any folks here with a luneth got any friend slots open?
also wth how do people get a dude lvled up so quickly when there isn't metal cactuar? Whats the quickest way to lvling up? spam experience vortex and burn lapis? Or is miranda beach 'faster'.
60 NRG for a Trust Moogle... worth?
Miranda Beach if you have the time. If you max out I think it's around 55-60k. Bring a loaded Kefka/Lightning friend and should be a breeze.
any folks here with a luneth got any friend slots open?
also wth how do people get a dude lvled up so quickly when there isn't metal cactuar? Whats the quickest way to lvling up? spam experience vortex and burn lapis? Or is miranda beach 'faster'.
-- Fastest non-cactaur is probably the experience vortex chamber and letting a AOE friend (thundaga is super quick and has a short animation) carry ONE of your units through for a straight shot of 30K exp.
-- Most efficient is some combination of Miranda Coast and Windy Heights West, assuming you have 5 units and a friend that can milk each. You probably want to do a couple exp vortex runs so this squad can survive miranda coast a few times, and then upgrade to windy heights. and now there's a new explo at the end of the new story content that is even more effecient.
-- Worth noting that it will almost certainly take you a minimum of 20-25 minutes to clear Miranda Coast, and longer for Winy Heights. Since we have a repel accessory, I am now advocating for a LURE accessory for exactly this reason. I don't know who has the time to maximize efficiency by spending 4 hours to do 8-9 miranda coast runs.
-- my current strat: 3 exp vortex runs, 3-5 miranda coast runs per day. TM farm the rest. I have my best equip on my leveling team, so Colosseum is taking a back seat atm.
-- hey look at my mages: 2 Kefkas, 2 Arcs, 1 ExDeath.![]()
you still need to manually swipe for thundara or something fir miranda right?
yeah that's way too much work for me lol.
I play my mobile games as 'casual' mmos almost. Once you are grinding for reals than that's a no-no.
luckily, vortex experience is still viable, and the 100 cactuars from mog king events.
Hope there are more lvling opportunities later too.
With a strong friend you should be able to just auto... you do have to walk around though which makes it a far more manual process unfortunately.
Are Cecil and Refia worth leveling to 6* immediately? I have a capped WoL and Lenna. I was really hoping I could get by with 5* WoL until his 6* comes out but the ELT Tower really made me wish I had Cecil.
It just sucks cause if I rush a 3* Cecil to 6* cap he won't have capped LB, and the other Cecil I'm doing the LB grind on is only 4* at level 12 or 13 LB. It will be forever to finish leveling it.
Like we all![]()
Are Cecil and Refia worth leveling to 6* immediately? I have a capped WoL and Lenna. I was really hoping I could get by with 5* WoL until his 6* comes out but the ELT Tower really made me wish I had Cecil.
It just sucks cause if I rush a 3* Cecil to 6* cap he won't have capped LB, and the other Cecil I'm doing the LB grind on is only 4* at level 12 or 13 LB. It will be forever to finish leveling it.
Oh yeah, need to run the trial for the rod. Knew I was forgetting something. Fixing to have 2* Diabolis after I use Valentus' Luneth for a run. Hopefully after that, I will be able to take some of my OP Lightning friends that fall JUST short in ELT
Heh....I'd forgotten to grab the Golden Staff from the event after beating Xande. I randomly decided to redo one of the easier ones and went into the main room to notice a locked chest..
Heh....I'd forgotten to grab the Golden Staff from the event after beating Xande. I randomly decided to redo one of the easier ones and went into the main room to notice a locked chest..
Glad I reminded someone!
I checked it out and realised I already had one, so that's two I'll end up hoarding. I can't even remember what the other items were, they were nothing special were they?
not great, tbh.
I liked the rewards, personally: reflect mail, mighty hammer, trust moogle? pretty good!
Oh I totally forgot about the Trust Moogle as i used it instantly afterwards :$.
By the way, earlier up you mentioned running Exploration with a 5 unit team, is that just to kill the enemies quicker? When I've done it, I just use the character I want to level with a high attack friend like Chiz or Lightning which seems to go fine. You still get the same EXP after don't you?
Now imagine this, but x8. That's how I feel right now.Oh yes!
I would have been straight up pissed if I didn't have Refia already.
Now imagine this, but x8. That's how I feel right now.
8 gold crystals. 0 Refia. Actually, none of the crystals even had a base 4*, all of them were evolved 3* trash (Cyan, Lani, Penelo, Fran, etc.).
Now imagine this, but x8. That's how I feel right now.
8 gold crystals. 0 Refia. Actually, none of the crystals even had a base 4*, all of them were evolved 3* trash (Cyan, Lani, Penelo, Fran, etc.).
