Maybe we'll have a new banner on Friday and they'll run two ^_^
Maybe we'll have a new banner on Friday and they'll run two ^_^
As long as its not 2 events side by side, I'm ok with this~
Crap, I'm glad I didn't go to bed yet. Now I just have to hope I still have some Lightnings w/ Diablos I can use and that RNG doesn't screw me over.I'm looking at it now.
You have until the server goes down at 4 AM EDT. Golbez isn't coming back after the server maintenance.
I'm looking at it now.
You have until the server goes down at 4 AM EDT. Golbez isn't coming back after the server maintenance.
Is it sad when your alt account is the first one with a 6*?
Bought a few Cactaur already and got him up to 47 right now so he's not totally gimped. Just bought rest of Cecil's stuff before awakening Delita. Alt account is feeling pretty good right now. Much love to GAF for helping it get up quick.
For 99% of us in this thread, Global is the only game so nope, Genji Glove don't exist and won't for quite a while! ;p Besides, it technically still gives Dual Wield ;p
That's awesome! I never would have expected it from this game. One day we will get good story AND lapis for our efforts...wooooo!
i don't even know what the story of this game is, some shit about finding crystals and they keep fucking up like in FF5.
Yeah I'm guilty of skipping all of that stuff too.
Same here. 176 560 599Ok need a OP Lightning friend w. Man Eater to give Golbez ELT a shot before he is gone.
Send me an invite if possible - 005,742,814.
3 hours left. Ill probably have enough for 2 attempts.
Ok need a OP Lightning friend w. Man Eater to give Golbez ELT a shot before he is gone.
Send me an invite if possible - 005,742,814.
3 hours left. Ill probably have enough for 2 attempts.
You mean, assuming that they don't have something stronger anyways? Going through the list avoiding obvious people, and units not released yet, we're left with... Cecil, Bartz, Firion, Vaan, Leo, WoL, Delita, Gaffgarion, Agrias, DKC,
Best of Luck bro !!Same here. 176 560 599
Ah okay even better for the people who still need it. Thanks.You still have 1 day 2 hrs left. The event will end on 27th October 2359 pst. Check the server time to avoid confusion.
Oh, Leo and Cecil can use it? That is perfect. Leo is currently using the Enhancer because he doesn't know how to use a Katana. Now I can give Enhancer to Ramza, Chiraijden (or however that is spelled) to Cecil and Leo can use the Scythe!
Unfortunately that drops Murasame out of the rotation being the lowest attack weapon.
I remember when that weapon was the only stong weapon I had in the game. How far we've come, huh?
Ask yourself:
Are you using Cecil as tank / healer? Would you rather give him some weapon that gives DEF / SPR / MP?
If his role is not tank / healer, why are you keeping him in party?
I have few days time to think, do I use 4x10% Moogle to 2 Ludmilles...
I need to see if 2x DC helps to clear PRO, if not Ill just continue my grind progress and save the Moogles.
You still have 1 day 2 hrs left. The event will end on 27th October 2359 pst. Check the server time to avoid confusion.
Double triple checked my phone just now. God knows why I'm up at 3 AM.
On my phone the dungeon states: Until 10/27 03:59. That's 1 hour from now.
Are you done with the corn candy?
I barely use my TM team in every event, I'm running behind![]()
Says 09:59 for me - which would be in an hour yeah.
Added screenshot.
45 minutes from now.
Here it is 27.10.2016 clock being 10:19 and according to that screenshot. Those Babels end in under 40mins time?
When I look from my BE, Babels show "Until" 10/27 10:59 and that is 40min from now![]()
Ask yourself:
Are you using Cecil as tank / healer? Would you rather give him some weapon that gives DEF / SPR / MP?
If his role is not tank / healer, why are you keeping him in party?
Iam using Main Gauche, but not sure if some SPR weapon would be betterWell, I actually never looked at it like that. What weapons are generally favored to optimize Cecil as a tank?
Iam using Main Gauche, but not sure if some SPR weapon would be better. Haven't really thought about it after I got my Cecil to 6*. Weapon has been on Cecil about 4 months now
Well, I actually never looked at it like that. What weapons are generally favored to optimize Cecil as a tank?
Double triple checked my phone just now. God knows why I'm up at 3 AM.
On my phone the dungeon states: Until 10/27 03:59. That's 1 hour from now.
Says 09:59 for me - which would be in an hour yeah.
i gave him the blood sword, buffs up his SPR to near 200 and gives him a drain attack if he has nothing else to do.
Missions and Arena got translated, we're not getting until a little while but it's exciting!
It should release after the FF 3 banner if we skip Secret of Mana.
1500 NRG to redo the whole story though x)If missions come before Orlandu, holy shit at the amount of lapis we will have for him.
Missions? Have to redo all story missions? What's that?
Guys, if you dont want to suffer with the gigantuar and are playing since August:
Void vessel does 2000 fixed damage and dont need throw.
Missions? Have to redo all story missions? What's that?
Dang I only have 10 farplane souls.Guys, if you dont want to suffer with the gigantuar and are playing since August:
Void vessel does 2000 fixed damage and dont need throw.
They are sub-objectives for each dungeons/explorations giving lapis and other stuff.
You can look here for a list of those :
Dang I only have 10 farplane souls.
Ooooh that is a lot of lapis!
When mission system was introduced JP and about 1 month later some player counted how much he can get Lapis from 1-7 Island (or 6 dont remember exactly) if you get all the rewards.
Amount was something like 44000 Lapis...
When mission system was introduced JP and about 1 month later some player counted how much he can get Lapis from 1-7 Island (or 6 dont remember exactly) if you get all the rewards.
Amount was something like 44000 Lapis...
That's at least 4 Orladus with a little bit of luck!!When mission system was introduced JP and about 1 month later some player counted how much he can get Lapis from 1-7 Island (or 6 dont remember exactly) if you get all the rewards.
Amount was something like 44000 Lapis...
what part of the Halloween event should I be running to get most out of the candy?
The big bad boss fight ?
Oh thanks looking forward to the stuff down the line.Well, good is going to be a different metric for most people. I think it's at least interesting but I kinda wish the character dynamics would grow a little bit. I'm hoping that sort of happens when the secondary characters eventually get 6-star forms.
The first few continents don't do too much with the story but yeah, at first it's them going to each of the crystals so they can protect them from the 6 Generals. You gain new comrades and learn about them as the game goes on. Each of the continents are setup specifically for them, in fact.
It isn't until you get to the 7th actual continent in the game,where a lot of stuff starts to come into focus and some of the big mysteries of the game start getting answered and the big picture starts to come into view.Mysidia
Gonna spoiler this just in case anyone is interested in the story and want to see it for themselves, if you do don't click on this.In Ordelion, Majin Fina first makes her appearance and you find out she's opposed to the generals/judges/whatever for some reason. You find out when the game goes to Mysidia that they were on opposite sides of a war that occurred 700 years ago. Towards the end of that war though, the generals and Fina's side were going to come to an agreement to end the war without more bloodshed. Fina gets sealed within a crystal as a part of that. However, the side backing the generals got scared of their influence and dropped those massive crystals onto where they were causing a massive explosion.
You find out that this explosion was so massive that huge chunks of land from their world were blasted into another dimension/planet. This became the world we know in the game, called Lapis. The the massive crystals are the anchors that tether and seal the world from returning to its old location. Breaking the crystals helps to unlock this seal but also releases whatever was held inside. The Earth Crystal has Fina which is what we see at the beginning of the game.
There's more to it of course but yeah, definitely more interesting than it started.