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Female Smash player was sexually molested at EVO: Offender banned from comp play 1 yr

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People talk about stuff like "rape culture" because so many people's first impulse is not to rally around the victim but to find excuses for the abusers behavior and attempt to shield them from consequences.

Feels like it's gotten better in the FGC as a whole though, even as someone who just watched streams and played online I felt embarrassed to be even tangentially a part of it all during the Cross Assault kerfuffle.

Cross Assault was a black mark for everyone involved and everybody changed the way they conduct themselves after it.
But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

This is not a binary issue. You are responsible for the bad things you do regardless of how drunk you are. You can't really consent when you are in an altered state of mind.


But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

u drunk right now? odd spacing

also, being fucked up is not grounds for being taken advantage of. not by a decent person at least.


But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

You're not understanding at all. If you don't want to be molested, and you get molested, you can claim that you got... molested. If you molest someone else, then they can claim that you molested them. The point people are trying to make is that being drunk isn't an excuse for molesting someone who either isn't consenting or isn't capable of consenting.


Reposting because bottom of page:

Both are necessary. As long as there are still people who do such things, one should be cautious. Just like how I wear a reflective vest and a helmet when I'm cycling, or if someone knocks on the door after 10pm I put the chain on before opening the door.

Getting assaulted/robbed/run over isn't the victims fault, but everyone should be aware these things can happen, and it's best to do what you can to avoid placing yourself in a situation where it makes it easier.

Naturally, but remember that one does preclude the other. This isn't like riding your bike, when accidents can just happen.

If the first rule "molestation is not ok" is reinforced and propagated enough then it will preclude "be careful when around men you dont know" as people will change their behaviour, and it won't be necessary.

That's the whole point of organised society. Lower the risk of problematic or bad things happening to nil through normalisation and reinforcement.

Of course we should tell people to be safe, but in cases where it's a person-to-person crime like DUI or sexual assaut then society can actively prevent that - it's not an accident. The onus should be on preventing the culprit from ever thinking of it.
Cross Assault was a black mark for everyone involved and everybody changed the way they conduct themselves after it.

Indeed, but the way that some well-known people reacted and acted in the immediate aftermath of what happened indicated that some people were going to be resistant to that change :/


Indeed, but the way that some well-known people reacted and acted in the immediate aftermath of what happened indicated that some people were going to be resistant to that change :/

That's how people are in general unfortunately. Conversations have to be had to force people to change. It's something we still struggle with every time something like this happens.


But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

No, regardless of being a right state of mind or not, if you're assaulting someone, your mental state doesn't factor into it (unless you can say that you were actually in a state of legit insanity). For example, if you get sloppy drunk and then beat the shit out of someone, you're still getting arrested for assault and battery because you put yourself in an altered state that impaired or removed your judgement. Conversely, if you are drunk and someone pulls you into a van to do god knows what, it isn't your fault that you were taken because you were drunk, it is the fault of the people that pulled you into that van.

Now if your question is, if someone is drunk and wants to have relations with you as a sober person, is it still assault, that's a fuzzy area because you, being the one of clear mind, have to ascertain whether or not this person approaching you is compromised, because if they are, it's still very easy to make the argument that you still took advantage of a person in an altered state. As we've seen in the courts, this gets sticky as it's very hard to prove intent when alcohol is involved.

All that being said, if someone is clearly hammered and drooping themselves over you asking for sex, 100 times out of 100, you are better off sitting them down in a chair, getting them some water, and helping them sober up. Because if you just "let it happen", you're probably a gigantic scumbag. There's a point where general decency comes into play that goes beyond the idea of, "YAY! I CAN GET MY DICK WET AND I DON'T CARE HOW IT HAPPENS!"

Indeed, but the way that some well-known people reacted and acted in the immediate aftermath of what happened indicated that some people were going to be resistant to that change :/

To be fair, the mindset of those people is ridiculous, on par of "why do we have to be so PC now a days? We didn't have a single social problem in the community before all this...."INCLUSION", so why do we have to change? THEY should change to fit US!"
People talk about stuff like "rape culture" because so many people's first impulse is not to rally around the victim but to find excuses for the abusers behavior and attempt to shield them from consequences.

