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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


I will admit that I believe having a competitive mindset towards games is morally justifiable. I wouldn't blatantly foist that perspective on the casual mindset unless they became an infringing identity, however. It just goes back to what I was saying earlier about adopting more people into having/appreciating the competitive mindset. Advocating fighting games isn't just about pushing the games or the scenes - it's about pushing a value system.
The thing is, you can't really push that mindset on people. They tend to have it, or they don't, or like it in certain areas but not in others. I play MTG competitively. (2 decades of experience helps!) I enjoy watching competitive FGs. But I don't play them competitively because I know I don't have the baseline skillset. I do try to improve when playing casually though, but I'm not really playing with "winning" as the primary goal. (Kadey can certainly tell you that. :p) People are going to enjoy what they're going to enjoy, and its more important to foster an open community that accepts people liking it the way they like it than to try and convert people to your cause.


Marz can write all the pointless parapets of texts that he wants: doesn't stop him from being a scrubby-scrub. Or good players having their moments too.

The thing is, you can't really push that mindset on people. They tend to have it, or they don't, or like it in certain areas but not in others. I play MTG competitively. (2 decades of experience helps!) I enjoy watching competitive FGs. But I don't play them competitively because I know I don't have the baseline skillset. I do try to improve when playing casually though, but I'm not really playing with "winning" as the primary goal. (Kadey can certainly tell you that. :p) People are going to enjoy what they're going to enjoy, and its more important to foster an open community that accepts people liking it the way they like it than to try and convert people to your cause.

You're essentially saying that people can't change their value systems which is demonstrably false.
Seeing as My PS3 preorder of the import is locked in, I'll just double dip on the domestic Vita version of Love Max.
Needless to say, this has been a good past couple of weeks for us anime fgcers


Slayer of Combofiends
Beef and Yams. Do you boys want to play with one another tonight?

I've been pretty busy for the past day and will be for the week. Gotta meet quota's, making a game ain't easy -_-

I can probably play this weekend if Beef is still down. I'm kinda rusty so don't expect much,
only reason I challenged Beef was so Kadey could shut up, it gets pretty maddening after a while.


I've been pretty busy for the past day and will be for the week. Gotta meet quota's, making a game ain't easy -_-

I can probably play this weekend if Beef is still down. I'm kinda rusty so don't expect much,
only reason I challenged Beef was so Kadey could shut up, it gets pretty annoying after a while.

WTF is this shit, you go on a rampage challenging everyone and now it's "don't expect much"?

Sack up, Yams.


I must be going for a record of never missing a week of updates =V

4 Hours of Rival Schools 2

Street Fighter III 3rd Strike matches

1 Hour of Puyo Puyo

3+ Hours of Ultra Street Fighter IV

3+ Hours of Arcana Heart 3

90+ mins. of Guilty Gear Xrd matches

90 mins. of Chaos Code

7+ Hours of BlazBlue CP matches

3 Hours of Dengeki Bunko

2+ Hours of King of Fighters XIII

3 Hours of Tekken Tag 2

90 mins. of Under Night InBirth

3+ Hours of Persona 4 Arena 2

5+ Hours of Melty Blood

1 hour of Ultra Street Fighter IV matches

An extra 90 mins. of BlazBlue CP

90+ mins. of Dead or Alive 5

An extra 90 mins. of Arcana Heart 3


Slayer of Combofiends
WTF is this shit, you go on a rampage challenging everyone and now it's "don't expect much"?

Sack up, Yams.

Only reason I challenged everyone was cause everyone was sacking on my gief. If going on a rampage is getting tired of Kadey's shit talk then by all means, I'll keep on going on more rampages until everyone ignores me. I tried being humble but apparently people are gonna call me out on it. I never cancelled any of my challenges and I plan to keep it that way.


A small side note but for me the big difference between my competive and casual mindset is how well I expect to perform in a tournament. When I'm playing a game like BlazBlue casually (I actually play this game casually) I'm actively trying to play the game the "right way". As in play neutral properly, land my confirms, hit my combos, execute my oki etc. even if I'm just chilling with my friends on a Friday night we are all trying to go hard and best each other while playing the game "correctly". My competive mindset is concerned with what do I have to do to place in a tournament along with the aforementioned. But that's just me and my boys.


