Since my remedial-ass self unplugged my router, I missed the first two rounds. What happened?
I'm not watching until quality options are put in place.Sponsored by twitch and no quality options? what the fuck -_-
so ... where's the crowd?
They were only given a week notice tbf
Also, game audio should be higher. It sounds so quiet.
tokido is playing like ass
Yo Du
I'm working atm, how was the first match? Are we in the second match yet?
4th, Sandford vs Kbrad
Already? Damn, shit's going fast
Who won the first ones?
Momochi over Xian
Snake over Tokido
YungDu over Gamerbee
Sandford over Kbrad
argh mike ross doing commentary on a kazunoko match. time to mute
I don't usually waste energy making posts like this: but they'd better fix Ky's j.S in the update. Its hitbox is whack as fuck for no discernible reason, and forces you to be adroit with 1-2 frame execution low-ADs just to run a basic gameplan with him. It's so stupid. There's zero reason why it shouldn't crossup and miss on more than half the cast, crouching, when you execute low AD j.S, unless you get the lowest possible AD. If the Stun Edge nerf sticks, this will be even more important.
Just had to vent this somewhere. Character has to work way too damn hard to open people up, even when they guess wrong, because his low AD mixups got totally fucked in this game.
Can ky still do knockdown, jump over corpse backwards airdash j.s for the crossup/overhead in xrd? Sorry if that was vague. What I really mean to ask is if his j.s still has a backwards gothic.