Lani two days in a row agagagssisjsbavacahahsbs
Decided to try without a Lightning, some random WoL, went okay.
Decided to try without a Lightning, some random WoL, went okay.
For the people that have done it..
Do you think 2x 80 Kefka, an 80 Tellah, a 100 Cecil and an 80 Chiz would work on the new event if I brought a high attack Lightening or Ramza?
Or should I get that Lenna and keep my two 350-400mAtk mages, Cecil, and Chiz
For the people that have done it..
Do you think 2x 80 Kefka, an 80 Tellah, a 100 Cecil and an 80 Chiz would work on the new event if I brought a high attack Lightening or Ramza?
Or should I get that Lenna and keep my two 350-400mAtk mages, Cecil, and Chiz
Thing is, I could toss 2x20% Trust Moogles to Ludmilles when they are closer to 80% and those would free 2 TM party places for 2 Lunas.
Not sure if its worth it. Maybe just keep those Moogles and grind about 10 days.
I'm still in combat with this demon boss... A thing to note, Osmose works great, kefka fully drained 1000 mp after 2 uses, still uses graviga and dark wave, but hasn't used anything else but attack.
I didn't even think about using Osmose I always forget about it...damn.
By the end of the day someone will make a video beating it with Edgars or random 4* there and they will calm the fuck down.A topic on Reddit complaining the new trial is super hard for F2P, when I showed you this video last week being done with mostly 4* units.
I guess it's easier to complain than to build a team!
thing is, and you know this, to look at this like a straight up transaction. a 10% trust moogle is worth 1000 battles if you only have one of those units for TM farming. And if you're not going to save yourself 1000 battles for Excalibur or DualCast, what on earth would you use it for??
Same. I used my turbo/mega ether lol.
So I just completed the trial but had to burn my ethers and elixers to keep up my MP for the final battle. it's no joke. Full break never affected the boss either, is this now a useless skill?
You can Full Break him but he will wipe it out with a self dispell.
I have nearly 7k lapis now since I haven't been daily pulling on this banner. It's too bad that the banner isn't great since I miss the thrill of getting Shadows.
Also how the heck are people done getting everything from the event already? Are you skipping burst pots or some other stuff maybe? I still need like 70k candies to get the rest of what I want, and that's also skipping most of the cactuars. Unless I math'd wrong.
Daily Pull
A topic on Reddit complaining the new trial is super hard for F2P, when I showed you this video last week being done with mostly 4* units.
I guess it's easier to complain than to build a team!
You're fran and my daily lani can meet and go fuck themselves ^^
I'm 100% F2P and I just beat the trial. Although to be fair, I had the help of a killer friend unit (653 ATK Dark Knight Cecil), but I got through it without even having to use an item outside of a couple void vessels to beat the Gigantuar. I just found that a constant use of osmose for my mages, full breaks, and a dedicated every-turn healer, I relatively breezed through it. Some of the bosses took a really long time to whittle down their health, but I wasn't really at the risk of dying. Only once did one of my units die, but I had him raised and back to full health the very next turn.
So like most challenging bosses, it takes strategy and a really good friend unit but is TOTALLY doable as a F2P gamer.
That wizard rod brought my Kefka up to 382 magic, which is looking mighty fine to me.
So I'm confused. I see people saying Void Vessel will 1 shot the Gigantaur, and some say they need 2. Doesn't it do 2000 fixed damage? and the Gigantaur has 1500 hp?
I did see him do a little flash of what looked like a buff on himself but wasn't sure what it was. However I also never noticed any debuff icons over him. I used fill break about 6 or 7 times over the course of the fight. But then I just delegated WoL to using MP restoring items because he felt so useless.
So I'm confused. I see people saying Void Vessel will 1 shot the Gigantaur, and some say they need 2. Doesn't it do 2000 fixed damage? and the Gigantaur has 1500 hp?
I don't know about the fixed damage and whatnot, but it definitely took me 2. It had a fingernail of health left after I used 1, so maybe I could have just done normal attacks to finish it off after only using 1, but 1 vessel alone did not kill mine.
Yeah it does 2k damage and he has a little more than that. I just auto attacked him after it and he died.
Weird when I used FB it def. worked it may not have been a full FB everytime but it added something everytime but he would just remove the next turn basically.
Sweet, mages are really in a good shape nowadays.My current leader.
Sounds sexy
I'm thinking... Miyuki may make an appearance for this trial, since it'll make throwing crap at the gigantaur good. Going to regular attack the shit out of him to build up summon and LB gauges, maybe use Rydia with Shiva to take out those freaking bombs.
My current leader.
So are the earrings better than the basket? If so, that will save me candy corn. Where do you buy the earrings at anyway? I'm so far behind on candy corn because I prioritize TM farming right now but I already have more than enough for the tickets so if I can at least get the mask I'll be happy. Would be nice to get LB pots for Cecil though...
Story and Trial will have to wait since they aren't limited time and Halloween is. Gotta get that candy corn! Finally got back up over 10K lapis again and these story missions will boost it furtherWonder if Tidus or Orlandu will hit us first.
The earrings are great -- + 20% MAG but you def. want the basket. +15% MAG / +15% SPR is LEGIT.
I'm putting Diablos and TM farming on hold until after Pumpkin leaves, but should I be doing so elsewhere? That's the best, non-event, place that I know of.yo ADawg -- you farming Phantom Forrest for that megacite?
Well the 2nd pair of earrings are pretty hard to get unless you buy them up over time after a bunch of events. Read: get both.
yo ADawg -- you farming Phantom Forrest for that megacite?
I'm putting Diablos and TM farming on hold until after Pumpkin leaves, but should I be doing so elsewhere? That's the best, non-event, place that I know of.
I'm assuming you mean it's difficult to get 100 Star Quartz right now? I don't recall how many I have hmmm
I'm assuming you mean it's difficult to get 100 Star Quartz right now? I don't recall how many I have hmmm