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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


Yeah, you're just being presumptuous, shoehorning your ideals into a game/series you have no genuine interest in.

WDing only truly matters at the highest of levels or the closest of matched up competitors in terms of skill sets. You can totally do well in a Melee bracket without learning to Wavedash as long as you don't play Luigi or Space Animals (and even that would be arguable). I'm not sure about today, but this happened often back when I played. Sheik, Ganon and Puff are perfect examples of characters that do well without WD (I'm pretty sure Hungrybox didn't start WDing until very recently and was winning).

You should actually try playing some of these games you keep talking about.

You also. Stop talking about games you don't play. Using Wavedash out of Shield to punish a blocked Marth F.Smash is so matchup specific and circumstantial it's not even a thing. Just stop.

To punish a Marth tippered fsmash on shield as Fox, you need to wave dash OoS for the usmash/grab, other characters as well.

if it isn't a tipper you can wd oos grab with most 7 frame grab characters (sheik is one of them)
you can also jump oos and fast fall forward air, but this can be cc'd and / or tech'd which can lead to a punish at lower percents


I do like being told that me playing Smash casually "doesn't count", btw.
When it comes to competitive balance, casuals should really be the last thing developers should be listening to when it comes to balance for competitive level. And by that I mean they should still be listened to, just at the least priority.

When you see a DOTA 2 changelist... 98% of changes are targeted towards high level competition. There are some heroes that excel at low level casual play (like Sniper, Drow, Zeus) who are bad at competitive play. You think Ice Frog goes in and says "oh man these casuals are really having trouble getting stomped by Drow Ranger... better nerf her so that people can deal with her better at the lowest level". No he does the opposite... he buffs those characters... hell he just buffed all 3 when Zeus has like an insane win ratio in pubs.

Only time casual input is taken in a game like DOTA 2 is when a change is more quality of life or makes the game more fun for ALL LEVELS of play. Say casuals started saying that they would like it if the damage values on the Tower hits were less randomized so it was easier to last hit catapults... if that change was something the pros would be fine with then Ice Frog would probably implement it. If instead they started complaining that denying was something they find unfun then that suggestion will get put into the garbage bin where it belongs because no pro wants that gone as it adds an additional layer of skill to lane control.


When it comes to competitive balance, casuals should really be the last thing developers should be listening to when it comes to balance for competitive level. And by that I mean they should still be listened to, just at the least priority.
Absolutely. The wavedashing thing isn't a balance tuning issue though.


Absolutely. The wavedashing thing isn't a balance tuning issue though.
Again I don't know much about Smash and its wave dashing to comment on that. This still seems like a balancing issue to me... more like a system mechanic balance.

You could put this in the same category as plinking in SF4. Capcom has all the right to take it out of the game by referring to it as an unintentional mechanic but at what cost?


Again I don't know much about Smash and its wave dashing to comment on that. This still seems like a balancing issue to me... more like a system mechanic balance.

You could put this in the same category as plinking in SF4. Capcom has all the right to take it out of the game by referring to it as an unintentional mechanic but at what cost?
Would you expect Plinking to (intentionally) be in SF5? Probably not, right?


Absolutely. The wavedashing thing isn't a balance tuning issue though.
It very much is for some characters. For example, Melee Samus would be much worse without the ability to wavedash.

Honestly, the removal of wavedashing and the change to non-directional air dodges in general didn't help Brawl in any way. Why shouldn't people be upset that we're still using Brawl's air dodge for Smash 4?
We still don't even know if Smash Bros is a fighting game franchise yet
Doesn't matter if it is.


It very much is for some characters. For example, Samus would be much worse without the ability to wavedash.
But no one's saying "Patch it out of Melee." You design/tune going forward knowing its absent, and things have to be adjusted. Much how the 3S Twins turned out stupid in SF4 initially, in part due to their command grabs, which were a remnant of the parry system in 3S. They're not afraid (unlike a certain Vs franchise) to radically alter characters in the interest of better gameplay.

No one's seen how the new game plays in a competitive environment. They have a company that makes legitimate competitive games working on it, and they're actually trying to balance 1v1 alongside the loose balance the normal casual mode requires. You could add the things people complain about being gone to Brawl, and it still wouldn't play well 1v1 because MetaKnight.


Would you expect Plinking to (intentionally) be in SF5? Probably not, right?
Not really sure... it may be in the game or it might not be.

Then again I don't expect FA to be in SFV either.

Also some characters in the VS series were in fact radically changed. Sentinel plays almost nothing like MVC2 Sentinel. Spider Man is way different. Magneto is very different (he has the same moves but they are all much better and usable resulting in a more complete character rather than an all in rushdown maniac). Morrigan plays nothing like her MVC1/MVC2 self. I would say even Wolverine plays different from previous VS games. Of course this didn't apply to every character but Capcom was not shy about reworking previous characters (in fact I would say what they did to Sentinel was a travesty).


Not really sure... it may be in the game or it might not be.

Then again I don't expect FA to be in SFV either.
It currently appears to be in the game due to the way their input priority system works, which has caused a number of other weird issues. It's the sort of thing you wouldn't expect to necessarily return on purpose, because it's an accidental byproduct of other game mechanics. Much like how the DHC glitch disappeared from MvC3 to UMvC3.
also, lol, damage of 50% wultra u1 = damage of spd
.6*.75= .45= "That Tickles!"

Does Super still combo into U2 for him? (Or am I misremembering the beta)


I do like being told that me playing Smash casually "doesn't count", btw.

