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Female Smash player was sexually molested at EVO: Offender banned from comp play 1 yr

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People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.

The molestation makes him a bad person. Like, full stop.


I doubt it's that black and white. I mean, what stopping the "aggressor" from claiming "I was also drunk"?

Unfortunately for any innocent guy in that situation, he'll be considered the aggressor (at least in Canada, not sure how that situation would go here in the US). But you're right, it's not that black and white. Just was trying to give the guy a simple answer to his question


The molestation makes him a bad person. Like, full stop.

Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.


The thought that almost 1 in 5 women were the victim of rape was so shocking it made me do some digging. The sexual assault mentioned in this thread is probably not what most people think of as rape but it turns out that it may be included under the definiton the CDC used which gives a very different impression.


Both critics and supporters of the CDC’s methodology note the striking disparity between CDC figures and the Justice Department’s crime statistics based on the National Crime Victimization Survey (which includes crimes unreported to the police). While the CDC estimates that nearly 2 million adult American women were raped in 2011 and nearly 6.7 million suffered some other form of sexual violence, the NCVS estimate for that year was 238,000 rapes and sexual assaults.

New Republic reporter Claire Groden points out that while the NCVS focuses on criminal acts, the CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey asks about instances of forced sex which respondents may or may not regard as crimes. Yet it is worth noting that in the early 1990s, the NCVS was redesigned to elicit more reports of sexual and domestic violence that may not fit the conventional mold of criminal attacks. In addition to being asked directly about rape, attempted rape or sexual assault, respondents now get a follow-up question about “forced or unwanted sexual acts” committed by a stranger, a casual acquaintance, or someone they know well.

There is more there. It's kind of a relief that, while sexual assault may still be problem, 1 in 5 women haven't been violently raped.

Anyway, it's almost needless to say that what happened here is totally unacceptable and I wish her the best.


You know what?

In a round about way, I'm happy for this. So many other sports and entertainment outlets would try to keep this under wraps by buying silence or smear campaigns. Good on the FGC for shedding light on trash behavior like this.

Keep this clean and straight
The boyfriend was most likely either drunk and a sleep or dead a sleep and drunk or just a deep sleeper. An if he's the type of sleeper i'm thinking of then. He would not have noticed much. Regardless the boyfriend is not at fault here, unless it comes out that he knew what was happening and let it happen.

Super glad that the victim was aware of her situation and didn't assume that Hyuga (a creeper name) was her boyfriend and go along with it...yikes. Which would have been even more horrifying.

I am in no way saying the boyfriend is at fault, I am just trying to figure out if he was so shitfaced that he couldn't wake up or if she even attempted to wake him up. Even at my drunkest (and I've been blackout drunk before sadly) I have had no problems being woken up by random shit (like hotel roommates having sex in the bed next ot me)
I was listening to a fairly popular gaming podcast a few weeks ago where the host was semi-defending Noel Brown on the basis of "There were texts joking about it, they got pizza together." This despite the fact she complained and the TOs investigated it and found Brown to be at fault. The general idea was that he couldn't be at fault because she was acting suspicious. They also implied that banning him from CPT was only done because Capcom had to make an example of Brown and they specifically used the word "martyr."

I imagine shit like this probably leads to these things going under-reported, too. How many people just don't say anything because the community won't have their backs? How many are scared of being ostracized and are accused of trying to take a popular player down? The victim here had witnesses, told her story, the attacker admitted it and made excuses, and there is evidence of him saying so, and people still tried to figure out a way to dampen down the assaulter/victim roles.

I think what people often don't understand is that any type of sexual assault is basically impossible to get justice for because of this constant reading into every action by the woman as an indication of hidden motives of some kind or another.

And they get this accusation if they come forth immediately or if they wait to do so. Either they're out to get him because the accusation was so fast or any delay is "suspicious". You know why there's often a delay to accuse? Because going through the process of getting your assaulter convicted is often hellish, and rarely works, and it takes time to decide to put yourself through something like that. Furthermore, since most sexual assaults are by people well-known to the victims, there are often social consequences to consider, and some women decide to "let it go" rather than risk fallout from friends and family.

So, basically, it's fucked, and anyone who goes public with any of this has an enormous amount of courage.


Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.

Oh, I must have missed the part where it was a well-intentioned, friendly molestation and not the usual evil, ne'er-do-well kind.

Yes the US has a problem locking people up for victimless crimes; this is not one of those instances.


People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.
I suffer from very bad social anxiety. Only since two years ago have I been able to go outside. When I get drunk I don't suddenly become a molester. He is very much a bad person.


People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.

What he needs is a week or two in jail.

I know about social and anxiety issues, trust me, but it's not an excuse... When he chose to drink, well he wasn't drunk... so he made this choice with a clear mind, what happened afterwards, drunk or not, is still his responsability.

