Don't worry, when Orlandu is released I'll change it
You know what pisses me off
I couldn't put my finger on it...
That's the very first thing I noticed when I first fought him! Found it quite annoying.
I'm focusing on candies still...nearly got everything worth getting, even the Moogles!
I'd level Agrias first, a full break will give you more benefits over having a 6* Cecil and delita over a 5* Cecil and delita but that's just me![]()
Don't worry, when Orlandu is released I'll change it![]()
6* Shadow when.
Send you a request on my alt account. (Fader)
Can your Ramza like one/two shot PRO King? >_>
Okay, but what if a shitty group doesn't have cheer? LOL.
Yes, I'd love your Ramza to carry my shit ass alt team. /cry
4 Turns
Try to deprotect it.
Okay, but what if a shitty group doesn't have cheer? LOL.
Yes, I'd love your Ramza to carry my shit ass alt team. /cry
That team still looks better, or maybe higher level anyway, than mine. LOL. I guess if you carry Flasks it's not so bad.
I can't Deprotect it yet because my Espers aren't high enough. This is my alt account. Deprotected on main and made it easier.
Oh well, back to the grind. Gotta get 6 sacred crystals before Monday so I can get Agrias to 5* and feed her all those incoming friend cactuars.
6-star Sabin when!?
Buy them from Mog King
Run 18 nrg ADV once 1500 Candys and go to Mog King, cheaper than running awaken Int![]()
Those are long gone. ;_; Fed them to Cecil to get him from 3*-6*. Just gotta do it the old-fashioned way this time.
1. I'm kinda done with Halloween too, but SOMEONE pointed out we could get 99 each if 6* mats for like 58k. Well I have 60k and still need to grab both moogles, which take priority.
2. I really kinda hack through pro because I have a weaker team for this event (COD / Kefka / Kuja / Fina / Cecil) and it requires 2-3 vessels to get me through that 4th and 5th attacks.
3. I've been a v good boy saving my lapis and am up to 3050. Thank you to everyone reporting in with your damn Shadows.
4. Memu is a real bitch you know that? I got a perfect script, got it all loaded up and everything. BAM. Crashes after 5-6 runs every single time. No idea why. Help?
So, after having to almost restart, i've been doing story and the occasional Halloween stuff (I can't reliably beat the harder stuff, so i've just been repeating BGN and sometimes INT Pumpkin Rider).
After a couple weeks of daily summons, i'm not sure what I should focus on so i'd appreciate a little help figuring out who to raise and who to forget about. I have (only a few are maxed):
5* Cecil (with enough mats to get to 6 star but I heard I should keep him as a 5 for some reason?) and another 3*
6* Dark Knight Cecil
5* Zidane
5* Charlotte
4* maxed Shantotto and another 3*
4* Black Cat Lid and another 3* Black Cat Lid
4* maxed Luna + a 3*
4* Celes
4* Kain
5* Rydia
4* max Krile
4* Alma
4* Mustadio
4* Vivi and another 3*
3* Amarant
3* Edgar
3* Maria
3* Edge
3* Galuf
3* Miyuki
3* Artemios
My main team has been Cecil, DK Cecil, Shantotto and a rotating chair for Fina (Cheer), Charlotte (Limit heal) and Zidane for stealing and trying to slowly raise the TM (Luna as well).
I have a few +10% MAG / DEF abilities equiped, and just got the Hero Ring recipe. Aside from that, I have whatever equipment you can get from the story + a couple challenge items, but nothing super noteworthy. I don't have anyone over 300 Atk / Mag yet, my espers are still Rank 1 (and couldn't beat Diabolos).
I'm struggling to beat some story stuff now (still on Dirnado) and I won't even mention the special events lol
I'm kinda overwhelmed and don't really know where to focus in order to improve my team.
Grab the cheap Moogle then mats?
What is the crash like? Computer crash or MEmu itself freezes? Or an in game error?
(Bit off topic, kind of, but, yey my copy of World of Final Fantasy arrived for Vita)
It's a good strategy to get as much as possible now considering the event is ridiculously easy. You know better than anyone that the next ones will only get tougher.You don't even need to get 99 of each material now anyway because they'll be a standard reward for currency events anyway.
It's a good strategy to get as much as possible now considering the event is ridiculously easy. You know better than anyone that the next ones will only get tougher.
Grab the cheap Moogle then mats?
What is the crash like? Computer crash or MEmu itself freezes? Or an in game error?
(Bit off topic, kind of, but, yey my copy of World of Final Fantasy arrived for Vita)
7* Ultemecia when
If I can just barely beat PRO Pumpkin Rider, do I stand a chance against the new trial boss?
Like how just barely? Are you using vessels? If you're already using vessels I have bad news for you. I sailed through ADV with any 450+ barrage unit friend but ADV is enough of a struggle (using 2-3 vessels per even with 500+ lightnings) that it's not worth the NRG risk. I got the scythe and am 2/3 since. ADV should be fine if you're just collecting the Mog loot.
Black Cat Lid (you need to get her exclusive materia, the attack one, from the current event to make real use of her. Also note her weapon selection is limited)
Rydia or another BCL (see above)
Fina for cheer until you get a better healer, supposedly FF3 event is next week and one of the best healers is coming.
Im acing pro in 3-4 turns easily now
Does anyone need some help?
It's a good strategy to get as much as possible now considering the event is ridiculously easy. You know better than anyone that the next ones will only get tougher.
Let's hope they don't buff it like they did with Daemon.The ffxiii Event with a lightning friend is even more easy
All I say is based on YouTube videos of people taking considerable amount of time beat the FF events with Orlandu/Luneth/Tillith on their party.I'm curious if you are speaking from knowledge and experience, because most JPN players have been saying it only gets easier.
I've been playing it on PS4....ITS AMAZBALLS
YEP IT IS, look at this cutie!
I'm about 5 or 6 hours in, can't wait to have her in my Brave Exvius party!
YEP IT IS, look at this cutie!
I'm about 5 or 6 hours in, can't wait to have her in my Brave Exvius party!