I had to open my lapis store on my andorid device with 15k lapis on it, i just can't live with only 20 lapis left after that multipull.
So far i'm not regretting doing a multipull, but i regret that i did 14 daily pulls plus around 16 tickets on the halloween banner. Welp at least a dupe golbez and exdeath from that...
My pulls so far:
Day 1:
Daily: Ingus - wohooo...well useless but new
Ticket: Anzelm - meh
- Rainbow - Luneth - Star of the show and my first base 5 star.
- Ingus - damn
- Orange - Cyan - damn
- Cyan - ლ(ಠ益ಠლ

- Gold - Vivi - -.-
- Maria - -.-
- Ingus - wtf
- Ingus - ಠ_ಠ
- Ingus - (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- Rydia - go away
- Edgar - you too
Sadly fused all of my ingus together
Day 2:
Daily: Shadow - tm: 50,6 ...i thougt i had more shadows...well my edgar and kain are around 60 -70 from pulls.
Day 3:
Daily: Galuf
Ticket: Arc - yay
Overall i wasted so much lapis on 1 Unit, but hey my hunt for Refia will continue ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
(My lapis store will be reopened for Orlandu)