NOW you like her huh?
What does Yshtola have over Refia?
65 MP worth of pots, a single MP+15% materia, a gold armlet, and Carbuncle will put her at close to 450 MP. She recovers 10% of that every turn...
I don't get what situation people are using her in to where they keep saying it's such a problem.
More MP means you have to trade HP for it and that can be a huge issue for harder and longer fights like Gilgamesh or Dark Eidolons. If your caster can't survive, then they can't heal. Tilith also doesn't get innate resistances to stuff like Silence/Paralzye etc so if you equip to prevent that, there goes your MP/HP options as well.
It's really not as simple as putting more MP on her, lol.
NOW you like her huh?
Has anyone done the math on how many lapis we can earn by doing all the missions?
Someone did an actual calculation on Reddit for the entire game.
14,400 lapis for re-clearing everything with missions.
Not too shabby at all.
Wow I gotta do the entire story levels again for these free Lapis....
Also Arena is hillarious. Fuck your 6* Lightning, Luneth, CoD and Cecils. Tellah's recalled Death don't care.
Can we hope they will do the inverse of what they did in Japan and increase later missions to 100 lapis or are we just fucked again?
lol the top people in arena already at 17k+ points like...why? The reward difference from 3k and 30k is literally 2 str potsfor weekly and 1 trust moogle for monthly that is in no way worth that much Lapis....I will never understand the need to be 1st in something like this..../shrug
how do they even get to 17k+ points?
you only have 5 orbs to use then have to wait to be able to play more no?
lol the top people in arena already at 17k+ points like...why? The reward difference from 3k and 30k is literally 2 str potsfor weekly and 1 trust moogle for monthly that is in no way worth that much Lapis....I will never understand the need to be 1st in something like this..../shrug
Wait, I need to actually lose arena matches to get rewards? That's what it looks like if you read the screen.
Arena has been so easy so far (i'm somewhere rank ~10000) I don't understand how I'm going to lose unless I attack my own units. I probably want to take the dive now though instead of later when I get tougher competition.
I'm loving these changes, already got a bunch of lapis from these quests. Pretty cool incentive to go back through. Arena doesn't make sense to me. How are you ever supposed to lose? The max single attack is 999 and the CPU picks some of the all time worst skills to use against you like Stone and Magic Infuse. CoD and Cecil are truly the VIPs of current meta.
When do we get the rest of today's updates (new event, banners, etc?) I need those gigantaurs pronto.
Wait, I need to actually lose arena matches to get rewards? That's what it looks like if you read the screen.
They are rich people that pay for refills. (I'm assuming they are rich because the rewards at the moment are beyond pathetic lol, it's a gigantic waste of lapis).
So is it elite boss easier now or just people with stronger characters?
How do you buy new orbs?
I know you can by energy but orbs?
Damn, read CAREFULLY for redoing the story missions. If it says use Fire, it means the dinky little 3pt spell, fire damage is any spell, etc...
Decided to pull again on this banner since it's been good to me.
Blue turns to Yellow
BRB, ending my life. :/Delete this fucking post immediately!!!
Chrono will kill himself!!!
^^^ Thanks guys!
and 'no magic' means you can still use skills.
Right you are. Anyone running the Coast and is used to using a mage and thundara, you can get the "no magic" mission lapis using someone's Luneth and using the "hit all" skill. It still only took me one tent to get the max 60k EXP.
BRB, ending my life. :/
Meanwhile, my final daily gave me another Ignus. That's a total of six of him, this banner.
I have a ticket, not going to bother. I know I won't get Tilith, not with that low drop-rate. I might as well wait and save for Y'shtola. Maybe Rikku? I don't know, but I'm worried Lenna won't be a sufficient healer for upcoming content, and that worries me.![]()
Wow, the top whale on my FL is the top person in the arena. I thought I should be battling lower numbers, not higher. Damn, I feel stupid
What's funny is that I never use magic when running Miranda Coast. I was in the middle of running that place for EXP when maint hit and today when I logged in it completed all of the missions. I didn't even know people used spells in that place. It's pretty easy to just pound your way through with basic attacks now.
In the end if the rewards continue the way they are I don't see it mattering what you fight if you use your orbs everyday every time they recharge chances are you will be in the top 30k. Getting the top 3k will more than likely require orb refills.
Are there 3k people out there refilling for these weak ass pots tho?
Probably true, but I think it's much quicker to use a 350+ magic mage and thundara. Swipe, tap, dead. Everything is a one shot kill.
Seems to be or just to say they are in the top 3k. I mean you get an extra Trust moogle for monthly rewards but even that if you are using that much Lapis to refill I would rather just run TM macros as it is probably far more efficient. Maybe after the first few months the people recharging will slow down but if Tales of Link's Soul Arena is anything to go by they won't..some people just want to be at the top regardless of the prize.
Yeah, I understand every game have these guys. I just hope there aren't 3k of them so I can have a chance one day lol.
I'm currently grinding Dualcast now, don't yet have it though. I have like 5x Ludmille, although I'm only grinding one of them since I want to get a few Dualcast for my other Mages. I have 6x Trust Moogles though, so I could always use them if I get desperate...I know the game has been cruel to you as of late but if you have Dual Cast I honestly think Lenna will be fine until you get something better.
I mean I guess it is possible to get in the 3k without refilling if you don't waste a single orb charge but I like sleep so that shit probably won't happen for me. Last I checked I was in the 3800's and I have been fighting the highest ranked person on the list. We will have a better grasp later in the month but I won't hold my breath for 3k but 30k seems very easy to achieve and the rewards aren't different enough to warrant me freaking out over it lol.
Fighting higher ranked yields more points? I've been avoiding them right now.