I think they should have three fighting games out with how they're making moves with the Pro Tour.
A bunch of non relevant X men, Capcom guys, characters that are also in 3, and Megman and Venom
If you like that thats fine.
Someone said, Lets put M.O.D.O.K, Bionic commando, Taskmaster, Deadpool, Pheonix, Frank West, Aurthur and Fire Brand into A fighting game.
I like Marvel Vs Capcom more than a shit ton of non relevant x men and X men adjecent characters vs way too many sf characters also marvel vs capcom too guys. I like the variety, ( even though technically most of the marvel side and 1 of the capcom side are technically avengers, though that is a different situation )
Is it fair to pin what stream monsters, people who only ever watch streams and populate stream chat, say on the "FGC" as a whole though? I have a feeling that people who show up to events, to compete, volunteer, or otherwise, would feel that it is unfair. I can't remember running into many people who say things like this in person nor can I really remember many examples of people commentating on stream saying things like this. Have you run into people with this mentality before/seen people express something similar on stream?"Your favorite game (which nobody plays) is shit! SHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!"
is one of the more annoying, off-putting aspects of the FGC I feel. Obviously not every person can like every game, no game is above critique and none are perfect but there always seems this desire to get in jabs or what not that gets tiring after a while :/
Street Fighter 5, Darkstalkers & Capcom vs Capcom would be a pretty cool trio. Enzo's idea re: a new fighting IP would be interesting but I wonder if Capcom has it in them to make a new FG series with a solid groundwork and push it to success in the current market.
FWIW, CapCom, Megaman, & Ruby Heart are legit and should have made it to 3.
Might as well wait until the morning to download. Doubt eshop download speeds are good. Especially with everyone trying to download at once.
Your first paragraph here is spot on. In my recent times watching streams and interacting with people, I've heard people run the gamut of why X is on because "buggy mess/lolVergil/TACs", "there's only four characters;there's only the spacies/NO ITEMS FOX ONLY/shit isn't a fighting game", etc. and it's a strange situation I'm in where I generally tune in because "oh I haven't seen much of X game lately, how's it going" only to see so many detractors that I can't help but wonder if people are enjoying anything anymore. This is also pretty notable to see in Smash 4 streams where the current (misguided) conversation is "this gaem not cumpetitive" where competitive = fun to spectate. There are a lot of educated discussions going on regarding the game's competitive viability but seeing how that phrase has been warped into a catch all for "not what I want to see regardless of its prenatal meta game", I can only hope it's not falling on the sword for the deep seated transgressions of its predecessor.
The second paragraph touches mildly on something I've found weird in the last year or so of GAF discussion. There are a lot of times recently where I wonder if I'm a misnomer in GAF topics and conversations when people talk about games and I'm there playing said game and can't be on one of these extremes through the discussion.
Is it fair to pin what stream monsters, people who only ever watch streams and populate stream chat, say on the "FGC" as a whole though? I have a feeling that people who show up to events, to compete, volunteer, or otherwise, would feel that it is unfair. I can't remember running into many people who say things like this in person nor can I really remember many examples of people commentating on stream saying things like this. Have you run into people with this mentality before/seen people express something similar on stream?
Only thing that comes immediately to mind is Biscuits constantly shitting on Skullgirls.
A bunch of non relevant X men, Capcom guys, characters that are also in 3, and Megman and Venom
If you like that thats fine.
Someone said, Lets put M.O.D.O.K, Bionic commando, Taskmaster, Deadpool, Pheonix, Frank West, Aurthur and Fire Brand into A fighting game.
I like Marvel Vs Capcom more than a shit ton of non relevant x men and X men adjacent characters vs way too many sf characters also marvel vs capcom too guys. I like the variety, ( even though technically most of the marvel side and 1 of the capcom side are technically avengers in marvel 3, though that is a different situation )
It basically crashed for Pokemon X/Y
It basically crashed for Pokemon X/Y
Same. I went to the launch party in NYC got home and downloaded the game with no problem.No it didn't. It crashed on Christmas when all the little kids got their brand new systems but X/Y launch I had no problems.
No it didn't. It crashed on Christmas when all the little kids got their brand new systems but X/Y launch I had no problems.
