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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 16-22 | Everyone has Xrd now, right?

okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?

Palutena gets 100% awesomeness

Ike, DK, Ganondorf, and others get some pretty decent help, but tbh those 3 are still pretty bad

Rosalina benefits the most in a vacuum out of the top tiers from them, but several characters also get anti-Luma tech

Diddy and Sheik don't get much at all from it cause their specials are already fine as is or they don't really need it

Jigglypuff gets nothing because Sakurai proved us wrong and managed to make TWO variations of Sing, neither of them more useful!

Because if so my hype and drive have been kickstarted again

Yeah, it'll be limited to 10 community chosen presets per character instead of being able to choose any combination due to time/logistics but it sure as hell beats not having them

You should check this to see how it'll most likely be


okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?

Well besides obviously Palutena I'm not sure if anyone gets HUGE upgrades, but I know at least Ike and Ganondorf will love having their customs.
I honestly feel that MKX is veering into this AAA bad practices as well especially it's DLC practices. Watch it have some BS pre-order bonuses as well.

There is already a thread on GAF on how MKX is "revolutionizing" fighting games. The only thing it's revolutionizing is how fighting games can nickle and dime consumers.

MK9 and Injustice did the same thing. Its like...anyone who is getting the game KNOWS what they're getting into at this point. The outrage for MKX is silly.
okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?
Pretty much everyone. Jigglypuff can land Rest out of a throw, Lucario's projectile gets a vaccuum property, DK's punch gets a windbox, Bowser gets a legit wavedash, Falco can combo off of his laser...

It's a pretty game-changing decision.

I honestly feel that MKX is veering into this AAA bad practices as well especially it's DLC practices. Watch it have some BS pre-order bonuses as well.

There is already a thread on GAF on how MKX is "revolutionizing" fighting games. The only thing it's revolutionizing is how fighting games can nickle and dime consumers.
Isn't Goro already a BS pre-order bonus?

Anyway, going to bed and watching my nightly Ogawa recording...


MK9 and Injustice did the same thing. Its like...anyone who is getting the game KNOWS what they're getting into at this point. The outrage for MKX is silly.
It was bad before and it's bad now. It was bad when GGXrd did it too. I keep bringing it up because people taking it like it's common practice and expected of developer is shitty.


okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?

Out of the characters I use, Kirby gets a LOT better, if only solely for his amazing Upper Cutter custom. Jumping Hale and Hammer Bash are good too. Link and Ike get a lot too, but they're more matchup dependent. Shulk gets a bit too. Shulk in particular has Hyper Monado Smash + Power Vision cheese that lets him KO at really early percents.

Pikachu gets a nifty KO move with Heavy Skull Bash, and gets nifty options like Thunder Wave. Greninja's customs kinda suck aside from the one Water Shuriken one that lets him combo into USmash.

From playing others, DK and Ganondorf get a lot better too.

Azure J

One of the most underrated customs in Smash 4 is Luigi's bouncing fireball. There are too many funky setups people can get either from having one out or confirming them.
It was bad before and it's bad now. It was bad when GGXrd did it too. I keep bringing it up because people taking it like it's common practice and expected of developer is shitty.

Not everyone thinks its shitty though. Its not like the guys at NRS give you incomplete games then DLC characters. They give you a good package plus extra if you choose to have it.
Is there a way to change your registration for EVO? I already registered for a bunch of games and I wanted to add Super Smash 4 for the hell of it.


It was bad before and it's bad now. It was bad when GGXrd did it too. I keep bringing it up because people taking it like it's common practice and expected of developer is shitty.

I was mad when just costumes were a pre-order bonus. Imagine how I feel with characters as a pre-order bonus.They dun gon and took my rook. Only people who pre-order get the rook. I'm left with an incomplete chess set if I don't get it before day 1.

EDIT: This applies to any fighter that does it, not just NRS'.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I made sure to buy my download code for Jill+Shuma second-hand from a Gaffer who got the special edition and didn't care about the characters. Only ended up getting SFxTK DLC characters as a side-effect of picking up a heavily-discounted SF25 box set, too (which I later sold for more than its original cost).

Piecemeal character distribution is one thing for something like Skullgirls when there are basically no other viable options, but I'm not a fan otherwise. Preorder bonuses can fuck right off.


