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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


It's not like that whole "ego via execution" thing is unique to Smash players- look at what happened to Vega's 2f links in the Beta builds to see it happen in SF. :p

It's just that the tears from the wavedashing thing from Melee->Brawl are just so delightfully salty that it's fun to poke the bear. I just don't want to poke the bear pack.
I always thought I was mediocre in fighting games but then bakedyams makes me feel better. The way people talk about him makes me think that I can atleast go even against him and I don't even play SF4 (I actually dislike playing it)

jk yams. Last fighting game I took seriously was playing Vocab and a few others in KOF13 on steam. Mad fun even tho I play the game like 98
I always thought I was mediocre in fighting games but then bakedyams makes me feel better. The way people talk about him makes me think that I can atleast go even against him and I don't even play SF4 (I actually dislike playing it)


People putting me on blast... When will they learn.

Another victi... I mean frienddddd. What do you play on sir?

Yams, what fighting games do you own and on what system. I have every main fighting game minus mk9 and injustice on ps3. Wanna do AE2012 on ps3? (i need to install that patch lol)


Slayer of Combofiends
Yams, what fighting games do you own and on what system. I have every main fighting game minus mk9 and injustice on ps3. Wanna do AE2012 on ps3? (i need to install that patch lol)

I play Marvel on PS3 but never online, its awful. I play SF4 on PC and PSN. That's pretty much it. PSN: Yamithorn

Steam is the same. Live ID is BakedYams

Its like 1:30 where I live so I'm pretty much becoming a zombie right about now, I'll try my best to stay up.


I always thought I was mediocre in fighting games but then bakedyams makes me feel better. The way people talk about him makes me think that I can atleast go even against him and I don't even play SF4 (I actually dislike playing it)

jk yams. Last fighting game I took seriously was playing Vocab and a few others in KOF13 on steam. Mad fun even tho I play the game like 98

You got KOF on steam? Whats dat steamid?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
if you are playing VF
and are not from Japan

i'm rooting for you.

GT being absent from sega cup on saturday was a shame. but at least dosha got 5th.

If I was at Sega Cup I would've been the highest placing Taka. FO SHO.


If I was at Sega Cup I would've been the highest placing Taka. FO SHO.

I really should play VF again. Other than that one time, which was really fun.

edit: poor phrasing, meant I haven't played at all other than that one time
god damn sony needs to fix their DL list. Just passed a million dlc SFxT gem bundles that came with the CE.

Also its 1.4 gigs =( DL-ing that on psn is going to take foreverrrrr.


Slayer of Combofiends
uhh I think its thadarkdragon LOL. I haven't played in a long time. Vocab was the last person I played.

I'll dl AE2012 and lets play maybe. Then you can add a name to your victim list.

download AE? man this is night is not gonna end haha

Victims List:


we can play tomorrow if you want raginingnight, other than that, I got like an hour before I conk out.


So I'm playing this soso Ken online just before the match against Yams. I keep getting free jump ins off my FP. I got this message

"I refuse to let cheaters win. Whatever you're using to force your move to break my block, it's fucking bullshit. You deserve to be banned from the network."

What a world!
I'm saying it's something that's obviously either going to be removed completely in future installments (which it was) or changed into regular wavedashing a la Tekken/Marvel. (the latter being unlikely given Smash's general desgn.) People expecting it to stay intact in future installments are just getting butthurt that they don't have that piece of execution to lord over other people with and are delusional about game design in general.

None of that changes the fact it never should be removed to begin with and it's a better game with Wave Dash in than it is without.
Well then I don't know what wave dashing in Smash is so it's pointless for me to talk about it any further.

I just don't agree with the reasoning that "it's something I can't do and gives an edge to players who can do it... so it should be removed".

It's a really low to the ground Tridash which results in a really fast dash on the ground. Pretty much you air dodge(which you can point in any direction) so you jump and immediately air dash/dodge d/f and your character dash super fast across the ground just like a plink-dash or wave dash in Marvel.

Despite one some people are BSing here it is SUPER useful especially for ground based characters. Play Melee without it is pretty much like playing Magneto without flight or plink dashing. It's just awkward and not fun. That's why noobs pick JigglePuff cause she's pretty much MVC2 Sentinel without execution.


None of that changes the fact it never should be removed to begin with and it's a better game with Wave Dash in than it is without.
This is where the casual and competitive sides cause a clash, as if you're going to keep it, it needs to be made more accessible. And that accessibility then leads to it being brought into the FFA funsies items on casual side (the trickle-down effect.) where I don't think it would be such a positive thing.

And in the battle between those two sides, as designers they're going to lean to the casual side because that's where the money is. Just like Sim getting bottom tiered in USF4.
This is where the casual and competitive sides cause a clash, as if you're going to keep it, it needs to be made more accessible. And that accessibility then leads to it being brought into the FFA funsies items on casual side (the trickle-down effect.) where I don't think it would be such a positive thing.

And in the battle between those two sides, as designers they're going to lean to the casual side.

No it doesn't. It wasn't in Melee. Nothing NEEDED to happen to it. Casuals didn't even know it existed let alone used it. So why did it matter? If they played against a competitive player though they'd get bopped? They would get bopped anyway, wave dash or no wave dash. There was no reason to remove it, it removed depth, complexity and fun from the game for people who wanted to do anything but play a mindless party game.


