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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT


I disagree.
Arturo would have been the best coach for Smug

You know I think Sp00ky would be a good coach too. Yes he is not a SF godtier player, however he understands the game and player mentality well. Plus he picks up on patterns and bad habits really well.

That is why I love when Spooky talks about the games (be it SF or Marvel) he really has a amazing grasp on the finer details.

I'm not sure how true this is anymore but one thing we can probably agree is the lack of camaraderie between the US top players of varying regions.

Smug will only get stronger after this however of he has the right attitude. It's trail by fire.

Yeah I really like Smugs attitude that is one of the big reasons I'm a fan. A lot of top players are really jaded and it puts me off.


Elena is retarded. Good stuff to Sako for abusing her.
Mark of a good character if she has some shit to abuse/annoy. Nobody complains about ryu's wack ass. All the new characters are a problem tbh.not a single one of the new characters is low or even mid tier, they all bringing that obnoxious heat. We can probably thank combofiend for none of the weak stuff.

Smug is all offense/gimmicks. He reminds me of Wolfkrone (doesn't like to block) lol

Smug bulldogs his opponents. Ergo he HAS to block. He doesn't have some invincible move to mash on wakeup.


You know I think Sp00ky would be a good coach too. Yes he is not a SF godtier player, however he understands the game and player mentality well. Plus he picks up on patterns and bad habits really well.

That is why I love when Spooky talks about the games (be it SF or Marvel) he really has a amazing grasp on the finer details.

Yeah I really like Smugs attitude that is one of the big reasons I'm a fan. A lot of top players are really jaded and it puts me off.

Man you're right about spooky for sure.

And idk seeing Ricki celebrate smugs defeat to gamerbee to that extent sucks. Maybe she's more of a gamerbee fan than a smug fan to be fair but it's still suck seeing top players here do that to each other then wonder why Asian players take their money.


Unconfirmed Member
And idk seeing Ricki celebrate smugs defeat to gamerbee to that extent sucks. Maybe she's more of a gamerbee fan than a smug fan to be fair but it's still suck seeing top players here do that to each other then wonder why Asian players take their money.
That sounded more like a gripe with Dudley, PR Rog tweeted something similar.


I disagree.
That is one of the reasons I was pissed off with KBrad.

Like ok so you trying to keep it "real" (not really...) and be "entertaining" by shitting on players that have worked really fucking hard to get to where they are at. What did he accomplish by making a pointless overrated list other than to further fragment and cause rifts.

And, you'd never in a million years see K-Brad list any other EG member as overrated because he is bias as fuck and loyal to his clique of friends.

Simply pointless mud slinging from a player that should really be more concerned with his own performance seeing as his own manager said on social media he is not content with KBrads performance.


I disagree.
That sounded more like a gripe with Dudley, PR Rog tweeted something similar.

The EG guys always do this when they get beat. They always try to take away from them by pointing out how stupid their character is. Sadly Rog and Ricki are the worst offenders.

And, is it any shock that EG KBrad took huge shots at Snake Eyez? Not really seeing as Snake Eyez has beaten the U.S Eg guys many many a time in tournament now.

And, I even seen them taking shots at Gief big time when they have lost lol.

Edit: Just check twitter Sanford, Noel, and LI Joe already taking potshots about Smug getting 5-0'ed. No surprise.


That sounded more like a gripe with Dudley, PR Rog tweeted something similar.
What I find interesting is that before, PR Rog was saying that smug isn't that good. Now it's dudley is a problem. Thats just bitterness. Pr Rog got destroyed at ncr, daigo is straight body in smug. Pr Rog is a guy as a boxer player will complain about gouken as if gouken is a threat to anyone.

Ed and Ricky are very catty in this regard, they like to undermine players on the come up if they aren't in their circle.
The EG guys always do this when they get beat. They always try to take away from them by pointing out how stupid their character is. Sadly Rog and Ricki are the worst offenders.

And, is it any shock that EG KBrad took huge shots at Snake Eyez? Not really seeing as Snake Eyez has beaten the U.S Eg guys many many a time in tournament now.

And, I even seen them taking shots at Gief big time when they have lost lol.