Not everyone thinks its shitty though. Its not like the guys at NRS give you incomplete games then DLC characters. They give you a good package plus extra if you choose to have it.
I don't think that characters that are otherwise complete being sold off piece meal constitute as a game being "complete". You are purposely partitioning off your game to nickle and dime consumers. For a fighter, having a complete roster is what makes it a complete game. It's like putting out an RPG but save some classes/specifications for DLCs/pre-order bull shit.

It's an even bigger problem that people don't think it's a shitty practice.

Before it was pre-order costumes, now it's pre-order characters. Next it will be pre-order character bundles, pre-order modes, pre-order stages etc. They will keep pushing the envelope as long as people will pay for it.


I made sure to buy my download code for Jill+Shuma second-hand from a Gaffer who got the special edition and didn't care about the characters. Only ended up getting SFxTK DLC characters as a side-effect of picking up a heavily-discounted SF25 box set, too (which I later sold for more than its original cost).

Piecemeal character distribution is one thing for something like Skullgirls when there are basically no other viable options, but I'm not a fan otherwise. Preorder bonuses can fuck right off.

Ah, digital preservation, the reason I want every single fighter to come to PC. We would never have to worry about content being pulled from somewhere again. Sigh...


okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?

Wii Fit Trainer.

She has a multi hit projectile for one of her neutral B customs. When fully charged it can carry the opponent into or close to the blastzone if you're at the edge of the stage and the opponent is trying to get back on. It's pretty good. It's slow moving too, so it's still good even if it's not fully charged.

Her Jumbo Hoop Up-B custom can multi hit and does 6% per hit. I've gotten 4 hits a few times, but it depends on the opponent's percent. It puts a fairly big hitbox around her and she can move pretty far horizontally with it, but she can be hit out of it (though it's not that easy to do). I've broken shields with it too.

Weighted Header Side B custom gives her a good approach option and a really safe way to hit an opponent that's offstage. It does like 15% if I remember correctly. You can also combo into fair/nair after it depending on the percent.

Volatile Deep Breathing Down B custom basically triggers an explosion if you do the breathing part right. It has a deceptively large hitbox and you can KO with it if the opponent is near you when the explosion goes off.

Her other neutral B/Side B customs are great too, but I like using the ones above. These ones make her a lot better. I don't really have a video though. Maybe I should record some of my replays. You can see them here though.


I honestly feel that MKX is veering into this AAA bad practices as well especially it's DLC practices. Watch it have some BS pre-order bonuses as well.

There is already a thread on GAF on how MKX is "revolutionizing" fighting games. The only thing it's revolutionizing is how fighting games can nickle and dime consumers.

When companies do that, it makes me feel like I either have to buy the game instantly, or not worry about it at all.

With MKX , it's going into the not buy it at all category, due to a combo of MK's bad historical reputation and just disgust at the practice.

I still have no reason to buy a PS4 since everything I'd want to play fighting-game wise is gonna be on PC, even if gimped.

Piecemeal character distribution is one thing for something like Skullgirls when there are basically no other viable options, but I'm not a fan otherwise. Preorder bonuses can fuck right off.

In the case of Skullgirls , it was post-release DLC, and clearly so. It fits into this article today (yes, something from Kotaku that doesn't suck)


some DLC is good, even if much of it is anti-consumer.
I don't think that characters that are otherwise complete being sold off piece meal constitute as a game being "complete". You are purposely partitioning off your game to nickle and dime consumers. For a fighter, having a complete roster is what makes it a complete game. It's like putting out an RPG but save some classes/specifications for DLCs/pre-order bull shit.

It's an even bigger problem that people don't think it's a shitty practice.

I don't think having extra character to sell means that the initial roster is incomplete. You don't have to buy these characters either.
Is Goro the only preorder bonus character? Or is it split like MK9 where they had retailer specific DLC?

The DLC season pass+retail game Rip mentioned on ATP live is supposedly 90 dollars total. Was Injustice and MK9 that expensive?


okay I've never really looked into custom moves

who gets significantly better because of them?

I've been messing around with them since 3DS Japanese launch. I also played a few tourneys here in Hawaii with them turned on.

