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FFXI or Lineage II ??


I've decided to give in to the demands of my friends and either purchase Lineage 2 or FFXI. They both look the same to me so graphics isnt really playing a major role to my decision. I was hoping to get some help with this decision, and also to be told how much both games cost to play. Thank you ahead of time for helping.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Neither. ><

I understand you probably want to pick from one of the other but... eh... just not too fond of either. =/ Know that you will need a lot of time (with FFXI in particular) if you want to get anywhere in the game. Also, FFXI is very very strict on level requirements for grouping (so if your friends play slightly more or less than you, you will have a difficult time partying with them or will not be able to at all). I can't remember how strict Lineage is in this regard, as I only played in beta for a brief time (got bored pretty quick, though this might be mostly because I've played so many similar MMOs).

Typically all MMOs cost the same. Usually 12-13 bucks a month after the initial purchase (with a free first month).


Personally, I like FFXI. Square just brings their artistic flair and presentation into the genre with a vengence. The atmosphere is just killer there and I like the flexibility of the job system.

But there are they level restrictions and money is damn hard to make in this game. If you aspire to be a Ninja, Ranger or any type of mage, expect a huge timesink.

Another game worth considering is City of Heroes, a LOT of people are diggin' that game, too. It's an MMO minus most of the BS you find in MMOs.



not just because of the strengths of FFXI, though I do love the game, but because of just how fucking awful Lineage II is...of all the MMOs that I've demo'd...that has to be the worst


I've read Lineage II is complete trash, but I haven't played it.

FFXI is really, really slow. You run slow, you attack slow, and progress is slow unless you're able to find rocking groups every time you play. The game feels like it's running in slow motion, especially because every action has a delay between when you activate it and when it actually happens - this includes sitting and standing up. Unless you have a lot of time and patience, I'd suggest against playing it.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
If you're open to choosing a game other than FFXI or Lineage II, may I recommend City Of Heroes? It's really the only MMO experience I've been completely satisfied with (not just addicted. I tend to get addicted to just about any MMO). EverQuest is probably the only other game I can say the same for, but it's starting to get aged and EQ2 is coming out shortly (the game still is massive and a classic, though).

City of Heroes does not have as much depth as FFXI or EQ, but it is much more action-based (to the point where it feels like an online console game), and it moves so much more quickly. (You can log in for an hour and feel like you have accomplished something... which is simply not possible with many MMOs). Also, City of Heroes has one feature that EVERY SINGLE FREAKING MMO SHOULD HAVE.... high level characters can "sidekick" low level characters if they are out of the normal grouping level range... and you can still group together with no penalties! Perfect for friends who want to play together at any time without hassle.

Good luck!


FFXI certainly does have alot of stylish flair (aside from the somewhat noticeable lack of available mob character models - lotsa recoloring going on there). However, the game does take a TON of time, and soloing is practically nonexistant. If you have alot of time it might work for you.

I played it for about six months or so from PC launch and didn't log over a day of play-time which meant I didn't get very far zone-wise. Partying, trying to make money, etc. is just very time consuming in the game. If they added some way to make soloing usable perhaps it would have held my attention more, but as it is it just takes far too long given the amount of time I have to give to the game. I think my lifestyle just isn't condusive to MMORPG's (neither my lifestyle nor my attention span).

Still, the main thing I like about MMORPG's is just discoverying new things in the landscape. which is why I was kind of looking forward to Ultima X, where you wouldn't have to level 40 levels to progress to a new area and found new things on a regular basis.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
DJ Demon J said:
All I can say is FUCK FFXI.



Takuan said:
The game feels like it's running in slow motion, especially because every action has a delay between when you activate it and when it actually happens - this includes sitting and standing up. Unless you have a lot of time and patience, I'd suggest against playing it.

for me, FFXI is a pretty slow game, but I know some that where able to do what took me 4 months in just TWO DAMN WEEKS and this was without joining any static parties (they never had a set of players tghey always played with) so your progression is VERY much tied with your playing style than any slowness the game has...also...those delays you're talking about with sitting and standing is called lag...with me, it was ~5 frames before i performed those actions when the game was busy :)


I'm playing L2 right now and some of the bad things about FFXI can be applied to L2, such as the grind... it takes a lot of grinding to get any money or to lvl up. The combat is pretty fun but shooting a bow and then stabbing the hell out of a mob is always fun. The two things L2 has going for it: 1. Castle Sieges, takes a huge effort and many clans teaming up together to take a castle but then they get to fortify it, and set the tax rate for items in the city they now govern. 2. PvP, it's really easy to pvp in L2 you just walk up to the guy and starting hitting 'em.
Dark and Light. Among current games, maybe SWG.

