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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


And I liked Cap 1 as well. Especially the first half.

On Cap 1, I actually have no idea what the hell is up with that movie. The direction seems to derail entirely once he dons the 'official' Cap outfit- it seems like it purposely turns him into the guy that Steve Rogers, stage performer "Captain America" was supposed to be portraying but in a way that seems as showtime-y and disconnected as what was shown of the War Bonds performance.

The action goes from 'decently choreographed and tense' to ' 80s cartoon show'-like with Stormtrooper aiming meganazis who barely seem dangerous with the whole Cap and his Howlin' Troopers montage. They even have one of those kinda toy commercial bikes with gizmos and gadgets on it, haha.

Like, he kinda just stops being a heroic human being and becomes a flat out cheesy cartoon hero/icon in that latter half. It kinda makes sense on paper- especially given the few scenes where it's supposed to show that he does struggle with being the Captain America shown in propaganda (because he's a decent dude who believes in equality and freedom- which is hammered in throughout the entire intro section and why he's even chosen) but the way it's executed just doesn't feel right in terms of pacing and visual direction.

The whole ending fight direction is weird because of that too since Red Skull's whole deal is that he finds himself above humanity entirely, and that he IS the man shown in whatever propaganda- unlike Steve, who simply believes himself to be a guy with the means to help others and that they deserve decency equally as much as he does no matter the difference. Ultimately, that only barely plays out in the ending where Skull gets warped to Never-Never Land via Cosmic Cube because of that arrogance but there's never like a real 'clash of ideals' that you think you'd find in a superhero movie. At the very least pretty much every other comicbook movie has that in their conclusion to some major degree- Cap 1 is more like, "welp found the dude, time to punch each other to death"
Lol, that fight was the worst offender, looks like 5 minutes of guys flailing there arms around and yelling the entire time, it's absurd. I think this http://youtu.be/smLAFCVNpwA is an example of a great fight scene. It has a good pace and it still feels incredibly brutal.

I liked The Raid, but holy carp that is a really great fight scene. But i'm a sucker for well done grappling and throws because i do that stuff myself.
I don't think I've seen a good superhero movie since Spider-man 2. My wife and I almost fell asleep during Avengers. I don't get it.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";110074039]Noah is the best movie in theatres right now.

I miss P4A. And Marvel. But it's probably smarter to wait for Xrd and buy a PS4 than another PS3.[/QUOTE]

How was your traveling, by the way?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";110078101]My what now?[/QUOTE]
You said you planned to take a break from gaming and do some traveling after you graduated. You disappeared for a bit, so I figured that was the reason.
You said you planned to take a break from gaming and do some traveling after you graduated. You disappeared for a bit, so I figured that was the reason.

Oh, I'm still in my final year. I just got banned for being a meaniehead in the manga thread.

But yeah, I'd still like to travel. I was gonna do it this summer and go to Thailand, but I'm in a weird position where my remaining credits don't make a whole extra semester after this coming year so I need to take three summer classes rather than two to graduate early.

Also, I'm allergic to mosquitoes and Thailand worries me.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";110080489]Oh, I'm still in my final year. I just got banned for being a meaniehead in the manga thread.

But yeah, I'd still like to travel. I was gonna do it this summer and go to Thailand, but I'm in a weird position where my remaining credits don't make a whole extra semester after this coming year so I need to take three summer classes rather than two to graduate early.

Also, I'm allergic to mosquitoes and Thailand worries me.[/QUOTE]

Come to Brazil, I can hook you up


I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed Cap 1.
I loved the first half but thought it was a mess the moment he went to Europe.
1/Soi Master Adon 31k
2/Ninomae Rose 29k
3/Umehara Ryu 28k
4/Nemo Rolento 28k
5/Santaro Sagat 27k
6/Kazunoko Yun 27k
7/Yossan Juri 27k
8/G Men Ken 27k
9/Younashi Juri 26k
10/NAO viper 26k
Seems people were not kidding about Rose.


Well, it's more that Poison player being quite rough / crappy, if you ask me.
Like I'll be when starting with her! ^^

I like the backflip on oki to catch a dp, though; I wonder if he messed up or if the recovery is so long that you can't really use it like that. I'm betting on the latter. :/

huh, didn't know he was that good at SF4
You didn't know?
He was a crazy good Chun up until AE. Or Super.
Can't remember which, but at one point he switched to Yang and, obviously, kinda "disappeared" from the scene...


wong kar wai weekly

omg yes. lets talk wkw and hou hsiao-hsien and lou ye and tsai ming-liang and bela tarr and jodorowsky and cronenberg and and and and....

Christopher Doyle should do the cut scenes for a KOF game.

edit: @GB I haven't seen it yet, but the most promising movie in theaters for me right now is Under The Skin
Maybe I should read the thread first

Good to see a Deejay get up in that ass.. but he didn't really do anything special tbh. That safe sobat tho

Deejay's j.HK does some real joocey damage


Question: Does Makoto (SF not BB) count as a vortex character? I was always confused on that term, but she seems to fit the style with how she can pressure people.


Question: Does Makoto (SF not BB) count as a vortex character? I was always confused on that term, but she seems to fit the style with how she can pressure people.
I would answer no.
She doesn't have any strong 50/50 mixup on oki, she's just all about setups (which you can learn to read to counter) and mindgames.


Question: Does Makoto (SF not BB) count as a vortex character? I was always confused on that term, but she seems to fit the style with how she can pressure people.

I'd just call her a mixup character. Vortex implies an ambiguous cross up on wake up that can be decided by the one controlling the character (as far as I know, at least). Someone like viper, ibuki or akuma all have that trait. Makoto is capable of ambiguous crossups on wake up with her axe kick, but it's not really a big enough part of her gameplay to qualify her as a vortex char.
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