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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug

It's not that they're moving too fast, it's that they're moving in a way that would make them appear to be "cheating" the normal movement rules, and in a way that the younger casual players would be unable to replicate.

Brawl straight-up didn't have matchmaking. They straight up ignored the competitive scene... and the game still sold gangbusters and was very popular! It's just that this time they've chosen to try and include them to try and get both worlds into some sort of harmony.

ah, the sales argument
I LOVE that one right now!

Anna for SSB4


Mrs. Harvey
The majority of online players don't seem to take losing well but there are levels of it. I even had someone try to get me to record his replays and upload them to prove he is somewhat good at a certain game. I told him who gives a flying fuck what other people think and just enjoy the game at your own leisure. Winning or losing isn't everything at a casual level. And everybody is a casual player unless they go to tournaments to compete.


There are like 1000 characters, I dunno.
Anna, Tiki, OWAIN.

Heck, even Ike could work again, cause he was a main in 2 games and spoilers.

It's not like Falco or Wolf are any more special than most Fire Emblem characters.


I actually wonder how many non-competitive people will cross over to the dark side by getting a taste of things through For Glory mode. Wide access to competition will probably motivate a lot of the casual party people. Personally, I definitely wouldn't have started learning fighting games seriously without solid online.


ah, the sales argument
I LOVE that one right now!

Anna for SSB4
I think the best argument for why you support the competitive scene from a business perspective is "These people are going to be giving you free press for the next 5+ years whether you like it or not. Because of that fact, you do not want them making your game look bad."


The majority of online players don't seem to take losing well but there are levels of it. I even had someone try to get me to record his replays and upload them to prove he is somewhat good at a certain game. I told him who gives a flying fuck what other people think and just enjoy the game at your own leisure. Winning or losing isn't everything at a casual level. And everybody is a casual player unless they go to tournaments to compete.
Im forever casual xD
I actually wonder how many non-competitive people will cross over to the dark side by getting a taste of things through For Glory mode. Wide access to competition will probably motivate a lot of the casual party people. Personally, I definitely wouldn't have started learning fighting games seriously without solid online.

lmao at "the dark side"
it's probably gonna be barren though, it's the mode for the wannabe players

both sides will be a barren considering its still on the wii u

you know what I meant, For Glory will be almost completely empty :/


Slayer of Combofiends
Nemo getting on that plane now. I'll get to see him in the morning, lol

Tell him to body F. Champ.

Yams can't be worse than me, but I don't have Street Fighter anymore.

As long as its not a charge character, I stand a small chance.

YAM INVITE! I added you on psn

im dead. im going to bed, we can play tomorrow...
Smash is really nothing to get too hype about. To me at least it will have to be proven to not be garbage before I will drop three hundred pounds on it to play it.

The characters are nice though, I will give them that.


Smash is really nothing to get too hype about. To me at least it will have to be proven to not be garbage before I will drop three hundred pounds on it to play it.

The characters are nice though, I will give them that.
Everyone's gonna end up playing on 3DS, lol.


no offense but kirblar and yams are true definition of comic relief in this thread

some of these posts...lmao got a brotha in tearz
ok im garbage at sf4. Played like 8 matches online and lost all of them. Played some ranked 154 ken and and 500 blanka and got bopped.

If I beat yams, I will be very surprised.


smash people on gaf out of control making new threads for obscure assist trophy announcements...
No, we totally needed a new thread to discuss the wonderful possibilities of an armadillo assist trophy with completely unknown abilities.
Nintendo fans
You (or a 6yo kid) go into online mode, and suddenly this guy is dancing around the screen and you're really confused as you can't keep up and get frustrated and quit. That's not a good thing to happen.
That's going to happen in any game where skill matters. Do you think new Brawl players enjoy fighting a planking, stage gliding, infinite cloaking Metaknight?

If the new Smash doesn't have skilled veterans crushing new players like that, then there is something seriously wrong with its depth. It's a good thing for skill to matter.


Setec Astronomer
Tried out the Ultra mod, and the results of some testing have been highly informative even considering the differences between this and the real thing,
smash people on gaf out of control making new threads for obscure assist trophy announcements...
Hey, at least it's news. I have trouble faulting that thread when we've had two threads about how Microsoft and Sony are bringing games to E3 (*gasp!*).

Plus, I know Dillon was wanted by some folks, so it's considerate to let people know he will be making an appearance. This isn't just an item ball.


Freedom Yokohama is streaming. A Ken is on and holy shit his cr.MK is fast lol.

Edit: The strongest Hugo I've seen yet has appeared and he's cardless! Such strong mindgames, really good footsies, and he's like 6/6 on SPD'ing Ken's step kick. This Ken can't get away with anything lol.


Man, discussion of competitive smash reminds me so much of Halo, and wavedashing is the H1 pistol.

I wonder if Smash is equally doomed to be devoured by its fans.

(IMO it's not essential to keep wavedashing. No sacred cows. But it is essential to add mechanics that raise the skill ceiling in a similar way. We'll see.)


the crazy thing with me is i dont even think im that critical/negative in person but on the internet something comes out of me man...

has anyone noticed r/kappa slowly decline in quality over the months? it used to have good posts funny shit now its just a bunch of dudes REPOSTING old shit or posting obscure ass references that arent funny

one guy took a picture of a doom bust from the waist up and said they nerfed him...cmon
the crazy thing with me is i dont even think im that critical/negative in person but on the internet something comes out of me man...

has anyone noticed r/kappa slowly decline in quality over the months? it used to have good posts funny shit now its just a bunch of dudes REPOSTING old shit or posting obscure ass references that arent funny

one guy took a picture of a doom bust from the waist up and said they nerfed him...cmon

To me the point of r/kappa has always been to make a searchable archive of the photoshops and shit that stream monsters make. So if you want to look up like the image of Yipes shopped to look like Vergil or whatever a year later there's a place to find it.


To me the point of r/kappa has always been to make a searchable archive of the photoshops and shit that stream monsters make. So if you want to look up like the image of Yipes shopped to look like Vergil or whatever a year later there's a place to find it.

yeah i get that parallax but got damn its just been awful lately :(
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