If that came across as condescending you should consider the idea that maybe you're being a bit sensitive. These are still video games, which have relatively low-barriers for accessibility when all is said and done. You're not learning the mechanics of shooting a basketball, throwing a football or catching a bullet. Unless you have some form of debilitation, the human brain/mind/body is highly malleable, and is prone to conditioning. If a game is initially "too fast" that should be seen as a challenge to improve your conditioning in regards to that game - not as a dismissal because you feel uncomfortable out of the gate. A good game, ideally, provides some form of challenge, generally. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time. Maybe a time-waster is what you want from fighting games but that would be where we part ways.

Yeah, uh, I play competitively so no, it doesn't bother me. I just think you were coming off as condescending, intentionally or not, and in fact I prefer the faster fighting games (ST, Marvel 2, Marvel 3, Melee).

I think kirblar stated what I had in mind, you're not going to convert these people and people have preferences. :p


Like, its more a point of "you're not suddenly going to convert a bunch of cosplayers into being hardcore tournament players, and vice versa."

Yeah, that's not how value systems are changed, so that's not the expectation. Value systems are changed through exposure and education and is a slow often generational process. Just exposing people and getting them to understand/appreciate the value system is one of the baby steps.


The other nice thing about the Smash news is that it's confirmed to be a 2014 release, resolving the concerns over "winter" in the last announcement.


Mrs. Harvey
Who was the one making a comment about why they are losing to me? Everybody was minding their own business talking as usual but then somebody made that comment. Who was it? And then he gets called out. And now he's crying about getting called out. Who was it?


Slayer of Combofiends
At least someone out there cares for me.
That confidence boost would be destroyed soon after.

Then that's a talent as well. I certainly don't have that redeeming quality when it comes to fighting games. Kappa

Yo, you still bring that up? That was months ago. You do know there is a thing called improvement right? I heard it does wonders.

Apparently nothing. I just said he lost badly to Kadey cause I saw 20 losses consecutively, in which anyone would assume is bad. Maybe he's just salty.
even though he didnt use his main

Damn straight, if your not the best, nothing else matters. Although it can get a bit aggressive.

Why not leave your assumptions until after you play me.

Well Kadey, you got your new victim right here ^

Nah man, SF was the only thing I was doing. I closed my anime so it wouldn't interfere. EC vs WC connection too stronk

Wow, seriously guys, you let Kadey beat you that bad? I know I was sacked pretty hard when I got back into SF but come on! Invite me next time.

First of all, welcome! You are going to realize we are a pretty colorful bunch
with Smedwicks being no color Kappa
that enjoys anime and fighting games. A lot of us here play BB and SF4 so you're in luck!

Who was the one making a comment about why they are losing to me? Everybody was minding their own business talking as usual but then somebody made that comment. Who was it? And then he gets called out. And now he's crying about getting called out. Who was it?

BULLSHIT! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! All I did was say that you beat Tok and somebody else pretty bad and I even said I got beat by you bad too but for a 20 win streak? I found it odd, that's all and commented like I did cause I thought Tok was pretty damn good at the game until he told me he wasn't even using his main. I even asked for an invitation, I was even minding my own business, not even mentioning any salt from the last time we played, I tried being a good sport but you just have selective memory.
Shout outs to slow games. I don't know how anyone can keep track of what's going on in anime.



Slayer of Combofiends
Thanks for proving my point.

Hey DB, want to play? I don't have time! -=goes and watches anime=-


What point was that? That was yesterday night around midnight. I'm explaining myself and all you can do is laugh and act like an ass.

Who was the one making a comment about why they are losing to me? Everybody was minding their own business talking as usual but then somebody made that comment. Who was it? And then he gets called out. And now he's crying about getting called out. Who was it?

Stick to the point of the conversation. I'm calling you out on the bolded. Stick to the fucking point or shut up if you got nothing nice to say.


SF v Marvel tournament entry rates would say otherwise.

