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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 16-22 | Everyone has Xrd now, right?

i still wish they put masamune date into marvel because i want to play as three dantes

From what I heard the Sengoku Basara guy said no. Said that having Dante was enough. What an idiot. Date in Marvel would've helped with the series' exposure in the west and it would've made the Japanese fan base happy.


Was The Order supposed to be a good game that people were highly anticipating?

I don't follow most mainstream stuff anymore.
The usual folks hyped up the graphics, setting and art etc. but the people who have been paying attention to the industry for the past 5 or so years knew the game had no real substance to back up the visuals. Demo after demo was just QTE sequence after QTE sequence + cutscene sprinkled with the most generic 3rd person cover shooter game play seen. The reviewers have finally confirmed these suspicions.

From what I heard the Sengoku Basara guy said no. Said that having Dante was enough. What an idiot. Date in Marvel would've helped with the series' exposure in the west and it would've made the Japanese fan base happy.
That's not what happened. Sengoku Basara characters were not included because they are historical characters. That was the real reason given... not Dante was "enough".

The characters were considered for TvC as well but again... they weren't included for the same reason and that time there was no Dante excuse either.


Yeah, Sony's marketing tactic and the media leading up to this game's release were so remarkably fitting for a middling game, that it seemed too obvious. I totally expected to be eating crow after the reviews released.

Got back from work, opened up NeoGAF and see a huge thread of people bitching about reviews and pre-ordering.

I lean back on my chair, bust out my doritos and have a chuckle. Each and everyone one of those people who pre-ordered that game deserved what they got.

Smash - I didn't preorder the one with the adaptor and curse you Dahbomb. I CURSE YOU.
I didn't preorder Villager Amibo and a little sad that I even thought about trying to get him.
Xrd - I preordered but my friends couldn't find a copy. Dahbomb giveth and taketh.
Monster Hunter - I preordered and happy with it even though I disliked the demo. Take that Dahbomb.
I didn't preorder Dying Light or The Order. All hail Dahbomb.


I actually enjoyed my time with Dying Light. I don't know how the reviews were for the game though... there wasn't enough hoopla on GAF for me to bother seeing if it was terribly bad or insanely good.


tagged by Blackace
Haven't got to play much GG, but either the DS4 or the input leniency is fucking with my ability to do motions consistently, gonna take a while to get used to. Azure was right about the D-Pad, rolling motions is pretty tough and the analogs have their own set of difficulties too.

For the most part I'm enjoying the quirkiness of it all, especially coming from Street Fighter playstyles as a frame of reference.
I don't think GG has shortcuts and some characters have HCB, Forward Attack as a special. Its almost the inverse of Sim's back mK, yoga flame. You get used to it. Your inputs need to be cleaner vs SF4. I wish the game had Marvel wavedashing.


There's no shortcuts but there's an input leniency on specials that rivals SF4 that I hate, and makes the game feel just as sloppy at times.


Got back from work, opened up NeoGAF and see a huge thread of people bitching about reviews and pre-ordering.

I lean back on my chair, bust out my doritos and have a chuckle. Each and everyone one of those people who pre-ordered that game deserved what they got.

My favorite moment this morning was scrolling through notifications on twitter (@NeoGafNewThread) to see first The Order Review thread get posted, then a thread about getting refunds for pre orders on PSN a few minutes later.


Ditto what enzo said about using the DS4 dpad in Xrd.


I wish the game had Marvel wavedashing.



I personally think the DS4 is great for Xrd. The game in general is going to force you to clean up your inputs, if you come from a Capcom background, which can help make you a better FG player, generally.

Wavedashing in Guilty? Why? Most characters have a run, which is is more variable than a Marvel dash. It would serve no purpose.


you can't move backwards as quickly or with less risk in gg which is a massive part of marvel 'footsies' re: wavedashing vs. run + backstep

wavedashing carries with it less risk in general which would be bad in GG as risk/reward of basic movement seems to be a pretty key factor in making it's design work- see FD braking vs. simply crouching or jumping to stop momentum.
can you imagine how fucked potemkin would be if you could just wavedash backwards away from him?

well, i guess you don't really need to imagine because the footage from fchamp vs. jan from last evo's top 8 exists but still lol


Slayer of Combofiends
Got back from work, opened up NeoGAF and see a huge thread of people bitching about reviews and pre-ordering.

I lean back on my chair, bust out my doritos and have a chuckle. Each and everyone one of those people who pre-ordered that game deserved what they got.

lol, you still gonna pre-order any games?

Was The Order supposed to be a good game that people were highly anticipating?

I don't follow most mainstream stuff anymore.

Anybody who thought the game was going to be good was masking a pile of PR turd as a great thing was disillusioning themselves. The damn game would have worked better as a Netflix series, constant interruptions and disrupting the engrossment of the player in the game is a big no no in my book.


Yeah, that's true. I forgot about backwards WD. Too bad it's utility is so limited even in that game due to the nature of the current meta and the game's neutral.

Point Wesker was satisfying at a time.
you can't move backwards as quickly or with less risk in gg which is a massive part of marvel 'footsies' re: wavedashing vs. run + backstep

wavedashing carries with it less risk in general which would be bad in GG as risk/reward of basic movement seems to be a pretty key factor in making it's design work- see FD braking vs. simply crouching or jumping to stop momentum.
can you imagine how fucked potemkin would be if you could just wavedash backwards away from him?

well, i guess you don't really need to imagine because the footage from fchamp vs. jan from last evo's top 8 exists but still lol

Okay, that makes sense. I guess it would be messed up to just wavedash forwards than back or down to stop momentum. I saw people doing double jump to kill momentum/spacing and thought it would be cool to do the same with horizontal movement.


