Sombra is never coming don't lie. ;_;
lol i'm using nomidor's / valentus' 500ATK Shadow and this is hysterical
He brought back the Shadow of Death?
That was the greatest troll unit I've ever seen in this game![]()
lol i'm using nomidor's / valentus' 500ATK Shadow and this is hysterical
Everyone screenshot your 11 pulls tomorrow morning! See you then -- good luck. May we all have Luneths and Refias, and if we're unlucky, Lightnings or Ramzas.
I won't have a screenshot of my 11-pull, since I'm using tickets, but I'll post all of my results here. Look forward to the trash units.Everyone screenshot your 11 pulls tomorrow morning! See you then -- good luck. May we all have Luneths and Refias, and if we're unlucky, Lightnings or Ramzas.
Do you guys think it's worth picking up the mini burst pots from this event for my Cecil?
I'm debating between that and picking up more awakening materials and metal cactuars.
Brilliant Rays are hard to get from PRO. About 1/4 drop rate. Also Refia/Rosa needs 13 of them.So, I have enough 6* mats for CoD, Refia, Luneth, Firion, Chizuru and my 2nd Cecil. I have enough to grab ~140 of the 5* mats. How should I split that up? I'm currently sitting at:
10 Hard Rock
20 Fury Seed
15 Wicked Drop
10 Brilliant Ray
10 Lucky Seedling
10 Bizarre Box
I'm dreaming big prepping for both Refia and Luneth... At least I have everyone else on the list already!
Calm before theStorm.shit
Wasnt the maintenance yesterday?
Today, 6 hours
Also from the UK lol, 5 more hours of work until the maintenence is over! Screw work, more gacha!Morning from the UK all.....Today will be interesting here! (I'm not getting my hopes up on a good pull though :/ these Friday new banner days have been terrible in the past for me, but who knows what might happen). Can't wait for all the excitement, rages, table flips and wtf moments to come,
So, so pissed. Instead of losing 6 hours because of maintenance, I lost 12 hours thinking it was yesterday...
And I was so excited to login and do my pulls...
Morning from the UK all
Also from the UK lol
This banner is just the same as ff4 banner
One 5star
One 4star
Two 3stars
The final rates was
Dkc : 1,19%
Rosa: 6,07%
Edge: 10,47%
Cecil: 11,04%
If gumi arent a bunch of motherfuckers, they should keep those rates.
+20 pull - didnt get Cecil - screw this Banner :-/
It looks like that apart of tillith karl and seria we are going to get elza Too, as a global exclusive 5star unit
But then I also was the first one on GAF to get Lightning and on my first 10+1 pull, one can't be that lucky!Eh, RNG is RNG. I got Ramza on a daily pull and Demon Rain on a single 11 pull while others did over 10 11 pulls and got nothing.
There isn't a pattern to these things, they just happen