Hate this excuse "oh but I was drunk"...
But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

I'll make this real simple for you.

Two unconscious people cannot have sex.
Two drunk people can have sex.
Drunk people can rape.
Sober, drunk, and unconscious people can be raped.

If you are confused by this or still see shades of grey, you should perhaps avoid targeting drunk women or being around women when drunk yourself.


Oh, I must have missed the part where it was a well-intentioned, friendly molestation and not the usual evil, ne'er-do-well kind.

Yes the US has a problem locking people up for victimless crimes; this is not one of those instances.

Wow those are some pretty awful things to try and put in my mouth. We can probably be a bit more mature than that. I said he did a bad thing and probably due to mental issues and needs help. Doing a bad thing doesn't immediately make you a bad person. If that was the case there would probably be very very very few good people on this earth. Intent and how you respond to it are very important factors.


I suffer from very bad social anxiety. Only since two years ago have I been able to go outside. When I get drunk I don't suddenly become a molester. He is very much a bad person.

The social anxiety was one of two things I listed. The Foreveralone mental problems was a separate thing.
This is why I hate alcohol, if you drink too much and blackout it can turn a man into an animal with no conscious.

No. If a person acts like that after having a few drinks it's because they are already like that. It's not the alcohol. It's them.

Billions of people drink alcohol and manage not to molest their acquaintances. The difference with the people that do has to do with the person, not the drink.


What the hell is foreveralone mental problems?

A vague descriptions that someone who is not medically studied in the field uses to described a potential breadth of psycological problems.

He was stopped from what he was doing and the victim was moved away from him. He then tried to do it again a little bit later.

At that point, you don't get sympathy.

You don't have to give him sympathy. I can still be an adult and acknowledge he needs psychological help


Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.

Ill judge this guy on his known actions, not some hypothetical goodness he hasn't demonstrated. Why are you going out of your way to give the benefit of the doubt to a sex offender?


Wow those are some pretty awful things to try and put in my mouth. We can probably be a bit more mature than that. I said he did a bad thing and probably due to mental issues and needs help. Doing a bad thing doesn't immediately make you a bad person. If that was the case there would probably be very very very few good people on this earth. Intent and how you respond to it are very important factors.

So the stance you're taking is that you can both be a sex criminal and a good person? I'm not sure what words I'm putting into your mouth. We're not talking about a guy who sold pot a couple times in high school here.

I'm not saying the dude can't learn from his mistakes and be a better person for it in due time, but he (allegedly) molested a woman while she was sleeping just this past weekend. I'm not really sure his target really gave a shit about how much of a "good guy" he was during the moment. How many more people does he have to molest before you stop giving him a pass?


Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.

No, it's because we jail too many people for non-violent and victimless crimes. People who sexually assault others deserve to be put in jail. Period.


Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.

No, they don't. At least, good people don't molest or sexually assault people all the time, what the fuck is wrong with you? The US prison system is a byproduct of both racial issues and incarceration for victimess drug offenses not due to people trying to convict people doing molestation or sexual assault.


Ill judge this guy on his known actions, not some hypothetical goodness he hasn't demonstrated. Why are you going out of your way to give the benefit of the doubt to a sex offender?

Benefit of what doubt? Lol. People are attacking me because I said he needs psycological help and shouldn't just immediately demonized when none of us know him personally. There is clearly a maturity gap here.

I am old enough to consider this guy a kid. People here are acting like he is done as a civilized human being and should just jump off a bridge. Because I'm sure that will make everyone involved including the victim feel awful.


Oh, I must have missed the part where it was a well-intentioned, friendly molestation and not the usual evil, ne'er-do-well kind.

Yes the US has a problem locking people up for victimless crimes; this is not one of those instances.

Great post. took the words right out of my head.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ill judge this guy on his known actions, not some hypothetical goodness he hasn't demonstrated. Why are you going out of your way to give the benefit of the doubt to a sex offender?

Yeah, his continuous defense for this guy is baffling. With each post he is coming up with different angles and possibilities to explain.

What the hell is foreveralone mental problems?

Something that WadeItOut came up with to defend this guys actions. Whenever I see, "Yeah what he did was bad, but..." I start to think that whoever is saying that doesn't think it was that bad. The fact that he keeps trying to defend this guy with excuses of alcohol, social anxiety, and 'foreveralone mental problems is disturbing in my book. It is to the degree that he is completely ignoring the act and how the victim is feeling.


Oh, I must have missed the part where it was a well-intentioned, friendly molestation and not the usual evil, ne'er-do-well kind.

Yes the US has a problem locking people up for victimless crimes; this is not one of those instances.

That' doesn't mean he shouldn't be held responsible for his actions here he should and is but at the same time wouldn't actually finding the root cause of this and helping fix it actually be more productive than just simply punitive actions alone?