Why do casuals even care about wave dashing? This is what I don't get.

It's like complaining about combos or 1 frame links. If we were back in the SF2 era these Smash fans would've gotten combos taken out of SF2 because they are glitches and they can't do them.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
If I was at Sega Cup I would've been the highest placing Taka. FO SHO.

ditto for Lau -___-
I'll be at NYG9 which was just announced, aug15-17th at Next Level. Last year I placed 9th - if I top that I'll be alright.


No it doesn't. It wasn't in Melee. Nothing NEEDED to happen to it. Casuals didn't even know it existed let alone used it. So why did it matter? If they played against a competitive player though they'd get bopped? They would get bopped anyway, wave dash or no wave dash. There was no reason to remove it, it removed depth, complexity and fun from the game for people who wanted to do anything but play a mindless party game.
You (or a 6yo kid) go into online mode, and suddenly this guy is dancing around the screen and you're really confused as you can't keep up and get frustrated and quit. That's not a good thing to happen.

The amount of people playing party mode dwarfs the amount of people playing competitively. That's true of all games. And yes, you cater to them first and foremost. Balance, things to learn, matchups, etc- those things matter, and are important in the long run because they trickle down, but they're knobs you can tune. The bigger building blocks you have to lean towards the general audience (assuming it's a mainline title, not a niche one) in order to hook them and keep them invested/playing and happy.

A lot of things I grew up on in MTG have been nerf-batted in power level because casual players HATED them. And its made the game more successful. I used to hate it, but I've come to understand/accept it as a competitive player, that I'm an audience, but my needs/desires are always going to be secondary.
You (or a 6yo kid) go into online mode, and suddenly this guy is dancing around the screen and you're really confused as you can't keep up and get frustrated and quit. That's not a good thing to happen.

The amount of people playing party mode dwarfs the amount of people playing competitively. That's true of all games. And yes, you cater to them first and foremost. Balance, things to learn, matchups, etc- those things matter, and are important in the long run because they trickle down, but they're knobs you can tune. The bigger building blocks you have to lean towards the general audience (assuming it's a mainline title, not a niche one) in order to hook them and keep them invested/playing and happy.

nobody will quit just because of one match where they get destroyed by a pro
Not one, but if it happens repetitively? It's not like there's a matchmaking system in place to keep players like Yams away from players like Kadey.

yeah man, those pro players are gonna go in on For Fun and just ruin everyone's day

wait what

and even more importantly, this is Smash, a game that appeals to casuals for the fanservice more than others, so that is even less likely


If people started quiting because other people were moving too fast then no one would be playing VS/anime games.

If I start a new game and I go online to be greeted by a player whizzing around like crazy I am not going to say "this game is fucking stupid, I can't catch him"... I am going to go "wow how's he doing that? I wanna do that!"

And isn't online supposed to have proper match making? So if you are a new player that gets paired up against a wave dashing pro then that's the MM fucking up. If the MM is working as intended and you are both new players then wave dashing is probably not that hard to do.


Woah, self-proclaimed bad people are getting together and playing SF4 and my exams ended today. Maybe I should join as well, but I'm probably truly bad compared to you guys lol. :<

I decided to mess around with Guy's normals because he was one of the characters Juicebox recommended, and I had no idea his normals were so fun lol. It's annoying that his st.MP st.HP target combo whiffs at a certain range, but he seems like a fun character to play. They're making him better in Ultra too so I'm kinda interested in trying him out. Although I have a feeling that if I played him, I'd get a lot of overheads when I try to poke with st.MP lol.
If people started quiting because other people were moving too fast then no one would be playing VS/anime games.

If I start a new game and I go online to be greeted by a player whizzing around like crazy I am not going to say "this game is fucking stupid, I can't catch him"... I am going to go "wow how's he doing that? I wanna do that!"

Nintendo fans

And isn't online supposed to have proper match making? So if you are a new player that gets paired up against a wave dashing pro then that's the MM fucking up. If the MM is working as intended and you are both new players then wave dashing is probably not that hard to do.

Nintendo games


If people started quiting because other people were moving too fast then no one would be playing VS/anime games.

If I start a new game and I go online to be greeted by a player whizzing around like crazy I am not going to say "this game is fucking stupid, I can't catch him"... I am going to go "wow how's he doing that? I wanna do that

And isn't online supposed to have proper match making? So if you are a new player that gets paired up against a wave dashing pro then that's the MM fucking up. If the MM is working as intended and you are both new players then wave dashing is probably not that hard to do.
It's not that they're moving too fast, it's that they're moving in a way that would make them appear to be "cheating" the normal movement rules, and in a way that the younger casual players would be unable to replicate.

Brawl straight-up didn't have matchmaking. They straight up ignored the competitive scene... and the game still sold gangbusters and was very popular! It's just that this time they've chosen to try and include them to try and get both worlds into some sort of harmony.
It's not that they're moving too fast, it's that they're moving in a way that would make them appear to be "cheating" the normal movement rules, and in a way that the younger casual players would be unable to replicate.

Brawl straight-up didn't have matchmaking. They straight up ignored the competitive scene... and the game still sold gangbusters and was very popular! It's just that this time they've chosen to try and include them to try and get both worlds into some sort of harmony.
You really think the game would've sold less if they made it more like Melee?
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