I told myself I'd stop but...
Since you still are being incredibly rude, and still making no sense in any way, you could at least be
consistent, and stop engaging with me when you said you would. If there's anything the internet needs less of, it's bad arguments made by rude people.
It really shouldn't, so I don't know why you cling to this notion that thinking something is problematic means that you think people who enjoy something are bad.
I am a fan of Lovecraft's writing. There is a lot, and I do mean a lot of racist and xenophobic elements in Lovecraft stories. And I can recognize that while still enjoying his work, and I don't think people who enjoy his stories about "degenerate Eskimos" and "mongrel cultists" are racist just because they enjoy his stories. You can acknowledge that the racism is there, and problematic, while still enjoying the work and not being a racist or a xenophobe yourself.
There's a very simple reason why that example is not the same.
For that example to follow, and for you to be excusing Lovecraft's readers from culpability, you would have to be saying, "it's okay for Lovecraft's readers to enjoy, specifically, all the racism in his books. That doesn't mean that his readers are racist - they just like to take in racist ideas once in awhile, like the racist parts in this book!"
I'll leave aside how you are drawing a comparison between putting Dragon Crown's sorceress in sexy poses and racism, which is not sex-negative at all (besides being hilarious -- as if being racist-negative existed).
You once again are talking about enjoying a whole work (I like some Lovecraft myself) when I am talking about enjoying the one piece of it that you are deeming problematic -- the sexy poses in Dragon's Crown. Which you went on and on about, sounding a lot like the evangelical Christians I grew up with. You might consider yourself super open-minded and not like this being pointed out. But evangelical Christians who hatefully go on about girls who act "slutty" aren't magically absolved from appearing judgmental and prudish by following up with, "but I love those girls, otherwise!"
Nope, not what I said. For the last time: it's not even about the sorceress at all. But all of what you describe fits Dragon's Crown pretty well. There's more to the game than the sorceress, which you would know if you had played it.
I know what I said fits Dragon's Crown, because I played it, and I don't care what you said about things besides the sorceress, because I'm calling you out for what you said about the sorceress. Oh, and do me a huge favor and have this actually be "the last time." Like you said it was before. If you really find that you can't resist posting more bile in my direction, PM me instead, because this is far from being a productive discussion.
You are part of the problem. The rampant use of the Lobster typeface degrades us all. No other typeface has spread so quickly throughout screen and print design.
Edit: Never mind, wrong thread. Thought this was the sexualization of typefaces thread. Carry on.
EDIT EDIT: WOAH WOAH WOAH. I had class with this deBoer fellow 2 semesters ago! Small world. Carry on some more.
I find the use of the Lobster typeface empowering! Just because you can't handle its curves doesn't mean I have to have my agency taken away to deal with your fear of strongly typed characters.