Right there with you, unfortunately. I've had 5 so far: 3 gold crystal Anzelms, a Fran, and a Shadow. I actually have yet to pull anything above a 4* crystal since I started playing this game, gold or otherwise.
It hurts. Real deep.
Yeah, it's really depressing.Dont know if I had as many but definitely had a bunch like that when I did all my pulls last Friday. Not a good feeling.
Yeah, it's really depressing.
When we get the crystal change we won't have to worry about that, but that's likely a nice ways off for Global. Things will get better, I just hope I can stick with the game until they do. All I wanted was Refia or Tilith, and then I would have been content with my team until the crystal change was implemented (I have a decent amount of tanks, support, and DPS right now). Unfortunately, that last piece of the puzzle is being elusive, so it's gotten me in a rather unfortunate predicament. -_-
Yeah, it's really depressing.
When we get the crystal change we won't have to worry about that, but that's likely a nice ways off for Global. Things will get better, I just hope I can stick with the game until they do. All I wanted was Refia or Tilith, and then I would have been content with my team until the crystal change was implemented (I have a decent amount of tanks, support, and DPS right now). Unfortunately, that last piece of the puzzle is being elusive, so it's gotten me in a rather unfortunate predicament. -_-
Is it worth using trust moogles to speed up TM farming or do you save them until you have enough to get a unit to 100% in one shot? I have 4 of them so right now I'm thinking of dumping them all on my Zidane when he reaches 60%
Oh I totally forgot about the Trust Moogle as i used it instantly afterwards :$. I actually went in because CCIE mentioned that he wanted to level her Espers up this event, so I thought I missed something in the event regarding Magicites.
By the way, earlier up you mentioned running Exploration with a 5 unit team, is that just to kill the enemies quicker? When I've done it, I just use the character I want to level with a high attack friend like Chiz or Lightning which seems to go fine. You still get the same EXP after don't you?
Yeah, this is definitely the way to go. That way your solo unit gets the full 60k exp instead of having it split between your units. I'm averaging at least 4-5 levels each run as I'm leveling up Ingus. It's still mind numbingly boring, but at least it's overall the quicker route to leveling your unit. I've gone from level 35 4* to level 43 5* today just running the Coast. Just make sure you bring along a mage friend for thundara. Rixa's Kefka is awesome for this, but really anyone with a MAG of 350+ should be able to wipe out all the enemies with a single thundara spell.
Side note... do we know the recipe for the ATK + 10% yet?
Best of luck to us both!I'm still lacking an upper tier DPS unit, but otherwise I am in the exact same boat. I just wanted Refia from this banner. I have pulled Ingus and Arc, so I guess I can't really complain a ton. But neither of them were units I particularly needed. I'll still do the daily pulls, but my optimism of pulling a Refia is quickly waning.
That's the plan!Yea that really sucks, would be nice if Gumi would change that soon (but why would they). Maybe try just doing daily pulls for the rest of this banner and hopefully you will get something good!!
Are all great. Terra and Garnet less so (until Terra gets her 6*, and Garnet eventually gets hers) but, as mentioned, Refia is amazing (*quietly sobs to self*), and Zidane is incredible (for his TM). It's up to you whether you want to re-roll for a base 5* character or not (Lightning, Luneth, etc.), but that's not a bad start!Trying out the game, but I screwed up linking Facebook account for rerolling purposes. My real FB account is tied to a crap set of units for this game. I will have to link the final set I go with to a dummy FB account I create.
My current set of initial units include Refia, Rydia, Terra, Garnet, Fran, and Zidane. I know Refia is top-tier in healing. I'm not sure if this is a good starter set, or if I should reroll.
Are all great. Terra and Garnet less so (until Terra gets her 6*, and Garnet eventually gets hers) but, as mentioned, Refia is amazing (*quietly sobs to self*), and Zidane is incredible (for his TM). It's up to you whether you want to re-roll for a base 5* character or not (Lightning, Luneth, etc.), but that's not a bad start!
Are all great. Terra and Garnet less so (until Terra gets her 6*, and Garnet eventually gets hers) but, as mentioned, Refia is amazing (*quietly sobs to self*), and Zidane is incredible (for his TM). It's up to you whether you want to re-roll for a base 5* character or not (Lightning, Luneth, etc.), but that's not a bad start!
At the same time better rates will get 'middle class' working folks like me to take out the wallet.
Haha, gotcha. Not a bad idea!I was using rerolling in this game as a distraction from OPTC sugo! Maybe I'll tie this set to a dummy FB account and then do more rerolls until I'm bored.
I love you guys/gals too!We all love you so much Chrono!!!!
So who has completely finished the tower and who hasn't!?