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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT

Wake up kara DP for the chip win. Good shit by Momochi, he finally gets on the board. I think Xiaohai was out playing him at first and lost one of the games because of a execution error. But Momochi clutched out those last two games.
Daigo with the red focus and mid screen cross under to take game 3 lol. I'm glad he's using red focus sometimes just to make it easier on himself instead of having to worry about multiple one frame links. And the mid screen cross unders can be pretty good mix ups to. I found that shit the first week Vanilla AE came out. But stopped using it because I found it too hard to utilize.
Damn, Poongko made Daigo work really hard for those last two games after his 3-0 start. Daigo was afraid to do anything most of the time and kept eating SPD's and regulard throws. Daigo came through in the end by doing some risky things that just worked out for him.

daigo takes it, poongko mashing spd on wakeup with no health

He made his last bet on Daigo going for a bait. Should have just teleported though, cross up into chip kill is like the safest thing for Daigo to do in that situation.


Jesus christ...

that play-by-play had me feeling like this

thank you guys
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