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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT

I remember coming to 4 from 3s and hating the goofy shit like invincible backdashes, ultras, the way the combos work etc. Im still not a fan of it but now Im much more into it thanks to the level of play we have now. These matches sound amazing and Im really glad Smug won some.
Doea China have any other super dominant players? I know of Xiaohai and Dakou but there must be others right?

Dark Jiewa, the Ken player. He beat Humanbomb in the final of Abuget Cup so he has about 128 points right now. He's in a good spot to make it to the finals.

Dakou's student Abao who uses Yang.

I can't think of anyone else.
from what i've gathered on twitter, 4 of tomorrow's 8 matches will be:
xian vs daigo
xian vs poongko
poongko vs smug
smug vs xiaohai

Daigo has to play Momochi tomorrow. You would think they would want all players in the running for the title to play each other at the end so it makes things more exciting.
I wish after the round robin ends they would do one more set with the top two in the standings for all the marbles. Give the guy who finished first a +1 or something like that to reward him for finishing first. A last and final match would definitely make things more fun and exciting.

Daigo could easily runaway with this tomorrow I'd he wins both his matches and the one loss guys all lose. Or he wins both his matches tomorrow and his first on Sunday making the last one meaningless if no one is working reach. It would take the suspense out of this which is the only drawback to the round robin format.


I disagree.
Smugs matches tomorrow look pretty good. He can def build off today's great performance in both of his sets.

Also, regarding Louffy he does indeed work full time so he can't go as ham training as much as the Japanese players.

I kind of wish Nemo was in this too. :(


Slayer of Combofiends
Same here but not because of hands. I could play 3 hours a day with no problem.
But then I wouldnt sleep at night and the whole day I'd think just about the game!
That is what I fear more!


Smugs matches tomorrow look pretty good. He can def build off today's great performance in both of his sets.

Also, regarding Louffy he does indeed work full time so he can't go as ham training as much as the Japanese players.

I kind of wish Nemo was in this too. :(

Smug better visit the hyperbolic time chamber at Japan when he gets the chance so everyone can be free here in America.


What was Smug's score in his sets today?

See USD's post:


http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv214258229 - Free viewing period over.

Smug (Dudley) vs. sako(Elena)
4-5 ○○●●○●○●●
Xiaohai (Cammy) vs. Momochi (Ken)
4-5 ●○○●●○○●●
POONGKO (Seth) vs. Umehara (Evil Ryu)
4-5 ●●●○○●○○●
Bonchan (Sagat) vs. Xiaohai (Evil Ryu, Cammy)
5-0 ○○○○○
Luffy (Rose) vs. Xian (Gen)
2-5 ●○●○●●●
Smug (Dudley) vs. Momochi (Ken)
5-4 ○●○●○○●●○
POONGKO (Seth) vs. Bonchan (Sagat)
5-4 ○●●○○●○●○
Xian (Gen) vs. sako (Elena)
5-1 ○○●○○○
Luffy (Rose) vs. Umehara (Evil Ryu)
1-5 ○●●●●●

He did a LOT better today


What I can't believe is how smug made Elena dudley a close match. Specially against sakoloco
His blocking was on point. Really and truly he only needed one knockdown to take any round/match. He made two great comebacks after finally getting one hit confirm.

He didn't punish Elena's sweep tho.. Shit is terrible on block.



i'll be using this in the future

do you want to do an avatar bet on tomorrow's match between smug and poongko? if smug wins, i'll change my avatar to that image (or anything smug-related) for a week and if poongko wins, you have to change your avatar to this image for a week:

edit: i think it's only fair if you get a less work-friendly image since poongko got a beating from smug when they played at ncr


do you want to do an avatar bet on tomorrow's match between smug and poongko? if smug wins, i'll change my avatar to that image (or anything smug-related) for a week and if poongko wins, you have to change your avatar to this image for a week:

bet it
A straight up bet, are you sure you don't want a one or two game handicap Pixelish? I think Poongko is a combined 2-14 against Smug. Lost two FT5 MM's 5-0 and 5-1 and then lost both matches to him at NCR even though one didn't technically count, we all know what happened still.

Poongko was pretty amazing today against Daigo and Bonchan, but I don't think he can figure out anything quickly enough to beat Smug the same way Smug was clueless as to what to do against Daigo and Bonchan.


A straight up bet, are you sure you don't want a one or two game handicap Pixelish? I think Poongko is a combined 2-14 against Smug. Lost two FT5 MM's 5-0 and 5-1 and then lost both matches to him at NCR even though one didn't technically count, we all know what happened still.

Poongko was pretty amazing today against Daigo and Bonchan, but I don't think he can figure out anything quickly enough to beat Smug the same way Smug was clueless as to what to do against Daigo and Bonchan.

it's just a fun bet. if money's involved, i would definitely want a handicap but we're just doing avatar bets.

poongko has been playing out of his mind in topanga so far so i have some confidence in him beating smug. and also, he might have come up with some new tech against dudley after getting bodied by smug at ncr. that stinging embarrassment of losing with his shirt off while 50000 viewers laughing at his milk dud nipples should intensify the desire to beat smug even more.

edit: capcomfighters youtube channel is slowly uploading the red bull kumite matches.
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