I'm not trying to crap on fast games (I wouldn't touch Marvel/Anime games' speeds), I'm just saying that it really can be detrimental if you're going for a relatively broad audience.

When people say "I have trouble with fast games" - responding with "The problem is you" is a pretty silly answer.
This is a terrible argument and an even terrible example.

For as many people who don't like fast games there are as many who don't like slow games.

How would you explain Tekken getting more entrants than VF? Or Melee getting more than Brawl? Or MVC2 more than CVS2? For as many examples as you can provide where a slow game got more entrants I can show you an example where a fast game got more entrants.

I do agree that responding to someone saying "I have trouble with fast games" with "the problem is you" is wrong. But fast vs slow games is a preference and one does not guarantee more or less sales/tournament entrants/stream numbers/review scores or whatever other metric you want to use.


Mrs. Harvey
You're taking this way too seriously. Take a time out. Everybody is chilling. TIk is chilling. Shouta is chilling. Beef is chilling. I am chilling. If you can't even handle GAF trash talking then I don't see how you can handle actual FGC trash talking. LOL.

Let me give you a nice little tip. If you can't handle me, then you can't handle actual SF GAF. Those guys are ten times more brutal than me. Particularly our very own top tier Sim player.

I am better at Marvel! -=drops some easy Wolverine combo=-


Slayer of Combofiends
You're taking this way too seriously. Take a time out. Everybody is chilling. TIk is chilling. Shouta is chilling. Beef is chilling. I am chilling. If you can't even handle GAF trash talking then I don't see how you can handle actual FGC trash talking. LOL.

I am better at Marvel! -=drops some easy Wolverine combo=-

When I prove my point you regress, funny. Regardless, your right, I need to chill and relax, I never get this worked up outside of GAF, guess I found my kryptonite.

I'm still good to facing Tok and Beef whenever they are this weekend. I got some free time right now since my friend isn't done with animations. You down for SF4 in a bit Beef?


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
Shout outs to slow games. I don't know how anyone can keep track of what's going on in anime.

You're obviously looking at it wrong then. You only need to pay attention as to how they get the first hit. Everything else after that is secondary.


You're obviously looking at it wrong then. You only need to pay attention as to how they get the first hit. Everything else after that is secondary.

Unless they play reset characters :p
I don't think I shown you this. It's not the best that I've done but I think it looks the most professional. :)

Oh. I don't think Toshinden has footsies considering they have specials with an SRK that goes around you in circles.
Def looks like something that could be used for an ad :p


This is a terrible argument and an even terrible example.

For as many people who don't like fast games there are as many who don't like slow games.

How would you explain Tekken getting more entrants than VF? Or Melee getting more than Brawl? Or MVC2 more than CVS2? For as many examples as you can provide where a slow game got more entrants I can show you an example where a fast game got more entrants.

I do agree that responding to someone saying "I have trouble with fast games" with "the problem is you" is wrong. But fast vs slow games is a preference and one does not guarantee more or less sales/tournament entrants/stream numbers/review scores or whatever other metric you want to use.
You're reading way too much into "fast v slow" beyond the context of "whats the baseline reaction speed you need to get a good grip on the game."
You're obviously looking at it wrong then. You only need to pay attention as to how they get the first hit. Everything else after that is secondary.
Hitstop helps. :p


Mrs. Harvey
Def looks like something that could be used for an ad :p

That is the only one that will ever be like that. The other stuff I did wouldn't look right in that kind of lighting or lack thereof. Lighting is very important and is a major component of how great they turn out. I'm running out of ideas. :(


How would you explain Tekken getting more entrants than VF? Or Melee getting more than Brawl? Or MVC2 more than CVS2? For as many examples as you can provide where a slow game got more entrants I can show you an example where a fast game got more entrants. .
VF is generally faster-paced than Tekken. You might not know it from watching American players though.
Do you defend speed as in how many decisions a player has to make or how much shit is flying across screen?
I use a combination of two definitions:
Typical reaction time in response to your opponent's reactions.
Average inputs per second in the neutral.

I should probably call the second one "intensity", though.
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