Here are some of the more significant customs imo:
- Mii Brawler get some great tools like dthrow->upB2 with Mii Brawler, gets a flip kick for recovery.

- Mii Gunner gets some zoning tools with a neutral B bomb attack you can wavebounce with, a downB bomb. She's basically a Samus who can zone better.

- Villager's Wobbuffet tree. Sapling causes opponents to trip.

- Several characters get piercing projectiles, great against fighting Luma (goes right through it and hits Rosalina) or other projectile characters.

- Battering Banana makes Diddy Kong lose grab to uair, but if he throws it at an opponent, he can get guaranteed aerial attacks like fair and uair even at high percents. This custom is definitely slept on.

- Gravity Grenade for Sheik knocks opponents into her, can combo into usmash. One of her downBs also kills quicker but doesn't go as far and has a slightly different arc.

- Mario's gimping game is improved with Gust Cape and High-Pressure F.L.U.D.D.

- WFT gets Jumbo Hoop. Imagine a move similar to Metaknight's tornado that can go off the stage and push opponents towards the blast zone and still allow WFT to return to the stage. Doesn't do as much shield damage like Metaknight's old Tornado however.

- Ganondorf gets a neutral B with a sword tipper hitbox, and a downB that travels over projectiles and has great knockback. The downB also gives him horizontal recovery, has very little endlag, and is a true combo after down throw from low percents. His upB 3 is a good OOS option that does 17% damage, can kill, first hit has armor, and with downB 3, allows him to travel under FD from one ledge and recover to the other. :O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vKv36BdURM&feature=youtu.be

- Ike gets a wind hitbox Eruption neutral B, combined with a diagonal upB he can go off stage and gimp people and still make it back up.

- Charizard's sideB3 Dragon Rush does multiple hits and does not do damage to himself. Think of it like a Metaknight sideB.

- Wario gets a Rose-Scented Waft that trades some KO power for more range + flower damage.

- Mega Man's Danger Wrap goes up and can KO, giving him a nice KO option against opponents who like to be in the air.

- Bowser has a wavedash-like tech with his other sideBs.

- DK's Kong Cyclone makes him a legitimate threat on stages with platforms.

- Sonic gets more obnoxious with Hammer Spin Dash, buries opponents if it hits an opponent on the ground.

- Palutena with Super Speed gives her a move similar to Sonic's Spin Dash, and Lightweight gives her great speed and jumping ability at the cost of making her lighter.
Lightweight also has a glitch on stages with platforms where you can use it again even during cooldown.

- Pikachu gets a decent recovery option with Heavy Skull Bash, and a great OOS kill move.

- Shulk's Power Vision custom gives him a stronger counter move, can kill at ridiculous percents.

- Link gets a powerful bow that does incredible knockback, but only works at full charge. Gets a boomerang without the wind hitbox, gets Meteor Bombs.

- Kirby gets a leaping Inhale making it easier to land outside of punishing rolls or something, Custom Up B-3 Upper Cutter becomes a great OOS option, KO option, and can be fast falled to make relatively safe. It also allows him better recovery so he can go for dair gimps much deeper below the level and still make it back easily.

One of the most underrated customs in Smash 4 is Luigi's bouncing fireball. There are too many funky setups people can get either from having one out or confirming them.

Yeah you can get some nifty setups off of it especially if you B reverse it. I think it's the one that allows him to wavebounce with it as well.


I don't think having extra character to sell means that the initial roster is incomplete. You don't have to buy these characters either.
For a competitive game like this it's absolutely essential that you buy these characters.

We are not talking about modes or costumes here... we are talking about major game play options that the player does not have because they are behind a pay wall. It's like putting out a competitive shooter where some guns are behind pay wall. Assuming the game is "balanced", you need all the guns to remain competitive.

Even if you are not just competitive, this is still a shitty practice. I would be profoundly saddened if Capcom releases DMC5 and some moves or weapons are behind a paywall. When these practices were just exclusive to non game/cosmetic items it was fine but when it has entrenched in game play features as well then there is no limit as to what they can potentially nickel and dime.


Is there a way to change your registration for EVO? I already registered for a bunch of games and I wanted to add Super Smash 4 for the hell of it.