I was listening to a fairly popular gaming podcast a few weeks ago where the host was semi-defending Noel Brown on the basis of "There were texts joking about it, they got pizza together." This despite the fact she complained and the TOs investigated it and found Brown to be at fault. The general idea was that he couldn't be at fault because she was acting suspicious. They also implied that banning him from CPT was only done because Capcom had to make an example of Brown and they specifically used the word "martyr."

I imagine shit like this probably leads to these things going under-reported, too. How many people just don't say anything because the community won't have their backs? How many are scared of being ostracized and are accused of trying to take a popular player down? The victim here had witnesses, told her story, the attacker admitted it and made excuses, and there is evidence of him saying so, and people still tried to figure out a way to dampen down the assaulter/victim roles.


I'm amazed by the fact that they left him in the room after the first offense and just had her switch to a different bed. I probably would have almost killed the guy if that shit happened to anyone I knew.
I wonder what would happen if they stopped serving alcohol at these events or even having people on staff looking out for folks? Especially those clearly out of it; so they can be look out for to either get home or a room or anything resembling help.

Either way it seems like, he wasn't that drunk really. Since he went out of his way to repeat the act which is really fishy. I think he knew exactly what he was doing and chose not to remember or his brain just shuts off when booze is introduced (if it does then he needs to see a doctor). But i guess i'm surprised and not surprised that the person who stopped him didn't kick him out in the first time, given the reason he was there in the room was to help him. So it overrode his actions for a time before it became clear and i'm sure disbelief was a factor as well. Still lessons to be learned here regardless.


I wonder what would happen if they stopped serving alcohol at these events or even having people on staff looking out for folks? Especially those clearly out of it; so they can be look out for to either get home or a room or anything resembling help.

People wouldn't go. Or rather, people wouldn't stay. Especially in Vegas where there is always a better party to go to.

I was listening to a fairly popular gaming podcast a few weeks ago where the host was semi-defending Noel Brown on the basis of "There were texts joking about it, they got pizza together." This despite the fact she complained and the TOs investigated it and found Brown to be at fault. The general idea was that he couldn't be at fault because she was acting suspicious. They also implied that banning him from CPT was only done because Capcom had to make an example of Brown and they specifically used the word "martyr."

I imagine shit like this probably leads to these things going under-reported, too. How many people just don't say anything because the community won't have their backs? How many are scared of being ostracized and are accused of trying to take a popular player down? The victim here had witnesses, told her story, the attacker admitted it and made excuses, and there is evidence of him saying so, and people still tried to figure out a way to dampen down the assaulter/victim roles.

We live in a world where being on a successful LaCrosse team will beat most rape charges. It's a bad situation everywhere. We, as a society, have a long way to go.
I'm amazed by the fact that they left him in the room after the first offense and just had her switch to a different bed. I probably would have almost killed the guy if that shit happened to anyone I knew.

I imagine there was a thought process of "We're tired, he doesn't know what he's doing, we'll fuck him sideways about this tomorrow but probably shouldn't throw him out on the street fight this second."

Then he does it again and they snapped to clarity.

It wasn't the right call, but I can imagine it happening.


Pleading so that he can enter the USA to play again... You did something terrible, that's the least of your worries.

Very messed up, I can't imagine what she's going through. I wish her the best.


I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

Still, i dont understand why they didnt kick him out the first time. He is already embarrassing himself, he should have been taken away to at least give the girl some safety.

I'm going to actually answer this and not give a sarcastic answer. If she is drunk and got into your bed and started grinding on you and you have sex with her, they will still consider it you raping her. Just like if you were drunk and started touching her and she has sex with you, it's considered her raping you. This isn't the case here as she didn't have sex with him.


I imagine there was a thought process of "We're tired, he doesn't know what he's doing, we'll fuck him sideways about this tomorrow but probably shouldn't throw him out on the street fight this second."

