I'm over Halloween at this point lol
Was there any event where Magicite was extremely easy to farm (Orbonne Monastery aside)? You guys keep suggesting ''Use Golem with Provoke / Use Diablos with Man-Eater / Use Ifrit with Plant-Killer) like it's easy to level up all the espers from one event to another lol. Running Phantom Forest only just doesn't cut it.
Hmmm. Is your Rydia still stuck at 4 Star?
Agrias would be VERY Useful here... Did you already burn the event Cactuars?
Any other Max 5 star units that can hit hard? Kain or Black Cat Lid?
Charlotte is your Tank. Shes not as good as Cecil but she will have to do. Get here setup with Angel Ring and Defender Bracer(i have black belt for Shining splendor counters). Mirage Vest is Very useful since she doesnt have as much HP as a 6 star Cecil. Provoke on Golem is highly recommended... I hope you have been working on your espers!
Kefka or Rydia is your Mage DPS since Hyperdrive and Meteor get you around the damn element Resist
Artemios has Demon Killer but you are stuck giving him a low damage weapon. Definitely have him with Diabolos to stack double Demon Killer... as far as weapons I think the Kitchen Knife is the best choice here since it doesnt have dark element like the Killer Bow does. Stack as much attack on him as possible
Do you have Lenna? having Cheer on is a Must. Having SOME type of Break to use to lower his physical damage (weapon break, full break, something)
So In review
Charlotte - Tank- Have her Use Provoke then Mirage after
Lenna - Cheer then just healing/support
Artemios - Not sure how boosted you can make him but give it a shot. DPS
Kefka - Hyperdrive all day
.. for the 5th slot.. use anyone that can help dish out buffs, debuffs and damage (Agrias would be amazing)
Friend Unit - Nomidors/Valentus Ramza can damn near solo the damn boss. Any Lightning with 450+ attack and no Chiri can do the trick
Robertsan, request sent.
I'm over Halloween at this point lol
Yeah. the king fight has pretty killed any remaining willpower to keep farming the event. I'm pretty much ready to move on at this point.
Yeah, I'll go back to ADV now. I'm close enough to the end of corn farming anyways to not have to worry about going through that ordeal again.
Sorry bro
Shame since Pro is so lucrative in both candy and rank XP
Cheer is not needed. If your Ifrit has Deprotect, use it if you dont have FB.
Use @Valentus Ramza BARRAGE for the victory. Obviously try to land Deprotect before using Barrage.
See my alt party. DKC did with Raging Fist around 2k damage to Boss. DKC had Ifrit for the Deprotect. Zidane just used Mug. Rosa is 75 level, Chizuru did Barrage and Golbez tried to cast Blizzaga.
all these damn cactuars, not enough space.
Maybe I should use them on Kain, 5 star Kain ain't bad right?
Cheer is good for Defense on his soft party
Deprotect doesnt mitigate the damage thats wiping his party members
Lyrian, watch my vídeo. Use double kefka, wol, vaan, lenna and artemios. The only diff between me and you is that you must use artemios instead kain.
Look my party. 0 Tanks, only some DKC that does crap shit. Key was to land Deprotect and use Ramza Barrage.
Well he already completed it once
If he wants to farm it he will need a reliable setup with multiple friend units... or just Run Valentus every 3 hours but he already said he doesnt plan on doing that anyways
If you don't have better options, I guess. The fact that killer abilities/element don't work with Jump pretty much kills his niche.
I daily pulled Galuf so dont feel bad
what? why would do they do that?
what? why would do they do that?
Little ramza and his childhood friend lenna faces a New challenge alone.
By the way i opened 10 slots if Someone is interested
The second kefka is a kefka friend D:That would require me to raise a second Kefka from scratch. I could do that, but I'd rather devote the XP to getting Cecil up to speed. Still got about 110 levels left to go, and I doubt I'll get that much XP from centaurs this weekend without throwing Lapis at the dunes (which I might).
@Rixa: No DPS. I don't have anyone who can break 300 ATK and no Zidanes for dual wield. The Reaper flips the table on the event, where DPS is more effective than MAG. Too much of an achilles heel for me to overcome at the moment.
Have any slots left?
and I've got a 395 Mag Tellah if people are interested, I think that's my best unit to put up. My other "good"/equipped characters are BC Lid w/ Plant Killer and more materia tonight or tomorrow and 6* Cecil.
Just opened up 7 slots from very inactive people. Code is 434, 572, 945
hahah Im totally building a Black Cat Lid as well
I have two Mustadios I may rotate in the TM farm soon to snag a gun for her >![]()
She's actually pretty decent! Sadly I only have 1 Spooky Aura and the 1 10% Atk on her atm. Going to go for 3 Spookys on her plus a Killer/Slayer depending on event or a 4th if none are useful. Sadly she's only at 290 Atk with my 2* level 30 Ifrit atm.
Was there any event where Magicite was extremely easy to farm (Orbonne Monastery aside)? You guys keep suggesting ''Use Golem with Provoke / Use Diablos with Man-Eater / Use Ifrit with Plant-Killer) like it's easy to level up all the espers from one event to another lol. Running Phantom Forest only just doesn't cut it.
Got a Cecil from the daily, my 2nd. I assume it's worth it to keep him for a second Excalibur, rather than getting the 5% extra trust?
Time to save up for cat lid materia... How many of the attack aura should I get? 3?
It's going to be a long road but I'd do a second excal. I had 3 Cecils and I was tired as hell of TM'ing so I fused them all. Wish I had at least another Excal.
Whats left for me that 1 have 10 cecils waiting for my 4th and 5th excalibur xddddd
Normal attack:
Reap Blood:
See above![]()
It's a limitation of Drain type skills that they can't overkill. That's why you hit a rat, who has 150hp, for 150 max when using Reap Blood.
Just tested hitting the ADV Reaper with 6* Cecil using Drain Blood, it hit for 1k and I drained 300hp.
This explains why sometimes Osmose isn't doing a lot when you hit low level enemies, it actually needs the enemy to have MP. Those rats have 15 MP, btw!
Now I feel dumb!
Thanks for this![]()
Finally my second bracer. My ramza now has 605 atk.
Now lets go for the Kaiser knuckle
Finally my second bracer. My ramza now has 605 atk.
Now lets go for the Kaiser knuckle
Yeah this. I've been making great use of it to work through the Colosseum battles by using cheer, full break and then just dark cannoning this shit out of everything and reaping occasionally to not get an unfortunate death. He's also making hilariously short work of the new island's content.
S'alright! It happens. I don't like measuring newer, stronger stuff against weaker stuff anyway because it ruins my objectivity of how good something might be.
I'd level Agrias first, a full break will give you more benefits over having a 6* Cecil and delita over a 5* Cecil and delita but that's just meUrgh. What sucks is I actually use Kain on my alt account but I don't have the support for the PRO. No one that can cheer. Cecil can't Focus... yet. No Full Break. (Agrias is still level 1. These events be killing me, but she is on my list to deal with once I get Cecil and Delita to cap 6*.)
You know what pisses me off
I couldn't put my finger on it...