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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


I know people are sensitive to spoilers or whatever so I guess don't read these if you care about them?

Some of the dialogue was really funny at least. Like the soft whispering of "Hail Hydra" between the two dudes was done in a pretty good way.

Or that whole exchange of "You're on the wrong side, agent," "Depends on where you're standing." was also pretty dumb/funny.

I realize you're not supposed to over analyze these kinds of movies and just take them for what they are. It was fine at its job, but the dumb stuff was pretty good to keep me laughing.


I thought Cap 2 was pretty good. Only problem is that The Raid 2 came out and it made me forgot about it due to it being totally fucking awesome.
In that FGTV stream they were talking about how Chris G wasn't much of a threat in Marvel until he picked up MorriDoom but I remember that not being the case, so I looked up older tournaments and saw this:


And not only that but he has won 4-5 other tournaments using that Ryu team as his primary team for that major, only switching to MorriDoom when needed. You can't be sleepin on Chris Jesus, he was a top player even though he was using a character like Dryu.


If you've played the first 2 MGSes, yeah.

But it was incredibly well done for what it was.
Yeah I really enjoyed the movie all that being said.

In that FGTV stream they were talking about how Chris G wasn't much of a threat in Marvel until he picked up MorriDoom but I remember that not being the case. So I tried to look up older tournaments and saw this:


And not only that but he has won 4-5 other tournaments using that Ryu team as his primary team for that major, only switching to MorriDoom when needed. You can't be sleepin on Chris Jesus, he was a top player even though he was using a character like Dryu.
People straight up lying with that. Chris G if memory serves was pretty dominant on the East Coast with his Ryu squad. He won mad locals including battlefield arcadias, the break, and big two.
In that FGTV stream they were talking about how Chris G wasn't much of a threat in Marvel until he picked up MorriDoom but I remember that not being the case. So I tried to look up older tournaments and saw this:


And not only that but he has won 4-5 other tournaments using that Ryu team as his primary team for that major, only switching to MorriDoom when needed. You can't be sleepin on Chris Jesus, he was a top player even though he was using a character like Dryu.

Why not discredit other players to your fans?

For this example, I'm just gonna use Cloud because he's a really simple character to understand, and he doesn't have complicated shit. But first some background:

Every character in Dissidia can equip up to 6 attacks to use on the ground, and another 6 for the air (Circle or Square neutral, forward, and backwards). Each move and ability costs a certain amount of Capacity Points (CP) to equip, so you can't just use everything at once and be godlike. And even if you could, characters still can't equip every move because there's only so many slots.

Cloud, for example, has a grand total of 13 moves (combining his Brave and HP attacks, and excluding any moves that can link together for an additional CP cost). Almost half of those moves are projectile attacks, while the others are physical attacks. Ignoring how good or bad his attacks are, that's a lot of customization that people have to (potentially) worry about.

However, the game's core mechanics sets limits on how much each character can hold. I can have a character with a gigantic pool of moves to choose from (lol Shantotto), but it doesn't mean squat if I can only have 6 on me at once. That's what helps keep things in line. If there's no limits on how much shit you can have, then the game is just gonna be a MUGEN-sized shitfest. If we talk about which moves are useful for each character, then the potential movelist goes down lol.

I'm tired, so I don't know if I even answered anyone's concerns. But it felt nice typing this up, so whatever lol
Let's be real though Guardians of the Galaxy will be fantastic except for the fact that Rocket Raccoon won't have his UMvC3 voice ;_;
I don't really see that as a downside, since nobody really knows how Cooper is gonna handle the voice outside of a 5 second clip.


Amazing Spiderman= that teenage soap opera with the horrible CGI lizard that came out a couple years ago right?

Vulva u liked that over cap??


Amazing Spiderman= that teenage soap opera with the horrible CGI lizard that came out a couple years ago right?

Vulva u liked that over cap??

Yeah, I can't remember why tbh though. Maybe I was just having a good day and more forgiving than usual?


It was okay, but mostly dumb.

When Cap said something like "Freedom has always had a price" the guy next to me quietly said to himself "that's so true... damn"

I couldn't stop laughing in the theater.

Cap 2 was the best Marvel movie, no doubt.

That said, the
stream monster
guy next to you must have made the whole movie pretty funny lol


Drew just stopped the show @FGTV. And he wasn't even a part of the tourney.

EDIT: And WTF @ not liking TWS. C'mon son...


Drew just stopped the show @FGTV. And he wasn't even a part of the tourney.

EDIT: And WTF @ not liking TWS. C'mon son...

I'm sorry gutabo! I just don't really like superhero things in general.

Though I'd be all about a movie about the Phalanx saga.


I'm sorry gutabo! I just don't really like superhero things in general.

Though I'd be all about a movie about the Phalanx saga.

It's ok mang <3, I'm a huge comic nerd so I'm heavily, hevily biased. Even so, I've heard good things from people that don't like comics about that movie. I've also heard plenty of valid criticism too but the minute I saw they were going to do things like the elevator scene from civil war or batroc they had me. Anyway, just stay away from the Green Lantern movie please!


It's ok mang <3, I'm a huge comic nerd so I'm heavily, hevily biased. Even so, I've heard good things from people that don't like comics about that movie. I've also heard plenty of valid criticism too but the minute I saw they were going to do things like the elevator scene from civil war or batroc they had me. Anyway, just stay away from the Green Lantern movie please!

Will do, I'm probably just going to fall back in to my lonely shell of watching arthouse cinema with no one to talk to!


To each his own. I do like Emma Stone though, but yea the rest of that movie was pretty forgettable.

I really liked it but I wouldn't consider it anywhere near the top of the best superhero movies. I thought Cap 2 was great and it might even dethrone Iron Man 1 as my favorite Marvel film.