Edit: Just check twitter Sanford, Noel, and LI Joe already taking potshots about Smug getting 5-0'ed. No surprise.

Kinda mad that Sanford said he'd do better when we all know the result would be the same.

Body bag.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Tried getting a back into Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown a little and had an online session, basically spent over an hour being kicked back and forth between 3 players with thousands of matches on record.

Two of them flat out kicked my ass while the third trolled the heck out of me while kicking it.

At least the session ended on a happy note, my final match was against the highest ranking one (over 10K matches) and I somehow managed to get a victory in one match. He rage quit so I couldn't even save the replay.

Made a mental note of the various moves that were giving me trouble from their characters and hit practice to find ways to deal with them with Jean. Will be ready for certain situations next time.

Love the character animation in this game.
What console are you on? I've got both with me now and am happy to do a set tonight.
XBL: oneida1
PSN: oneida_vf


Kinda mad that Sanford said he'd do better when we all know the result would be the same.

Body bag.

LI Joe does better against smug with sagat than Sanford does. And Bonchan straight shut smug down with gat the last time they fought. Seeing smug take an L is about as much a win he's gonna get. Kappa

Some people hate


What console are you on? I've got both with me now and am happy to do a set tonight.
XBL: oneida1
PSN: oneida_vf

That would be great, I am on PS3 (Diavlestein) and in Ontario, Canada. Dont know if our connection will be good but I will be getting much faster internet in a couple of weeks.

I'm really terrible though!
LI Joe and Noel Brown still relevant in sf4? I miss something?

Was Noel Brown ever relevant in SFIV?!

he beat me in a team tournament ;-;

I would link it but fuck that eat a phat one brehs

who the fuck does wake up ultras in 2015


Some great points in this thread with regards to cliques and general bitchyness among US players. Gameplans are essential at this point in the meta and Smug definitely needs coaches. Art I think would be a huge help to Smug, same with Sanford and them. Drives me crazy to see Kbrad spouting nonsense about Snake too.
Without player collaboration at higher levels I think we (North America) will always be eating Japans shit.


I disagree.
How can someone who enjoys the On Blast Show be bothered by K-Brad's Top 5 most overrated list that includes K-Brad himself?

Because I don't respect K-Brad's list as real talk like people said K-Brad putting himself in the list really does not mean much at all seeing as almost everyone in the FGC thinks he is washed up..so how can he be overrated? Like I said you'd never see him put Ricky, Wong, etc on the list. Just some fake ass shit to take shots at players him and his clique have agenda against.

OBS would call this type of shit hollywood and put it on...BLAST. :p


I disagree.
Some great points in this thread with regards to cliques and general bitchyness among US players. Gameplans are essential at this point in the meta and Smug definitely needs coaches. Art I think would be a huge help to Smug, same with Sanford and them. Drives me crazy to see Kbrad spouting nonsense about Snake too.
Without player collaboration at higher levels I think we (North America) will always be eating Japans shit.

Yup. Nailed it.

Also, funny enough even Poongko and Inf are helping each other these days. They both believe it or not use to run in different groups that did not interact with each other. Shows you that even they understand as country men they got to help each other out to level up and hopefully get the results they are both aiming for.


Some great points in this thread with regards to cliques and general bitchyness among US players. Gameplans are essential at this point in the meta and Smug definitely needs coaches. Art I think would be a huge help to Smug, same with Sanford and them. Drives me crazy to see Kbrad spouting nonsense about Snake too.
Without player collaboration at higher levels I think we (North America) will always be eating Japans shit.
Our biggest disadvantage is how fragmented we are in the US and we here making it worse

"We is our own worst enemy"


Tbh tho, only the new blood will ever be able to make the change. Smug, NuckleDu, Snake, they're the guys who are going to be able to make that happen; Team EG will stay bitter.

But since they're essentially from the 4 corners of the country that likely won't happen.
Anime is the worst.

I really hope Smug enjoys his time in Japan though. Best KFC I ever had was in Tokyo.

It stinks I can't watch any of the Topanga legitimately. How are people able to support such events if they are not in Japan?


Naruto is stupid on some atomic base level. What the fuck kind of a ninja wears a prison inmate jumpsuit? Aren't ninjas supposed to hide and shit?
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