I'll probably do the same.I'm probably going to use my Trust Moogles on DualCast. I don't have a Zidane, and only have one of Ludmille anyway
I'll probably do the same.
I've kind of been saving them, until I got closer and using them won't immediately get me a TM, but they're beginning to be a space issue for me, and it'll bring my Ludmille really close to 100%.
So fight the people closer to 100 rank, right?
So, what you're saying, is if I want Zidane to come to me, I should immediately spend all of my Trust Moogles? Sounds like a fair trade!Do not, I repeat do not blow them ALL on DC. You very may well get Zidane, took me over 4 months to get the only one I ever pulled.
LOL!Who needs Refia...i mean
From 1900 lapi now im in 4900. And i just did all the first land and exp vortex.
So I will hold off on the mission Lapis for now I am almost back up to 30k so I have no need for it at the moment but it's nice to have a backup that I can go to when needed.
What're you saving up for?
And really, I have one spot left and EVERYONE has me?! GOOD GOD
I love that Xande was bugged, I finally finished ELT (with Zera's Lightning) and beat Xande in one turn. Then I went back afterwards, since I wanted to Libra him as well as grab the last treasure chest for the Golden Rod, and beat him again in a single turn with Valentus's CoD. Trust Moogle get!
Now to look forward to tomorrow's event. I just wish the banner had better rates, really not excited for the ~2% chance to get any of the base 4*.
It's my birthday tomorrow, so maybe the game will reward me with a Tilith on my first daily.
What're you saving up for?
And really, I have one spot left and EVERYONE has me?! GOOD GOD
Yaaaayyy! Just got my first fully-farmed TM: Blade Mastery. No dupe fusing or moogles, just good old-fashioned Earth Shrine. Lightning goes up to 551 atk and takes one step closer to OP. Zidane and Terra are up next, both above 90%.
I opened up some friend slots to celebrate: 911,468,888. Add me if you haven't already!
Wait, we're not friends? We need to correct that!Still missing Chrono. I should get through that list this weekend.
Congrats man!Yaaaayyy! Just got my first fully-farmed TM: Blade Mastery. No dupe fusing or moogles, just good old-fashioned Earth Shrine. Lightning goes up to 551 atk and takes one step closer to OP. Zidane and Terra are up next, both above 90%.
I opened up some friend slots to celebrate: 911,468,888. Add me if you haven't already!
So I don't need to Libra everything anymore?So I just noticed that the monster guide now doesn't show anything if you used Libra on it. Just says "done" but no extra information or maybe I just can't see it....
So I don't need to Libra everything anymore?
\o/ if so!
Wait, we're not friends? We need to correct that!
I'll send you a request in a bit, assuming you have room.
Congrats man!
I'm still working on my first "legit" TM. I did get a few from Friend Point drops though.
I love that Xande was bugged, I finally finished ELT (with Zera's Lightning) and beat Xande in one turn. Then I went back afterwards, since I wanted to Libra him as well as grab the last treasure chest for the Golden Rod, and beat him again in a single turn with Valentus's CoD. Trust Moogle get!
Now to look forward to tomorrow's event. I just wish the banner had better rates, really not excited for the ~2% chance to get any of the base 4*.
It's my birthday tomorrow, so maybe the game will reward me with a Tilith on my first daily.
When Tilith received her 6* in Japan, was it in a banner with less 4* base characters to compete?
Because if that's not the case, as much as the rates are fucked up, this will be the best chance to get her ever anyway.
I really don't want to spend lapis on this fucked up banner, but I just can't not have Tilith.
All I remember is the girl from "GoodGirlGaming" summoning on Tilith's banner, and getting a ridiculous amount of her. I believe she got three Tilith in a single 10+1 pull. But then, I'm pretty sure they had the crystal change implemented at that time, so maybe that's why.When Tilith received her 6* in Japan, was it in a banner with less 4* base characters to compete?
Because if that's not the case, as much as the rates are fucked up, this will be the best chance to get her ever anyway.
I really don't want to spend lapis on this fucked up banner, but I just can't not have Tilith.
1. Been so busy today I know I lost NRG from being maxed out. Kinda sad.
2. Arena is fun. Going first is vital if you're up against a good squad. AoE is EVERYTHING.
3. Gonna 'bank' story quest lapis for better future banners.
4. Just so pleased about all the new touches today, from the way crystals look, the way the arena is designed and handled, the summon tickets, the story missions, everything. It just looks so GOOD.
5. Don't think I'm going to pull the next banner at all. Will probably burn up my remaining lapis tonight before reset for one last shot at Luneth. Maybe I'll get a few good TMs out of the deal.
6. Anyone, besides maybe Valentus, actually EXCITED for the new mog farming? I'm kinda ehhhhh on it though I obviously will go for it. Just have so many other things to do, not the least of which is getting that Rising Sun to make my CoD worth it.
Must resist trust moogle spending.
Do like me and hoard them as much as possible, don't this look good
Well I hope it's a bug because I like the extra information...lol
I have to ask, because no one seems to be addressing this:
Why is everyone so sure that the rates on the BF banner are going to be so hideous?
Yes, there are 3 4* base units, but there are 0 3* base units.
Does everyone think that without any base 3 units, the banner will have a 95% miss rate?
So xande kinda sucks now? And no more Dragons??? Thank god i farmed those 300 megacite.