So, about this Chainsaw Incident trailer: why the hell did characters switch side between the character screen and the loading / actual match?
Well, yeah, target render I suppose...

Only saw Cap1 for the first tme like 2 days ago, thought it was really boring and corny; is the second one really better? Or does it stay in line with the first one?


So, about this Chainsaw Incident trailer: why the hell did characters switch side between the character screen and the loading / actual match?
Well, yeah, target render I suppose...

Only saw Cap1 for the first tme like 2 days ago, thought it was really boring and corny; is the second one really better? Or does it stay in line with the first one?

The second one is like Skyfall/Bourne movies/Captain America. it's really pretty different and a lot better from the first.

I like this new direction, and hope that Marvel tries out different types of superhero films like this.


Will do, I'm probably just going to fall back in to my lonely shell of watching arthouse cinema with no one to talk to!

When I was young I dated this chick for a couple years, she was studying movie direction(as a career), we saw plenty of good movies together, mostly dramas, she made me watch all the hitchcock, kubrick, scorcese movies and more(plus tons of euro stuff like bergman and truffaut) and I even watched Battleship Potemkin with her. At a movie theater. Yup, there were like 5 people there, including us both.

Then we stopped dating and some years afterwards enough shit happened to me IRL that I just stopped watching drama movies altogether and nowadays I only go to movie theaters to watch big blockbuster movies(preferably with tons of special effects) that make me forget about stuff IRL and escape some other place. And of course I go with my son to watch stuff like frozen or rio 2.

I still watch some movies at home ;)

Only saw Cap1 for the first tme like 2 days ago, thought it was really boring and corny; is the second one really better? Or does it stay in line with the first one?
Second one is way, way better. Did you like the bourne movies? If you did, you will like it too.


sol is not without bad matchups

faust axl give me the blues ;(

edit: I have gotten a lot better recently too. im a bit more clutch optimized and react better to situations and they STILL get in my ass


tagged by Blackace
So, about this Chainsaw Incident trailer: why the hell did characters switch side between the character screen and the loading / actual match?
Well, yeah, target render I suppose...

Only saw Cap1 for the first tme like 2 days ago, thought it was really boring and corny; is the second one really better? Or does it stay in line with the first one?
First one was probably the worst MCU movie. Second one is a good contender for first alongside IM1 and Avengers.


First one was probably the worst MCU movie. Second one is a good contender for first alongside IM1 and Avengers.

I was going to say something, but then I realized you're right because MCU is just the Avengersverse stuff and discounts all the previous horrible Marvel movies.


tagged by Blackace
I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed Cap 1.
I still enjoyed it. Quality can be relative. Some of the action scenes and CG could use some work though. Cap in Cap 2 is as badass and agile as he should be.

I want Tommy Lee Jones in the Agent Carter series if they make it.


I thought Cap 2 was pretty good. Only problem is that The Raid 2 came out and it made me forgot about it due to it being totally fucking awesome.

I just saw the first Raid and I thought the fights were poorly choreographed, drawn out, and not convincing. Did the second one solve these problems.


Cap 1 is hot garbage, there's nothing to like about it unless somehow you liked Winter Soldier so much it retroactively makes it better (hint: it doesn't)


I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed Cap 1.

The way it worked in the classic uniform into full-on war propaganda cheese was brilliant and made the movie worthwhile to me.
The MCU movies generally do a good job of embracing their comic roots, and that was a damn fine example of it.


I keep getting to winners finals of our weeklies, Boomcube mentally destroys me, then I just wanna go home.


Second one is way, way better. Did you like the bourne movies? If you did, you will like it too.
Wow, that's a pretty good reference and comparison there.
That does make me want to go and see it; though I might be disappointed now, because I'm expected something crazy good! :)


Cap 2 is the only modern mainline comicbook superhero movie where the main character is actually heroic in every sense. I feel like pretty much every other Marvel/DC film ultimately has some kinda strangely negative messaging to it while Cap's is pretty damn simple and solid, which is just absolutely refreshing given all the other movies. Also it's a pretty dang good movie in every other way too- the 'big budget spy thriller' is totally right but it's also written so that thematically the guy who's supposed to be a hero is actually heroic.

edit:Chris Evans does a great job pullin' it off what I mean, too- for folks praising the movie I've heard that they tend to find Cap to be the most boring member of the Avengers in every way and a consistent part of their praise for this movie is that Evans totally pulls off bein' a 'boyscout' archetype character who is human, charming and still heroic rather than being a huge prick (shoutouts to Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent/Superman dynamic in the classics) or a compromising 'dark and gritty realistic hero'.

Like seriously ya'll got no idea how much it pisses me off that Man of Steel's theme is effectively 'compromise your ideals under the face of reality' when it's a comicbook movie about a character whose entire thematic structure basically revolves about being infallible when it counts. The whole 'born into classes but Supes is classless' starter that they spend so much time on totally leads up to a finale where he finds a solution that isn't necessarily marred in massive death but the dang movie ends on that note of compromising to Zod's militaristic ideals- it's totally messed up! Honestly I'm a pretty terrible critical viewer but this stuff was all big enough to bug me, haha.

edit 2: in fighting game discussion to spark conversation: i wonder if neo living with justin is gonna spark somethin' interesting team/tech development wise or if they're just gonna be like 'yo fuck this game *plays marvel 2*'
Lol, that fight was the worst offender, looks like 5 minutes of guys flailing there arms around and yelling the entire time, it's absurd. I think this http://youtu.be/smLAFCVNpwA is an example of a great fight scene. It has a good pace and it still feels incredibly brutal.

Wat. Lol. This fight scene is good, but that raid one is better. For one, it sounds and feels better. 2nd, its better. Hehe.

And I liked Cap 1 as well. Especially the first half.
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