I asked Wizard since I had the same question. He replied saying that you could. I think the option's just not available right now. I ended up just buying the pass before it sells out since I'll pay for the stuff I'm entering later when I'm able to.
Is Goro the only preorder bonus character? Or is it split like MK9 where they had retailer specific DLC?

The DLC season pass+retail game Rip mentioned on ATP live is supposedly 90 dollars total. Was Injustice and MK9 that expensive?

The retailer pre-order stuff for MK9 was skins and classic fatalities. Goro so far is the only pre-order character.

I do think the prices for the "pass" or whatever has gone up so I see why people are pissed at that.
I asked Wizard since I had the same question. He replied saying that you could. I think the option's just not available right now. I ended up just buying the pass before it sells out since I'll pay for the stuff I'm entering later when I'm able to.

Ok thanks, I already paid for the $70 pass when it first opened up, so I'm good on that.
wait what did GG Xrd do that was apparently shitty beside Leo? Elphelt was free if you weren't retarded or didn't care.

Im okay with DLC characters if they weren't cut out of the main budget to purposely make more money. I mean if it was added into like mvc3->umvc3 im fine. Obviously rocket raccoon and iron fist were never meant to be in mvc3 launch. Things like SFxT on the otherhand was a different matter.

The Light

I don't see the big deal about Goro being a pre-order for mkx. It was already stated the character is not part of the season pass so I assume its likely the character is just unlocked early. Now $30 for the season pass is a bit much for. Would rather WB sell the characters and skins separately.


I don't see the big deal about Goro being a pre-order for mkx. It was already stated the character is not part of the season pass so I assume its likely the character is just unlocked early. Now $30 for the season pass is a bit much for. Would rather WB sell the characters and skins separately.

Let's hope so.

But I dislike character unlocking, hopefully it won't be tedious.


I am not getting MKX because you have to pay $100 to get the "complete" game and I can't be doing that. If it was costumes or music or art behind a paywall, I would be okay. But characters? NOPE. I'd maybe even let paywall stages go by since it's a 2D fighter and stages aren't AS important in 2D fighters as they are in 3D. But not characters.

Otherwise, the game itself is actually looking really great.
The characters are the fighting game, they are hands down the most important part. Intentionally withholding a character is holding back a matchup and potential playstyle a player can utilize.

Not only that but there is a good chance that the dlc character would be pretty damn good. Characters like Batgirl (had a busted infinite on release), Zod (on release he had a glitch that could freeze the game, but other than that still a solid character), Scorpion (had a patch to nerf him quite a bit), Martian Manhunter are all considered very good when they dropped. Even in other games you can make the case like team $15 for KOF13 being extremely damn good and learning how to fight them is an important thing since there is a good chance you will be seeing one of them on a team. Kokonoe cause a shit ton of grief to people in BB also.

I think it's batting slightly over 50% that a dlc character is probably going to be good, since there are Jill's and Shuma's bringing that average down. SFXT I'm not knowledgeable on every dlc character but I know Alisa and Cody were solid, and some characters weren't too hot, so it is sort of split in there. Even with a 50/50 chance of a character being decent, it usually means it's quite worth it learn to fight the character.

Nyoro SF

Yeah, partitioning out complete character content to be sold as DLC is the ultimate scumbag practice of this generation of fighting games.

Unfortunately it's insanely profitable, so there's not much I can do about it other than not buy it. I'm sure Capcom made loads of money off the SFxT character DLC they locked away thanks to Sony paying the big bucks to give the Vita an upper edge. It's also easy for them as a company because there are fans that actually defend this practice for them by making terrible excuses.

Not very happy that Sony has stepped in for Capcom like this for SFV. I don't care about prize bonuses or bigger tournament pots, but I do care about how Sony will manipulate Capcom's business practices to suit their hardware and PS+ agenda. I wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty scummy stuff showing itself when more details about how SFV will be released soon such as PS4 SFV getting a huge release date or content advantage over PC for instance.
Not very happy that Sony has stepped in for Capcom like this for SFV. I don't care about prize bonuses or bigger tournament pots, but I do care about how Sony will manipulate Capcom's business practices to suit their hardware and PS+ agenda.


You have been paying attention to Capcom and games like sfxt right?
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