on what makes a strong female character. I remember someone saying that Bonny from Red Dead Redemption isn't a strong character because she gets kidnapped at one point in the game, which I found kind of ridiculous. As if that one instance would negate the entire build up of the character.I think it's more like the former is a prerequisite for the latter, and some people are setting that bar very, very high.