Slayer of Combofiends
Yeah, that's true. I forgot about backwards WD. Too bad it's utility is so limited even in that game due to the nature of the current meta and the game's neutral.

Point Wesker was satisfying at a time.

Why wave dash when you can plink dash in Marvel? Or am I confusing the two terms?


Why wave dash when you can plink dash in Marvel? Or am I confusing the two terms?

Nah, you're good. P-Dashing was always better, but WDing evolved in the competitive meta, first, since it was familiar (Marvel 2) and a bit easier (only Yipes and few others actually had the execution to make use of the backwards WD).


lol, you still gonna pre-order any games?

I have NEVER pre-ordered a game and never will. I don't even pre-order DMC games.

If I want a game day 1 I just walk into a store and get it. Only time I had trouble doing it was with DMC3SE as Capcom didn't ship enough copies so I had to drive 25 miles to get to a store which had it.


Slayer of Combofiends
No, it's the new bound system, the opponent was still in a juggle state.

I'm liking Tekken more and more now! Combos for days.

I have NEVER pre-ordered a game and never will. I don't even pre-order DMC games.

If I want a game day 1 I just walk into a store and get it. Only time I had trouble doing it was with DMC3SE as Capcom didn't ship enough copies so I had to drive 25 miles to get to a store which had it.

That determination DB.


AAK my man: how does the new bound system works? AFAIK some moves that had bound proprieties before can't bound anymore, is there something else new?

Just imagine it being exactly the same as TTT2 except now instead of the old bound animation, it's the animation you see when Devil Jin does his WS+2.

It functions exactly the same as the old bound but now you get even more wall carry. However, with this you can't do the crazy wall combos prevoiusly possible.
I wish Xrd had real tri jumps and not shit jumps like Bedman. ASW has been going downhill since Fist of the North Star. Haven't been able to get a game right since.


Just imagine it being exactly the same as TTT2 except now instead of the old bound animation, it's the animation you see when Devil Jin does his WS+2.

It functions exactly the same as the old bound but now you get even more wall carry. However, with this you can't do the crazy wall combos prevoiusly possible.

Got it! Thanks

So...now they are nerfing even the wall combo potential? Interesting....

Azure J


Jesus Christ, it's always amazing when Evilore decides to mingle with the common folk. :lol

On a slight tangent, the only games I pre-ordered last year were Mario Kart, Omega Ruby, Smash (Super Bundle Edition) and Guilty Gear. I don't think I preorder "because hype" so much as I do because it's convenient (for me) and in some cases very very helpful. I still look at my GCN adapter and wipe sweat off my brow hearing some of the GAF stories of people getting scalped on them.

I don't think GG has shortcuts and some characters have HCB, Forward Attack as a special. Its almost the inverse of Sim's back mK, yoga flame. You get used to it. Your inputs need to be cleaner vs SF4. I wish the game had Marvel wavedashing.

Honestly, coming from a Smash background, I really love/prefer the walk/run system. It's very intuitive for me, especially with FD braking in GG being ascended shield cancelling from Smash. :lol


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";152828093]I wish Xrd had real tri jumps and not shit jumps like Bedman. ASW has been going downhill since Fist of the North Star. Haven't been able to get a game right since.[/QUOTE]

They put tri jumps in Persona and look how that went.


Just imagine it being exactly the same as TTT2 except now instead of the old bound animation, it's the animation you see when Devil Jin does his WS+2.

It functions exactly the same as the old bound but now you get even more wall carry. However, with this you can't do the crazy wall combos prevoiusly possible.

So it's closer to Tekken Revolution?


So it's closer to Tekken Revolution?

Yes + plus new Tekken 7 bound. Also lots of moves now give a bound status if you land it on counter hit so some good moves are now great moves and some useless moves are now good enough to be considered to use lol

The wall game has changed a bit too so that if you do certain moves on wall splat, it will bounce the opponent hard to the floor to give you a free low hit (normally a strong stomp).

You can get this bounce effect too on normal juggles but they are harder to land without the wall cornering the opponent's body


Rodent Whores
It's a AAA Sony exclusive so it got a lot of hype and build

The usual folks hyped up the graphics, setting and art etc. but the people who have been paying attention to the industry for the past 5 or so years knew the game had no real substance to back up the visuals. Demo after demo was just QTE sequence after QTE sequence + cutscene sprinkled with the most generic 3rd person cover shooter game play seen. The reviewers have finally confirmed these suspicions.

Anybody who thought the game was going to be good was masking a pile of PR turd as a great thing was disillusioning themselves. The damn game would have worked better as a Netflix series, constant interruptions and disrupting the engrossment of the player in the game is a big no no in my book.

Ah, I see. I hardly preorder anything anymore. I did preorder Cities Skylines. I think it'll be good.


Talking about preorders, I haven't preordered a game since the original Marvel 3. Before that, the only game I remember preordering was Metal Gear Solid 2.

I don't preorder games much.


The wall game has changed a bit too so that if you do certain moves on wall splat, it will bounce the opponent hard to the floor to give you a free low hit (normally a strong stomp).

You can get this bounce effect too on normal juggles but they are harder to land without the wall cornering the opponent's body

Actually, you can escape that new T6 bound ender:


People just weren't breaking out of it.
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