Between those two, definately FFXI. Lineage 2 sucks. FFXI is good for some people, but Lineage 2 is for nobody.
Gattsu25 said:
also...those delays you're talking about with sitting and standing is called lag...with me, it was ~5 frames before i performed those actions when the game was busy :)

It's not lag, it's the way the animation is....FFXI was very carefully crafted by Square Enix to be a massive time sink.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Sal Paradise Jr said:
The best MMO out there right now is Dark Age of Camelot.

I always forget about DAOC, since it's been awhile since I've played it... but yes, it owns. I found the normal game to be not much more than decent, but the player versus player/RvR is spectacular. If you're competitive, give DAOC a try.

...so your progression is VERY much tied with your playing style than any slowness the game has...

Eh, I have to disagree. Moving through the game at a quick pace is really luck more than anything else. I mean, what play-style can you have to make things move faster? You can be the smartest, most strategic player ever... and you'll still get bogged down by slow exp, ridiculous grouping penalties, long travel times, and just finding a group in general. Even power-gamers would have the same problem if they didn't have one set group they'd spend countless hours with. It honestly seems to me like the game is working against you at all times to make progression as slow and tedious as possible. =/

Is it impossible to get quick xp and move through the game fast? Sure, if all the pieces fall into the right place. It's just not very likely for the mast majority of people who play, despite their skill or play-style.


What did you expect? An MMORPG not to be a time-sink? They're all time-sinks, L2 and FFXI are about the same when it comes to time usage too. In my opinion, L2 is the equivalent of taking a good MMORPG, and doing a half-ass job, resulting in a bad MMORPG. Even Shadowbane is better than L2, by far, except for the graphics, of course. FFXI, while being a slow game, is still a great game, it blows L2 out of the water, in almost every aspect. The only time it doesn't, is when it comes to the stuff max_cool (well at least #1) pointed out.

Also, I'd rather have the limited PvP in FFXI, then the terribly implemented and thought of PvP in L2. I don't mean the fact that anyone and everyone can kill you (unless you're sitting), either.

If they put a little more thought into L2, then it would actually be competition to FFXI. DaoC is old and tired too.


Tag of Excellence

I bought it with the intention of playing it with my friends (we all picked up a copy) and two months later I'm utterly disgusted with this game.


And I'd have to disagree with you there. I know that, personally, leveling in FFXI was a very long process but that was because I spent so much time doing other activities than just leveling, all the while watching people that I grouped with the next week over 20 levels ahead of me. Darkshire and SpiderJeruselem are two GAF posters I know that rose in levels at a pace I previously thought impossible for people that didn't spend their whole day online...ask them how they did it because your explanation (that is probably not based on a well of experience with the game, anyway) of how universally slow the game plays is negated by them...and if my memory serves me correctly, Spider was ten levels below me after three weeks...by that time i had been playing for over seven months.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
What did you expect? An MMORPG not to be a time-sink?

It's going to take longer to progress through an MMO than any other game of any other genre, due to their nature, of course... But it's all about how much you "feel" the timesink, not just that it's there.

But regardless, what I've always said is that FFXI feels like the slowest MMO I've played, not that it's the only slow MMO. =)


Gattsu25 said:
And I'd have to disagree with you there. I know that, personally, leveling in FFXI was a very long process but that was because I spent so much time doing other activities than just leveling, all the while watching people that I grouped with the next week over 20 levels ahead of me. Darkshire and SpiderJeruselem are two GAF posters I know that rose in levels at a pace I previously thought impossible for people that didn't spend their whole day online...ask them how they did it because your explanation (that is probably not based on a well of experience with the game, anyway) of how universally slow the game plays is negated by them...and if my memory serves me correctly, Spider was ten levels below me after three weeks...by that time i had been playing for over seven months.

Here's a little bit of info for you Gattsu: Darkshire is ~53, Spider is ~52, Nightwing is ~56 and Bookey is ~60.

MrCheez said:
It's going to take longer to progress through an MMO than any other game of any other genre, due to their nature, of course... But it's all about how much you "feel" the timesink, not just that it's there.

But regardless, what I've always said is that FFXI feels like the slowest MMO I've played, not that it's the only slow MMO. =)

Well, yeah, of course. That's the premise of MMORPG's. How you "feel" the the timesink is very important, I don't think I've felt it in any MMORPG that's any good.

