If Ingus TM really stack (which has to be a bug because it makes no sense to treat it differently than Blade Mastery/Doublehand), it will make Exdeath a fucking monster indeed:
Not entirely, he needs at least 3 for it to out perform the Rod over Dr.Totes TM at 6* and 4 at 5*. Now, it is an extremely healthy gain in MAG, but I would also say these TM's have far less use than the 30% MAG. It is really an Exdeath or Ramzas in the current state. While the 30% can be slapped on any unit regardless.
Is it worth pulling this banner?
what banner is up after this one?
3 Units are number 1 in their classes and none will be replaced for quite some time. The only one that isn't, is sill a solid unit that offers a lot. This is the best banner since the Facebook and will be the best for quite some time.
Leveling units in this game is so annoying without cactuars. I think I'm gonna max out Refia before Luneth.
I'm probably just going to wait on leveling up my units till there is something good. My current group is still doing work. I'm really really hoping they bring the Maze back next week. It would be perfect. I have a lot of units that need leveling.
-Luneth 5* - > 6*
-Refia 4* - 6*
-Arc - 3* - 5*
-ExDeath 3* - 5*
-Black Cat Lid 5*
-CoD 6*
-Edgar and Arc #2.
And Buttz and ExDeath's 6* should be coming in a month or two. -_-