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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT


Oh wow, just looking over the results so far. Bonchan v Xian and Momochi v Poongko are eyebrow raisers. Would be intruiged to watch those. Long sets really are a different kettle of fish all together. Not surprised that smug is struggling though. The experience will at least do him some good.
So Topanga is offering prize money for top 8. I thought that was not legal in Japan? Really good payout overall.

AFAIK, it's only a problem if the payout depends on attendance or something. If you have fixed prizes and a fixed entry fee you're fine. This is okay for large or sponsored events and invitationals, but small grassroots FG tournaments not so much.

Where you at?

Zero is considered the best in the world.
Edit: only big international competition was Apex 2015, with Abadango finishing 7th, and Neitonto 5th.

Nietono, probably? :p

What is Street Fighter.

A miserable little pile of option selects.



http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv214258229 - Free viewing period over.

Smug (Dudley) vs. sako (Elena)
4-5 ○○●●○●○●●
Xiaohai (Cammy) vs. Momochi (Ken)
4-5 ●○○●●○○●●
POONGKO (Seth) vs. Umehara (Evil Ryu)
4-5 ●●●○○●○○●
Bonchan (Sagat) vs. Xiaohai (Evil Ryu, Cammy)
5-0 ○○○○○
Luffy (Rose) vs. Xian (Gen)
2-5 ●○●○●●●
Smug (Dudley) vs. Momochi (Ken)
5-4 ○●○●○○●●○
POONGKO (Seth) vs. Bonchan (Sagat)
5-4 ○●●○○●○●○
Xian (Gen) vs. sako (Elena)
5-1 ○○●○○○
Luffy (Rose) vs. Umehara (Evil Ryu)
1-5 ○●●●●●



http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv214258229 - Free viewing period currently available.

sako (Elena, Evil Ryu) vs. Smug (Dudley) Momochi (Ken, Evil Ryu) vs. Xiaohai (Cammy, Evil Ryu) Umehara (Evil Ryu, Yun) vs. POONGKO (Seth, El Fuerte) Bonchan (Sagat, Ryu) vs. Xiaohai (Cammy, Evil Ryu) Xian (Gen, Dhalsim) vs. Luffy (Rose) Momochi (Ken, Evil Ryu) vs. Smug (Dudley) Bonchan (Sagat, Ryu) vs. POONGKO (Seth, El Fuerte) sako (Elena, Evil Ryu) vs. Xian (Gen, Dhalsim) Umehara (Evil Ryu, Yun) vs. Luffy (Rose)

Thanks for the link, watching now!
That Elena overhead into full combo is just disgusting. And I mean that overhead that looks like a L kick and not the special move overhead.
I expected it to be a blowup like yesterday, but Smug put on a real fight.

I think he can beat Poongko and has a more than decent chance at Xiohai.


shoutouts to capcom for still not fixing audio glitch despite all tournaments have been experiencing this problem since the 1.04 patch.
You can't really even call it bad luck. That U2 sucks as a wake up move unless you're opponent is basically point blank. They should have given the last DP more forward movement and faster start up but it got left alone which is why these drops still happen.
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