USF4 doesn't require a ton of resources at this point to maintain- it's in a good spot (any future balance tweaks will likely be minor unless they're fixing a DeeJay tier character) and can be kept alive until it has a next-gen replacement.I think the entire concept of a overall fighting game community. At best, it's a loose confederation of communities playing different games in the same genre, and those communities are then made up of different sub-sections themselves. The games are really only together because of past history, and the fact that it helps event organizers help make their events solvent. If SF4 was 90% of the playerbase, I don't think most TOs would bother with any of the other games, even if they were the same size (or even bigger).
On another note: I don't see why Capcom running multiple games for the Capcom Pro Tour makes any sense -- in the same genre, anyway. Somehow, I don't see them being able to develop two games of merit competitively, let alone in two completely different genres (like Blizzard and Valve has done).
Maybe there needs to be an effort going forward where major streamers don't tolerate hate for the the sake of hate (completely non-constructive criticism).
I don't think we'll see Capcom producing and supporting two fighting games at once for a very long time.
A new Capcom FG IP is what I want most out of Capcom right now, and it's been that way for years. Next up would be SF5 then probably MvC4.
At launch it took me a good while to connect to it, as well as a few others, but once I connected, I was fine.
That and it took forever for Pokemon to actually get on the eShop for some reason.
Either way, I'm sure Smash will body the eShop
on the third or on sunday?Target has Smash for $34
I don't see how some of the most popular super heroes in Marvel are "non relevant"
Who was asking for Taskmaster, MODOK, Rocket Raccoon, Firebrand, Bionic Commando, and Arthur? Very few people that's who. They're more niche and irrelevant than the Xmen characters for sure.
The Capcom cast in MvC2 does kind of suck I'll admit but the Marvel cast in MvC3 is really bad Skrull, Iron Fist, X-23, She Hulk, Shuma, are all wastes of space that could have gone to far more popular characters.
Dormammu is amazing though so they're forgiven for that at least.
I don't see how some of the most popular super heroes in Marvel are "non relevant"
Who was asking for Taskmaster, MODOK, Rocket Raccoon, Firebrand, Bionic Commando, and Arthur? Very few people that's who. They're more niche and irrelevant than the Xmen characters for sure.
The Capcom cast in MvC2 does kind of suck I'll admit but the Marvel cast in MvC3 is really bad Skrull, Iron Fist, X-23, She Hulk, Shuma, are all wastes of space that could have gone to far more popular characters.
Dormammu is amazing though so they're forgiven for that at least.
USF4 doesn't require a ton of resources at this point to maintain- it's in a good spot (any future balance tweaks will likely be minor unless they're fixing a DeeJay tier character) and can be kept alive until it has a next-gen replacement.
It's not just stream monsters. Members on this very forum that are regulars hate on specific fighters despite not having played them or will go into "bitch mode" when the finals for their favorite game are being delayed on stream due to another fighter. I have no problem pulling out historical neogaf threads where people have done this.
At least I played Injustice before posting hateful messages against the game. Kappa.
I'm glad someone pointed this out.
Playing a game the FGC often shits on can be annoying. Probably the worst part though is the self hatred it breeds. It's sad when NRS players call their own top players lesser players, talk about how we'd all get bodied in other games or predict our own game's demise. I'm sure it happens in all these non-Capcom communities.
BRING EM OUT BRING EM OUTIt's not just stream monsters. Members on this very forum that are regulars hate on specific fighters despite not having played them or will go into "bitch mode" when the finals for their favorite game are being delayed on stream due to another fighter. I have no problem pulling out historical neogaf threads where people have done this.
At least I played Injustice before posting hateful messages against the game. Kappa.
I think.. that's pretty damn exactly how shelf space works in retail. They're not keeping 500 SKUs of wildlife hunting sims.
Even better, this post applies to arcades as well!While shelf space is still relevant, it won't be for long. Digital future is here in terms of mobile gaming and its already there on PC, soon enough it will be on consoles.
Discoverability is the big problem, making sure potential buyers are aware of your game's. The more likely the buyer the more critical it is that they get exposed to your game as much as possible. Considering that Valve has redesigned their Steam front end to deal with this issue is probably a good indicator of how serious this might be.
