Don't worry, you will be able to spend all your money once it is over. Huge update incoming.Golden Week means figure sites are a ghost town. It's weird, guys.
Hold me.
Don't worry, you will be able to spend all your money once it is over. Huge update incoming.Golden Week means figure sites are a ghost town. It's weird, guys.
Hold me.
I'm waiting for that official Native [Nurse] preview, as well as pre-orders opening. I can't wait to add her to my "Ordered" list.Don't worry, you will be able to spend all your money once it is over. Huge update incoming.
Don't worry, you will be able to spend all your money once it is over. Huge update incoming.
I'm waiting for that official Native [Nurse] preview, as well as pre-orders opening. I can't wait to add her to my "Ordered" list.
Soejima Artwork Ver. is the only answer:
That's the one!Are you talking about the one with the exam chair? What ever happened to the one with the needle and the goop?
You posting this in your Top 3 reminded me that I want this figure.
One day perhaps.
How much did you pay for her anyways? I think I'd be uncomfortable for much more than $140 with good used box
Dunno. Whatever she cost back when she came out, which I think as only like 8000 yen or so, but the exchange rate was probably shit at the time.
Edit: Found my original AmiAmi e-mail:
Subtotal: 7,800 JPY
Shipping: 1,790 JPY (EMS)
Grand total: 9,590 JPY
In March 2012, the Yenollar was approx. 82:1 so....$116. *cough* $140 ain't so bad considering 3 years later.
I got outbid on a slightly used Kino with 3 seconds to go. Im so fucking salty right now.
I got outbid on a slightly used Kino with 3 seconds to go. Im so fucking salty right now.
Isn't that how auctions work?
What did she sell for?
im so pissed Im about to buy it now on the 300$ one.
Not worth it. I love her, don't get me wrong. But she's pretty small, and $220 was kinda nutso. Sometimes you should just let the white whale go.
Easy for me to say, I know, but I'm right.
Late night pictures, so garbage lighting.
Late night pictures, so garbage lighting.
She looks soo good! That dress is super heavy too. Probably as heavy as the Phat! Katsuragi
Yeah, I noticed that too.Super Saiyan Sakura??
Fuck that. I dont give up on grails.
Late night pictures, so garbage lighting.
She looks soo good! That dress is super heavy too. Probably as heavy as the Phat! Katsuragi
*Google search*
You call that a grail? man, you guys have some strange priorities.
Kino figure is definitely my grail.
what do you consider a grail?
April Loot said:
Yeah, I noticed that too.
I don't know if it's just how my figure came out, but even in a more even light her hair is pretty light colored.
Then again, CLAMP used a lot of really pastel/desaturated colours for their illustrations for Cardcaptor Sakura
fucking long ass url
Just look how easy regular Hatsune Miku has it.Mikudayo having trouble going through a door.
Should've just smashed right through it.
Just look how easy regular Hatsune Miku has it.
I just got him too. Yes!
Dat Big-O !!! Is it Max Factory's ?
Diva Hatsune Miku does not need to burden herself with doorknobs. They turn themselves. Do not hold it against her.fake doors don't count. she's not even touching the knobs
Their reference though I think is waaayyy off color
I don't see that dress being pink nor having golden hair AT ALL
What's this from? So cute.Just look how easy regular Hatsune Miku has it.
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai for the 3DS.What's this from? So cute.
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai for the 3DS.
The sequel, or rather, a DX version of both Project Mirai 1 and 2 will be releasing in North America later this month for the 3DS too! I already have my copy pre-ordered.
And yes, it's adorable.
I believe you're getting one, but it will be delayed.European physical release wheeeere
Fuck that. I dont give up on grails.
Want these pretty bad.My favourite 3 that I own...
1). Azusa figure with the fluffy white base, that amiami images lack apparently.
2). Black Hanekawa
Want these pretty bad.
You can still get Hibiki for RRP on Abysse Direct, it's good value if you are in Europe.I bought them for the same reason that will eventually get me to buy that Hibiki figure.
Sakura is exactly based on this illustration.
Kotobukiya did a phenomenal job.
Was looking for that illustration and my google-fu failed me haha.
That's a sharp looking collection.Got a new Harley Quinn today.She was an accident purchase, honest.
Here she is with the rest.
Yes, I know my photography skills suck.