In comparison to L2, FFXI is not really slow. Of course, like people have said before, if you don't have the time, don't bother.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Gattsu25 said:
And I'd have to disagree with you there. I know that, personally, leveling in FFXI was a very long process but that was because I spent so much time doing other activities than just leveling, all the while watching people that I grouped with the next week over 20 levels ahead of me. Darkshire and SpiderJeruselem are two GAF posters I know that rose in levels at a pace I previously thought impossible for people that didn't spend their whole day online...ask them how they did it because your explanation (that is probably not based on a well of experience with the game, anyway) of how universally slow the game plays is negated by them...and if my memory serves me correctly, Spider was ten levels below me after three weeks...by that time i had been playing for over seven months.

Well, I played religiously (usually 5+ hours a day) for a month and a half. *shrug*

I guess the reason I don't look at my experience as "bad luck" or "just me" is because I know countless other people (real life and internet) who went through almost exactly what I did.

Again, none of this is to say it's impossible to experience the game as your friends did. Just that most people will not.


Again, none of this is to say it's impossible to experience the game as your friends did. Just that most people will not.

IMO it's cuz gaining xp in FFXI is easy and leveling is easy, anyone can do it as long as you have time, so mass of people don't bother to learn the game well and therefore are bogged down by the "slowness". When I level other jobs and lead random newbie group and tell them exactly what to do, as long as people followed, we all had great time and enjoyed very fast xp gain.

Surely that FFXI is one of the slower paced MMO but that's how they can implement team strategies such as skillchains and magic bursts. Otherwise, lag would make those things impossible.

In the end, IMO, it's the newbies that make the game feel slow. It's pretty eveident when you compare to high level party where you are not consistantly getting trained by other newbies and people have good grasp of how the game works.

Back to main topic: If cut-throat PVP is a must for you in the game, L2. Otherwise, FFXI.
Dark Age of Camelot w/ it's new expansion (free) has the best PvP system (known as Realm vs. Realm in-game). It used to be a monstrous grind, but w/ the new expansion the XP associated w/ killing players in the battlegrounds has increased 8-fold. I am now lvl'ing faster in battlegrounds than in PvE. It's GREAT. NO GRINDy feeling when dealing w/ human opponents.

GET YOURSELF DAoC. It's sad seeing people forgetting this gem even exists and mentioning a billion decent or semi-decent MMO's (CoH, Anarchy Online) that aren't quite as good.

Most underrated thing about DAoC? The interface. Best interface for any MMO.
DJ Demon J said:
It's not lag, it's the way the animation is....FFXI was very carefully crafted by Square Enix to be a massive time sink.

I agree, FFXI is nearly flawless for what it is. Alot of time went into balancing the different aspects of the game. Of course it gets redundant at about the 70th hour or so but It's definitely worth checkout out.

Most people trashing it probably dont like MMORPGs (or simply dont know a good game when they see one).
"Most people trashing it simply dont like MMORPGs. Which is ok too."

Glad you said most.

Sure, FFXI is pretty, but it's also pretty boring and lame. In general, I don't *mind* the fact that I have to level grind, but with FFXI's molasses combat system, it's transformed from a level grind to a testicle grind in mere minutes. Couple that with the fact that what would feel like a large and vast world is cut down when you realize that you're pretty much trapped inside the enviroments. There's no adventure from walking down a road, going through a loading screen, continuing more down a road, loading screen, ad nauseum.


It's cause you guys sucked that FFXI sucked for you :p

It's made to fit with japanese culture. It's built around teamwork, not the sole player. One bad player will bring an entire group down.

You're only as good as the sum of your team.

So if all 6 players are bringing their "A game" to the table, then the entire team is an "A team", and the experience points and game move much faster.

Oh, and actually making friends would help too :p
"It's cause you guys sucked that FFXI sucked for you"

No, I'm pretty sure it's just FFXI being trash.

"It's made to fit with japanese culture."

Oh man, that's just a pathetic quote.

"It's built around teamwork, not the sole player. One bad player will bring an entire group down."

And in general, I don't mind a game that rewards proper teamwork.

"So if all 6 players are bringing their "A game" to the table, then the entire team is an "A team", and the experience points and game move much faster.

That's generally how a good team game works. Unfortunately, all this BS doesn't save the fact that no matter how good a team you're with, it's still boring.