Then he does it again and they snapped to clarity.

It wasn't the right call, but I can imagine it happening.

I mean, I probably have an insanely low tolerance for this due to having 3 sisters. But they honestly should have dealt with it a bit more seriously the first time.
I don't think anyone's blaming the boyfriend, but the fact that he wasn't aware enough to do something about what was happening is kind of peculiar

:lol Peculiar? 90% of the people in Vegas are getting drunk while they are there. Its part of why people go. He let an acquaintance crash in his room. He didn't think this scumbag was going to molest his GF.


Any anime convention hentai panel the GF and I have gone to have always been hilarious comedy events filled nearly equally with both men and women. It's never just a dark room with a bunch of creeps getting off.

Oh i know, i've been to a few, generally they're the panels with the best laughs.


And he is a Mexican??? Ugh... As a Mexican myself, I have nothing but the utmost respect for women and this guy should be punished for his acts, no excuses if he was drunk. NO. EXCUSES. Such a dumbass.


Ah yes, the old "I was drunk" excuse.
motherfucker please. If that actually worked their would be a lot of people walking free for murder.


I'm amazed by the fact that they left him in the room after the first offense and just had her switch to a different bed. I probably would have almost killed the guy if that shit happened to anyone I knew.

it sounds like only one person woke up and dealt with it the first time

the second time a different person woke up and kicked him out
I was listening to a fairly popular gaming podcast a few weeks ago where the host was semi-defending Noel Brown on the basis of "There were texts joking about it, they got pizza together." This despite the fact she complained and the TOs investigated it and found Brown to be at fault. The general idea was that he couldn't be at fault because she was acting suspicious. They also implied that banning him from CPT was only done because Capcom had to make an example of Brown and they specifically used the word "martyr."

I imagine shit like this probably leads to these things going under-reported, too. How many people just don't say anything because the community won't have their backs? How many are scared of being ostracized and are accused of trying to take a popular player down? The victim here had witnesses, told her story, the attacker admitted it and made excuses, and there is evidence of him saying so, and people still tried to figure out a way to dampen down the assaulter/victim roles.

It often goes unreported outside of these events and in normal every day life, so I'm sure it's similar (maybe worse) at these types of events. Really unfortunate that this happens and people need to stop trying to find excuses.
u drunk right now? odd spacing

also, being fucked up is not grounds for being taken advantage of. not by a decent person at least.

I don't understand, odd spacing in what way? Maybe laziness on my part similar to when people type u instead of you.

And yes i agree with your final point.

This is not a binary issue. You are responsible for the bad things you do regardless of how drunk you are. You can't really consent when you are in an altered state of mind.

First part is true and easy to understand. Second part depending on the context does it always apply? I dont mean sexually, for example, signing a document.


Ugh, that's terrible.

Okay, so, to give a bit of perspective here, 18% of women in the U.S. have been raped, which works out to about 20 million women.

And that's just rape, which wouldn't include the incident in the OP. And that's excluding the men as well, which is a non-trivial number.

If you consider the amount of people who must be sex offenders given this, you would expect to find them basically everywhere, including here.

Holy shit, had no idea it was as high as 18% just for rape. That is so horrible and depressing.


I'm going to actually answer this and not give a sarcastic answer. If she is drunk and got into your bed and started grinding on you and you have sex with her, they will still consider it you raping her. Just like if you were drunk and started touching her and she has sex with you, it's considered her raping you. This isn't the case here as she didn't have sex with him.

I doubt it's that black and white. I mean, what stopping the "aggressor" from claiming "I was also drunk"?


God...this is so terrible to hear. I'm happy she spoke out because the punishment he's texting to avoid is the most lenient that he deserves. I can't believe he tried to get sympathy for his restricted competitive gaming access after sexual assault.

This is how you treat a friend? Fuck this guy...hope he gets the maximum and put on the sex offenders list as he deserves.

I doubt it's that black and white. I mean, what stopping the "aggressor" from claiming "I was also drunk"?