I don't think anyone here is saying absolve him of his actions or don't take punitive measures against him but getting people help seems like a much more longterm productive way to deal with this.


Wow those are some pretty awful things to try and put in my mouth. We can probably be a bit more mature than that. I said he did a bad thing and probably due to mental issues and needs help. Doing a bad thing doesn't immediately make you a bad person. If that was the case there would probably be very very very few good people on this earth. Intent and how you respond to it are very important factors.
He was stopped from what he was doing and the victim was moved away from him. He then tried to do it again a little bit later.

At that point, you don't get sympathy.
Hope his sponsors drop him. Scum bag, alchohol is no excuse for not having self controll and invading someones space right now. That shit is sexual assault


No, they don't. At least, good people don't molest or sexually assault people all the time, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Good people with psychological problems do bad things all of the time. Hence the entire reason why people seek to get them psychological help.

Really disgusted by the number of kids here completely against the idea that someone might need therapy for issues.
That' doesn't mean he shouldn't be held responsible for his actions here he should and is but at the same time wouldn't actually finding the root cause of this and helping fix it actually be more productive than just simply punitive actions alone?

I don't think anyone here is saying absolve him of his actions or don't take punitive measures against him but getting people help seems like a much more longterm productive way to deal with this.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Damn the man and damn the problem, I don't have to drop one to do the other.


"Legal reasons" lol wut? NeoGAF isn't a court, it doesn't need to do shit. Regardless, the dude admitted to it.

This is not a court of law. You watch too much TV. There are witnesses and he admitted it. gtfo.

Lol oh to be young. You need to use the word because you condemn the subject of the article to being guilty before all the facts get out there. In this case the guy admitted fault but if he was innocent you would be a giant asshole for automatically condemning someone as guilty without all the facts. That's why you use the word alleged


No. If a person acts like that after having a few drinks it's because they are already like that. It's not the alcohol. It's them.

Billions of people drink alcohol and manage not to molest their acquaintances. The difference with the people that do has to do with the person, not the drink.
It doesn't have to be molestation, it could be drunk driving with no thought of others, wanting start a fight, getting to the core of bad emotions that are buried and make you be terrible to others with no logic barrier, or running through the street naked, try to hurt themselves, etc. All decisions that normally these rational good people wouldn't make but when in blackout drunk mode act like an selfish animal.

Not to mention the more you drink the less intelligence your decisions become and drinking more tends to become one of those decisions and can easily lead to the blackout phase.
That' doesn't mean he shouldn't be held responsible for his actions here he should and is but at the same time wouldn't actually finding the root cause of this and helping fix it actually be more productive than just simply punitive actions alone?

I don't think anyone here is saying absolve him of his actions or don't take punitive measures against him but getting people help seems like a much more longterm productive way to deal with this.

What, should the Smash community be looking into fixing the problem?

Lol oh to be young. You need to use the word because you condemn the subject of the article to being guilty before all the facts get out there. In this case the guy admitted fault but if he was innocent you would be a giant asshole for automatically condemning someone as guilty without all the facts. That's why you use the word alleged

He isn't though, so maybe you should take your attempt at "lol you kids" disrespect and store it away.


There is clearly a maturity gap here.

Boy you said it. Because sticking up for sex offenders is not a sign of maturity, and assuming this is true:

I am old enough to consider this guy a kid. .

Then you should know that. Or maybe not, because older generations had this awful problem of trivializing sexual assault.

Further, if you really are as old as you say you are, you should stop using slang thay 13 year olds use.


is a goddamn bear

And to have the fucking nerve to try and imply he isn't scum for this. No sir, you're a sick pervert. Alcohol will never be an excuse.


A vague descriptions that someone who is not medically studied in the field uses to described a potential breadth of psycological problems.

So basically you haven't a clue and trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt because " he may have a problem". Sorry but what he did was disgusting and he deserves what he gets.
Good people do bad things all of the time. This is the same awful mentality that is the reason the US has a global joke of an overcrowding prison system. A good person can do a bad thing for psychological reasons that doesn't immediately mean they have bad intentions and are a bad person.

Good people do make bad decisions all the time but when you sexually assualt someone you are not a good person, IMO. The reason the US has an overcrowded prison has nothing to do with sexual assualt and a lot to do with substance abuse. I will say that I do think people that have a substance abuse issue can be good people but I don't agree that a sex offender is a good person by nature of the crime they committed.
People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.

I had a friend who would black out when drinking and would do stupid things like lose his car for 7 months yet he kept drinking. Some people really do lose themselves when they drink and those who know it and keep doing it are responsible for their actions when they're drunk.


I am really glad to have seen this poster get banned. What a horrid thing to say, that a victim of sexual assault should be expected to not talk about anything except being a victim (oh, and if she did that, she'd then be a professional victim because that's all she ever talks about!).

Mmm. I hate the internet.
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