It definitely still is a problem, its a deadly problem for the smaller fish trying to compete. Small games and publishers that can't afford retail space went to digital, but there is a good chance that they will get pushed out of the digital space as well.With social media, discoverability is no longer a problem IMO. Word to Mojang's marketing department.
I'm glad someone pointed this out.
Playing a game the FGC often shits on can be annoying. Probably the worst part though is the self hatred it breeds. It's sad when NRS players call their own top players lesser players, talk about how we'd all get bodied in other games or predict our own game's demise. I'm sure it happens in all these non-Capcom communities.
The anime communities do this as well to a lesser degree. A lot of it is like "ASW game A is better than ASW game B, Game B players could never compete in Game A" etc etc.
At the end of the day what people say really doesn't matter, but it gets hella annoying propping up games and supporting anime just to see it constantly dismissed here. I actually just stopped posting here as much because of it.
The thing is this: I won't hate on Tekken anywhere but here. I do it here because we are all about fighting games. It is like a sports enthusiast club talking shit about baseball. It might be the worst sport, but it is still a sport. I love fighting games, and if all I had was Tekken, I would embrace it. It is still better than most of what is available in the gaming market.It's not just stream monsters. Members on this very forum that are regulars hate on specific fighters despite not having played them or will go into "bitch mode" when the finals for their favorite game are being delayed on stream due to another fighter. I have no problem pulling out historical neogaf threads where people have done this.
At least I played Injustice before posting hateful messages against the game. Kappa.
Better/related question: who are stream monsters?
Shit is the worst. It's usually Street Fighter players who come out of the woodwork for that explicit purpose or minions who don't play anymore. Almost exclusively, actually.
ShadeTo me they're basically the players or people in the community that care more about the social aspects and the subculture behind the games than the games themselves.
AKA Mike Ross fans
(last time I promise)
I'm saying quality will shine through. Yeah, if you put bullshit out, or something with limited appeal, you will get an appropriate return out of it., and quality/appeal is a factor that heavily confounds the idea that things aren't selling because people can't find or discover them. So is a game really slept on or is it's appeal simply not as broad as someone would like?It definitely still is a problem, its a deadly problem for the smaller fish trying to compete. Small games and publishers that can't afford retail space went to digital, but there is a good chance that they will get pushed out of the digital space as well.
The early responses on the new steam update from various pubs stated that their more popular games increased in sales while the less popular games dropped off even more. This is of course due to the nature of the new steam front end but it demonstrates the echo chamber effect. Popular stuff becomes more popular and the less popular stuff drops offs even more, positive and negative feedback continually reinforcing the trend.
It's not a problem for the end user, but anyone who wants operate in the digital space has to seriously think about this.
That's.. actually a pretty good way to put it. Damn, you might have hit the nail on the head, Retro.To me they're basically the players or people in the community that care more about the social aspects and the subculture behind the games than the games themselves.
AKA Mike Ross fans
(last time I promise)
Something could get popular really quickly because it gets featured by some YouTube superstars -- but how do you get their attention? It's valuable, and more and more big YouTube channels the easiest way to get a feature is to... pay for it. And then once someone puts up a video and it goes viral, a bunch of smaller players start chasing that and you have this real echo effect. I still think that while games can undersell what they "should" do, good games do get noticed at some point. I think the bigger issue is all of the stuff that could be good, but never gets the opportunity to even get that chance -- but that's life, really. Your game could have been something, but people thought they could get more clicks screaming over Five Nights at Freddy's or Goat Simulator instead, too bad.I'm saying quality will shine through. Yeah, if you put bullshit out, or something with limited appeal, you will get an appropriate return out of it., and quality/appeal is a factor that heavily confounds the idea that things aren't selling because people can't find or discover them. So is a game really slept on or is it's appeal simply not as broad as someone would like?
I don't think the storefront carries the entire burden as a result, or much. You have a paradigm of gaming where people will do your marketing for you, for free, and they get some YT revenue off of it too. Some game from a nobody will become an overnight success because TotalBiscuit played it or it's kickstarter video went viral. This is not exclusive to gaming as a medium, and it's certainly not rare of a phenomenon. Minecraft out of.. essentially nothing, Alien Hominid off of Newgrounds, Flappy Bird off of essentially nothing, N+ out of Newgrounds, Dust: AET out of forums (I guess). Goes on and on.
