Acid, get a CapitalOne Quicksilver card. Great exchange and no foreign transaction fee.
^ That's what I do as well.
Acid, get a CapitalOne Quicksilver card. Great exchange and no foreign transaction fee.
Acid, get a CapitalOne Quicksilver card. Great exchange and no foreign transaction fee.
I have a Capital One card that I use for smaller purchases. It's my first credit card though so the limit isn't high enough to pay for this order.
Similar thing with me. Got my card, it had a $300 limit. Thought that was weird, called them, they went "whoops we got some numbers wrong" and increased my limit to $5000.How long have you had your card? When i first got the quicksilver card it only had a $300 limit. 6 months later then auto increased it to $500, after another 6 months I manually requested an increased and figured maybe I'd get another couple hundred or something and to my shock they upped my limit from $500 to $3500. If its been 6 months since you got your card or increase it can't hurt to request an increase.
How much does Ultimate Madoka go for these days? I've suddenly become obsessed with having her.
noobAnywhere from 15-20k. She pops up on Manda usually around 17.5k.
Edit: dammit i pulled a freeza and double posted
How long have you had your card? When i first got the quicksilver card it only had a $300 limit. 6 months later then auto increased it to $500, after another 6 months I manually requested an increased and figured maybe I'd get another couple hundred or something and to my shock they upped my limit from $500 to $3500. If its been 6 months since you got your card or increase it can't hurt to request an increase.
Closest we'll get to an Alexstrasza figure.
Not necessarily. I mean, Sideshow has put out a few Premium Formats of Blizzard characters. But if you don't like $400 statues, then yeah, you're probably SOL.
Shh. I'm trying to convince myself to buy her.
oh damn, she's already up on Hobbysearch. They want 13.5k, holy shitting shit.
Barely 10 inches. 1/8 needs to die.
August, where you at? Someone wake me up when he releases, gonna go cryosleep or something.
For real. 1/6 is best, but I don't mind 1/7.
Even though she's 1/8, she's still going to take up a lot of space horizontally. Like Miku 2020.
Hmm, yeah, she's bigger than I thought when you put it like that. Talking myself into it. And May/June are super light months (4k and 7k respectively). HMMM.
How much does Ultimate Madoka go for these days? I've suddenly become obsessed with having her.
August, where you at? Someone wake me up when he releases, gonna go cryosleep or something.
She's a September release. Not May or June.
Edit: Eh, fuck it. I'll just order her and think about it later.
August, where you at? Someone wake me up when he releases, gonna go cryosleep or something.
Oh, I know, but my budget rolls over so as long as I purchase nothing extra in May or June I have that wiggle room.
August, where you at? Someone wake me up when he releases, gonna go cryosleep or something.
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I know nothing about Puzzle & Dragons, but man, I like the look of this:
EDIT: Woah you guys are quick at friend requests lol
It's 16.2k
Why do you always spoiler prices? It's kind of unnecessary. I already ordered her from Hobbysearch anyway.
It's 16.2k
Up on AmiAmi
12,470 JPY
the real question is it cheaper to roll her in the game
There's an official NeoGAF MFC club as well. All you have to do is click the join club link!
Up on AmiAmi
12,470 JPY
that's actually good discount. I hope they do more Puzzle&Dragon figures.
Their next figure in line is this
you don't roll her. You get her by beating her in the dungeon.
that's actually good discount. I hope they do more Puzzle&Dragon figures.
Their next figure in line is this
I've been playing the game itself since the past 3 days and my swordboys nendo wishlist has increased.August, where you at? Someone wake me up when he releases, gonna go cryosleep or something.
Any good prices out there for Phat Factory's Chiaki Nanami? I already have the Kyouko figure so I might as well complete the set.
My humble MFC profile, btw:
(I also have a bunch of amiibos but I don't want to clutter my profile with them lol)
EDIT: Woah you guys are quick at friend requests lol
Wait, they're doing a line of them!? MY WEAKNESS!
Is it happening? Her prototype was around even before ...uh.... whoever that blue chick I just ordered is. Been a long time with 0 updates.
they temporarily reopened orders for her before closing and release, but it was the duration of a few hours. Now priobably your best bet is mandarake used or last minute cancellations.
Actually HobbyLink has it in stock for 12k but I was wondering if anyone had seen a better deal.
Anyway, I just ordered it now! My first day in FigureGAF has been very damaging to my wallet...
Actually HobbyLink has it in stock for 12k but I was wondering if anyone had seen a better deal.
Anyway, I just ordered it now! My first day in FigureGAF has been very damaging to my wallet...
Acid, get a CapitalOne Quicksilver card. Great exchange and no foreign transaction fee.
Actually HobbyLink has it in stock for 12k but I was wondering if anyone had seen a better deal.
Anyway, I just ordered it now! My first day in FigureGAF has been very damaging to my wallet...