It is, last I checked. I did some training for dealing with drinking when I was in a frat as part of a requirement for having parties with alcohol and it was made abundantly clear that being drunk is not a defense against committing sexual assault. Consent cannot be given while drunk, but you can certainly be charged for acting on your urges at any time. Charges can be brought well after the fact, too. So, mutual drunken sex is the prisoners dilemma where you're hoping the other person doesn't press charges, legally.
I want to make sure I read the whole thing correctly really quick... This guy slipped in between her and her boyfriend and then when he didn't stop someone from another room (or area in their hotel room) came in?

Was the boyfriend drugged? Why didn't he wake up and do something about it?


I leave this thread, come back and now people are blaming the boyfriend? He could have been equally drunk, a heavy sleeper or whatever. It doesn't matter, and it's unfortunate that he couldn't stop it from happening.

Edit: Okay maybe not.
I want to make sure I read the whole thing correctly really quick... This guy slipped in between her and her boyfriend and then when he didn't stop someone from another room (or area in their hotel room) came in?

Was the boyfriend drugged? Why didn't he wake up and do something about it?

I'd take a guess and say he was also absolutely shitfaced or close to it and therefore rather comatose.
I want to make sure I read the whole thing correctly really quick... This guy slipped in between her and her boyfriend and then when he didn't stop someone from another room (or area in their hotel room) came in?

Was the boyfriend drugged? Why didn't he wake up and do something about it?
The boyfriend was most likely either drunk and a sleep or dead a sleep and drunk or just a deep sleeper. An if he's the type of sleeper i'm thinking of then. He would not have noticed much. Regardless the boyfriend is not at fault here, unless it comes out that he knew what was happening and let it happen.

Super glad that the victim was aware of her situation and didn't assume that Hyuga (a creeper name) was her boyfriend and go along with it...yikes. Which would have been even more horrifying.


There's a lot of post in here that linger on the edge of, "if you can't consent when drunk, then can you really be held accountable for the things you do when drunk?"

I'm not sure if the line has been crossed in this thread yet, but it seems imminent. Being asked something when drunk is completely different than doing something when under there influence...

When are we gonna stop giving drunk assholes a pass?


There's a lot of post in here that linger on the edge of, "if you can't consent when drunk, then can you really be held accountable for the things you do when drunk?"

I'm not sure if the line has been crossed in this thread yet, but it seems imminent.

When are we gonna stop giving drunk assholes a pass?

It's been already inferred at this point.
Talks about getting molested.

Tweets about Pokemon moments later.

I am really glad to have seen this poster get banned. What a horrid thing to say, that a victim of sexual assault should be expected to not talk about anything except being a victim (oh, and if she did that, she'd then be a professional victim because that's all she ever talks about!).
Thanks to Vikki speaking up, a repeat of this might be avoided. I really hope he gets help, because if he was capable of doing this once, he could do it again the next time he's piss drunk. That's the scariest part. How many times has he done this before? People report rape far less in Mexico. Who will he do this to next? It's horrifying to think about. I hope he never gets another chance.


People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.
If I'm DJ, I'd be furious to find out my "friends" didn't wake me up or throw this dude out on the street after seeing what he did.


People keep talking about the alcohol but this guy probably has some major Foreveralone social anxiety issues that are the real culprit. The alcohol just removed the inhibitions. I don't think this makes him a bad person but he probably does need some sort of therapy.

A lot of people have social anxiety and not all of them resort to molestation

It does make him a bad person

If you molest or abuse someone

You're a bad person

Daft Punk

I mean, I probably have an insanely low tolerance for this due to having 3 sisters. But they honestly should have dealt with it a bit more seriously the first time.

Why would they have any reason to suspect he was like that though? Like I said in the thread earlier, the first time they gave him the benefit of the doubt and was like, "Dude cut that shit out and go sleep it off in the corner." When he decided to try it the 2nd time and moved beds to do it, that's when people realized that he had gone too far. People don't normally go from 0-100.
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