There is no way, anyway.
Also no begging about how to watch the Topanga stream or linking how to do it.
that you know of
When is the MKX show? I am waxing and waning on this game.
Go Gear four on their asses!
I like how big the characters are in MKX. Not a fan of the way Injustice makes everyone look like midgets.
Also no begging about how to watch the Topanga stream or linking how to do it.
Anyone know how to go about it legitimately though? You need Nico premium then what?
livestream is on now
Man, this game is a bit much for me. Back to Elite Dangerous.
livestream is on now
see's mileena's fatality
Someone on Aris' stream was saying there's no wakeup invulnerability in MKX? can anyone verify?
Man that Topanga World League intro is too good. Step it up EVO.
kid goku > everyone
I believe it was said that wakeup invul was only on EX versions.
Fatalities are still cool.
There is no wakeup invincibility. If you use an EX attack with armor as a wakeup you'll have the armor. That's it.
This will be my first MK so
how big of a deal is that?
Kid Gohan SSJ2 > Kid Goku > everyone
Art of Xrd GDC talk is up
but gear four doesnt even exist in one piece.
Sure, maybe in like 2 hours?
You suck
why the FUCK would you quote it
Kk, I'll be home in fifteen. Just message me on Steam wheneversounds good, might be ready in 2 hours and 30 minutes
So unsure how the fuck this Viper player just got ultra 1 set up with about 65% health still left to go for him. He didn't focus absorb any attacks from me, nada. Just had an Ultra 1 right at 65% health. I was WTF @ that shit so hard.
Getting bopped hard on USF4 on PC right now. Got into the point brackets where the game is no fun anymore. I can't win one worth shit. I wish I never hit Rank B. This is not how good I am. I just happened to grind enough.
I'm basically AT best a 2000PP player. That is my highest I usually can keep before crashing down a shit ton. I barely coast over 5k BP with characters. So this game picking same skill makes me suffer non stop. I'll lose 10 before I win 1. It demoralizes the shit out of me.
I hope SF5 ranking is much better to finding same skill so my win loss can stay 50%
Gotta master the select plinking option selects to be the best. If you stick only has 8 buttons, that might not be enough.and also master the bullshit the game loves to throw at you that no other fighting games do
They should do rankings in SF5 like Halo 2/3/5 does it. Either have a 1-50 system or tiered ranking system like Halo 5(which is sort of a copy of how Starcraft 2 does it).
I followed him recently and he just streams 24/7. Right now he is meditating or something? Guy is i just discovered this Dudley player from Japan named HJM who streams. He's pretty entertaining with broken english. He's also in a group with naxaxchan
so i just discovered this Dudley player from Japan named HJM who streams. He's pretty entertaining with broken english. He's also in a group with naxaxchan
I followed him recently and he just streams 24/7. Right now he is meditating or something? Guy is insane.
Also, the Japanese robot voice is talking constantly.
Wanna play on PC for a bit? I wouldn't mind practicing my Decapre, who's honestly at sub 2kPP player level right now.So unsure how the fuck this Viper player just got ultra 1 set up with about 65% health still left to go for him. He didn't focus absorb any attacks from me, nada. Just had an Ultra 1 right at 65% health. I was WTF @ that shit so hard.
Getting bopped hard on USF4 on PC right now. Got into the point brackets where the game is no fun anymore. I can't win one worth shit. I wish I never hit Rank B. This is not how good I am. I just happened to grind enough.
I'm basically AT best a 2000PP player. That is my highest I usually can keep before crashing down a shit ton. I barely coast over 5k BP with characters. So this game picking same skill makes me suffer non stop. I'll lose 10 before I win 1. It demoralizes the shit out of me.
I hope SF5 ranking is much better to finding same skill so my win loss can stay 50%
Wanna play on PC for a bit? I wouldn't mind practicing my Decapre, who's honestly at sub 2kPP player level right now.
AddedI'm a Decapre player too haha.
I'll take on your main gladly. My Steam ID is my gaf ID.