I don't care that it takes team work in FFXI, I care that it's boring, the combat sucks, the enviroment is drab as hell, everyone that has the same class/race looks almost exactly the same, you fight the exact same enemies over and over and over... ugh, and dont even get me started on the crafting system.
Tre you must have missed my edit ;)

Sure it's ok to say that the game wasn't for you or maybe you didn't "get it".
To say the game is trash is just bad judgement.
Shitty games dont generate 50 page sticky threads or score 88% on gamerankings.
"Sure it's ok to say that the game wasn't for you or maybe you didn't "get it".
To say the game is trash is just bad judgement.
Shitty games dont generate 50 page sticky threads or score 88% on gamerankings."


Case Closed. Even if if it wasn't for Xenosaga, an appeal to popularity doesn't cut it for me. FFXI is pretty much Ragnarok Online with prettier graphics, crappier combat, and an even shittier economy.
Basically, the auto-combat. Sure, once you've sunk in about 60 hours of leveling (or take a spell-casting class) you do more than engage and sit there, but during that 60 hours you're rarely doing more than the occasional pull or weapon skill. Hell, even something so simple as clicking for the attack would at least add SOME sort of excitement. City Of Heroes got it right, not that I'd want FFXI to copy CoH's design, so much as the actual idea that even melee classes have a bit more control over combat than either sitting there tapping the mouse button (pretty much most MMORPGs) or engaging and watching the screen and/or waiting for the meter to get to 100-300% meanwhile hoping that your character is lucky and hits something often.


...it's boring, the combat sucks, the enviroment is drab as hell, everyone that has the same class/race looks almost exactly the same, you fight the exact same enemies over and over and over...

Razoric puts it pretty well. I don't know where people get off saying the game is beautiful, because other than towns, the environments are plain and barren.


Tre said:
Basically, the auto-combat. Sure, once you've sunk in about 60 hours of leveling (or take a spell-casting class) you do more than engage and sit there, but during that 60 hours you're rarely doing more than the occasional pull or weapon skill. Hell, even something so simple as clicking for the attack would at least add SOME sort of excitement. City Of Heroes got it right, not that I'd want FFXI to copy CoH's design, so much as the actual idea that even melee classes have a bit more control over combat than either sitting there tapping the mouse button (pretty much most MMORPGs) or engaging and watching the screen and/or waiting for the meter to get to 100-300% meanwhile hoping that your character is lucky and hits something often.
Wow, what class did you play that you only require to take out a sword? o_O
Had to be one of the first 6 classes since I know you didn't get any adv jobs.
WAR needs to maintain hate control, so that can't be it.
All the mage classes are out, of course.
MNK at least has boost.
THF pre-level 15 may fit the bill.

Were you a pre-15 THF? :p

Here's a little bit of info for you Gattsu: Darkshire is ~53, Spider is ~52, Nightwing is ~56 and Bookey is ~60.

These are ps2 players. And they didn't just level grind all day long. I know they did quests, missions, crafting, etc. All of them are rank 5+
No, Gattsu, I'm saying that you're stuck with many hours of boredom before you can. It's not solely FFXI's problem, but something that's plagued MMORPGs for years. So often is it about the endgame that the early and to a lesser extent, the mid-game are nothing but level grinding borefests. There's no excitement. The game's are not about the journey, but the destination, and unfortunately, I don't honestly care how fun the endgame is, it'll be soured by the many hours of trudging through the early.

Rorschach: Read my post again and don't paraphrase incorrectly :p.
My experience was much different but maybe because my character was a WHM/BLM. I actually had the exact opposite problem of having TOO MUCH to do during battles.
OMG, especially with newbs. I cursed out my teammates many times in that game :p

I never had a problem with boredom. There always seemed to be a nice payoff right around the corner. Level 10 the partying starts getting good, level 17 you get Warp (BLM0, Level 18 subjob, level 21 Chocobo riding.
Tabris: Yes, yes, I did get to Jeuno. And it's very pretty. Unfortunately, the (how long did it take us shouta? 15-20 minutes?) time it took to get their from Bastok was drab and ugly. No, I didn't get to advance jobs, I quit on my way to getting DRK subjob because I got fed up. Once again, it doesn't matter how good the rewards are, I highly doubt they're enough to make up for the torture I put myself through to get to it.

"My experience was much different but maybe because my character was a WHM/BLM. I actually had the exact opposite problem of having TOO MUCH to do during battles.
OMG, especially with newbs. I cursed out my teammates many times in that game"

In general, Mage classes do have more things to do (which is why I excluded them from the "did nothing in battle" complaint) The thing is, in CoH, there's the same amount of things to do as a melee character as there is a range/buff/debuff character.


