I already did the calculations and a bartz with the best atk and mag equip (that includes ingus tm) you only got a media of atk/mag of 450.
So, his 540% skill with a poder of 450 is still crap.
So with the FF 3 banner so soon, I gave up on getting dual cast before I have Refia.
Still hoarding my 5 moogles, at least she'll get a shiny new staff.
I already did the calculations and a bartz with the best atk and mag equip (that includes ingus tm) you only got a media of atk/mag of 450.
So, his 540% skill with a power of 450 is still crap.
So his "strongest" move is gimped by hybrid damage, that's disappointing. Is he still a decent 6* dps? Or does he end being more of a gimmick with the sacrifice/revive combo that was mentioned before.
Uhhh wouldn't Exdeath also be another example... of which when he hits 6 star status that could be massive?
I already did the calculations and a bartz with the best atk and mag equip (that includes ingus tm) you only got a media of atk/mag of 450.
So, his 540% skill with a power of 450 is still crap.
Why would you use a sword on Exdeath, who does purely magic damage, instead of the amazing rods we have today?
For example: Arc's rod with 90MAG + 30% MAG bonus from Shanttoto TM >>> Enhancer's 23 MAG + 50% MAG from Ingus TM.
Ingus's TM seems of dubious value to anyone but a MAG-focused Ramza, really. But as someone attempting to run just that unit, I'll happily put it on him, working under the assumption I pull 10 of him trying for Refia...
On a different note, though it's nice that they're giving us the FF3 banner, I feel like they've really diminished the FF13 banner by releasing 3 and 4 prior.
Sazh's draw was as a easily-obtained Full Breaker... but we're all likely to pick up at least one Ingus trying for the high value units on this banner.
Vanille is a source of Cheer and Focus... but we're going to be trying (and getting! Let's positive thinking!) to pull Refia and many nabbed a Cecil during the FF4 banner.
Hope has kind of a niche in the right party setup with Raise and the uncommon Aeroga/Waterga... but he's 4* base. Arc has native Dual Black Magic, as well as being 3*, and his TM has value for someone other than him, unlike Hope's.
Fang is a dragoon.
Snow is about the only other character who didn't exactly get his lunch eaten by someone on an out-of-order banner, but even still, I have to assume more people would have been interested in trying for him if they didn't already have a defensively superior tank.
Maybe Gumi thinks (correctly?) that Lightning will still be enough of a draw that it doesn't matter when they release it. Just seems a bit odd to me.
You assume I'll get lucky to pull an Arc, RNG could be an asshole to me. So, instead of using a TM weapon, what's the next best choice? Probably the one from the demon trial yes? How do those numbers compare then?
We are assuming you will pull Ingus, who is just as easy to pull as Arc lol.
Anyway, ExDeath base Int at 6* is 145, so:
Enhancer + Ingus' TM = 96 extra MAG (rounded)
Lilith Rod + Shanttoto's TM = 104 extra MAG (rounded)
Wizard + Shanttoto's TM = 116 extra MAG (rounded)
Ingus' TM is trash for him.
The latter sadly at least for now, who know what enhancements might bring
Thanks for that~
While you are right about one vs the other, just look at this past banner, one person had 8? bcl's, while another had 3? wwf's... both wanting anything else~ Happens sadly.
I dumped a lot of money on 2x 11 pulls exclusively for Cecil and didn't pull a single one, he was a 3* unit, so yeah RNG is a bitch![]()
But this banner will be different for you, I just know it.
But this banner will be different for you, I just know it.
Don't believe Ondore's lies.
I'm confused on hybrid damage, because my Lightning just does way more "magic" damage than ExDeath. Isn't even close right now. Isn't she hybrid?
So Ingus TM wouldn't really help my Lightning then?
So Ingus TM wouldn't really help my Lightning then?
I guess this is finally the time when we can say goodbye to Chizuru for a while. It will be kinda hard for her to compete against my 3 Luneth and 6* CoD.
We? I have CoD but don't have any base 5 star character and I'm sure as shit not gonna get Luneth, Chizz is here to stay for a long time baby.
There is very little that can help that girl if we're being honest.
Wait so Arc beats out Kefka as a mage? I might replace Kefka then. I love his hyperdrive but his sprite is... gross, to say the least. And Arc's innate dual cast..
Just mathed it out, as long as I consistently do the pumpking rider consistently from now til the time he goes away I will have just barely enough to get the third aura for Demon Rain.
I don't suppose anyone wants to help me make sure I make it? I can usually squeak by thanks to Zera and Nomidor's heavy carries but even 2 wipes between now and when the server goes down tomorrow would necessitate lapiz burning. My number is 487,561,477 is anyone is feeling super generous.
Wish I could, but I don't think my Kain is gonna cut the mustard to carry on Pumpking. Added you anyway though since I didn't have you yet!
There is very little that can help that girl if we're being honest.
Knock on wood but I bought enough 6 mats for Refia and Luneth! believe!
Knock on wood but I bought enough 6 mats for Refia and Luneth! believe!
Every last one of them (unless I get Refia earlier than I expect). I want Luneth too, but I'm being realistic here. Arc would be great, but him being a 3* base, I'd like to think he won't be too difficult to get.How many tickets yall willing to blow through for this banner?
How many tickets yall willing to blow through for this banner?
How many tickets yall willing to blow through for this banner?
Every last one of them (unless I get Refia earlier than I expect). I want Luneth too, but I'm being realistic here. Arc would be great, but him being a 3* base, I'd like to think he won't be too difficult to get.