The way I look at it, there are a lot of frequent, counter-examples that ultimately come down to appeal and a good first impression (which is way more, if not entirely, the developer's responsibility than that of the system, because the social media system is already working to their advantage and precedes even ending up on a storefront.
I feel like people can say X game is better than Y and other people can disagree and believe the opposite. Insulting the player base takes things to far.
Yeah. Also like with what Azure J said people just have to learn how to let a game they don't like shine. There's no reason for Blazblue grand finals to being on at Evo and have people say shit like "I can't wait till the next game. Accent core is a better game. Sick of this anime waifu garbage waaaaaaah". At this point you're being a nuisanceSo sort of how the Smash community has erupted in the past few days?
Watching Yipes and Sanford play MvC2 is making me realize how horrible of a game Marvel 3 is. Even more so.
I think part of this -- and it's more true in smaller communities, from my experience -- is that "rival" games getting that kind of shine is seen as an existential threat. It's thinking that the whole community is zero-sum: more players playing BB means fewer people playing GG or P4A or UNIEL and if it pulls in enough players, your game is going to die. It's a mistake though, as that's not how it works (and everything has to come to an end at some point). People come from other sources, people go for other reasons, people leave and come back and leave again and who knows what.Yeah. Also like with what Azure J said people just have to learn how to let a game they don't like shine. There's no reason for Blazblue grand finals to being on at Evo and have people say shit like "I can't wait till the next game. Accent core is a better game. Sick of this anime waifu garbage waaaaaaah". At this point you're being a nuisance
In that regard, the crowd fundamentally matters. I know personally that if a game like Melty Blood had a player base (and developer support) the size of even SF4's, I would probably still be playing it. But it doesn't, and I don't. It's still a good game... but what am I going to do, play the same few local players and then the same people at events that I've played for years already? At some point you want something different, either in the same game or in something else (or maybe in a completely different hobby). There's also the time investment issue -- learning a fighting game is non-trivial, and what's the point if you'll never get to play it with anyone?And then there's this large segment of people that will stick to whats popular, getting exposure or included in EVO. This is the "I'll play it when it gets big enough" people.
The play what you have fun with get throw into the BYOC area (if the event includes one) or their hotel rooms/bathrooms if they aren't having fun with SF4, MvC3 or that new game everyone just jumped on.
Shit is the worst. It's usually Street Fighter players who come out of the woodwork for that explicit purpose or minions who don't play anymore. Almost exclusively, actually.
I'm glad someone pointed this out.
Playing a game the FGC often shits on can be annoying. Probably the worst part though is the self hatred it breeds. It's sad when NRS players call their own top players lesser players, talk about how we'd all get bodied in other games or predict our own game's demise. I'm sure it happens in all these non-Capcom communities.
The thing is this: I won't hate on Tekken anywhere but here. I do it here because we are all about fighting games. It is like a sports enthusiast club talking shit about baseball. It might be the worst sport, but it is still a sport. I love fighting games, and if all I had was Tekken, I would embrace it. It is still better than most of what is available in the gaming market.
To me they're basically the players or people in the community that care more about the social aspects and the subculture behind the games than the games themselves.
AKA Mike Ross fans
(last time I promise)
I think part of this -- and it's more true in smaller communities, from my experience -- is that "rival" games getting that kind of shine is seen as an existential threat. It's thinking that the whole community is zero-sum: more players playing BB means fewer people playing GG or P4A or UNIEL and if it pulls in enough players, your game is going to die. It's a mistake though, as that's not how it works (and everything has to come to an end at some point). People come from other sources, people go for other reasons, people leave and come back and leave again and who knows what.
In that regard, the crowd fundamentally matters. I know personally that if a game like Melty Blood had a player base (and developer support) the size of even SF4's, I would probably still be playing it. But it doesn't, and I don't. It's still a good game... but what am I going to do, play the same few local players and then the same people at events that I've played for years already? At some point you want something different, either in the same game or in something else (or maybe in a completely different hobby). There's also the time investment issue -- learning a fighting game is non-trivial, and what's the point if you'll never get to play it with anyone?