Tre' didn't make it past 20, iirc. And he didn't exactly acomplish much on the side of those 20 levels as well, sorry Tre'. I understand some of his frustrations with parts, but most are just flat out wrong. Someone who didn't even make it past the early 20's in beta shouldn't be talking about what the game is like at any point, let alone the current state.

Not that I'm blaming him for anything, I just disagree with the circumstances he's judging in. Tre has good taste in games, and he probably also knows in the years I've been here that I don't have shit taste in games, so gimmie the benefit of the doubt, damnit. :p I should slug you for saying FFXI = Ragnarok. Argh!

Not that I did either, on the beta section at least. I played like a dip, and wow, I really need to rewrite that entire FAQ. Maybe before the Euro launch...

Anyway. FFXI starts off kinda slow, yeah, because no one takes advantage of any of the side bitsies, everyone is woefully unorganized, and everyone just flat out sucks at that area. If you're judging FFXI gameplay while in the triforce of hell: Zulkheim/Qufim/Elshimo, well, that's just not right.

The game has a lot of little stages of evolution, where certain abilities/spells kick in, etc, but mostly player talent is what determines how fast and fun combat will be. And sadly, on my last job, although I admit I am a fucking snob, I couldn't get out of douche party's until like...LV55.

Anyway, after over a year, three characters, god...basicly all the jobs, and just now I am finally starting to get fairly high (LV73), it's still my favorite game.

One last thing I wanna say is, I can agree with timesink and slow comments, but not on the leveling, no, you can crush this game quickly with solid play, as long as you know how things tick. LV20 is like a two day weekend of solid play. It's nothing, it's piss. Back when I was working THF, I started Saturday morning and finished (no, not straight playing, fools) Sunday afternoon on working a NIN sub from 1-20.

It's the side bits that really eat the time. If I wanted to go up low ranked, poorly equipped and looking like a slob, I could easily jump on a new server, and binge to 75/37 before the Euro launch without a problem, well, maybe. When does it come out? :p

I'll talk some if you guys would like another opinion on things, or just wanna argue with me, but I long ago lost my spark for BBS flamewars, haha, so I won't be participating much. It's more fun to watch others hit each other with bats then get hit yourself.
"but most are just flat out wrong. Someone who didn't even make it past the early 20's in beta shouldn't be talking about what the game is like at any point, let alone the current state."

Exactly what's wrong? It's the truth, and hell, the point still stands. It still has the same problem that many, many other MMORPGs have. The only exception being CoH. Any amount of sluggish and boring gameplay despite isn't acceptable. I shouldn't have to bore myself for hours on end to get to something decent. It should be good from start to finish, and unfortunately, no MMORPG (not even CoH) has captured this yet.


It’s not like you do anything different on level 70, 60, 50, 40 compared to level 20, you do the same shit over and over again… so I don’t see how you couldn’t comment on gameplay just because you’re at the lower levels...


Explain to me why it was torture to battle.

What job were you?

Why were the battles "boring" to you? Did the experience points come too slow? Was it talking a while to get parties started?

See, every single of those problems listed there is not the game's fault, it's yours!

Whether it be your inability to make the right friends, you never involved yourself in the battle plans (formation, hate management, renkei's, magic burst, etc) or you just plain sucked at the game.

None of those are the game's fault.


My biggest complaint is there isn't enough variety in the game. From types of monsters, to unique class roles, appearances and what not.

Oh and the game NEEDS item decay.
"Explain to me why it was torture to battle.

What job were you?

Why were the battles "boring" to you? Did the experience points come too slow? Was it talking a while to get parties started?

See, every single of those problems listed there is not the game's fault, it's yours!

Whether it be your inability to make the right friends, you never involved yourself in the battle plans (formation, hate management, renkei's, magic burst, etc) or you just plain sucked at the game.

None of those are the game's fault."

Jeez, Tabris, you made assumptions before you heard what Job I was and ultimately, you just end up sounding like a rabid, idiotic fanboy defending his game of choice with absolutely zero tolerance making an ass of himself.

Firstly, I was a warrior, I had no problems finding a party. I DID have problems with sitting there watching a screen and ever so occassionally provoking the monsters. I've said this *multiple* times earlier in this thread. If you'd read instead of finding new ways to repeat "FFXI doesn't suck! You do!" while laying on the floor in the fetal position next to your lap top sucking on your thumb.


Before playing a MMORPG, run 30 miles while a rabid midget punches you in the groin. Then you'll understand the pain.
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