Chilly, congrats on the TM! Valentus, you are officially in with the best whales on my list now.
And I will NOT go whole hog the first day of the banner. I will pace myself... <yeah, right>
Ramza you beautiful bastard
Ramza you beautiful bastard
I'm basically saving your Ramza and some redditor's mutant Dracu Laswell (around 700 ATK) for the Trust Moogle tier content tomorrow. If I can't beat that shit with you guys then I really don't know...
I just want my Dual Wield to finish...
I'm basically saving your Ramza and some redditor's mutant Dracu Laswell (around 700 ATK) for the Trust Moogle tier content tomorrow. If I can't beat that shit with you guys then I really don't know...
I just want my Dual Wield to finish...
You Will beat it buddy, dont worry, if i got luneth it Will Be a park walk.
That pretty boy is stronger than all the Lightnings here on GAF.
Chilly, please explain this Lightning hate for me? I don't understand
Chilly, please explain this Lightning hate for me? I don't understand
c-murph, is that Lenneth? 728 this morning. Insane
I have bought everything from the Halloween event except Cactuars (saving those in case I pull something really nice this banner), and extra awakening mats. I have 30k extra candies. I think I went a bit overboard? I could probably get it to 40k extra today if I ran it a few more times rather than switch to TM farming after the daily 3 but I don't see the point.
Also I just realized I haven't even touched the new story yet from last week...
Cliffsnotes version. FFXIII was a mediocre game and then it became internet cool to hate on it and everything associated with it. Also, SE needlessly puts OP Lightning in everything.
Redditors take their gaming too seriously. lol
Valentus - do you have a Lightning? There is one on my list that has more than 720 attack with a similar setup from what I can tell
Seriously, some really nice characters here. BTW, I am in LOVE with Locke for farming, especially for SC. I average two SC per INT run with the guy, and 2 or more megacrysts as well. Has made HR farming so much less frustrating to have my own Locke
Theory crunching easy question:
What is the % chance to get rainbow in 3x 10+1 pulls?
Not like I would get one tho![]()
Are you still taking on friends? I have a couple of powerhouses on my friend list, but no one even close to your better units. If you have any slots available, I'd love an add to prep for the event tomorrow. My FC is: 715,699,683.
Has the difficulty of the Crystal Tower been discussed?
How will it compare to Babel? I just squeaked by in that one
I dunno
Seemed like the majority of rainbows i see pop up from 11 pulls
As far as my rainbow pulls go ive only ever had 2
One from Daily - Miyuki
And one from 11 FFT pull that snagged my Ramza... Along with every other banner unit lol
Theory crunching easy question:
What is the % chance to get rainbow in 3x 10+1 pulls?
Not like I would get one tho![]()
Has the difficulty of the Crystal Tower been discussed?
How will it compare to Babel? I just squeaked by in that one
Are you rank 2?????
Theory crunching easy question:
What is the % chance to get **ANY** rainbow in 3x 10+1 pulls?
Not like I would get one tho![]()
I dunno
Seemed like the majority of rainbows i see pop up from 11 pulls
As far as my rainbow pulls go ive only ever had 2
One from Daily - Miyuki
And one from 11 FFT pull that snagged my Ramza... Along with every other banner unit lol
Most of my rainbow came from tickets, RNG is RNG![]()
I think the reason 10+1s are preferred for Rainbows is that you get a guaranteed Gold 4* with the 10+1. This has either a 5 or 10% chance of being a Rainbow, can't remember which.
Whereas you can spend 30 tickets and never even guarantee that you get a Gold.
There was a post about it on Reddit a long time ago, I think that was the reasoning.
I've gotten 4 rainbows so far and also skewed.
2 from a single 5k pull (Lightning and WoL)
1 from dailies (Delita)
1 from ticket (Ramza)
3 x 5k multipull, I'll guess it's still less than 10% chance.
Chance for any rainbow = 1 - (0.99^30) = 26.03%
Chance for a rainbow in the three bonus pulls = 1 - (0.95^3) = 14.26%
Total : 26.03% + 14.26% = 40.29%. Assuming the usual that Luneth is half the rainbow crystal draw rate, that's a 20.15% chance of pulling him.
Errrr... nope. I'm rank 55, name is CrazyIvn (no 'a' in Ivan) and I'm currently sharing a 6* Cecil. The number I'm showing is 715,699,683, which I think is what I typed before.
Its 699, not 669![]()
Ill keep the rank 2 anyway
Ill keep the rank 2 anyway
Anyone have any tips for the Wyrms in ADV S4? I beat them once before but really struggling with them this time, especially since they can't be paralyzed... my team is basically all mages + Cecil + Lenna.
They are going to log in someday and see your friend request and freak out lol.
Anyone have any tips for the Wyrms in ADV S4? I beat them once before but really struggling with them this time, especially since they can't be paralyzed... my team is basically all mages + Cecil + Lenna.
Thanks for the % @Lyrian. My main has not done 10+1 after betaonly rainbow is from daily Golbez.
Alt did one 10+1 and got DKC (luck I know). Alt will do another 10+1 after banner has changed and main will do last week of event 3x 10+1.
They are going to log in someday and see your friend request and freak out lol.
Anyone have any tips for the Wyrms in ADV S4? I beat them once before but really struggling with them this time, especially since they can't be paralyzed... my team is basically all mages + Cecil + Lenna.
You can also do this:
Pretend that Lightning is Luneth, see how many rolls it takes you to get her. This is what makes me increasingly sad about 5* chances, and extremely grateful for getting my DKC.
*edit* Just did a bunch of fake summons to see, took me 27 rolls to get Lightning.
Do you think I need more than one barrage?
Does anyone have the Nox macro settings to stretch TM farming out longer? I've got one setup to do it as fast as possible already but I figure if I can adjust it so I can set it and forget it for awhile, it might be nice. I've got a ton of TMs to farm right now.