Fuck outta here. My posts didn't even imply this lol

To punish a Marth tippered fsmash on shield as Fox, you need to wave dash OoS for the usmash/grab, other characters as well.

if it isn't a tipper you can wd oos grab with most 7 frame grab characters (sheik is one of them)
you can also jump oos and fast fall forward air, but this can be cc'd and / or tech'd which can lead to a punish at lower percents

If it's truly a tipper it's going to push Fox back and he may not be able to punish at all, depending on the strength of his shield and how hard the Fox was shielding. In any case, the typical punish would be Wavedash OOS > Dash > Up Throw > Up air. If it isn't spaced properly, it would be Jump Cancelled Drill Kick > Waveshine > Up Smash, JC DK > Grab > Up Throw > Up Air or just Up Smash out of Shield. The Wavedash distance for Fox is stupid short - he's not punishing the average blocked F Smash using it alone. Luigi, Ice Climbers, Mario and very few have the low traction necessary for that specific type of punish.

In any case, you don't need to know how to Wavedash OoS to punish blocked F Smashes. The goal isn't to block F Smash anyways - it's to make it whiff.


DHC glitch was a real glitch not a problem in the input system. And it had a huge impact on the highest level of play and thus should've been removed (like it changed properties of moves which plinking doesn't do in SF4).

Plink in SF4 is more similar to plink dashing in UMVC3. It was always in MVC3 but Capcom never took it out.

Let me answer you in another way... say there was a hypothetical patch. I would expect TAC infinites to be removed. I would not expect plink dashing to be removed... and if it did get removed it would make the game less interesting, with a lower skill cap, less fun to watch and there would be a huge debate over it where people would rather go back to unpatched version just for plink dashing.


I been thinking hard about it but I think I'm done with Dhalsim. It sucks playing as him when you get blown up by some many matchups.

My problem is my hands are suspect so it limits the characters I can play effectively.


DHC glitch was a real glitch not a problem in the input system. And it had a huge impact on the highest level of play and thus should've been removed (like it changed properties of moves which plinking doesn't do in SF4).

Plink in SF4 is more similar to plink dashing in UMVC3. It was always in MVC3 but Capcom never took it out.

Let me answer you in another way... say there was a hypothetical patch. I would expect TAC infinites to be removed. I would not expect plink dashing to be removed... and if it did get removed it would make the game less interesting, with a lower skill cap, less fun to watch and there would be a huge debate over it where people would rather go back to unpatched version just for plink dashing.
I would be shocked if anything related to movement/input systems were to be heavily altered in an update/patch for a mature game- too much risk of player backlash and risk of accidentally breaking things.

Same reason Sirlin's SF2 update was a disaster. It's not as though anyone's suggesting patching things out of Melee.
I been thinking hard about it but I think I'm done with Dhalsim. It sucks playing as him when you get blown up by some many matchups.

My problem is my hands are suspect so it limits the characters I can play effectively.
Did Ultradavid forget to log out of his other account? :p


loves Arcade Sticks
Can I get some sticks? You grabbing the 11's tomorrow? Foot Locker called me and told me that picked my raffle, but I'm not even sure if I want it.... oh well just grabbing it anyways!

What size you getting? If it's one of my sizes get it and I'll buy off you :p

I only have 1 locked down, I wanted 2 :(

I'm not bringing sticks! I already shipped stuff there. Going to go to NWM to just.... enjoy <3


It's strange how after years of card games simulating fantasy battles, we now have video games simulating card games that simulate fantasy battles.

Saying MTG or Hearthstone is simulating a fantasy battle is like saying ST is simulating an actual fight or that Chess is simulating a war.


Saying MTG or Hearthstone is simulating a fantasy battle is like saying ST is simulating an actual fight or that Chess is simulating a war.
Well, MtG was trying to do that at first.

Which accounts for a lot of the wonky design in earlier sets (Camouflage).


rare tweet of ultradavid firing shots

David Philip Graham &#8207;@ultradavid 8m
check it japan i'm bout to go extra real:

there's half a dozen ppl outside your country who're already better hugos than anyone you got YUP


Good players in Japan could probably care less about getting good with a character that has zero shot at being viable lol


Which characters benefit most from double ultra atm? the damage is so paltry it doesn't seem worth it. like, if ryu has UW and two bars - I'm jumping at him all day.


Which characters benefit most from double ultra atm? the damage is so paltry it doesn't seem worth it. like, if ryu has UW and two bars - I'm jumping at him all day.

Elena, Rose, Akuma, Chun-Li, & Makoto are the ones that will benefit the most from double ultra from the top of my head.
rare tweet of ultradavid firing shots

lol well i'm disappointed in how hugos there, at least ones on camera, have been playing. and one of them, stormkubo, just responded, can anyone help me translate this conversation? google translate isn't very helpful.

"busterkun &#8207;@nyanchu916 14m


"&#12473;&#12488;&#12540;&#12512;&#20037;&#20445; &#8207;@stormKUBO 7m

@nyanchu916 @ultradavid &#27425;&#12399;&#12358;&#12414;&#12356;&#12392;&#35328;&#12431;&#12379;&#12427;&#12503;&#12524;&#12452;&#12434;&#35211;&#12379;&#12390;&#12354;&#12370;&#12414;&#12377;&#12288;&#12392;&#12391;&#12418;&#35328;&#12387;&#12390;&#12362;&#12356;&#12390;&#12367;&#12384;&#12373;&#12356;&#12290; &#26085;&#26412;&#12398;&#26041;&#12364;&#20808;&#12395;&#12454;&#12523;&#65300;&#12364;&#12391;&#12365;&#12427;&#12398;&#12391;&#20181;&#26041;&#12364;&#12394;&#12356;&#12391;&#12377;"

Elena, Rose, Akuma, Chun-Li, & Makoto are the ones that will benefit the most from double ultra from the top of my head.

i agree with those, i'd also add hakan and dhalsim though.
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