That's pretty cool. Been using a google doc that some redditor made and it works pretty good but this seems alot easier to use
Kudos for putting this together. Very nicely done.
-- There's enough units in the FF13 banner that it can be split, as there are 3 base 4* units present. LIghtning, of course, will be the 5* chance "second chance" unit.
Week 1: Lightning, Snow, Sazh
Week 2: Ligntning, Hope, Vanille, Fang
Of course, there could be one single banner, but that would raise a global uproar as 3* base 4s at the same time would break down to the same percentage (within a few tenths of a percent) as drawing a Lightning.
-- FFBF should immediately follow FF13 as the Mog King cooldown event.
-- FF 0 doesn't have enough units for a split banner, so it definitley will be a 2 week Mog King event.
-- Which leads to... ???? The next exploration event on the JP release list is FF5.
-- Which would conveniently lead into a well-timed Christmas/New Years 2 week Mog King event.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waaait a damn minute. Are you saying you have spent over $1200 on this game?! You seem incredibly calm about this, that's the strangest partI have spent about $400 this event so far for no rainbows, 1 zidane as the best non banner unit. Spent at least twice that during Lightning banner with no Lightning, did get exdeath and WoL for new units though.
Dear god, you all keep a lot of units.
At 65 unit slots, 125 Mat, 55 Equip and 50 Ability
Most are TM farming units for me with a few keepable units from the beginning to now. Most of those keepable units are probably situational now at best
I feel like I'm the only one who gets rid of units I don't need. I don't really keep around any that have no use, between TM or party.
Congrats on the Luneth!I had to open my lapis store on my andorid device with 15k lapis on it, i just can't live with only 20 lapis left after that multipull.
So far i'm not regretting doing a multipull, but i regret that i did 14 daily pulls plus around 16 tickets on the halloween banner. Welp at least a dupe golbez and exdeath from that...
My pulls so far:
Day 1:
Daily: Ingus - wohooo...well useless but new
Ticket: Anzelm - meh
- Rainbow - Luneth - Star of the show and my first base 5 star.
- Ingus - damn
- Orange - Cyan - damn
- Cyan - ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
- Gold - Vivi - -.-
- Maria - -.-
- Ingus - wtf
- Ingus - ಠ_ಠ
- Ingus - (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- Rydia - go away
- Edgar - you too
Sadly fused all of my ingus together
Day 2:
Daily: Shadow - tm: 50,6 ...i thougt i had more shadows...well my edgar and kain are around 60 -70 from pulls.
Day 3:
Daily: Galuf
Ticket: Arc - yay
Overall i wasted so much lapis on 1 Unit, but hey my hunt for Refia will continue ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
(My lapis store will be reopened for Orlandu)
Thanks man, it's the thought that counts.Daily blue to gold to my 3rd Refia.
Ticket Gold -> Vivi
I wish I could give those 2 Refias and 2 Cecils to Chono.
Congrats to you on that Refia! I'm happy for you.I got Refia!
from a rage multipull of nothing except her.
after daily and ticket of Lani(Gold)+Shadow.
At least i got Refia.
Kinda happy kinda regret, coz i am out of Lapis now.
Total of 33 pulls to get her.
sorry Brono, hope you get her from tomorrow daily.
If Refia wasn't a healer, I wouldn't be so crushed. I can swap in/out different DPS units, but healers are kind of a narrow selection, so one such as Refia (and Tilith) will be needed for more difficult content. That's why I wanted/want her so badly, and the game simply will not give her to me. If I miss out on both her and Tilith, I foresee a lot of trouble later on, even with other 6* characters such as WoL, Cecil, CoD, etc.Thanks,
but trust me your Luck will return at some point and you will be way happier about it then you would have before. It sounds weird but after Zidane and Cecil failures i entered again my " i dont expect anything anymore phase" and it helped me to enjoy the game even with shitty pulls. Just looked again at my box to see what potential 6* i would have down the line and looked forward to new events/equipment we would get.
While units are obv. the core and heart of the Game/Gacha - the game offers enough section where you can improve your team performance
Good luck on your remaining pull - i think you will have Luneth and/or Refia before the banner ends.
Sorry man. That looks a lot like my multi-pull I did on this banner. It was literally full of all trash units, aside from a single Hayate who I already have two of (now three). Three gold crystals too.So, so pissed. I wanted to use a ticket and I was doing two things at the same time and accidently pressed the 10+1 summon..spent 5000 lapis by mistake and this is what I got in return
Congrats on the Refia to you, as well.After pulling Refia, finally retired Lenna and went after Xande. Cecil, CoD, Refia, Kefka, Vaan, and a friend's CoD was what it took.
I feel like I'm the only one who gets rid of units I don't need. I don't really keep around any that have no use, between TM or party.
I feel like I'm the only one who gets rid of units I don't need. I don't really keep around any that have no use, between TM or party.
You were more excited for the 5 gigantaur's over the free ticket? >.>;;?
Thanks Brono!
Yay a reward ticket.
Yeeees. Now i can build up Lapis again...currently sitting at 220
Congrats!Thanks Brono!
Yay a reward ticket.
Yeeees. Now i can build up Lapis again...currently sitting at 220
As if you werent already a monster. How soon before you surpass Valentus? Lol
Well I have earlier used Lapis to nrg refreshes and will do so in the future too. Works really nicely for my useI've been using this app for about a month now. I find it works really well, haven't had any issues so far.
I need to buy more slots at some day:What's everyone's equilibrium point on slots?
Daily pull: Zidane
Ticket Pull: 4* Vaan
That's... not bad at all
How are you guys doing daily pulls? Isn't the reset in like 22 minutes?
How are you guys doing daily pulls? Isn't the reset in like 22 minutes?
Cactuar Dunes is going to come back in 2 weeks I thinkDem sweet sweet Gigantuars. Providing some relief from the grinding hell that is Maranda Coast. :')
Gimu pls bring back Cactuar Dunes ya doofus, so thirsty for exp right now. D:
Valentus, can you put your dual Excaliburs on Luneth? I am trying to farm for Espers, and I keep running into a wall with Xande. Only Friend units with dual Excalibur, or Tuffymon's CoD seem to be able to take him out. Sucks when you farm all these dragons then die with Xande with a smudge on of life on him.
Problem isn't even remotely the dragons - it's Xande. I've lost about 45 energy, and a ton of time and megacite today, and it is frustrating
pretty incredible! took me forever to pull a zidane. and still haven't pulled a vaan.Daily pull: Zidane
Ticket Pull: 4* Vaan
That's... not bad at all
Daily pull Ingus
Sure, let's add another one to the group. At least is better than Lani.
Thanks Valentus... Using a manual chain, I was able to do it in almost three turns. Enough that the fourth was a piece of cake. Still need to work on the timing a bit. Seriously cool, though. I'm a big fan of Luneth - his animation set is pretty damned cool.
Hope I eventually draw him.
Cool that worked. This Event is a massive easy point for megacite and elixir Farming.
The red dragon is the most complicated point but tht dragon only drops 2 random 6star Evo materials, So with an average party the best is just run from him