Thanks!Maybe the servers went down because he pulled him. O_O
But yes, congrats on that pull, Razmos!
It crashed just after I did the daily actually, I pulled my 7th Black Cat Lid.
That cat is bad luck!
Thanks!Maybe the servers went down because he pulled him. O_O
But yes, congrats on that pull, Razmos!
Its So great that everybody has a gimnick here. Lyrian with his kickass rydia, rixa with his 70's nba player drug-free wizzards, and i have this Guy:
I love this community
Your doing it wrong bro, you should have 560 mag on your Ramza with dual cast Ultima
how to print screen on pc
I'm taking her to 6* ASAP no matter what big meanies like Shintoki say xD
He takes less materials than other characters
He takes less materials than other characters
I suppose I should stock up on the exclusive Halloween Materia. If I get 3 of them that's 33% Attack. (And I'll save the last ability slot for something else)
Got about 8 open friend slots, in desperate need of Lightning friends *wink wink*
ID: 626604466
My leader is a 370 MAG Kefka :>
I might skip both Trust Moogles in this event, atleast will skip 70k. Rather just farm my TM group![]()
Damn. I held off on doing the giant of babel elite until the Halloween event so I could awaken my Ramza, and now most of my friends Lightning are using the fire Katana and Ifrit.
As much as I want the trust Moogle for my Ramza, I don't know if it's worth the effort. I just had an attempt and wiped on Rubicante (he killed Kefka and Lenna in one combo, with Hero's Rime active)
Yeah I made the same mistake. :/Yeah, I fucked up too and now I can't rely on all my OP Lightning friends because of this. Rubicate is pretty much impossible when he resist everything so you might as well just be using 5 units in that battle. He lives far too long which is suicide because he starts spamming that AOE OP move. Even if no one dies, you're still fucked by the next battle because you'll be spending the first turn healing everyone only for Cagnazzo to laugh at you.
I thought it was going to be easier considering I've seen people with weaker parties beating that event but I didn't realized how important Lightning was until today. Oh well, one trust moogle won't kill me but it certainly would have been nice to at least reach the end at least once.
Added. I have a little ramza, maybe you could use it
It's frustrating how underwhelming these events make my Bartz feel. Granted, he's only rocking 277 attack, but it still seems like he hits for so little. His 6* can't come fast enough.
Using Chizuru, Exdeath, Tellah, Lenna for cheer, WOL for Full Break, and a friend high attack dual wield barrage character. Pumpkin dude dies in like 2 to 3 turnsWhat teams are you guys using?
Currently have 26 tickets saved up & 5,500 lapis.
Been playing Brave Frontier for years and really want some of those units, especially Tillith. Is she worth going all in for?
I currently have:
Cloud of Darkness
Warrior of Light
Would I be wise to make a big push for her or is there someone else coming up soon after that is better and would make a bigger difference in the long term?
3 out of 4 is pretty good.I remember people saying that every unit on the FF3 banner is great, but Ingus looks like a dumpster fire. 3*, making it harder to pull Arc (who is genuinely good). He's a crappy red mage with an awful TM
Should I bother with daily lies for black cat lid? Uncertain. Also, can ExDeath wear the mask? He's currently my only Mage...
Should I bother with daily lies for black cat lid? Uncertain. Also, can ExDeath wear the mask? He's currently my only Mage...
She's super cute!
But is she useful? I don't know but I have a feeling she isn't >.>
But the enemies that would actually be affected by these would be one shotted if we used uber units anyway :x30% random status and 90% petrify isnt good for you?
But the enemies that would actually be affected by these would be one shotted if we used uber units anyway :x
I can only ser her being useful if people dont have any heavy hitter.
ThanksI Will clear the great demon trial with black Cat lid, wol, kefka, exdeath/tellah, lenna and roided rixa
I lolled to myself so hard after this fight. This was my 2nd try when I cleared it, on first try I didnt do damage so decided to swap Ifrit from DKC to Chiz...
Chorizo did 3.3k x8 Barrage damage when Deprotect was on.
DKC did 0 damage
DKC had Chijiraden equipped.
Chorizo had 0 weapons equipped.
ThanksTellah ok to that or Exdeath / Terra / Kefka?
I Will clear the great demon trial with black Cat lid, wol, kefka, exdeath/tellah, lenna and roided rixa
Thats the point,you can already do that with better results with your whales. Its not a valuable unit to pull if someone has what you have for example.I Will clear the great demon trial with black Cat lid, wol, kefka, exdeath/tellah, lenna and roided rixa
This too,there are dozens of vídeos from people beating it with weak teams with no problema at all. Unless they buff him, it will be simple.This new trial will probably be too easy for the most of us, Gumi are releasing it super late compared to the Japanese schedule, they didn't even have 6* units when it was released there.
Someone finished it with 4* Rydia/5* Terra/4* Russell/4* Vivi/4* Krile and 5* Vaan friend.
Thats the point,you can already do that with better results with your whales. Its not a valuable unit to pull if someone has what you have for example.
I agree.^ think this is an understated point and a smart strat by Gumi. If an event isn't challenging for a whale, it really shouldn't benefit the whale.
That would be repetitive but you should PULL in the ff3 banner. Luneth and refia are top tier and arc is an amazing wizzard with an increíble rod as TM.
If you had to guess, what is the earliest that banner would arrive? A month or two?
Sometime in December, or late November at the earliest, FF XIII banner/event still need to happen first, then either Type-0 or FF III directly, I doubt we'll see the Brave Frontier banner soon or it'll run alongside another event.